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机器人伦理的进路及其内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据机器人是否可以发展出人工的道德能动性,其伦理建构可分为机器人伦理和机器伦理两种平行的进路:机器人伦理学和机器伦理。机器人伦理关注的是,在机器人没有自主性时,与之相关的人的责任和他们应遵守的伦理准则。机器伦理则试图在技术上构建一个新的伦理愿景,让机器人有可能发展为自主的道德能动者,从而使我们可以教会他们分辨善恶并以符合伦理的行为与人相处。  相似文献   

关于机器人应用的伦理问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在机器人应用越来越广泛的时代背景下,机器人可能引发的种种伦理问题也日益紧迫地摆在我们面前。本文简要分析了军用机器人、儿童看护机器人和助老机器人导致的比较有代表性的伦理问题,并认为应该对机器人进行伦理规制,而不能任其自由发展。机器人是一种重要的工具,但并不能完全取代人。  相似文献   

从简单的机器人到今天智能化、仿人型机器人的出现和应用的过程中,我们可以看到机器人已极大地影响了人类的生产、生活。而面对机器人的发展,机器人自身安全和所面临的社会问题,尤其是机器人在应用过程中对传统伦理和道德关系的冲击和影响也日益凸显。如何有效规避和预防这些问题,并充分发挥机器人向善的一面已成为人类必须面对的问题。  相似文献   

"普遍伦理"问题的"科学"背景与视域   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“科学”已成为我们的“时代精神”,哲学伦理学的研究不能脱离这种时代特征,而且科学与伦理学具有内在的关系和统一性。普遍伦理问题的研究与思考反映着科学对伦理学的影响以及伦理学理论的科学背景,从科学与伦理学之间的关系视域来考察和梳理普遍伦理问题,可以使我们更深刻地理解现代伦理学理论及其问题,并对进一步思考和处理伦理学与科学的关系这个更深层的问题具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

科幻小说是从文艺的角度解读科技伦理命题的有益补充。《弗兰肯斯坦》、《罗素姆的万能机器人》、《我,机器人》和《两百岁的人》四部不同时期的机器人科幻小说描述了人和机器人关系的不同形态,揭示了人类社会在机器人的社会地位问题上的态度和立场转变历程。  相似文献   

机器人控制技术主要包括位置控制技术、力矩控制技术与智能控制技术等三方面内容,其中前两者均属于智能控制技术的基础。本文首先从机器人基础控制技术出发,并根据科研开发的时代的"智能"要求去提出基础控制技术存在的主要问题。这些传统控制技术及其问题的解决构成智能机器人控制技术的形成基础了,本文详细地分析了智能控制技术的功能与特点,并对未来开发具有开放式体系的模式化、标准化机器人控制技术的大方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情的暴发加速了机器人在医疗卫生领域的应用,而中国机器人发展仍处于"婴儿期".通过对近年来美、日、欧盟、中涉及医疗卫生机器人的相关政策进行比较分析,发现应用政策差异主要体现在机构设立、项目开展、平台建设、法规伦理研究4个方面.研究发现,与美、日、欧盟比较,中国在上述方面存在明显差异:顶层设计过于依赖战略目标和资金支持,忽略人才培养、科技创新等软实力配置,项目审批程序多、速度慢;政策制定中有政府过度参与的迹象,同时医疗大数据管理和数据平台的建设尚处于萌芽期;社会包容性以及相应制度化标准的政策力度不足等.借鉴先进国家和地区的经验,得出对中国发展医疗卫生机器人的启示:政府需要在加强顶层设计、培养人才、面向市场定向开发、大数据平台建立和法规及伦理研究等方向进一步加强探索,抢占新一代机器人的技术制高点,以期实现智慧医疗的愿景.  相似文献   

发达国家信息伦理学研究的现状及其启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
杨绍兰 《情报杂志》2005,24(7):102-104
要随着信息技术的发展,特别是因特网在全世界的迅猛发展和广泛应用,信息安全问题也与日俱增,这就导致了传统的伦理学无法涵盖的诸如信息开发、信息传播、信息管理和利用等方面的伦理要求、伦理准则、伦理规约等,信息伦理学就是在这样的背景下应运而生。对发达国家的信息伦理学研究现状、发达国家信息伦理学研究的启示、我国的信息伦理学及图书馆职业道德建设三个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

