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运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法对黑龙江省各地区比较有代表性的5所高校体育教育专业健美操专项课教学大纲和健美操老师为研究对象,对这5所高校体育教育专业健美操专项课程设置进行系统调查、分析,了解到目前黑龙江省各高校健美操专项课程设置与社会需求脱轨;与学生需求矛盾;课程设置过于偏重技能教学而忽略理论课程的讲授。给出如下建议:适当降低传统课程的授课时数;增加流行课程和实践能力培养课的比重;增加理论课的授课时数、丰富理论课的授课内容。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法对黑龙江省各地区比较有代表性的5所高校体育教育专业健美操专项课教学大纲和健美操老师为研究对象,对这5所高校体育教育专业健美操专项课程设置进行系统调查、分析,了解到目前黑龙江省各高校健美操专项课程设置与社会需求脱轨;与学生需求矛盾;课程设置过于偏重技能教学而忽略理论课程的讲授.给出如下建议:适当降低传统课程的授课时数;增加流行课程和实践能力培养课的比重;增加理论课的授课时数、丰富理论课的授课内容.  相似文献   

文章通过对江西省22所高校35位教师的年龄、学历、教学科研等情况的调查,发现教师的科研能力和理论水平普遍较差,课程内容和设置存在较多问题,主管部门应该加大对武术师资和物质的投入,重视理论课的教学和武术文化教育,改革课程形式和内容,优化教材,营造良好的教学环境。  相似文献   

郭曼 《体育师友》2014,(6):30-32
从素质教育的角度出发,分析高校素质教育的内涵,并针对当前我国普通高校体育理论课程教学中存在的问题,分析体育理论教学改革的必要性,提出转变观念,重视体育理论课教学;恰当运用"以人为本"的教学理念、适当加入人文教育;构建高校体育理论课的教学评价体系是体育理论课程改革的途径。  相似文献   

对普通高校体育理论课程建设若干问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高等学校公共体育课程改革的大背景下,大学体育理论课的课程建设成为容易被忽视的部分,以《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》的实施为背景,综合运用文献资料、逻辑论证等研究方法,探讨高校公共体育理论课程建设中存在的问题,并就相关问题提出拟解决的方法。  相似文献   

山东省普通高校体育课理论教学现状与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对山东省28所普通高校体育课理论教学现状进行了调查研究,结果表明:高校体育理论课的教学现状与新的《全国高校体育课程教学指导纲要》的要求基本相符,主要问题表现在理论课教学时数偏少、理论课教学内容与学生需求脱节、理论课教学形式落后、教学效果一般、体育教师理论教学能力有待加强、学生体育理论课学习态度消极等。  相似文献   

理论界对高校思想政治理论课实践教学的研究主要从教学和课程两个视角出发。教学视角研究的面特别广,研究较多的主要集中在思想政治理论课实践教学的含义、面临的困难或存在的问题、模式、形式、保障条件等方面,但宏观研究较多,缺少操作性且偏重于理论分析,实证分析不够;课程视角的研究相对较少,同样缺少微观深入的研究,还不能真正指导高校思想政治理论课实践教学的开展。  相似文献   

德国体育院校运动训练专业课程设置具有课程门数较多、理论课比例较大的特点,学生有较大的选择空间,对学生的运动水平要求不高,进行典型的通才教育.基于此,分析我国运动训练专业课程设置现状.提出优化我国运动训练专业课程设置的思路:确立多元化的培养目标,增加学生选课的自由度和开发特色课程等.  相似文献   

