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近几年来,湖北省内部图书编印无论是品种数量还是印数均呈逐年递增之势,其中1991—1993年三年间,全省编印内部图书年平均数在千种以上,年平均印数达600万册。经过省新闻出版局宏观调控,此后几年内部图书编印种数和印数均有所减少,1994年—1995年年均品种数控制在800种以内,年平均印数在500万册以内。从编印单位看,主要为党政机关、企事业单位、大专院校和社会团体。  相似文献   

上个世纪初和四十年代,日本人编纂了两套中国的地方志书,名之为<支那省别全志>和<新修支那省别全志>,为绝无仅有的由外国人修撰的中国志书.由于运用近代科学调查方法所得,其体例、方法令人耳目一新,材料真实可靠,开中国方志先例,可谓第-部中国新式方志,是近代中国史研究不可多得的宝贵资料.其中的甘肃卷对研究近代中国西部社会经济有着重要的价值.  相似文献   

第八节印数一本书的印数是单位生产成本最重要的因素,在苏联也被认为与著作的质量一样,是决定其社会影响的因素之一。印数对单价的影响从而对利润的影响见第二表。该表说明一部著作发行一万五千册就可能亏损六百七十四卢布,同一部著作发行七万五千册就会使出版社赢利四千零七十三卢布。虽然出版社在制定年度出版计划时对每种书的印数作了初步估计,但他  相似文献   

随着新一轮续修新方志工作的启动,即墨市委、市政府坚持以"创一流业绩,写上乘志书,修高尚人品"为理念,依托原始档案资料,不断拓展史志服务新领域。以新修一部150万字的《即墨市  相似文献   

新修方志之总纂研究,近些年始集中于诸多总纂者个人的经验之谈,继而注重有关方志的总纂工艺,笔者以为尚有两点不足:一是对“总纂”一词没有明确的界定;二是未能从理论的高度去探讨新方志总纂及其实施要点。总纂,作为新方志的编修工作,它既贯穿于一部方志编纂的全过程,又与方志的审  相似文献   

简述新修方志的出版情况及其价值,介绍新修方志文献采访工作的经验。  相似文献   

所谓新修方志,是指新中国成立以后编修的方志.新修方志的种类以行政区域划分有总志、通志、地区志、市志、县志等综合志;以内容划分有专志,细分为自然、山川、农业、工业、商业、金融等子目以及体育志、公路志、气象志、林业志等行业志.我们论述的以综合志为主.据不完全统计,新修方志自建国初至1960年共完成250余种,至1998年修成3000多种,编成6000余种,接近于中国现存旧志的总和(《中国地方志综录》统计有旧方志7413种),具有极高收藏价值.  相似文献   

盛世修志,我国第一部社会主义新方志早已出版,"续志工程"又在紧锣密鼓中进行,党中央、国务院明确规定:省、市、县三级今后每隔20年修一届地方志,届届相连.  相似文献   

“公称部数”休矣─—日本杂志出版界面临新的考验兹心日本杂志业界所说的杂志发行量,共有四种类型的用法。一种是出版社方面的理想数字,即所谓的“公称部数”,一种是实际印数,即“印刷部数”,第三种是交给书店的数字,即“发行部数”,最后一种是实际卖掉的数字,即...  相似文献   

一、情况首先讲进货工作,是否有萎缩的情况。据上海人民出版社季学众同志统计,该社1979年出版101种新书,印数在10万册以上的36种,占35.6%;印数在2万册以下的是23种,占22.8%。1980年,印数多的品种下降,而印数少的品种则大幅度上升。至1980年5月底,该社已出34种和已有印数的42种,共76种。印数10万册以上的只有17种,占22%;印数2万册以下的37种,占48.6%。有些书,书店订货数少得可怜,只有2、3千册,甚至只  相似文献   

科技期刊纸本的个性化印制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王跃  王晴  胡兴戎 《编辑学报》2017,29(4):377-379
根据在数字网络技术高速发展的当代,科技期刊的数字化出版被广泛应用,不再需要大量印制纸本的实际情况,科技期刊的影响力由纸本时代的以印数为评价标准,转而以网络访问量、被引频次和影响因子等以及被权威检索系统收录为评价参数.在这一新形势下,应用计算机将数字文本直接印制成纸质文本技术的诞生为“个性化印刷”模式的建立和发展奠定了基础,开创了新的印制时代.  相似文献   


The following is a cost comparison of students photocopying print reserve readings for a typical college course versus printing out hard copies of the same articles if they are offered as electronic reserves at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. The prices quoted were taken from the website of a major office supply company the week of December 19. Photocopying costs were current for the academic year at the University, as are the printing costs from public stations in the W. E. B. Du Bois Library.  相似文献   