智能医疗机器人的广泛应用有效提升了医疗服务效率和改善了患者医疗体验。然而,伴随着医疗机器人颠覆性技术发展,其应用引起了诸多伦理方面的隐忧,相关风险类型可归纳为安全风险、隐私风险、道德风险、责任风险以及公正风险。医疗机器人伦理风险治理的利益相关者可以界定为管理方、设计方、供给方以及需求方,因此,厘清各主体的角色和责任是实现其伦理治理目标的关键。提出应当通过将负责任创新融入设计环节、建立严格的伦理审查制度、保护使用者的主体权利、构建医疗机器人的道德能力以及完善伦理风险的法律规制加以规避风险。  相似文献   

通过与传统的串联机器人的比较,分析了并联机器人的特点。介绍了并联机器人在运动模拟器、并联机床、工业机器人、微动机构、医用机器人、操作器方面的应用,指出了并联机器人研究面临的几个主要问题。  相似文献   

This is a review of Hans Moravec's book, Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind. This review raises three categories of questions relating to Moravec's vision of the future. First, there are the ethical and social implications issues implicit in robotics research. Second, there are the soul issues, which especially relate to the prospect of the demoralization of human beings. Third, there is the issue as to whether a robot could ever be a sentient being.  相似文献   

黎常  金杨华 《科研管理》2021,42(8):9-16
人工智能在深刻影响人类社会生产生活方式的同时,也引发诸多伦理困境与挑战,建立新的科技伦理规范以推动人工智能更好服务人类,成为全社会共同关注的主题。本文从科技伦理的视角,围绕机器人、算法、大数据、无人驾驶等人工智能领域所出现的伦理主体、责任分担、技术安全、歧视与公平性、隐私与数据保护等问题,以及人工智能技术的伦理治理,对国内外相关研究成果进行回顾分析,并提出未来需要在中国情境下伦理原则与治理体系的建立、人工智能伦理研究的跨学科合作、理论分析与实践案例的融合、多元主体伦理角色分工与协作等方面进行进一步研究。  相似文献   

Robot ethics encompasses ethical questions about how humans should design, deploy, and treat robots; machine morality encompasses questions about what moral capacities a robot should have and how these capacities could be computationally implemented. Publications on both of these topics have doubled twice in the past 10 years but have often remained separate from one another. In an attempt to better integrate the two, I offer a framework for what a morally competent robot would look like (normally considered machine morality) and discuss a number of ethical questions about the design, use, and treatment of such moral robots in society (normally considered robot ethics). Instead of searching for a fixed set of criteria of a robot’s moral competence I identify the multiple elements that make up human moral competence and probe the possibility of designing robots that have one or more of these human elements, which include: moral vocabulary; a system of norms; moral cognition and affect; moral decision making and action; moral communication. Juxtaposing empirical research, philosophical debates, and computational challenges, this article adopts an optimistic perspective: if robotic design truly commits to building morally competent robots, then those robots could be trustworthy and productive partners, caretakers, educators, and members of the human community. Moral competence does not resolve all ethical concerns over robots in society, but it may be a prerequisite to resolve at least some of them.  相似文献   

Current uses of robots in classrooms are reviewed and used to characterise four scenarios: (s1) Robot as Classroom Teacher; (s2) Robot as Companion and Peer; (s3) Robot as Care-eliciting Companion; and (s4) Telepresence Robot Teacher. The main ethical concerns associated with robot teachers are identified as: privacy; attachment, deception, and loss of human contact; and control and accountability. These are discussed in terms of the four identified scenarios. It is argued that classroom robots are likely to impact children’s’ privacy, especially when they masquerade as their friends and companions, when sensors are used to measure children’s responses, and when records are kept. Social robots designed to appear as if they understand and care for humans necessarily involve some deception (itself a complex notion), and could increase the risk of reduced human contact. Children could form attachments to robot companions (s2 and s3), or robot teachers (s1) and this could have a deleterious effect on their social development. There are also concerns about the ability, and use of robots to control or make decisions about children’s behaviour in the classroom. It is concluded that there are good reasons not to welcome fully fledged robot teachers (s1), and that robot companions (s2 and 3) should be given a cautious welcome at best. The limited circumstances in which robots could be used in the classroom to improve the human condition by offering otherwise unavailable educational experiences are discussed.  相似文献   

