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任一波 《职教通讯》2015,(17):45-47
随着高职校企合作的不断深化,"校企合作"是高职院校人才培养的主流模式,充分发挥校企合作的育人功能,共享校企合作平台的资源。针对目前高职就业教育现状,通过依托校企合作三大平台,开展三段式就业教育,完善基于校企合作的三级就业工作管理机构,建立毕业生就业质量跟踪评价系统,探索构建基于校企合作的就业教育模式,来提升就业指导服务水平,形成校企合作共融发展的良性循环,从而达到学生、学校和行业企业的"多赢"。  相似文献   

在对"四合作"人才培养模式形成的产业背景、岗位现状、人才需求和合作企业的参与意识进行深入分析的基础上,以机电类专业为例,探讨了学校、企业、学生三方利益的诉求点,提出了高校机电类专业校企双方合作教学、合作育人、合作就业和合作发展的新型人才培养模式,阐述了实施"四合作"人才培养模式后所取得的初步成效。  相似文献   

职业院校在办学过程中必须高度重视学生的就业工作,将专业教育与就业教育、毕业与就业有效地衔接是当前职业院校教育教学改革的重点和难点之一。就职业教育中开展"校企合作就业"的可行性、必要性和目前存在问题及解决对策进行了分析研究;对"校企合作就业"后产生的预期效果进行了探讨,提出"校企合作就业"是职业院校和企业实现可持续发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

通过对高校"校企合作"的现状分析以及对翻译专业的校企合作模式和运行机制的探索,提出以教学、科研、就业为主体,促进校企之间深层次合作。共建合作平台、订单式人才培养、合作课程开发、共建教学团队、建立校企合作长效机制等方式,能够促进学校优势学科的建设与发展,拉近学校教学与企业实践的距离,提高学生解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

通过"校企校"合作学院——南通职业大学林洋电子学院建设案例分析,探索中高职衔接"立交桥"架构下现代学徒制"六年一贯制"人才培养模式,即在中高职衔接项目的基础上,中高职学校与同一企业开展"一体化、分阶段"现代学徒制人才培养,解决学生学历提升、高质量对口就业和企业发展储备人才三大难题。同时针对"校企校"合作学院现代学徒制中存在的问题,提出了新型"校企校"合作学院的发展对策。  相似文献   

本文根据高职教育的特点提出了建立"校企合作联盟"的设想,对基于信息资源共享的校企合作就业服务平台建设进行研究,从建设背景、平台建设方案、平台分析等方面对高职院校如何加强校企合作,实现用工信息与学生信息资源共享,促进学生职业技能学习和就业,实现学生就业和企业用工顺利对接进行了探讨。  相似文献   

创新校企合作平台促进校企发展共赢   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了地方高校与地方经济发展的关系和校企合作的现状,通过建立校企合作理事会,并在理事会下校企共建四个创新合作平台,即校企区域合作委员会、校内产教园基地、校企合作工作站、企业教授流动站,实现校企合作办学、合作育人、合作就业、合作发展,促进校企发展共赢.  相似文献   

“校企合作”模式下的“就业机制”的构成及完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
芮秀文 《江苏高教》2012,(5):110-111
通过"校企合作",让企业参与到学校的学生培养和学生就业中来,不断地探索就业新模式,努力完善"校企合作"模式下的"前就业机制"、"准就业机制"和"完全就业机制"的构建。从而在校企双方的共同努力下,为从根本上解决大学生的就业问题奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

校企合作的教学模式在各类高校中得到普遍应用。尤其是高职类院校,更需要引入企业参与教学和管理,开展校企合作,提升毕业生的就业质量。本文以南京交通职业技术学院为例,通过对2014届毕业生就业跟踪调查数据的统计,分析校企合作模式下高职毕业生就业的现状以及存在的问题,并提出了如何提升毕业生就业质量的对策。  相似文献   

田淑波 《教育与职业》2012,(29):118-119
高等职业教育市场营销专业人才培养模式的改革要以校企合作为基础,适应市场需求、提升人才培养规格,使企业的人才需求与学校的发展目标结合起来,建立校企双赢的合作机制。高职院校只有在校企合作制订营销人才培养方案、校企合作解决高职营销学生就业问题、校企合作共建实训基地进行实践、校企合作进行专业课程的教学改革等方面与企业紧密结合,才能提高学生营销专业能力、方法能力和社会能力,有效解决学生就业的"零距离"对接,实现营销专业应用型人才的培养目标。  相似文献   

