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高中阶段历史教材中要求记忆的内容浩如烟海,要提高历史教学水平,记忆尤显重要。激发学生学习历史的兴趣是提高记忆能力的前提条件,掌握必要的记忆方法则是提高记忆效率的重要因素。  相似文献   

记忆是歌唱训练的重要内容,是与歌唱技能紧密联系的大脑思维意识心理过程。歌唱训练的记忆内容庞杂,内涵丰富,记忆的方式多变,加之其他复杂因素的制约,都在一定程度上影响了训练的质量和进程。因此,必须深入探究和运用歌唱记忆的方法,才能使训练达到事半功倍的效果  相似文献   

词汇教学是英语学习的重要内容,英语单词记忆是学习英语的基础。因此,教师要利用多种科学记忆方法,来提高学生英语单词记忆能力。  相似文献   

本文试图研究在意向形成初期短时内,延迟时间对大学生前瞻记忆的影响。在实验中,当前任务是对英语单词的词长判断,同时把前瞻记忆任务(看到靶词时按空格键)嵌入其中,最后把与前瞻记忆指导语有关的内容作为回溯记忆内容。结果发现:在短时内前瞻记忆受延迟时间影响大,回溯记忆几乎不受影响。  相似文献   

<正>生物学难学,主要原因之一是生物学科需要理解、记忆的知识较多,使学生感觉不好掌握,尤其是需要记忆的内容更让学生为难。记忆是智慧的根源,但死记硬背导致学习效率低,内容混淆,应用能力差。针对学生这种状况,在多年的教学中,我积累了一些生物知识巧妙记忆的方法。好的记  相似文献   

王涛(高考总分660分,录取清华大学)说到高三的复习,我用“记忆”、“透彻”、“灵活”三个词来概括。我认为记忆是获得高考成功的前提条件。一个人的记忆库能够提供的信息越丰富,提取内容越精确,提供时间越迅速,则其思维就越流畅.考试的成绩也越理想。至于记忆的方法,总的来说,包括及时复习、多通道记忆、重点记忆和分散复习。其中,重点记忆的内容是“考试大纲”所要求的内容,考前老师着重复习的内容,考试和作业中出现的薄弱知识点,每段章节中的难点和关键点。第一轮复习时,列出每章的重点内容,并及时复习,反复强化,以便以后的复习有针对性。  相似文献   

胡小力 《中国考试》2007,(12):20-23
通过复习便可以加深对知识的理解,理解后的知识更便于记忆,“你所不理解的东西是你无法占有的”.复习的目的之一是通过对知识的理解将机械记忆转化为意义记忆,把记忆内容简要化、图像化、表格化常常是有效的方法.例如词汇记忆是高考英语的重要内容,没有词汇知识基础,语言运用能力就是无源之水,因此,词汇的巩固提高是高考备考的重要内容.  相似文献   

小学生对语文材料的记忆有无回涨,是由材料的性质、学生的年龄及记忆形式与方法等因素综合交叉共同决定的。其中:1.内容意义有丰富联系的材料,二、三、四年级学生可有记忆回涨;内容意义互不联系的材料,各年级学生均无记忆回涨。2.二、三年级学生形象记忆和机械记忆占优势,其即时回忆量低,有利于记忆回涨;四、五年级学生抽象记忆和意义记忆已开始发展,可获得较高的即时回忆量,但不利于记忆回涨  相似文献   

初中化学知识的几种记忆法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要学习就离不开记忆,正确的记忆方法是获得知识的有效途径.初中化学要记忆的知识内容较多,如果不掌握一定的记忆方法,进行必要的记忆。是很难学好化学的.本就记忆化学知识的方法作一介绍.  相似文献   

中学历史课的内容,纵贯古今,横揽中外,涉及经济、政治、军事、文化和科学技术等各个领域的发展和演变,内容纷繁复杂,交错散乱,如果没有有效的记忆方法,极易混淆。在众多的记忆方法中,我针对学生特点,主要引导学生采用以下方法记忆历史知识。一、浓缩记忆法浓缩记忆法是抓住历史知识的主要内容,扣住关键字,把复杂、繁多的识记材料加以凝练、压缩进行记忆。但浓缩的部分应该是最精华的。  相似文献   

工作记忆的性质和工作机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对工作记忆概念的理解存在三种观点:结构观、功能观和内容观。持不同观点的研究者对工作记忆和工作机制有不同解释,资源-共享模式认为工作记忆的工作机制是认知空间分配;工作记忆容量的控制性注意观认为工作记忆是依赖于有限资源的注意控制过程;抑制观回避“容量”概念,强调工作记忆机制是克服干扰、排除任务无关信息的过程;任务转换假说认为工作记忆任务执行过程中存在记忆消退现象。这些观点从不同角度揭示了工作记忆的工作机制,既有重叠又有分歧。  相似文献   

存储与加工的关系和性质是工作记忆研究中的基础性问题。对于工作记忆中的速度———广度关系,经典的理论解释是凯斯提出的“资源权衡模型”,认为在总加工空间不变的情况下,存储广度的增大是由于操作空间的减少造成的,但近来Towse和Hitch提出质疑,认为,上述关系也许是由于加工时间的增加而导致更多的遗忘造成的,由此提出了“任务转换说”,并获得了实证研究的支持。在工作记忆存储与加工的性质上,领域一般性和领域特殊性的争论引起了心理学家的关注,一种代表性的观点是,加工效能体现领域一般性,存储容量具有领域特殊性。  相似文献   

