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The core theme of this article is the implications of a global language for the curriculum and how it can be dealt with in terms of content knowledge and reform. First, the article conceptualises curriculum from the perspective of schooling within a geographical territory, symbolising its own cultural history and the nation as a key agent in reform. Second, it takes a closer look at current reform designs and asks how they represent equivalent but also contrasting arguments and rationales about curriculum beyond the national. Third, the article discusses implications of globalisation for curriculum pertaining to both cultivation and qualification as indispensable parts of education and schooling. The main empirical point of departure is the formal curriculum guidelines in Norway, written policy documents, expert reports and evaluation frameworks, written within the last two decades. Through the application of a new language for change, these documents advocate world-wide expectations which could harmonise curriculum across national boarders. However, the design of the reform is of core significance in standardisation processes, and highly dependent on the way matters and meanings are conceptualised in the professional semantics which accompany reform efforts within and beyond the national context.  相似文献   

基于工作过程的数控加工工艺编制与实施课程开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合数控加工工艺编制与实施课程开发,探讨现代高等职业教育教学改革基于工作过程的课程开发流程。在课程内容的开发方面,运用成组技术的相似性原理,提出以"复合零件法"和"复合路线法"进行教学载体的选择,完成了课程学习情境的设计,值得类似课程开发的借鉴。  相似文献   

This article considers some of the methodological challenges involved in investigating, within the traditions of comparative research in education, the complex issue of educational ‘policy borrowing’. It discusses notions of ‘borrowing’ and ‘influence’ and refers to a model previously proposed by the authors for the analysis of what are seen as four stages in the policy borrowing process which can be tested empirically. These are identified as cross‐national attraction, decision, implementation, and internalization/indigenization. The problems involved in researching each stage of this process are considered, in particular in relation to the authors’ previous work on the attractiveness to British observers of educational policy in Germany over a long historical period.  相似文献   

基于工作过程、职业能力培养导向的思路对软件技术专业核心课程《Visual C#程序设计》进行教学设计、教学内容、教学模式及方法等方面的改革和探索。分析了我国软件行业的发展及人才需求现状,在企业调研和专业建设论证基础上,分析软件专业工作任务及职业能力需求,按照高等职业教育新课程改革思路,以实践和职业能力培养为导向设计教学过程和内容,并对教学模式和方法的改革进行了探讨和研究。  相似文献   

基于"项目导向、任务驱动"以及工作过程导向的职业教育课程理论,以高职高专三年制临床医学专业《医学微生物》的课程设计为例,对高职专业基础课的改革进行研究和探讨。尝试打破学科体系,以医院常用的感染防控技术和微生物感染性疾病病例为载体设计项目任务,以临床医师的实际工作过程为依据安排教学,使学生在完成项目任务的过程中习得必要的临床知识和防治技能。  相似文献   

郑蓉 《丹东师专学报》2010,(2):28-33,42
改革30年来,社会工作专业教育在中国大陆获得了快速发展。在简单回顾社会工作教育在中国的发展历程、现状和特点的基础上,从专业教育的目标、专业人才的培养、专业教育的本土化等方面反思了社会工作教育在过去30年中存在的主要问题,最后从深化社会体制改革,实现社会工作的职业化;探索本土化的教育模式、建立多层次的人才培养体系;完善人才培养结构、规范课程教育等方面进一步探讨了我国社会工作教育未来的发展的方向与出路。  相似文献   

This paper explores indigenization and globalization, the double issue of curriculum and identity as a dialectical contradiction that characterizes the ambivalence of “Taiwanese identity.” “Taiwanese identity” is treated as a social, political, and cultural construct rather than a fixed term in an essentialist sense. Curriculum, as culture's medium of social identity construction, represents a struggle over who constructs whose identity and what is constructed. Therefore, when curriculum reform is called for, it is also a time when a society transitioning and redrawing its socio-political and cultural boundaries to resolve internal social conflicts and identity anxiety. Curriculum reform, in this paper, is analyzed not only as a question of shifting explicit ideas of educational practice but also a question of shifting configurations in power relations that signify a politics of identity.The historical context that brought about the question of identity in Taiwan is introduced first. The second section discusses how emerging curricula were politically, socially, and culturally implicated in the process of constructing a Taiwan-centric identity. The third section analyzes the political, social, cultural, and educational implications of new curricula on the formation of a Taiwan-centric identity. Finally, the paper discusses the effect of globalization on the practice of new curricula and points out an ambivalence of local–global identity construction and the conflicting roles of education, especially curriculum, in this ambivalence.  相似文献   

This article looks at the concept of Black History Month and its implications for teaching and learning in art and design education. It argues that the concept of Black History Month should be discarded because it tends to promote a separatist notion of culture and that it deflects from an understanding of culture as a plural and intermeshing process. The paper interrogates history as a discourse, problematising our use of the word. The article then looks through the eyes of two groups of African Caribbean young people at Black History Month, as a curriculum initiative. The first group was interviewed at a south London gallery and the second at a conference for African Caribbean learners in Oxford. Two art and design educationalists who participated in the research project that included the south London young people make a significant contribution to the paper. It concludes with a personal interpretation of movements in art and the practice of a contemporary artist whose work endorse the key philosophical position posited in the text that culture is always a process on interweaving.  相似文献   