活字印刷在古代中国没有像古代朝鲜和中世纪末期欧洲那样成为文献复制方式的主流,与其自身的特点以及中国封建社会的经济、社会、文化和学术环境相关。活字技术适合一次性印刷大批量书籍,不如雕版技术适合长线印刷。中国地域广袤,除中央机构刻印书籍外,地方印书业也比较发达,官府、书院、私人等都刻印或覆刻书籍,一次性印量有限,多采用雕版技术长线印刷。古代朝鲜在学习了中国的活字印刷技术之后,与其社会特点与需要相结合,得到了广泛应用。古代朝鲜中央设立书籍院,铸造活字,统一负责图书印刷并发放至地方,活字技术正好适合大批量图书的印刷。与同时期中国封建社会环境不同的是,15世纪中叶德国人谷腾堡发明铅合金活字时,正值欧洲宗教改革和工业革命的前夜,活字印刷适应了文艺复兴和宗教改革运动对文献印刷和传播的需要,社会结构、工商业环境、资本市场的变化以及出版企业化等因素,推动了活字印刷在欧洲的广泛应用和迅速发展。活字印刷术虽然在中国古代并未成为图书出版的主流,但它仍在传播文化领域发挥了重要的作用,与雕版印刷术一道,构成了中华民族对全人类最伟大的贡献之一。参考文献22。  相似文献   

The print publishing industry today is very different from what it was 5 years ago, or even 1 year ago. Developments in book manufacturing technology, the pressures to reduce print runs due to the impact in the growth of e-books and comprehensive distribution models, have given way to a new efficient book supply chain that has made more content available to consumers than ever before, and, has dramatically streamlined how books get into the hands of readers worldwide.  相似文献   

In the planned economy model, publishers brought out the titles for which they had been given permission in a pre-determined number of copies. Vendors were obliged to take over the publishing output and attempted to sell it. If they did not succeed, or had a loss, the state compensated them. The transformation of the Hungarian publishing industry and booktrade to a market economy model means a change-over to exclusively commercial relations, in which all the players in the market need to have their own capital or be credit-worthy. The increase in turnover, characteristic for the 1980's, stopped in 1988, the reason being the decrease in the real income of the population. The number of periodicals published was also reduced. The proportion of political periodicals has tripled, with a decline in those of a scholarly nature. In book publishing the number of new titles has somewhat increased in the 90s, with print runs showing a downward trend.  相似文献   

Purpose: To begin investigating the impact of electronic journals on research processes such as information seeking, the authors conducted a pilot journal-use study to test the hypothesis that patrons use print and electronic journals differently.Methodology: We placed fifteen high-use print titles also available in electronic format behind the circulation desk; patrons were asked to complete a survey upon requesting a journal. We also conducted a parallel survey of patrons using library computers. Both surveys asked patrons to identify themselves by user category and queried them about their journal use.Results: During the month-long study, patrons completed sixty-nine surveys of electronic and ninety surveys of print journal use. Results analysis indicated that fellows, students, and residents preferred electronic journals, and faculty preferred print journals. Patrons used print journals for reading articles and scanning contents; they employed electronic journals for printing articles and checking references. Users considered electronic journals easier to access and search than print journals; however, they reported that print journals had higher quality text and figures.Discussion/Conclusion: This study is an introductory step in examining how electronic journals affect research processes. Our data revealed that there were distinct preferences in format among categories. In addition to collection management implications for libraries, these data also have implications for publishers and educators; current electronic formats do not facilitate all types of uses and thus may be changing learning patterns as well.  相似文献   

The computer offers extensive advantages over even the most advanced printing and information distribution technologies. Most important, it brings into the public compendium quantities of information too vast to be embodied in print. The computer has increased the power of societies, just as the printing press did. It also has the capacity to change our basic conception of reality and alter the power of the word. Because of its capacity to alter society, basic issues of access and privacy must be resolved as a new information infrastructure is created, comparable to that existing for print. Dan Lacy has been Assistant Archivist of the United States, Deputy Chief Assistant Librarian of Congress, head of the USIA overseas library and publishing program, managing director of the American Book Publishers Council, and senior vice president of McGraw-Hill, Inc.  相似文献   


In the planned economy model, publishers brought out the titles for which they had been given permission in a pre-determined number of copies. Vendors were obliged to take over the publishing output and attempted to sell it. If they did not succeed, or had a loss, the state compensated them. The transformation of the Hungarian publishing industry and booktrade to a market economy model means a change-over to exclusively commercial relations, in which all the players in the market need to have their own capital or be credit-worthy. The increase in turnover, characteristic for the 1980’s, stopped in 1988, the reason being the decrease in the real income of the population. The number of periodicals published was also reduced. The proportion of political periodicals has tripled, with a decline in those of a scholarly nature. In book publishing the number of new titles has somewhat increased in the 90s, with print runs showing a downward trend.  相似文献   

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