建造了实现高压输电线路故障诊断的两种联想记忆神经网络的模型结构并提出了提高其容错能力的有效方法.对于FNN,提出“伪吸引域”的概念以人为扩大样本吸收域,在不降低网络效率的前提下大大提高了网络的容错性能;对于BAM-NN,提出增加冗余神经元来提高网络的记忆能力和容错性能,但该措施增加了网络的复杂度,降低了网络的效率.仿真结果表明,本文构造的两种联想记忆NN都能正确识别故障,且对干扰输入信息序列有相当的容错能力,而FNN则是解决电力系统故障诊断问题的一个更加简便而且有效的方法.  相似文献   

The limited capacity theory is often cited to account for negative correlations between choice reaction time and different IQ measures. It is claimed, since working memory has strictly limited capacity to process a great amount of vital information and STM information decays if not rehearsed, that speed is an indispensable condition of efficient dealing with cognitive tasks. It ensures good performance before important information is forgotten. In the present experiment a special kind of task was applied‐one which supposedly puts a substantial load on the system of working memory. It was hypothesized that subjects dealing well with this task would also obtain high scores on general ability tests. The data obtained from 48 psychology students in the self‐paced, computer assisted study did not confirm this hypothesis. The data are interpreted as posing a challenge for the limited capacity theory, which must either be reformulated or replaced by better elaborated theoretical constructions.


作为对电路理论的完备性的思考 ,1 971年L .O .Chua提出“忆阻器”作为“丢失的电器元件”。实际上我们发现“忆阻器”是“唯一真实的电路元件”。因为任何真实的导体都有电能损耗、电场能和磁场能存储的能力。为了方便 ,人们忽略了掉这 3个性质中的另外 2个 ,才得到电阻、电容、电感这 3种电路的理想元件  相似文献   

We examined the contribution of working memory capacity to the development of children’s reading comprehension. We present data from three waves of a longitudinal study when the children were 7 years (Grade 1), 8 years (Grade 2) and 9 years (Grade 3). Two questions were raised: The first question concerned the developmental changes of the relative contribution of working memory in predicting reading comprehension compared to vocabulary and decoding skills. The second question explored to what extent reading comprehension could be predicted by working memory capacity measured at a prior time. At the end of each grade, reading comprehension, nonword reading, vocabulary knowledge and working memory capacity were assessed. To test the first question, the predictive power of working memory capacity was compared to vocabulary and decoding skills by performing concurrent multiple-regression analyses in each grade. The results showed that working memory capacity emerged as a direct predictor of reading comprehension in Grade 3. To address the second question, we performed multiple-regression analyses predicting reading comprehension from working memory, nonword reading, and vocabulary measured at a prior time. In these analyses, the autoregressive effect was taken into account to separately assess the unique contribution of each predictor to the development of later reading comprehension. The results showed that Grade 1 vocabulary and Grade 2 working memory had additional effects on Grade 3 reading comprehension after the autoregressive effect of reading comprehension had been accounted for. These findings support the idea that, as word recognition becomes automated throughout the early grade levels, working memory becomes an important determinant of reading comprehension. There is also evidence that working memory capacity directly influences the development of reading comprehension skills. The direction of the causal flow is discussed.  相似文献   

A capacity theory of writing: Working memory in composition   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The review examines ways in which working memory contributes to individual and particularly to developmental differences in writing skill. It begins with a brief definition of working memory and then summarizes current debates regarding working memory and capacity theories in the field of reading. It is argued that a capacity theory of writing can provide a framework within which to consider the development of writing skill, and relevant data are discussed. Effects of capacity limitations are documented in all three component writing processes: planning, translating, and reviewing.  相似文献   

One influential explanation of the development of verbal short-term memory in children argues that short-term memory capacity is a direct function of speech rate. This theory predicts that children with pathologically slow speech will show reduced verbal short-term memory capacity and will show less evidence of speech-base coding on verbal memory tasks. To test this prediction, verbal short-term memory span was assessed using a task that did not require a verbal response in 37 speech-disordered children and 37 age- and sex-matched controls (age range 4-15 years). The speech-disordered group had a significantly lower short-term memory capacity, a smaller word length effect, and reduced speech-motor activity during rehearsal periods. Covariance analyses revealed that these differences were not a function of general intellectual or motor speed differences between the groups, and that speech rate as a covariate abolished group differences in short-term memory. These results suggest that speech rate may be a causal determinant of verbal short-term memory capacity.  相似文献   

Cognitive and metacognitive strategies are particularly important for learning with hypertext. The effectiveness of strategy training, however, depends on available working memory resources. Thus, especially learners high on working memory capacity can profit from strategy training, while learners low on working memory capacity might easily be overtaxed. In addition, efficient basic reading comprehension processes are important for strategy training to be successful: When both the newly acquired strategies and poorly routinized basic reading comprehension processes compete for working memory resources, navigation within the hypertext and learning might deteriorate rather than improve. In an experiment, 64 undergraduates learned with a comprehensive expository hypertext after receiving either a cognitive or a metacognitive or no strategy training. In line with the predictions, learners high on working memory capacity or reading skill could profit from learning strategy training in terms of learning outcomes and the quality of their navigational behavior. Learners low on working memory capacity or reading skill, in contrast, performed worse in both training conditions compared to the control condition. The improvement in learning outcomes for skilled learners as well as the impairment in learning outcomes for unskilled learners could be shown to be indirect effects mediated by the quality of navigational behavior.  相似文献   

工作记忆与阅读理解的关系对阅读教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在日常阅读过程中,经常会出现一种读到后面忘记前面的现象。这是记忆系统中工作记忆容量有限的一种突出表现。我们从工作记忆特点及其对阅读理解的影响出发,分析了两者之间的关系,并指出工作记忆能力的高低极大地影响着阅读者储存和加工信息的能力,从而影响阅读理解水平。结合此观点,指出了如何通过提高工作记忆来促进阅读教学的措施。  相似文献   

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