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在纪实小说《相约星期二》中,作者米奇·阿尔博姆用平实的语言记录了毕业多年,他再遇恩师,并继而在恩师莫里那里修到的最后一门课程。小说通过“课程学习”期间的师生对话交流,由此阐释了深厚的师生关系与人生教育的真谛。有感于此,结合当下大学外语教育的教学实际,主要关注课程中教师身份的构建、知识的储备、课程教学的内容、学生学习的目标等几个方面,探讨了大学外语教学中如何构建和谐的师生关系的问题,希望对未来的外语教育发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

In the current further education (FE) and higher education (HE) environment, students are under increasing pressure to perform well and achieve good results. As educators we must strive to enable students to make the most of their higher education by providing an education of the highest quality and enhance the learning experience. This study was undertaken as a preliminary investigation of how students learn and how we, as educators, can improve their learning. In this study, a range of students on different (FE and HE) courses completed the VARK (visual, audio, read/write, kinaesthetic) questionnaire on learning style preferences at the beginning of the semester. Responses were analysed and the author adapted various teaching techniques into course materials for the semester to accommodate the results obtained in the initial VARK survey. Students' responses were encouraging, with many being keen to participate with a view to improving their course performance. The author found that using a range of teaching techniques encouraged student participation in the course and, for some, enhanced their performance in assessment. This investigation provides an insight into the awareness of learning style preferences and how such awareness can be positively exploited in teaching and learning processes.  相似文献   

随着人本主义心理学的发展,焦虑等情感因素越来越受到重视。从20世纪70年代后期开始,语言教育专家和研究者就开始探索如何把情感发展渗透到语言教学与学习之中以消除焦虑的问题。从自身的教学实践和教学经验谈焦虑对高职院校学生英语学习的影响,并结合自己的教学实践和高职院校学生的特点,提出应对英语学习焦虑的相关策略。  相似文献   

Dornyei外语动机三维构建理论是继Gardner的经典社会教育模式后的最有影响的第二语言习得的外语学习理论模式,葡萄牙学者Z.Dornyei以The Modern Language Journal为阵地,与Gardner进行了直接对话,并提出了自己的外语学习动机三层次说。本文基于这一理论,结合笔者的教学实践,依据Dornyei的10项外语学习动机的宏观策略,提出汉语作为第二语言教学模式,希望能对对外汉语教师有所启发。  相似文献   

地理网络课程开发、设计的实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络课程应用于教师继续教育是一种创新 ,网络课程的开发、设计尚无现成的模式可循。作者结合开发“中国可持续发展战略”网络课程的实践 ,根据自己的切身经验和体会 ,从个性化学习、教学互动、教学设计、教学资源建设、制作技术应用、教学效果评价体系等几个方面 ,对地理网络课程设计、制作的特点与规律进行了较为深入的探讨  相似文献   

本文介绍了作者对过去30年在线学习研究的研究进展。研究如何设计在线教学是将学习科学应用于教育的一个案例。在线教学设计研究有助于发展学习科学(如认知负荷理论、多媒体学习的认知理论,以及学习的元认知、动机和情感的综合),教学科学(如有研究证据的教学设计原理不断发展)和评估科学(如多侧面的迁移测试,同时辅以保持测试和自我调查报告,学习过程中的日志文件数据,以及学习认知过程中的认知神经科学测量等)。文中反复提到的观点:学习有赖于运用教学方法,而不是单凭教学媒体就能够奏效的,在线教学设计研究应该关注数字化学习环境的特性;教学实践应建立在严谨、系统的研究基础上,包括旨在确定在线教学中有效成分的增值实验;在线学习研究应确定教学技术最有效的边界条件;在线学习研究应该起到检验和发展学习理论的作用。  相似文献   

The authors describe a journey of self-study during which one author shifted from traditional, teacher-driven approaches to a more problem-based inquiry approach to teaching mathematics. He videotaped a series of lessons taught to sixth-grade students over a semester and analyzed his teaching during discussions with his mentor at the university. The shared analysis helped him learn to involve his students more directly in their own learning. A major lesson learned was that understanding the potential value of a problem-solving approach to teaching mathematics does not guarantee corresponding changes in the classroom. Two vital elements of lesson development emerged as focal points for self-study. After first learning how to prepare worthwhile mathematical tasks, the teacher also learned the importance of implementing effective questioning strategies to help students think more deeply about the mathematics they were learning.  相似文献   

水远璇 《现代教育技术》2012,22(12):84-86,95
为探索提高大学文科教学有效性的途径,文章以情境学习理论为支撑,探讨依托新媒体平台构建学习共同体以履行大学文科有效教学原则的可能性和现实性,并进而提出如何利用新媒体平台构建学习共同体的设计原则以有效地提高大学文科教学的效果,为大学文科教学改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Learning to systematically analyze the relationship between teaching and student learning is an important but difficult skill to engender in teachers. In this study, we examine how pre-service teachers who were introduced to a framework for analyzing teaching in a video-based teacher education course drew on this tool to analyze their own practice after the conclusion of the course. We conceptualize the framework as a conceptual tool that scaffolds pre-service teachers to learn to attend to particular dimensions of teaching and learning and to analyze how their teaching influences student learning. Using the Portfolio Assessment for California Teachers-Teaching Event of 14 English language arts pre-service teachers, we conducted a qualitative analysis to examine the extent to which they applied this framework to analyze their own practice after the conclusion of the course, as well as different strategies they adopted as they analyzed their teaching practice. Findings suggest that pre-service teachers made progress in using the framework to study their teaching, but development of sub-skills for all four facets are needed to develop more productive analyses of teaching and student learning. This study has important implications for the design of teacher education that intends to support pre-service teachers in developing tools for learning to learn from their teaching practice.  相似文献   