中学体育课分为实践课和理论课,体育理论课是以运动技能知识、体育科学理论、健康理论等为主要内容的课程,可以使学生认识、理解体育,让学生在实际应用中能够运用理论指导实践,科学的进行锻炼,从而促进学生身体健康的发展。从中学体育理论课现状出发,从学生身体发展、学生体育思想建设、学生终生体育等方面探讨中学体育理论课建设的价值,并提出改善中学体育理论课建设的相应对策。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、个案分析等研究方法,以南京市弘光中学体育舞蹈教学开展现状为个案研究,对体育舞蹈开展现状、存在的问题以及各种影响其发展的因素进行调查分析.研究表明:体育舞蹈课程获得了学生的欢迎,学生对体育舞蹈的认知程度较高,但其课程设置不够合理、学校的教学场地及设施相对较差,缺少专业教师.建议中学体育舞蹈课应增加理论课,增设辅助课程,提高硬件设施和师资力量.  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论对体育院校理论课教学有一定的启示,体育院校理论课教学首先应该重视学生的价值;体育院校理论课教学学生与教师之间、学生与学生之间的相互作用很重要;体育院校理论课教学要鼓励学生积极探索、创造,这是促进学生成才的重要方面;要给学生以实践的机会,才能更好地促进他们的发展;教师的发展是提高体育院校理论课教学质量的关键。对待建构主义不能盲目,要正确地认识。  相似文献   

《体育保健学》是应用性课程,但多年来,成人教育面授课程中没有实验课的内容,很大程度上影响了课程的教 学效果。在广泛调研基础上,运用现代教学理论和手段,将实验课内容制成教学录像片,用边看、边讲解、边模仿练习 的方式替代实验教学过程。研究表明,此方法的运用取得了良好的教学效果,并解决了实验教学开课难的具体问题。  相似文献   

采用组间比较分析、专家评定、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对田径专项理论课运用个别化教学系统进行了实验研究,并得出如下结论:1)个别化教学系统的教学结构基本特征为:定向掌握,学生自定学习速度,教师少量讲课;使用指导性教材,评估测试。符合以学生为中心,学生自主型向学的原理发展的基本要求。2)个别化教学系统适用于田径专项理论课的教学,并能够较好地掌握田径专项理论知识内容。3)个别化教学系统有利于培养学生的自学习惯和自学能力的发展,为学生向个性化、个别化方向发展提供了空间。  相似文献   

高校体育课教学内容的现状与改革   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
龚婉敏 《体育学刊》2001,8(3):80-82
围绕高等学校在培养跨世纪合格人才中,大学生在体育方面应具备的能力和素质进行研究。提出将理论课和实践课(教材、课时、成绩)按1:1的比例组织实施的改革设想,改变传统的以重复运动技术传授为中心的旧的教材体系,建立以强身育人、传授体育健康知识、加强体育意识和体育能力培养、形成终身体育思想为中心的新内容体系,使学生能自觉地运用在课堂上所掌握的体育知识和健身方法,指导自己长期参与体育锻炼,投身到全民健身的行列。  相似文献   

运用文献综述法和逻辑归纳法,试图通过社会学的视角对现代社会与休闲体育的关系进行分析,首先通过对现代生产、生活方式对休闲体育的接纳分析,得出现代社会需要休闲体育,并进一步借鉴冲突理论剖析休闲体育的功能,得出休闲体育能促进社会的和谐发展;接着着重阐述休闲体育对构建和谐社会的作用;最后提出发展休闲体育应注意的问题,目的为了使休闲体育能更好地促进和谐社会的发展。  相似文献   

本文对江海职业技术学院2011级35名大学生进行一个学期的网球课内外一体化教学实验研究,并在实验前后对学生的身体素质、网球专项能力、心理健康进行测试评价。实验结果:经过了一个学期的网球课内外一体化实验后,学生的身体素质、网球专项能力均有显著性提高,在人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、偏执等因子方面比实验前均有显著性降低,表明网球课内外一体化教学对大学生的身体素质提高和心理健康水平改善具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

