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知识论问题是教育管理研究的一个基本问题,文章在简要地介绍了西方科学主义教育管理理论的形成及其主要观点并略作评析之后,分析了其赖以建构的知识论基础——逻辑实证主义的知识论及其相关假说。  相似文献   

主体教育管理理论出现于20世纪90年代的中国,发展至今,己经形成了一个比较完整的教育管理学的理论体系。尽管它在某些具体的方面也许还比不上科学主义、人文主义和自然连贯主义的教育管理理论,但是它具备发展成为最具科学性的教育管理理论的可能性。所以,本文根据马克思主义实践知识论的基本要求,针对当前主体教育管理理论的不足之处,提出了主体教育管理理论的一些新的发展方向。  相似文献   

德性知识论发展至今,已涌现出一批具有创新精神的知识论哲学家,扎格泽博斯基更是个中翘楚。她将"德性"作为知识论的核心,对德性知识论进行发展,并提出范例主义德性理论。她试图解决德性知识论中存在的问题,尤其是来自怀疑主义对德性知识论整体的挑战,以便为知识寻找更为稳固的基础。尽管她并没有有效解决知识论的主要难题,但仍然不失为通向知识的希望之路做出新的探索。  相似文献   

主体间性、主体与主体之间的关系,已经成为知识论研究中令人关注的重要问题。金岳霖先生在《知识论》中没有用“主体间性”(intersubjectivity)这个术语,也没有对主体间性问题作专门讨论。但该书有些论述是涉及这个问题的。本文讨论这些论述,以求对金先生的知识论和作为一个重要的知识论问题的主体间性问题两者都有一个更好的理解。  相似文献   

中国哲学中的知识论(上)   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
西方知识论始于希腊哲学,探讨对于外部实在的知识何以可能的问题,这种知识论是包含在实在论中的;至近代,康德提出批判的知识论,为作为知识范例的科学知识提供了理论基础;在现代,则建立了自然主义知识论。中国传统知识论的主题乃是实体与功能、经验与悟性、理论与行为的统一。主要形式有《周易》本体知识论模式,其要在于“观”;孔子的心性知识论,其中心为包括“观”与“行”的“学”。  相似文献   

如果把西方知识论范式划分为实体性知识论、主体性知识论和准人类学知识论,那么我们就可以把马克思主义实践认识论称为人类学知识论范式。只有它实现了对西方知识论范式的真正超越。由于知识论范式对知识论的致思理路起着至关重要的作用,西方知识论又是西方哲学和化的奠基。因此,理解、反思西方知识论范式有着十分重要的意义,尤其在当今的知识经济时代。  相似文献   

知识的确证进路诉诸“指导-道义论”的内在主义原则,将知识视为具有内在可及性证据的真信念,然而该理论无法应对记忆问题和证言知识的挑战,因此被可靠主义知识论取代。可靠主义的知识论以可靠性为出发点,建立了一种外在主义和后果主义的知识理论,使认知主体成为知识论研究的重心,成功区分了知识和真信念,将价值问题引入了知识论研究中。知识论中的可靠主义转向可以为科学哲学的研究提供借鉴,科学实践哲学和科学的社会-文化研究的流行,都蕴含着科学哲学研究的可靠主义转向。这一转向有助于科学哲学回归实践和日常生活。  相似文献   

葛梯尔问题的不可解性是当代知识论研究的一个共识。分离说主张,在知识三元分析模式中,信念成真项与信念辩护之间的分离是葛梯尔问题产生的原因。共变主义与同一主义致力于弥合信念成真项与信念辩护之间的分离,但它们自身也存在着缺陷。知识的信念假设是分离说的理论预设,它从根本上造成了信念成真项与信念辩护之间的分离是不可弥合的。信念知识论无法避免葛梯尔问题。无信念的知识论主张摆脱知识的信念假设,“知识优先”知识论与理解知识论是其两种主流进路。  相似文献   

<正> 怀疑主义问题是西方知识论史上最重要、最为人关注的问题之一,在当代西方知识论中更是一个受到普遍重视的问题,不仅研究成果多,而且一些有影响的哲学家,如维特根斯坦、奎因、诺齐克、齐硕姆、普特南等都对怀疑主义问题做过专门的研究与论述,知识论教科书一般都辟有专章作专门介绍。但长期以来,在国内学界对知识论的关注不够,对当代  相似文献   

中国传统哲学在方法上擅长演绎而不善分析,在价值取向上重人伦而轻物理,直接导致了中国知识论的不发达。20世纪40年代,著名哲学家金岳霖写成了《知识论》巨著,构建了一个庞大的知识论体系,从而在知识论领域进行了一次新的开拓,从根本上改变了中国知识论研究长期薄弱的状况,奠定了中国知识论进一步发展的基础,在中国知识论现代转型中具有重要价值。  相似文献   

西方自然连贯主义教育管理观的断想与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欲求教育管理理论与自然科学相一致的自然连贯主义教育管理观,从哲学层面上摒弃了逻辑经验论和教育管理主观论,通过宣称科学主义和人文主义的系统整合,试图使教育管理学成为一门整体合法的科学。然而,这种基于自然科学理论的管理理论并未给有关教育管理现象提供更合理的观点。  相似文献   