“高级时事英语”是开放教育英语本科英语语言交际模块里的一门课程。作者将构建“学”的模式作为该课程教学模式改革的重点,探讨了如何从适应学生的实际需求、调动学生的学习兴趣和提高学生的自主学习能力等方面进行的教学模式改革的探索与实践。  相似文献   

实施基于工作过程的学习领域课程教学改革,是高等职业教学改革的必然要求。在学习借鉴德国职业教育理论和教学模式的同时,结合多年教学实践,对电子元器件及其装拆工艺课程进行了全新的设计和实践。  相似文献   

MOOC的本质属性是在线课程或者说是网络课程。作为大学的教学改革,关注MOOC的网络学习特性才是MOOC真正的教学价值所在。准确把握MOOC的理念和价值必须深刻理解信息技术学习生态环境下的教与学,必须深刻理解信息技术如何深刻地变革着传统教育。陕西师范大学以MOOC浪潮为契机,加快推进学校本科教学信息化建设,旨在以教育信息化促进教育的创新与变革,创新学校人才培养模式,全面提高人才培养质量,在促进传统教育的转型方面做出了积极的尝试。  相似文献   


The author employs grounded theory to investigate the teaching process of an interdisciplinary general education course at A University as a case. The author finds that under the condition of rather concrete relations between the subject of a major-based course and that of an elected general education course, if the major course is taught with a certain breadth and depth, students would adopt the strategy of using knowledge from their major course in their general education course and using knowledge from their general education course to reflect on the major course. This kind of “two-way insertion” learning model reflects the mechanism of mutual facilitation between major education and general education on the course level. This conclusion has important insights into university general education reforms and general education course building and management.  相似文献   

In this article I consider what teacher educators might learn about our own teaching practice from Nuthall's work on learning in elementary school classrooms. Using key ideas from Nuthall's theory of student learning applied to data from two prior studies of my own teacher education practice, I illustrate how his work might provide a productive way for teacher educators to analyze and critique the tasks they use to promote the learning of prospective teachers.  相似文献   

This paper argues that academic numeracy is an important, but undervalued and under-researched, area in tertiary education. Academic numeracy is first defined in terms of students' competence, confidence and critical awareness of their own mathematical knowledge and the mathematics needed in context. The development of academic numeracy is then discussed in terms of obuchenie (teaching/learning) and the metaknowledge around the mathematics in context needed by key staff. The paper presents a systematic approach to develop academic numeracy at the university, program, course and individual student and teacher level. Finally, it provides examples of how to embed academic numeracy. This paper provides a framework for future studies in this under-researched area.  相似文献   

信息化正在打破大学传统教学模式及相应体制的多重壁垒,为大学改革开辟出阻力最小之路径;对大学教学的理解,必须突破传统课堂教学的狭隘眼界,从高素质人才培养的大视野中把握教学、科研、社会服务三大功能的内在联系,将提高大学教学质量的立足点建立在"推动学习方式变革"这一大学创新发展的难点和攻坚战上。研究和驾驭高等教育信息化,必须将对当代信息技术与大学变革发展的前瞻性把握这两个方面内在地统一起来,这是21世纪从事大学教育创新研究与决策管理的专业人才所必须具有的知识结构和时代眼界。  相似文献   

本文着重阐述了高校马克思主义理论课原有教学模式存在的问题、致因及其对策。指出马克思主义理论课原有教学模式的问题主要是理论与实践脱节、教与学脱节和学生的主体作用未能得到充分发挥;作者通过调查,分析了产生这些问题的主要原因。并在此基础上,结合自身教学实践,提出了改进和提高高校马克思主义理论课教学效果的几点设想  相似文献   

对接受学习和探究学习的审视与比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
接受学习和探究学习是针对不同类型知识教学提出的两种教学改革主张。本从知识教学改进的历史演变这一视角出发,依据历代教育家、教育心理学家的众多理论研究成果对接受学习和探究学习进行了审视,讨论了人类知识结构中的显性知识、隐性知识学习的特点和方式;比较了各自的优、缺点;提出接受学习和探究学习都是学生习得知识过程中不可或缺的重要手段,不可厚此薄彼,方可有效地落实基础教育改革新理念。  相似文献   

潘懋元教授是我国“高等教育学”学科的奠基者与开拓者。在长期的教学工作和教学管理实践中,潘懋元教授坚持潜心教学和研究,建构起层次分明、结构完整、逻辑严谨的大学教学思想体系。基于教育史学与学习科学的双重视角,从发展脉络、基本内涵、实践智慧和教育意蕴四个方面,深入剖析了潘懋元教授的大学教学思想体系,分析了潘懋元教授的大学教学思想的理论基础、实践基础和发展历程,总结了潘懋元教授的大学教学原理论、大学教学过程论、大学教学原则论和大学教学方法论思想。潘懋元教授教学思想的实践智慧在于:正式学习与非正式学习相结合、深度教学与深度学习相融合。潘懋元教授教学思想的时代意蕴在于:基于教育内外部关系规律,促使教学关系转型、师生角色转型和师生发展转型,即实现知识建构与知识创新的统一、“以师为要”与“以生为本”的统一、自我发展与协同发展的统一。  相似文献   

Research-based learning challenges teacher educators to rethink pedagogical strategies, particularly so in a context where views about the role of research in pre-service teachers' professional development are contested. The views of academics implementing a research-based learning course in teacher education are examined through qualitative semi-structured interviews in order to understand how learning autonomy is fostered. Variation was found in what teacher educators thought the course was intended to achieve and in their teaching strategies. The basis for pedagogical decision-making appeared to be their own research learning experiences. Implications for teacher education and for implementing research-based learning more generally are discussed.  相似文献   

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