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The need to engage students studying at a distance in order to reduce isolation, foster a sense of belonging and enhance learning has received significant attention over the past few years. Conversely, very little research has focused on teachers working in this type of environment. In fact, we argue, they appear to be the forgotten dimension in ‘communities’ of distance learning. In this paper we identify some of the problems generated by teaching university subjects simultaneously across a network of campuses: a practice known as multi‐location teaching. We examine strategies for engaging multi‐location teachers as key contributors to a quality learning experience for students, and provide an analysis of how identified teaching needs and professional development are addressed within one particular teaching team by a small but powerful micro‐practice called the ‘Tutors’ Forum’. Drawing on data collected through a survey and interviews conducted over 2006/07, we discuss the benefits and critical success factors of the Tutors’ Forum in facilitating engagement and professional development for teachers working at a distance from the subject coordinator and other members of the teaching team. These factors include a specific style of leadership that fosters an inclusive, dialogic space where the patterns of interaction are characterised by reciprocity, collegiality and professional care. We discuss the implications of this practice for the further engagement of university teachers in an increasingly casualised and fragmented higher education sector.  相似文献   

在远程教学设计中,有一个从“教的技术”、“学的技术”到“教与学的整合技术”的发展过程。但存在着两种不同取向的“教与学的整合技术”:“教学交互模式”和“教学理解模式”。本文分析和比较了两者的异同,并指出:只有将两者结合起来,才能促进远程教育人文性价值目标的实现。  相似文献   

Whether our students are sitting in the room with us as we teach, sitting in their home listening, participating by video-conference, or answering discussion questions on an online platform, technology can play a pivotal role in student learning. In this article we discuss technology in higher education, specifically its role in hybrid or online formats. As Renard (2005) so eloquently stated, "No generation has ever had to wait so little time for so much information" (p. 44). Presented here is a discussion of the types of students who benefit from distance learning, the factors that prompt instructors to engage in distance learning, and what instructors should know about distance education before they begin teaching with this kind of delivery.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue for a new synthesis of two pedagogic theories: feminist pedagogy and transactional distance, which explain why and how distance education has been such a positive system for women in a national distance learning university. We illustrate this with examples of positive action initiatives for women. The concept of transactional distance allows us to explore distance as a form of psychological and communication space, not simply of geographical distance. Feminist pedagogy, on the other hand, has recognised the importance of gender in structuring disciplines as well as teaching strategies. Both theories implicitly position the face-to-face classroom as the ideal learning environment, with the implication that distance learning has to produce a deficient environment. We argue that the evidence for women does not support this and present examples of feminist distance learning provision that has offered successful technology-enhanced learning and educational opportunities.  相似文献   

在"人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点"过程中,各级电大形成的教学模式各具特点;教学模式改革是远程开放教育发展的内在要求;教学模式的有效性最终应由学习者来评价;教学模式改革本质上是一种行动研究,应注重将教学模式转化为具有鲜明特色的常规化教学,不断深化教学改革。  相似文献   

关于学生个性因素与远程教育相关性的探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
随着计算机技术在教育领域中应用的不断深入 ,远程教育这种顺应新技术发展的教学模式 ,开始深入影响人类未来的学习模式。为了有效地提高网上教学的质量 ,本文探讨了学生个性因素与远程教育之间的关系 ,并提出学生的个性因素在很大程度上影响着网上教学的教学效果。因此 ,有针对性地研制适合学生个性因素的网上教学 /学习系统 ,是今后远程教育的发展方向。  相似文献   

香港公开大学学习支持服务系统的介绍   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
香港公开大学课程和教学的传递模式是以远程教学为主并辅以面授教学,因此其学习支持服务系统发挥了重要的作用。该文从入学、学习过程、学习资源、大学设施、质量监控及其它等几个方面介绍了香港公开大学学习支持服务系统,旨在帮助我国的教育工作者更好地了解其远程教育的情况,并希望对改进国内的远程教育的实践有所启发。  相似文献   

我国远程教育生源复杂,若不考虑学习者的个性化特征与需求,势必会降低远程教育的质量,因此如何为远程学习者提供差异化教学,是当前远程教育领域的重要研究课题。教学目标对教学过程起着导向作用,与学习活动及学习支持的设计息息相关,差异化教学目标设计是远程教育差异化教学的基础工作。在微观视角下,远程教学目标的差异化设计应以学习过程三阶段(即信息接收、信息组织与分化、问题解决)假设为基点,使用言语信息和智慧技能来解释行为目标,用问题解决来解释生成性目标。由于行为目标与生成性目标有其各自的差异化设计要素,以及远程学习者在学习过程的不同阶段体现出不同的学习偏好,因此将教学目标的差异化设计要素与学习者的学习偏好相匹配,即可形成微观视角下远程教学目标的差异化设计流程。这一设计流程为如何设计差异化教学目标以及开发测量学习者特征差异的实践工具提供了理论框架。  相似文献   

Economic instrumentalism and integration in Australian External Studies   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
In this article Derek Rowntree of the Open University UK's, Institute of Educational Technology, examines the implications of quality assessment for distance education and other forms of materials‐based learning. He suggests that materials‐based teaching cannot properly be judged in quite the same terms as the conventional, face‐to‐face teaching that academic peers are most familiar with. So what might they be looking for when they come to assess the quality of a department's materials‐based teaching? And what might we expect to result from such assessments?  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop guiding principles to encourage higher levels of teaching and learning in Web-based distance education. The research framework used Zetterberg's (1962) model for change. Data from semi-structured interviews with university instructors who had experience in teaching Web-based distance education courses, a focus group interview with educational technologists, a review of related literature, and my own reflective journal, provided insights for the development of teaching and learning principles. A validation process was then conducted from experts and scholars in the field through a consensus survey. The outcome was the development of a model with nine principles that facilitate higher levels of teaching and learning in Web-based distance education.  相似文献   