目前应用领域的机器人缺乏意识、精神状态和感觉这些情感条件,机器人只是按照人类设定的程序进行遵循一定的规则行为。判定一个机器人能否称得上人工物道德行为体(AMAs).似乎取决于是否具有情感因素。道德与情感之间有着紧密联系的关系。然而.行为主义和表现主义认为,即使缺乏情感的机器也应当受到道德关护。从机器人的应用实践来看.无论是认知缺陷角色的机器人、奴仆角色机器人还是财产物角色机器人.他们都有相应的道德地位,都应当受到不同方式的伦理关护。随着人工智能的发展,我们认为,未来我们一定能够制造出一种具有情感的AMAs机器人。  相似文献   

人工智能伦理准则与治理体系:发展现状和战略建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先,界定人工智能伦理准则的基本概念,分析人工智能发展现状。然后,探讨导致人工智能伦理问题的主要原因,总结人工智能典型应用场景下的伦理问题,包括自动驾驶、智能媒体、智慧医疗、服务机器人等;此外,围绕应对人工智能伦理问题的基本原则探索治理框架体系,包括技术应对、道德规范、政策引导、法律规则等方面。最后,结合我国人工智能发展规划战略部署,指出在社会治理的落地过程中宜采取分层次、多维度的治理体系,并提出在人工智能伦理准则和治理方面的具体措施建议(2020-2035年),包括社会宣传、标准体系、法律法规等方面。  相似文献   

范绕 《科教文汇》2012,(34):203-204
现代信息技术的发展给人类带来巨大利益的同时,也影响着传统社会伦理问题.信息伦理就是在这样的背景下产生的.本文主要分析当前网络环境下常见的信息伦理问题,提出解决这些问题相应的对策,并展望信息伦理发展的诱人前景.  相似文献   

Some aspects of ethics and research into the silicon brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper is to discuss some of the issues related to ethics in the context of establishing objectives for information systems research in general and artificial intelligence or silicon brain research in particular. Examples are taken from physics and genetic engineering to illustrate the kind of ethical problems that arise when the ethical implications of research are not understood or acknowledged. The aspect of ethics considered here relates to the care with which a research topic should be chosen if one wishes to avoid dilemmas concerning the use to which the knowledge so created will eventually be put. In addition a possible framework for thinking about ethics and research objectives is suggested.  相似文献   

专利视角下京津冀机器人产业协同发展研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
机器人产业作为京津冀产业协同发展的重要领域之一,提升其发展水平对于推动京津冀产业智能化具有深远意义。从专利分析入手,对京津冀机器人产业发展进行研判:(1)京津冀机器人产业发展已经进入"快车道";(2)京津冀机器人技术主要集中在高校,企业占比明显不足;(3)京津冀机器人技术构成既具有相似性,又存在不均衡、不对称现象;(4)京津冀机器人技术合作外溢明显大于京津冀区域技术内合作吸收;(5)北京市机器人技术成熟、发展稳定,天津市和河北省的机器人技术发展更加多元。并从京津冀产业协同发展的角度,在政策设计、成果转化、区域联动和区域竞争力塑造等方面提出机器人产业发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

It should not be a surprise in the near future to encounter either a personal or a professional service robot in our homes and/or our work places: according to the International Federation for Robots, there will be approx 35 million service robots at work by 2018. Given that individuals will interact and even cooperate with these service robots, their design and development demand ethical attention. With this in mind I suggest the use of an approach for incorporating ethics into the design process of robots known as Care Centered Value Sensitive Design (CCVSD). Although this approach was originally and intentionally designed for the healthcare domain, the aim of this paper is to present a preliminary study of how personal and professional service robots might also be evaluated using the CCVSD approach. The normative foundations for CCVSD come from its reliance on the care ethics tradition and in particular the use of care practices for: (1) structuring the analysis and, (2) determining the values of ethical import. To apply CCVSD outside of healthcare one must show that the robot has been integrated into a care practice. Accordingly, the practice into which the robot is to be used must be assessed and shown to meet the conditions of a care practice. By investigating the foundations of the approach I hope to show why it may be applicable for service robots and further to give examples of current robot prototypes that can and cannot be evaluated using CCVSD.  相似文献   

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