This review article provides an overview of the state of research in the English and German languages on inclusive physical education lessons. Studies published in journals and collected works between 2005 and 2014 were included. A systematic literature search was carried out and articles were selected according to predetermined criteria. A total of 74 articles were included in this review and categorized into the 3 superordinate topics attitude, lessons and qualifications. The compact presentation of the results revealed a tendency towards a positive attitude on inclusive physical education lessons of all participants questioned; however, teaching staff were critical of the concrete implementation of inclusive lessons and admitted that they had been insufficiently prepared for this during training. Pupils also expressed positive as well as negative experiences for participation in inclusive physical education lessons; however, some study results indicated that the acceptance of children with disabilities as well as their effectiveness of learning and physical activity can be improved by special interventional approaches. A core topic of inclusive lessons is a cooperation between the various participants. In this way problems are revealed, which can partly be attributed to the sometimes less clearly defined task profile and to discipline-specific training deficits of some participants. Finally, based on a critically constructive discussion, recommendations on further research approaches on inclusive physical education lessons in German-speaking regions are presented.  相似文献   

普通高校田径课改革之设想   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
针对目前我国普通高校田径课不受欢迎的现象,通过资料查阅、问卷调查和访谈的方法提出:淡化田径课的竞技意识,树立健康体育、终身体育、快乐体育的思想,把以技术学习、体能训练为主的田径课改革为以快乐健身走、快乐健身跑、快乐健身跳和快乐健身投为主要内容的健身娱乐课;用教考分离的考试方法和全面合理的考试内容去检验教和学的效果,使学生在学习中体验快乐,在快乐中增进健康,从而产生对田径快乐健身的需求,在不断的需求中形成自觉锻炼身体的良好习惯。  相似文献   

普通高校公共体育课程的改革与创新   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:40  
谢静月 《体育学刊》2002,9(6):98-99
通过对普通高校公共体育课程现状分析,以现代教育理论为指导,提出普通高校公共体育课程改革与创新发展的思路,以期为公共体育课程建设提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

Background: Crum proposes the term ‘movement culture’ as a means to best understand the relationships between PE and wider movement practices. Learning within movement culture is practical and embodied, and integral to the cultural and institutional contexts within which PE is situated. Purpose: Using visual data gathered from PE lessons within a UK primary school this paper aims to identify movement cultures across the observed PE lessons, and understand how these movement cultures are shaped and maintained by analysing how teachers and pupils' actions-in-on-going-events make the movement cultures something ‘in-common’. Participants, research design and data collection: A mixture of Year 5 and 6 PE lessons were video recorded within a primary school in the West Midlands. Careful attention was paid to the ethical considerations involved in the collection and storage of the data. Data analysis: By dissolving the dualism between an individual and their environment, Dewey and Bentley's (1949/1991) transactional theory of learning supports an analysis of action in context. Application of this theory enables the researcher to explore actions-in-on-going activities and understand how this action shapes the movement culture within which it occurs. In this process we did not use theory to deduce the participants' intensions or potential changes in their cognitive structures; rather it was the functions' actions constituted in the observed situation, which lead the analysis. Findings: The existence of a multi-activity idea of sampling different sports within this study of primary PE amounted to eating from a smorgasbord where the flavours of the dishes initially looked different, but actually tasted the same. Each dish was differentiated by the use of contrasting equipment, physical locations and named activities. In reality what was realised was a diluted, repetitive and overriding flavour of looks-like-sport. Pupils were tasked with actions which functioned to produce a stage managed show of controlled activity. This was supplemented by their compliance to strict behaviour codes and by attempting to make highly cooperative tasks and games work. This was aided by the adoption and acceptance of different roles. Succeeding within this movement culture demanded an implicit understanding of the need to coordinate actions with others cooperatively. Conclusions: The standout flavour within this smorgasbord involved gymnastics, where the removal of competition and provision of space for pupils to re-actualise their knowledge, created an interesting blend of pupil engagement, sustained physical activity, creativity, inclusion and cooperation. These interesting flavours may have been curtailed by a need to replicate movements acceptable to doing gymnastics-for-real and suggests that other forms of looks-like-sport may have the potential to elicit similar action. Continued investigation of the directions of actions-in-context-in-PE-settings would aid our understanding of the creation, nature and reproduction of learning experiences within this looks-like-sport movement culture. More specifically, analysis of the educational content and pedagogy of the recorded PE lessons within this school would support our understanding of how teachers and pupils negotiate the complex mix of educational, sport and health discourses that constitute the looks-like-sport movement culture.  相似文献   

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