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采用文献资料法、测试法以及数理统计法,对我国17名艺术体操队现役一线优秀运动员和47名各省市艺术体操后备力量进行了形态指标的测试分析,旨为我国艺术体操运动员的选材和训练提供理论和实践依据.结果表明:身体形态对于艺术体操运动员来说是从事本项目的首要条件,尤其是身体各环节间长度的比例,指间距-身高、跟腱长/小腿长A×100及坐高/下肢长C×100是艺术体操优秀运动员的典型形态指标.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查及数理统计等方法,对我国高水平蹦床运动员身体形态各指标进行了研究、分析,初步建立了高水平蹦床运动员身体形态模型。结果表明:反映身体形态的各指标具有不同的重要程度,其中小腿加足高和小腿长的权重最大;克托莱指数和下肢长次之,髂前上棘宽的权重最小;反映下肢围度的大腿围和小腿围居中。现我国高水平蹦床运动员具有下肢较长、大腿和小腿的围度相对较粗、身体充实度适中、髋部较窄的形态特点。  相似文献   

以参加云南昆明全国青少年竞走集训的50名优秀女子运动员为研究对象,对运动员身体形态特征指标进行研究.结果表明,我国优秀青少年女子竞走运动员的身体形态特征从长度、匀称度、长度比例、足弓、下肢比例5个层面,以及与之相对应的小腿长 足高、体重/身高×1 000、踝围/下肢长、足高、小腿 足高/下肢长5个典型指标有效地反映出来.在此基础上建立了评价模型,并制定了评分标准和等级评价标准.  相似文献   

通过对我国35名跳水教练员和专家对跳水运动员身体形态特征认识的调查,以及对包括国家集训队在内的182名跳水运动员形态实测结果的分析表明,我国优秀跳水运动员身高中等略偏低,体重适中,具有身体上下身比例协调,肩略宽,躯干呈倒三角形,身体体脂较薄,围度适中,匀称,上下肢较长,小腿较长的特点,其中,小腿长A/下肢长B×100指标有鉴别性,可以作为优秀运动员选材的参考指标之一.研究结果明确了优秀跳水运动员形态各项指标的特征和优秀标准的范围.  相似文献   

研究对象:我国优秀中跑运动员。 研究方法:文献资料法、专家调查法、测试法和数理统计法。 研究结果与分析:1.中跑运动员的身体形态特征对中跑运动员来讲,身体形态的要求要比长跑要求严格,要有一定的身高、下肢长、小腿长度、踝关节围度小、跟腱明显等特点。我国优秀中跑运动员的身高与国外选手仍有差距,男、女差数分别为3.8和3.9厘米,克托莱指数中外选手仍有较大差别,但是无论女子或男子运动员都稍高于以往的全国平均水平;踝围/跟腱长、(下肢长B-小腿长A)/小腿长A×100指数与国内以前的研究结果比较接近。  相似文献   

研究河南省篮球传统项目学校少儿男子(小学组)9支学校篮球队运动员的身体形态指标共计11项,进行测量所获取的数据加以分析。研究表明:1)经因子分析提取少儿篮球运动员的身体形态的优先发展特征分别是:体重、小腿长、大腿长、小臂长、足长、腕长。2)对决定少儿篮球运动员的身体形态5个因子为因变量,以训练年限为自变量再进行回归分析表明:随着训练年数的增加,小腿长度、大腿长度、足长、腕长具有显著性差异P0.05,下肢的发展优于上肢;而体重和小臂长度具有不显著性差异P0.05。  相似文献   

一、身体形态特点 不是所有身材高的人都能成为跳过运动员,但是跳高运动员(下肢长A/身高×100)的指数一定要高。另外跳高运动员的脂肪率同其他运动项目比相对要求低。身材高、躯干短、下肢长的少年,在训练中有较大的发展潜力。跳高运动员形态突出特点是足弓高、跟腱细长、踝围细、骨盆窄小。  相似文献   

一、研究的目的: 研究的目的主要是解决体操运动员在选材方而的形态标准,以便做为教练员、教师在选材和训练中的参考和依据。二、研究的对象和方法: 我们对1978~1983年以来参加全国体操比赛的男、女共649名体操运动员(男251名、女398名),按十项形态指标:身高、坐高、体重、肩宽、手长、上肢长、下肢长、大腿围、小腿围进行了测试。把以上测试的数据计算了年增长率、均值及九项形态指标与身高的比值,与全国青少年、儿童体质调查研究组测试的数据进行分析、对比,并按统计学的要求进行了推算。  相似文献   

