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在记忆的生存优势效应中,错误记忆的表现同样至关重要.其表现出与正确记忆率同时增加的现象,显示了生存情景中错误记忆的特殊性,也从某种程度上证明了错误记忆的适应性价值.此外,文章还阐述了适应性记忆中错误记忆的主要类型和特点.  相似文献   

记忆是具有适应性的,与生存等相关的加工会导致记忆优势效应的出现。近年来,有许多学者进行了众多的实验来研究记忆的适应性问题,各种情景和方向的实验研究已经证明记忆的生存优势效应可能是一种独特而强大的编码方式。  相似文献   

大量的研究结果表明,情绪是错误记忆效应产生的一个重要因素.大多数研究认为情绪性项目的错误记忆更低,只有少数一些研究认为中性项目和情绪项目的错误记忆率没有差别.情绪状态对错误记忆的影响较为复杂,存在很大的争议.但自从记忆的精确性成为研究热点以来,绝大多数结果表明负性情绪影响着错误记忆的产生.负性信息虽然能更多地回忆出来,但同时也更可能出现错误.错误记忆中的激活过程很大程度上依赖于唤醒.高唤醒水平组表现出词汇决定任务中的简化趋势,出现了更高的错误记忆,而低唤醒组则没有表现出这一趋势.  相似文献   

有关儿童错误记忆的研究是心理学研究中的重要领域.促使儿童产生错误记忆的影响因素主要有易受暗示性、压力、访谈技术、认知不成熟等.源检测理论和模糊痕迹理论是目前解释儿童错误记忆产生机制的两种主要理论,前者认为根据记忆的特征判断记忆的采源可以检测记忆的真实程度,后者则认为记忆痕迹的强弱决定了个体记忆编码与提取的准确度.目前有关儿童错误记忆的临床与实验研究都存在一些缺陷,研究者应当更加注重自然情境下儿童错误记忆的真实表现.  相似文献   

错误记忆的发展性逆转是指在一定条件(如DRM范式)下,错误记忆会随着儿童年龄的增长而增长的现象。模糊痕迹理论从记忆痕迹衰退的角度,将错误记忆归因于要点加工和字面加工在记忆衰退中的不同表现;联想激活理论则从记忆的激活出发,将错误记忆的产生归因于项目之间的联想强度。发展性逆转效应为比较儿童和成人在记忆编码、保持和提取过程中的差异提供了新的契机。同时,发展性逆转效应告诉我们,在司法实践中证词的真实性并不因年龄而产生绝对的差别,记忆加工的过程、知识网络的特征等都应该是考量记忆正确性的因素。  相似文献   

记忆信息错误重组是一种不同来源的记忆信息成分组合在一起形成一种新的整体,而不被主体知觉的现象。实验采用学习一测试范式探讨记忆信息错误重组是否具有随机性,以及在测试阶段回忆参与的特点。结果发现,记忆信息错误重组受空间位置表征的影响,说明记忆信息并不是随机重组发生的;在测试阶段,被试表现出非单纯的熟悉性判断,对学习项目整体特征的回忆显著提高了成绩。  相似文献   

在历史记忆方面,我们经常能够看到国家记忆错误,也就是抹除或制造错误的记忆。这种所谓记忆错误综合症,往往是文化退化的标记。在记忆错误的几种形态中,完全性失忆是具有代表性的病症,比如日本教科书完全抹除南京大屠杀的历史记忆。而无独有偶的是,我们正在忘掉文革带来的历史性悲剧,由此导致了民族反思的重大空白。忘却历史造成了一个严重后果。  相似文献   

青少年网络成瘾形成的认知基础是非适应性认知,非适应性认知强化了他们认知的核心理念———“网络是无所不能的”,并产生了错误的中间信念和自动思维,在元认知监控不足的情况下表现出了上网行为的失控。  相似文献   

关于错误记忆的研究,存在多种研究范式,也取得了大量的研究成果,其中DRM范式最为常用。DRM范式是通过词组诱发错误记忆,与人们的现实经验有一定的差距。在现实生活中,人们更多地在不同的事件上发生错误记忆。关于如何从事件角度研究错误记忆,事件植入范式提供了新的视角。文章关注事件植入范式的操作流程以及已有的研究成果,并为进一步的研究提出建议。  相似文献   