关于建构主义的教育思想与哲学基础--对建构主义的再认识   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文在对建构主义的教育思想和认识论进行再认识的基础上.提出了新的观点:建构主义的教育思想不应是“以学生为中心”的.而应“主导—主体相结合”;建构主义的认识论不应是主观主义的,而应主客观相统一。  相似文献   


Whereas epistemological debates raged in educational administration during the Theory Movement, or inspired by intervention from Thom Greenfield, Richard Bates or Colin Evers and Gabriele Lakomski, epistemology and the quest for the scientific study of educational administration has somewhat diminished in the era of managerialism and the pursuit of research that has a direct impact on practice. Theoretically informed by the work of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, I seek to re-engage with the epistemological preliminaries of scholarship in educational leadership, management and administration. In doing so, I argue that administration is central to our way of seeing the social world and raise questions about the embedded and embodied nature of the educational administration scholar and what this means for scholarship. A social ‘scientific’ approach to educational administration, as advocated for in this article, must break free of the ambition of grounding in (rational) reason, the arbitrary division of the social world (e.g. administrators/non-administrators) and instead, take for its object, rather than getting itself caught up in, the struggle for the monopoly of the legitimate representation of the social world.  相似文献   

It is suggested that major studies of mature student experience are limited by the epistemological underpinnings of their approach and that the representations they offer do not permit an adequate sociological understanding. It is then argued that conceptual tools derived from Bourdieu's sociology can facilitate such an understanding. Two segments of qualitative data from interviews with mature students and their tutors in a UK university department are used to illustrate the potential for a sociological approach which, by focusing on both the constituting and constituted nature of practices, avoids the pitfalls of objectivism and subjectivism apparent in some previous research.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is a critical reflection on the field of educational administration and its varied and often conflicting epistemologies. It is argued that the field of educational administration is a community of diverse epistemologies. Although epistemological heterogeneity has been persistently vilified by both theorists and pragmatists with their own discursive agendas, it is this precise environment of critical dialogue and diversity that is conducive to new frontiers in the field. A phenomenology of recognition is thus presented as a showcase for the possibility of approaching and expanding the field topically rather than treatise-like generalizations at the macro level, which are mostly dated discussions on philosophy of science. The principal value of the article is showing alternative pathways—not limited to the discussions about theory of recognition—to new frontiers in educational administration by demonstrating the possibility of thematic theory developments in the field and defending the diversity of existing epistemologies in the field as an asset rather than a liability for further development in the field.  相似文献   

本研究选取西藏地区353名中小学数学教师作为研究对象,通过问卷调查、访谈的方法,采用描述性统计、独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析等探索西藏中小学数学教师认识信念的现状和背景因素差异。研究发现:西藏中小学数学教师的数学认识信念总体上呈进步倾向,在教师自身认识信念上则存在显著的学校位置差异,并且职称对数学教师的数学认识信念、教龄对数学教师的学生信念、学历对数学教师的数学学习信念和数学教学信念均产生一定影响。  相似文献   

There has been brief but important discussion regarding the concepts of “oppression” and “anti-oppression” in the educational psychology professional practice literature. This article aims to both further and focus this discussion. In particular, the concept of “epistemological oppression” is introduced and the significance it has for the meaning-making and knowledge construction activities of educational psychology practice is explored. A conceptual application of two predominant theories of epistemological oppression, Standpoint Theory and the Three Levels of Epistemological Oppression theory, is made with regard to the psychological assessment of special educational needs (SEN). It is posited that as psychological assessment of SEN is fundamentally an epistemological endeavour these two theories provide a crucial framework through which educational psychologist (EPs) may base reflective practice in order to realise and ameliorate potential oppression. It is concluded that EPs have a responsibility to orient themselves toward the potential for epistemological oppression in their work and help towards its amelioration.  相似文献   

关于西方科学主义和人文主义教育管理观的探讨   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
科学主义的教育管理观以“实证主义”哲学为基础,关注组织结构而忽视组织中的人,对人只强调人的理性因素而忽视人的非理性因素,在人的理性因素中注重人的认知理性而忽视价值理性。人文主义的教育管理观以“主观主义”的哲学为基础,关注组织中人的因素,注重人的价值理性而忽视人的认知理性。这两种教育管理观还不是真正科学意义上的教育管理观。科学意义上的教育管理观是以马克思主义哲学为基础的主体教育管理观。这是因为马克思主义哲学是一种实践的哲学,组织与组织中的人、人的理性因素和非理性因素以及认知理性和价值理性等能在人的主体的实践活动中达到相对统一。  相似文献   

This article summarizes and comments upon recent research on epistemological beliefs (i.e., beliefs about knowledge and knowing). I identify four emergent themes, outline directions for future research, and draw links between current theory and educational practice. The four themes pertain to the number relationship among, development, and measurement of epistemological beliefs. I address conceptual and methodological issues in future research. I also identify four educational implications: understanding teachers' beliefs, understanding students' beliefs, promoting critical thinking, and attempting to change teachers' and students' beliefs.  相似文献   

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