信息技术与学科整合研究与实践的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王姬 《职业技术教育》2002,23(22):16-18
随着素质教育的开展和教育信息化的推进,要求在中小学普及信息技术教育。信息技术与学科的整合,是普及信息技术教育的关键,是信息技术学科和其他学科双赢的一种教学模式。本文就信息技术与学科整合的发展现状、存在问题和努力方向作一必要探讨。  相似文献   


In this article, the author analyzes the assumptions people make about culture and curriculum and asks what prevents the idea of culture-based curriculum from making radical changes in Native American schooling. She attributes the segregation of "culture" from "academic" curriculum to an internalization of colonial structures. In this scenario, "culture-based" (Native American)curriculum is superimposed on a curriculum that is already based in culture (Western European.) She discusses some of the ways a static notion of culture is played out at one tribal school and what the implications of these hegemonic practices are. Further, she discusses some classroom practices that refuse an essentialist definition of "Ojibwe" culture as a basis for curriculum and instead act to engage students in the process of making meaning in their classroom. It is suggested that by thinking of culture as creating relationships and meaning, we shall be able to move beyond the destructive dichotomy that associates intellectual rigor with Whiteness.  相似文献   

结合高职高专类国家精品课程评审指标,针对课程设计介绍录像和课程教学录像2种不同类型的录像,探讨各自的摄制过程。  相似文献   

对历史学习而言,关于时间的思维能力是一项必要的学科思维能力,是历史理解和历史分析的基础和前提,应该在中学历史教学中得到重视。我国中学历史课程虽然注意时间因素在历史学习中的地位和作用,强调在教学中注意历史的时代先后和发展脉络,让学生形成正确的时空观念,但始终没有将关于时间的思维能力明确作为一项能力培养目标,也没有完整系统的概念界定。本文根据中外史论书籍,借鉴国外中学历史课程标准,对历史学习中的时间思维能力进行尝试性阐述,并对教科书如何培养时间思维能力进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

This article describes the organisation of a teachers' professional network and the teachers' use of 'pedagogical documentation' to analyse, reflect on and critique pedagogical practice. It explores ways in which a forum and process were created for teachers to think about assumptions, values and the purpose of education, explore reciprocal influences of teachers' and children's interactions, and deepen opportunities for parents and children to contribute to the curriculum. It discusses policy and practice implications and points to ways for engaging in a broader debate.  相似文献   

谢丹  朱红  侯高雁 《科教导刊》2021,(2):36-37,42
本文从高职机械制造与自动化增材制造技术专业方向,论述增材制造专业课程的模块化构建思路,以数字化设计模块及综合模块为例,对模块化课程体系的构建进行探究.形成了以突出核心技能、适应多元化学习、满足技能竞赛训练的模块化课程体系,并就模块化课程体系的实施效果进行了论述.  相似文献   

论中国国情与课程改革   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
对于基础教育课程改革要不要从中国国情出发的问题,当前学术界存在着适应国情论和不问国情论两种针锋相对的观点。其中,不问国情论是新课改理论专家所坚持的,它承认新课改脱离国情,认为适应国情论是过时的观念,国情是可以改变的,课程改革不必适应国情而贵在适应潮流和真理。这些认识,值得商榷。第一,关于要不要适应国情的论争,贯穿于20世纪的中国历史进程,而历史发展的基本结论是只有适应国情才能获得成功。第二,基础教育课程改革要适应真理,这个真理就是教育的一般规律、现代教育的基本规律和中国现代教育的特殊规律。适应真理最核心的工作,不是脱离国情去宣扬空洞的理念,而是要深入研究中国基础教育实际,全面把握中国教育的国情。第三,国情是一种动态的社会历史存在,人创造历史又为历史所创造。国情不能随心所欲地改造,只有深刻地洞察国情,积极利用国情资源,具有历史责任感和主体能力,才有可能积极改善国情。由此可见,不问国情论是站不住脚的,我国基础教育课程改革必须坚持从国情出发的思想原则。为了健康地推进我国基础教育课程改革,必须深入揭示课程改革的国情制约性规律,努力全面地、辩证地、理性地认识中国国情,能动地适应中国国情。  相似文献   

教学设计是运用相关理论和系统方法,对参与教学活动的诸多要素进行分析和策划的过程.本文根据当前初中历史课教学发生的新变化,从与时俱进、以人为本,促进学生个性发展的角度,对改进历史教学设计进行了探讨.  相似文献   

乡土课程资源是历史课程资源的重要组成部分,它有利于调动学生历史学习的兴趣,有助于转变历史教与学方式,有益于凸显历史时序学习的思维特点。本文对高中历史教学中乡土课程资源的开发和利用展开探讨。  相似文献   

The Development of Teacher Leaders and Inservice Teacher Educators   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article discusses the development of teacher leaders and inservice teacher educators whose role it is to promote teacher learning about mathematics teaching in the process of changing school mathematics. The Manor Program for the development of teacher leaders and teacher educators is used as a vehicle for addressing this issue. The article focuses on aspects of curriculum design, discusses the theoretical rationale for the learning opportunities provided by the program, and considers several problematic aspects encountered.  相似文献   

随着新型城镇化进程的推进,乡村学校教育质量日益得到国家的重视。传统的课程管理已不能满足乡村学校校本课程开发的需求,需要因时因地地发生转变。文章分析传统课程管理和课程治理的基本内涵和价值意蕴,厘清当前乡村学校校本课程开发的困境及主要原因,指出课程治理是当前乡村学校校本课程开发的必由之路,并尝试性地提出校本课程治理需坚持民主治理和动态治理的原则以及新的治理模式。  相似文献   

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