浙江省少年田径运动员身体形态指标的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用测量、数理统计、比较等方法,探讨少年田径运动员身体重心高度、身高、下肢长A等指标在不同生物年龄段的变化特征及各指标间的内在关系。结果表明,少年田径运动员身体重心相对高度与下肢长A/身高×100%指数基本上是随着生物年龄的增长而下降,身体重心绝对高度、身高、下肢长A年增长值总体的变化趋势较为一致;少年男、女田径运动员身体重心绝对高度与身高、下肢长A之间为高度相关,身体重心相对高度与下肢长A之间为不相关。  相似文献   

王荣辉  张一民  任弘 《体育科学》2007,27(7):30-40,50
通过对我国包括国家集训队运动员在内的182名一线跳水运动员竞技能力指标实测结果的分析,明确了我国优秀跳水运动员竞技能力结构模型,建立了跳水优秀运动员选材(高级选材)的指标体系,其中包括体能类指标:小腿长A/下肢长B×100、原地纵跳/身高×100(男)、20次仰卧举腿计时、30 s十字变向跳;技术类指标:自选动作难度之和、自选动作平均得分;心理类指标:赛前情绪总分(男)、成就动机总分、注意力总分、意志品质总分(男)、智力分。并提出将眼底检查结果作为资格指标,将动态平衡得分、第2周下降高度作为辅选指标,确定了跳水优秀运动员选材评价标准。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine whether there is a sex difference in limb muscle cross-sectional area by comparing upper- and lower-body limb fat-free cross-sectional areas (FFCSAs) adjusted for differences in fat-free weight (FFW), in male and female athletes with similar histories of upper-body physical conditioning and in non-athletes. Limb FFCSAs were calculated from circumferences corrected for subcutaneous fat thickness and FFW was estimated from body density measured by underwater weighing in 24 male and 25 female swimmers and 23 male and 25 female non-athletes, 15 to 28 years of age. The male swimmers had 32% larger FFWs and 49% larger upper-arm, similar forearm and 23% larger thigh FFCSAs compared to the female swimmers. The male non-athletes had 34% larger FFWs, 61% larger upper-arms, 54% larger forearms and 35% larger thighs than female non-athletes. To adjust for differences in body size, analysis of covariance was performed on the FFCSAs using FFW as the covariate. For the swimmers there were no significant differences (P greater than 0.05) in the adjusted FFCSAs. For the non-athletes, males had significantly larger adjusted upper-arm and forearm FFCSAs than the females but thigh FFCSAs were not significantly different (P greater than 0.05). These results suggest that sex differences in muscle area of the arms, may be partially attributed to long-term activity differences between sexes. Possible long-term differences in activity between sexes should be considered in comparisons of functional or performance measures between sexes.  相似文献   