目前,关于错误记忆的研究主要有考察人们对单词的错误记忆的联想研究范式和无意识知觉范式,考察个体对持续事件的错误记忆的误导信息干扰范式和KK研究范式及非实验研究的日常记忆研究范式。它们都不同程度地揭示了错误记忆现象的本质特征,是有效的研究方法。  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that performance for items requiring memory-binding processes improves between ages 4 and 6 ( J. Sluzenski, N. Newcombe, & S. L. Kovacs, 2006 ). The present study suggests that much of this improvement is due to retrieval, as opposed to encoding, deficits for 4-year-olds. Four- and 6-year-old children ( N  = 48 per age) were given objects, backgrounds, and object + background combinations to remember. Younger children performed equivalently to 6-year-olds during a working memory task for all types of memory questions but were impaired during a long-term memory task for the object + background combinations. Furthermore, this deficit was completely due to differences in false alarm rates, suggesting that separate analyses of hits and false alarms may be preferable to corrected recognition scores when studying memory development.  相似文献   

文章重点讨论错误记忆的研究范式,分析DRM范式的生态效度和植入性错误记忆的有效性问题,全面总结错误记忆研究范式的发展与进步,并在此基础上,对未来的相关研究内容及方向做出展望。  相似文献   

Working memory and planning are fundamental cognitive skills supporting fluid reasoning. We show that 2 games that train working memory and planning skills in school‐aged children promote transfer to 2 different tasks: an attentional test and a fluid reasoning test. We also show long‐term improvement of planning and memory capacities in 8‐year‐old children after playing adaptive computer games specifically tailored to entrain these cognitive functions. Working memory capacity expanded from 5 to 7 items by using our games. Furthermore, steady progression in the task indicates that this capacity can be trained rapidly. Planning abilities persisted in a nonmarkovian form of play, where a move is highly influenced by previous moves, avoiding back‐ups. Here, we introduce a public and growing platform ( http://www.matemarote.com.ar/ ) developed for this research which has the potential for wide use in educational research.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments we asked whether training in multiple contexts could eliminate context-dependent memory retrieval at 6 months as it does for adults. We found that 24-hour retention was disrupted when infants were trained in one context and tested in another but not when they were trained in multiple contexts prior to testing in a novel context (Experiment 1). After a long delay, however, training in multiple contexts did not facilitate memory retrieval in a novel context: An otherwise effective retrieval cue (the training mobile) did not alleviate forgetting 3 weeks later when it was presented in a novel context (Experiment 2). These findings demonstrate that multiple learning contexts can override the debilitating effects of an altered context on memory retrieval at 6 months, but only over the short term. The resistance of older memories to retrieval in novel contexts after long periods of disuse may be adaptive, insuring that potentially inappropriate or irrelevant memories will not be expressed.  相似文献   

An implicit assumption underlying many educational and psychological theories is that the brain is a memory system. Modern information processing theory, which dominates computer science, linguistics, psychology, economics, and biology, is a theory of the storage, organization, and retrieval of information. But did human intelligence evolve as the nervous system's solution to memory requirements or to some other problem (set) more inherently related to survival than memory? Taking an evolution-inspired (Edelman, 1987) biofunctional (Iran-Nejad, 1980) approach, this article argues that the human nervous system and its processes evolved in the natural environment to solve and generalize survival problems associated with what Gestalt psychologists identified as figure-ground relations in the realm of perception. It is concluded, therefore, that the brain's functional processes and their counterparts in learning can be more appropriately explained as fundamental figure-ground than memory processes.  相似文献   

我是我的印象的一部分,而我的全部印象才是我,记忆与印象作为史铁生的写作之源,经历了极限体验、反思生存、通过写作寻找生存的意义以及把记忆与印象作为写作之源的几个阶段。  相似文献   

现代认知心理学目前已经涉及到情绪与各种认知过程、尤其是情绪与记忆关系问题的探讨。对于记忆和情绪的双向关系问题,目前的研究热点是内隐记忆中诸情绪的记忆效应问题。其中,正常人与心理症患者或非正常的心理状态中的情绪的记忆效应构成了两个研究方向。前者集中探讨了心境与记忆的关系,发现记忆的心境依赖效应、记忆的心境一致性效应和资源分配效应,主张内隐记忆可能会负载某种心境的变化,进而可以通过某种先验情绪体验或情绪活动的变量集合来揭示内隐记忆的一些特征。后者从神经症患者的临床表现、机能性遗忘症、遗忘症与催眠情绪诱发、内隐知觉中的“纯粹接触效应”以及分离与去同步化等五个领域出发,系统界定了情绪记忆的内隐机能,认为与情绪反应相连的广泛的精神病症候变量均可反映内隐记忆。沿循上述思路与方法,现代认知心理学必将获得一种整合心理动力学的理论框架与手段,进一步探究认知、情绪和动机过程乃至身心交互作用等根本性问题。  相似文献   

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