为提高远程教育的学习质量,应该正视远程学习者所面临的现实条件和种种困难。我们通过严谨的调查研究和相应的统计学处理,从中找出了控制性因素。针对其采取有效措施应是提高远程教育学习质量的切入点,也是形成明确、规范、稳定的远程教学运作模式的关键对策。  相似文献   

我国现代远程教育呈现出蓬勃发展的趋势,由于他依托网络学习、自主学习和个性化学习的特点,其教学模式和学习方法多种多样。本文在对新疆地区开展现代远程教育的单位进行调研的基础上,总结出了一些行之有效的教学模式和学习方法,为丰富和发展现代远程教育事业提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The concept of blended learning has begun to change the nature of all teaching and learning in higher education. Information and communication technologies have impacted by providing a means of access to digital resources and interactive communication for all courses and the blending of pedagogy and technology has produced a range of approaches to teaching and learning. This paper discusses the research literature and the writers’ research, defining what they have concluded are teaching practices that use the concept of blended learning effectively. In investigating how ICT can add variation for student learning, they analyze this from two dominant modes of pedagogy, learning environment and pedagogy through both on-campus and distance education. In both modes, students acknowledged the power and effectiveness of blended learning.  相似文献   

It is argued that language learning ought to be interactive. The traditional language classroom provides a favourable interactive situation for language learners. By contrast, the distance education mode is limited in some ways regarding language learning. Necessarily, distance education involves, primarily, self-learning. Face-to-face learning opportunities are scant compared with traditional classroom-based learning. It is, therefore, a challenge for language professionals to explore new ways of teaching language, the speaking skills in particular, within the constraints of the distance education mode. Being able to master English--an increasingly important international language--provides a key to information and learning societies in the 21 st century. In this paper, I will suggest some ways of maximizing the amount of interactive activities in English language distance learning, based on my work-based experience as a course developer of a new English enhancement course offered by the Open University of Hong Kong. I will focus on the development of listening and speaking skills, which are in fact the most problematic areas--the speaking skill, in particular, involves two-way communication. I will consider the issue from the perspectives of learners' motivation, peer support and technological support. Finally, I will present findings of a survey on the learners and tutors' feedback on the teaching materials of this new English language enhancement course.  相似文献   

远程开放教育中合作学习策略初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作学习是目前世界上许多国家普遍采用的一种富有创意和实效的教学理论与策略。远程开放教育中合作学习变传统的教师讲授为教师搭台、学习者唱戏,小组成员团结协作,彼此相师,互相学习。远程开放教育中合作学习的策略是:课内合作、课外合作和利用网络平台实施合作。合作学习能提高学习者学习的主动性,促进学习者之间良好人际关系的形成,促进学习者心理品质的发展。  相似文献   

远程教育教学资源建设策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学资源是现代远程教育的核心要素之一,教学资源建设应重点研究其建设的策略。近年来,随着远程教育的发展,教学资源的数量和种类在不断扩大,但应该如何在教学资源的设计中体现成人学习者的工作经验,加强网上教学资源的交互性设计,有效提高学习者的协作学习和探讨性学习能力,科学地设计多样性的教学资源、合理地配置教学媒体与教学内容,仍是在资源建设中要研究的问题。工学科的教学资源建设在远程教育中具有典型的意义,本丈在分析其现状的基础上,结合教学实践案例,提出了远程教育资源建设的策略:一体化设计下的开放性、融合性、交互性与多样性原则。本文还结合中国中央广播电视大学计算机专业教学资源建设的案例,探索了理论指导下课程资源建设的实践,具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

远程教育的目的是什么?远程教育蕴含着引发教育革命的种子,在增加学习机会、提升教学质量以及降低教育成本的教育革命中发挥着关键作用。远程教育方式,已经从远程课堂教学模式发展到远程学习模式。开放教育资源提供了从全世界汲取教学资源的时机,为远程教育发展提供了发展机遇。如果不大规模借助远程教育,就不可能实现普及教育和完成师资培训的目标。资源匮乏、教育机会极其有限的国家和地区,其发展正受到教育质量、成本和低入学率的制约。  相似文献   

论现代远程教育中教师地位及作用的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代远程教育利用电视、计算机、网络等教育技术,师生时空分离、学生自主学习,是一种全新教学形式,因而教师在教学中的地位与作用发生了巨大的变化:从中心、主导地位退居到从属、辅助地位,由主角变成配角,由台前转到了幕后,由教学变为助学,即主要表现为教学中的指导、辅导、督导作用。认识这一变化,对把握现代远程教学的特点和规律,提高远程教学与人才培养的质量,促进现代远程教育的健康发展,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

It has been said that assumptions regarding learning are implicit in designs of instruction and education. The purpose of this article is to explore the assumptions of the teaching‐learning process in distance education. Cognitive constructivist learning theory is used to clarify current and emerging assumptions regarding teaching and learning at a distance. It is suggested that perhaps a cognitive constructivist view of learning may provide a perspective for distance educators to clarify their assumptions and design instruction that is more than efficient assimilation of prescribed content.  相似文献   

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