下肢鞭打应属于打击性鞭打动作,选择踢球这一典型的下肢鞭打动作作为研究对象,利用三维录像拍摄与解析技术、逆向动力学计算方法和无线遥测肌电测试与分析技术对其进行了同步研究,以期能够从运动学、动力学、肌电学3个不同的层面来揭示下肢鞭打动作的特征与机制。研究表明:1)下肢鞭打动作角速度特征为后摆时表现为大腿逐渐减速,小腿加速→最大角速度→减速的特点;前摆时表现为大腿加速→最大角速度→减速,小腿持续加速的特点。2)髋关节的屈肌力矩、膝关节的伸肌力矩、踝关节的背屈力矩在下肢鞭打动作前摆阶段起主导作用;髋关节的内收/外展力矩起定向作用;髋关节旋内/旋外力矩、膝关节旋内/旋外力矩以及踝关节内翻力矩的主要作用是对脚的方位及倾斜程度进行调整。3)股直肌、股内肌、股外肌、胫骨前肌在下肢鞭打动作前摆阶段起主导作用。4)小腿加速前摆的初期伸膝肌群产生的伸膝力矩在起支配作用,后期是伸膝力矩与来自大腿角动量的传递共同在起作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences in upper and lower body strength as a function of lean body weight and the distribution of muscle and subcutaneous fat in the upper and lower limbs. The subjects were 103 physically active men (n = 48) and women (n = 55). The peak torques produced during shoulder flexion (SF) and knee extension (KE) were used as measures of upper body and lower body strength, respectively. Flexed arm girth, thigh girth, triceps skinfold, and thigh skinfold were used to estimate the distribution of muscle and subcutaneous fat in the limbs. Results of the MANOVA revealed that the overall strength of men was significantly greater than that of women. Results of MANCOVA indicated that the SF and KE strength of women and men did not differ significantly when differences in lean body weight, arm girth, thigh girth, triceps skinfold and thigh skinfold were statistically controlled. High levels of SF and KE strength were associated with a high lean body weight and a large arm girth. Results of the multiple regression analysis indicated that for men a substantial portion of the variance in both SF and KE strength was explained by lean body weight alone; whereas strength variations in women were explained more adequately by including limb variables along with lean body weight. Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that gender differences in upper and lower body strength are a function of differences in lean body weight and the distribution of muscle and subcutaneous fat in the body segments. Upper body strength is relatively more important than lower body strength in characterizing the gender difference in strength.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the anthropological status of elite male and female speed skaters, who were members of the 1985–7 Canadian national teams. The data were compared to those for a control group of University students. The subjects were 8 males and 6 females between 19 and 27 years of age. Nine breadth, 14 girth, 16 length and 15 skinfold measurements were used to compute parameters of body build and the composition; corrected diameters, masses, volumes and fat‐free volumes of the upper arm, forearm, thigh and calf. The speed skaters were found to be similar in body height and mass (males: 178 ± 7.6 cm and 75.5 ± 5.5 kg, females: 165.8 ± 3.8 cm and 62.3 ± 5.8 kg) to the student controls, but they had relatively and absolutely shorter legs and longer trunks. The speed skaters had a lower amount of body fat and higher FFM than their respective student controls and significantly greater relative (P ≤ 0.01) and absolute (P ≤ 0.05) total muscle mass. Analysis of composition within segments indicated that the additional muscle mass is located entirely in the lower extremity. The volume and mass of the thigh was greater (P ≤ 0.01 for the males) than that of the respective controls while the estimated volume of fat was lower. The female speed skaters were found to have more fat on their thigh than either the male speed skaters or male controls. The corrected diameter and mass of the thigh were greater (with respect to the sex) than those reported for 400 m sprinters, marathon runners, cross‐country skiers and figure skaters. The results of the initial assessment were compared to the two consecutive tests of the men's team (conducted 8 and 12 months later) and to one repeated test of the women's team (3 months later). Changes were recorded in skinfold measurements and the muscle component of the thigh.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the anthropological status of elite male and female speed skaters, who were members of the 1985-7 Canadian national teams. The data were compared to those for a control group of University students. The subjects were 8 males and 6 females between 19 and 27 years of age. Nine breadth, 14 girth, 16 length and 15 skinfold measurements were used to compute parameters of body build and the composition; corrected diameters, masses, volumes and fat-free volumes of the upper arm, forearm, thigh and calf. The speed skaters were found to be similar in body height and mass (males: 178 +/- 7.6 cm and 75.5 +/- 5.5 kg, females: 165.8 +/- 3.8 cm and 62.3 +/- 5.8 kg) to the student controls, but they had relatively and absolutely shorter legs and longer trunks. The speed skaters had a lower amount of body fat and higher FFM than their respective student controls and significantly greater relative (P less than or equal to 0.01) and absolute (P less than or equal to 0.05) total muscle mass. Analysis of composition within segments indicated that the additional muscle mass is located entirely in the lower extremity. The volume and mass of the thigh was greater (P less than or equal to 0.01 for the males) than that of the respective controls while the estimated volume of fat was lower. The female speed skaters were found to have more fat on their thigh than either the male speed skaters or male controls. The corrected diameter and mass of the thigh were greater (with respect to the sex) than those reported for 400 m sprinters, marathon runners, cross-country skiers and figure skaters. The results of the initial assessment were compared to the two consecutive tests of the men's team (conducted 8 and 12 months later) and to one repeated test of the women's team (3 months later). Changes were recorded in skinfold measurements and the muscle component of the thigh.  相似文献   

青少年Wingate无氧功率与下肢骨骼、肌肉形态的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:探讨30秒Wingate无氧功率测试指标与骨骼、肌肉的形态的关系。研究对象与方法:29名19-21岁青少年参加测试,超声法测量小腿三头肌及其肌腱,常规方法测量其它形态学指标,Wingate法测量下肢无氧功率,运动5min后测取血乳酸值。结果:最高功率、最高功率/公斤体重、平均功率、平均功率/公斤体重男性均高于女性,WAT运动后5分血乳酸值男性显著高。结果表明:男性组瘦体重与平均功率显著正相关,女性组大、小腿围度与平均功率显著正相关,下肢肌肉骨骼的形态学指标与下肢无氧功率在两组间均无明显相关。  相似文献   