This study explores the communication processes of civil society collaboration, with particular attention to the ways in which sectoral differences are managed communicatively and how sectoral differences among members are implicated in the processes of collaboration. Findings from a 10-month qualitative investigation of a civil society collaboration of social service providers indicate that sector differences are discursive resources that people draw upon to make sense of uncertainty and frame arguments. Findings also demonstrate how sector differences are managed communicatively through practices of recognition, resistance, translation, and mediation. This study builds on previous scholarship that conceptualizes civil society collaboration as a series of communicative processes and discursive practices (versus economic or structural characteristics), as well as research that advocates a processual approach to the study of organizational collaboration.  相似文献   

文章简要分析了数控机床技术需要的各方面人员及所需要的理论基础和实践经验积累,数控机床的高新技术性、多样性、协作性,深入浅出;将几年的数控实践探索及业内众同仁的经验归纳整理,以求对该学科理论及工程技术人员的实践有所裨益.  相似文献   


This paper will provide readers with a unique perspective on maximizing the benefits and overcoming the challenges inherent in the collaborative teaching process. This narrative reflection will explore collaborative teaching through the reflections of a music professor who has team-taught two different interdisciplinary courses over a period of 10 years. The lessons learned align with the findings of the existing literature, but they also uncover new implications that will provide other professors with a vision of how they might become effective in their own collaborative teaching. These experiences have helped the author come to understand that teaching in a collaborative setting requires educators who are creative, flexible, and both willing to compromise and to learn.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the psychological and motor performance modeling literature to identify important factors involved in and affecting the modeling process as it relates to motor skill acquisition. Topics discussed include modeling theory, task specificity of modeling effects, the importance of symbolic coding, temporal spacing of demonstrations, social factors influencing modeling, and the role of modeling in reducing anxiety when unfamiliar motor activities are learned. Future research directions are discussed and implications for physical educators and coaches who employ modeling as an instructional technique are outlined.  相似文献   

协作学习在现代远程教育中日益受到人们的重视。本文结合中央广播电视大学开放教育英语专业专科的主要课程《新思维英语阅读》教材,尝试探讨协作学习模式中的竞争、协作、辩论及角色扮演教学策略在英语阅读教学中的应用。旨在促进建立并应用一种新型的、以学生为中心的、区别于传统的大学英语阅读教学模式,推进英语阅读教学改革。  相似文献   

教师合作是实现学校组织学习、教师专业发展的重要手段,而教师特有的工作方式决定了教师合作更多地以知识分享为特征。该文结合对教师合作现有研究成果的考察,探讨如何构建一种促进知识分享的教师合作机制,并结合北京某小学的个案展开相关讨论。  相似文献   

Teacher research is increasingly described as an important aspect of professional development. In response, teacher education programs incorporate teacher research in their curricula. We report on the collaborative research processes of two groups of student teachers in a university teacher education program, focussing on elaboration and decision making. In one group, group members had different preferences, which led to balancing elaboration and decision making. The other group, however, did not engage in these processes in a conscious way, leading to an arduous research process. We contend that a balanced approach, alternating elaboration and decision making, is desirable.  相似文献   

In Australia, similar to European countries, there has been a continuing increase in the number of students with special needs who are now being educated in regular schools. Regular classrooms have become more diverse with the inclusion of a greater proportion of students with a range of disabilities and learning difficulties. Support for these students is provided through a number of different avenues and varies between the states and territories. All jurisdictions, to some extent, provide support teachers whose role it is to assist these students. This paper firstly considers the education of students with special needs in the Australian context and the support that is available to them. A more detailed account is subsequently provided on the specific role of the support teacher in Queensland.  相似文献   

In the last several decades many of the world's most developed countries have shifted from an industrial economy to a knowledge economy, one based on the creation of knowledge, information, and innovation. Educational researchers have paid very little scholarly attention to this economic shift, although it has substantial implications. After all, educational historians have repeatedly shown how today's schools were designed in the first half of the 20th century to meet the economic needs of the industrial economy; if that economy is a thing of the past, then many features of contemporary schools may become obsolete. In today's knowledge society, creativity always occurs in complex collaborative and organizational settings. Teams and organizations innovate using open-ended, improvisational group processes. I argue that education should be structured around disciplined improvisation, and I advocate the use of situated, collaborative knowledge-building activities. I argue that creative collaboration in classrooms aligns with the social nature of innovation in today's economy.  相似文献   

Investigating specialist school ethos … or do you mean culture?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the concept of ethos as a facet of the government’s rapidly growing initiative of the ‘specialist school’. Schools accepted on to the scheme are expected to create a new identity, or ethos: but what exactly is meant by that rather nebulous term? And, in reality, is something as all‐consuming as a school ethos, or culture, something that a school can readily conjure up? This discussion, one facet of the author’s case study of a Specialist Sports College, explores the concept of school cultures, but also gives consideration to areas such as conflicting and ‘toxic’ cultures, and to the possibility that changing a school’s culture can have negative as well as positive effects.  相似文献   

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