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The SECI theory and the Creation Space theory represent the mainstream thoughts of the current knowledge creation research.The SECI model introduces the tacit knowledge and group knowledge into the knowledge creation category in a revolutionary way,while the Knowledge Creation Space theory based on the intuition theory introduces the concepts of intuition and social heritage in a creative way.The knowledge creation research inherits and develops the related knowledge theory of the contemporary knowledge theory,influences its research content significantly,and changes the research on modern knowledge theory,which promotes the construction of modern knowledge theory together with the other related knowledge disciplines.  相似文献   

Different users have different knowledge requirement when fulfilling the same task due to their differences in knowledge level and knowledge background.By introducing the knowledge flow into the business process meta-model based on knowledge requirement,workflow technology is integrated with knowledge management.Utilizing user model to filter business process knowledge,personalized knowledge service based on the roles and tasks in business process is provided for users.  相似文献   

突发事件决策情景与知识供给研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In view of the fact that most big and medium-sized cities have established emergency command centers,and the integrated ability to deal with unconventional emergencies is still low,this article constructs an emergency decision-making model based on scenario prediction,and points out that different scenarios and affiliated problems determine different decision-making and models,which further determines the knowledge supply mechanism.Based on this theory,the article constructs a multi-knowledge base and a model of emergency scenario and knowledge supply process,and gives a case analysis,thus providing a theoretical support for predicting the general emergency situation.  相似文献   

基于内容与形式交互的图书馆资源组织语义化方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper proposes an idea of building a unified platform integrating assisted construction with assisted annotation,which is based on the theory and method of NLP,and integrates the traditional library resources organization mode with the domain ontology construction technology. The idea offers the solution to the synchronized implementation of semantic metadata system construction and resources organization semantization,which will promote the semantization process of library resources effectively and make automatic semantic annotation and knowledge service possible.  相似文献   

武器装备采办的知识管理模式探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper applies the theory and method of knowledge management to the field of defense acquisition,and proposes a new idea of knowledge-based defense acquisition management model for this field.  相似文献   

New knowledge is continuously generated in enterprise production process,however,users can not know the existence of new knowledge in time.In order to improve the active service capacity of knowledge,this paper proposes to build a knowledge push system for enterprise business.The paper firstly expounds the relationships between enterprise business activities and knowledge,then proposes a model of the intelligent knowledge push system for enterprise business.The key technologies for the construction of the system are also elaborated.The model provides theoretical guidance for building the knowledge push system for enterprise business and for solving the key technologies in the construction of the system.  相似文献   

From the ecosystem point of view and based on the ideology of the theory of system,this paper puts forward the concepts of information ecology and enterprise information ecosystem,analyzes the organizational elements of the enterprise information ecosystem and the relationships among them,gives the important ecological characteristics of knowledge population such as evolution,distribution,interaction and competition,and gives 4 basic assumptions. On this basis,the paper makes a quantitative analysis of the impact of knowledge organization on innovation capability in the information ecoloy environment by the use of the theory of network dynamics.  相似文献   

Mapping knowledge domain plays an important role in revealing the status quo of disciplinary study and identifying its leading edge. Taking the pulp and paper manufacturing domain for example,and by the use of the author co-citation analysis method,this paper combines the technologies of multivariate analysis and social network analysis to draw the visible maps of the related knowledge domain by using the SPSS and Ucinet software,which displays the status quo of research in the pulp and paper manufacturing domain in China intuitively and figuratively. The validity and reliability of mapping knowledge domain in disciplinary study based on the author co-citation analysis method are verified.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the stability of strategic alliance from the perspective of knowledge poten- tial. Using Logistic rule to simulate the competition and cooperation process of strategic alliance,the paper obtains the stable solution for knowledge sharing in strategic alliance. The paper uses MATLAB software for simulation. Through system simulation and arithmetic deduction,the paper finds out that the stability of strategic alliance has close relationships with the length of the cooperative time of strategic alliance. The research results provide reference for promoting the stability and internal knowledge sharing of strategic alliance.  相似文献   

陈雪龙  肖文辉 《科研管理》2015,36(12):155-163
针对web2.0环境下的知识元协同获取问题,给出了web2.0环境下的知识元表示;在此基础上构建了以知识元属性为主体的群体研讨任务;通过群体研讨的共识状态模型,实现了多源知识元版本的融合,进而实现了知识元的协同获取。研究结果表明:以知识元作为知识的结构化表示形式,便于web2.0环境下的知识共享、传播与问题求解支持;以群体研讨理论为支撑,从定量计算视角及可操作层面给出知识元协同获取方法,便于web2.0环境下的机助知识协同获取;将群体研讨理论应用在web2.0环境下的知识元协同获取中,较之传统意义上的群体研讨,群体成员可更加方便、相对独立的表达自己观点,由此获取的知识更具客观性与全面性,一定程度上扩展了群体研讨理论的应用。  相似文献   

张建华  郭增茂  刘潇 《情报杂志》2012,31(6):112-115
针对当前知识管理(KM)对隐性知识研究乏力的突出问题,通过案例知识表示实现对隐性知识的外显化与编码,以提高对隐性知识的管理效益.首先,对案例内涵以及现有知识表示方法进行了综述研究,分析了研究思路与方法的可行性;进而,述评主流案例结构,设计并提出新的案例知识逻辑结构;而后,基于优劣互补思想分析并设计了面向对象基于框架方法的案例知识物理结构;在此基础上,设计KM之案例知识表示子系统模型,并阐释了模型工作机理,实现了对案例知识表示的完整支持.  相似文献   