目的:通过构建运动项目定位模型,探索“国家高水平体育后备人才基地”选材测试指标体系对青少年运动员的运动项目定位的效果,进一步获得有助于人才识别的选材特征指标。方法:以近五年(2015—2019年)上海市两所市级体育运动学校的11~18岁青少年运动员(男性663名、女性662名)为研究对象,每两岁为一组,采用标准式判别分析探索基地选材测试体系对运动员所从事运动项目的正确定位能力,步进式判别分析更进一步筛选出在运动项目定位中相对重要的特征指标,皆由留一法进行交叉验证。结果:通过标准判别分析,基地选材测试体系对男性青少年运动员初始案例进行分类的正确率为11~12岁的77.0%,13~14岁的51.2%,15~16岁的60.6%,以及17~18岁的77.4%,经交叉验证后的正确分类率分别降为48.0%、36.5%、40.4%和63.2%;对女性青少年运动员初始案例进行分类的正确率为11~12岁的61.7%、13~14岁的54.0%、15~16岁的61.1%和17~18岁的90.1%,交叉验证后的正确分类率分别降为31.6%、32.5%、37.3%和71.8%。通过步进式判别分析,有助于项目正确定位的特征指标有男运动员11~12岁的肩宽和小腿长A,13~14岁的下肢长B、大腿围、肺活量和背力,15~16岁的下肢长B、小腿围、大腿围和背力,以及17~18岁的身高、胸围和背力;女运动员的项目定位特征指标为11~12岁的小腿长A和肺活量,13~14岁的体重、指距、下肢长B和背力,15~16岁的下肢长B、背力和皮褶厚度和,以及17~18岁的身高、体重、小腿围、皮褶厚度和与背力。结论:基地选材测试指标体系对青少年运动员的运动项目定位表现出中到高的有效性,会受到年龄和项目的影响。下肢长B和背力指标在青春中后期表现出较强的运动项目区分能力,小腿长A指标则在青春前期表现出区分优势,可作为运动项目定位时的特征指标。  相似文献   

During the 1997 Federation Internationale des Societes d'Aviron (FISA) World Junior Rowing Championships, the anthropometric characteristics of 245 female junior rowers aged 17.5 ± 0.8 years (mean ± s) were assessed. Twenty-seven body dimensions (body mass, 6 heights or lengths, 4 breadths, 10 girths and 6 skinfolds) were measured in total. The elite female junior rowers were taller (174.5 ± 6.2 cm) and heavier (69.5 ± 6.2 kg), with greater length, breadth and girth dimensions, but lower skinfold thicknesses than a representative sample of Flemish (Belgian) girls of the same chronological age. An anthropometric profile chart was constructed that was rowing-specific and norms were established. Compared with scullers, sweep rowers were heavier (+4.2 kg) and taller (+2.8 cm), with greater length, breadth (except for femur width) and girth dimensions (except for calf girth). Sweep rowers also had greater skinfold thicknesses (except for the thigh and calf skinfolds). Finalists were heavier (+3.6 kg) and taller (+3.9 cm), with greater length, breadth (except for femur width) and girth dimensions (except for calf girth) than non-finalists. No significant differences were found for skinfold thicknesses between finalists and non-finalists.  相似文献   

During the 1997 Federation Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron (FISA) World Junior Rowing Championships, the anthropometric characteristics of 245 female junior rowers aged 17.5 +/- 0.8 years (mean +/- s) were assessed. Twenty-seven body dimensions (body mass, 6 heights or lengths, 4 breadths, 10 girths and 6 skinfolds) were measured in total. The elite female junior rowers were taller (174.5 +/- 6.2 cm) and heavier (69.5 +/- 6.2 kg), with greater length, breadth and girth dimensions, but lower skinfold thicknesses than a representative sample of Flemish (Belgian) girls of the same chronological age. An anthropometric profile chart was constructed that was rowing-specific and norms were established. Compared with scullers, sweep rowers were heavier (+4.2 kg) and taller (+2.8 cm), with greater length, breadth (except for femur width) and girth dimensions (except for calf girth). Sweep rowers also had greater skinfold thicknesses (except for the thigh and calf skinfolds). Finalists were heavier (+3.6 kg) and taller (+3.9 cm), with greater length, breadth (except for femur width) and girth dimensions (except for calf girth) than non-finalists. No significant differences were found for skinfold thicknesses between finalists and non-finalists.  相似文献   

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