 分别介绍了几种常用的知识表示方法,在讨论了知识表示方法选择所应考虑的因素后,对这些方法进行了综合比较,分别指出了其优缺点。进而提出了利用本体来表示新产品开发领域的知识以解决其知识共享和知识重用的问题,并对其优势进行了分析。  相似文献   

介绍了反渗透海水淡化的工艺流程,对其中的核心部件反渗透膜组件的主要故障类型进行了分析,并采用故障树分析法建立了相应的故障树模型。在此基础上,结合语义网表示法和产生式规则表示法两种方法,构建了专家系统的诊断知识库,并从推理策略和搜索策略两反面阐述了专家系统推理机的设计思路。在Visual Studio 2005平台下开发了相应的故障诊断专家系统软件,并结合软件对故障的诊断过程进行了详细的介绍,通过模拟输入一些故障征兆,对故障诊断专家系统进行仿真实验,得到的诊断结果与实际情况相符。  相似文献   

【目的/意义】文物图像资源日益成为数字人文基础设施建设的重要内容,为了克服存在于图像资源内容与 形式上的“语义鸿沟”对其开发利用产生的消极影响,有必要面向文物图像资源底层视觉特征与高层语义特征的精 细化映射与细粒度知识表示进行相关研究。【方法/过程】本文在分析文物图像资源知识表示需求与表示策略的基 础上,提出了基于知识元构造的文物图像资源细粒度知识表示模型。在模型设计的基础上,以著名绘画文物《历代 帝王图卷》为例,阐述了面向文物图像资源细粒度表示需求进行知识元提取、构造与数据发布的具体流程。【结果/ 结论】实验结果表明,本文提出的基于知识元的文物图像资源细粒度知识表示方法能够在图像底层视觉特征与高 层语义特征之间建立有效的语义映射关系,并通过与外部知识库的数据关联实现与开放关联数据网络的深度融 合。【创新/局限】本文从知识元角度出发,提出了文物图像资源的细粒度知识表示方法,在未来的研究中还需对文 物图像知识元的自动提取以及基于知识元的图像资源知识发现方法进行更深入地探索。  相似文献   

张娟  王向辉  付然  孙晓琳 《现代情报》2017,37(10):49-52
[目的]为了实现海量数据中信息的知识组织,促进单元信息和文献信息内容的知识关联和知识发现,构建单元信息知识组织体系;[方法]以养生领域内的领域本体、文献信息等知识资源为基础,构建养生单元信息知识服务系统;[结果/结论]"养生单元信息知识服务系统"(以下简称"养生知识服务平台")是单元信息知识组织体系建设的重要应用示范,提供语义检索、知识浏览、知识推理和知识发现等服务,实现大数据环境下"单元信息知识组织体系"的有效利用;[局限]文献资源的单元信息抽取及分析涉及人工智能、计算机处理等相关技术,技术实现有较大难度。  相似文献   

卢明纯 《现代情报》2010,30(7):34-38
在研究分析国内外法律知识库的成果基础上,结合中国的法律法规构建了基于OWL本体的法律知识库原型系统。在知识库原型中加入了国内部分法规涉及的行为及处罚,实现了法律知识的表示和推理。  相似文献   

孙二林  张为斌  宋巍 《情报杂志》2021,(4):74-81,108
[目的/意义]针对情报分析领域中的情报转化理论不够完善、不能有效指导实际项目中信息与情报、人工与机器之间融合和转化的问题,对情报转化理论做了创新发展并在实践中得到了验证。[方法/过程]该研究基于情报转化理论、知识资本构成理论、知识价值转化理论提出了情报融合分析方法,把情报分析项目中的小组、人员、工时、操作步骤投射为三维空间中的数据视图、信息视图、情报视图,这样可以可视化地描述情报分析过程,实现信息与情报、人工与机器的有机融合和相互转化。[结果/结论]最后以各国安全指数为例演示了这种方法,说明它可以解决复杂情报分析项目的问题,减少工时、提高效率。  相似文献   

非常规突发事件应急管理的知识元模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有的非常规突发事件应急管理缺乏完善的知识表示及推理模型,借鉴本体论思想,从非常规突发事件应急管理客观系统本原的角度出发构建其知识元模型,全面揭示应急管理客观系统的个体要素运动行为及其综合联系机理与规律,为融合多领域、多学科的知识提供了基本保障;通过给出知识元属性间关系的隐性描述方法,解决了知识推理的不完备性问题,从而为非常规突发事件的应急管理提供综合的知识支持。实例分析证明了该模型的有效性。  相似文献   

机构库建设与组织的知识集成探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文讨论了目前在世界范围内蓬勃开展的机构知识库的特点、资源内容、代表性项目与技术系统,另外对作为研究热点的知识管理体系中知识集成的定义与模式加以探讨.通过分析认为,建设机构知识库可作为组织的知识集成的有效手段之一,实现组织内外的知识与知识集成、知识与人集成、知识与实践集成,并实现传统学术交流方式不易实现的隐性知识与显性知识集成,促进组织的知识创新,提高核心竞争力.机构知识库的建设可以丰富知识集成的理论与实践.  相似文献   

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