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国际文化关系中的图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Libraries as a type of cultural institutions have sustained their role as bridges interrelating people of different nations and promoting mutual understanding of them. They also broaden the nation s influence in international affairs. The basic activities of them are of 2 ways: 1) The direct way of starting overseas library programs, and 2) Participation of libraries at home in projects of international cultural exchanges and co-operation. These activities are subject to various aspects of politics, technology and culture,especially the political one which serves directly the foreign policy of the government.This is also the library's main feature in international cultural realtions.International organizations play an important role in this field.  相似文献   

The medical libraries of Vietnam maintain high profiles within their institutions and are recognized by health care professionals and administrators as an important part of the health care system. Despite the multitude of problems in providing even a minimal level of medical library services, librarians, clinicians, and researchers nevertheless are determined that enhanced services be made available. Currently, services can be described as basic and unsophisticated, yet viable and surprisingly well organized. The lack of hard western currency required to buy materials and the lack of library technology will be major obstacles to improving information services. Vietnam, like many developing nations, is about to enter a period of technological upheaval, which ultimately will result in a transition from the traditional library limited by walls to a national resource that will rely increasingly on electronic access to international knowledge networks. Technology such as CD-ROM, Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), and satellite telecommunication networks such as Internet can provide the technical backbone to provide access to remote and widely distributed electronic databases to support the information needs of the health care community. Over the long term, access to such databases likely will be cost-effective, in contrast to the assuredly astronomical cost of building a comparable domestic print collection. The advent of new, low-cost electronic technologies probably will revolutionize health care information services in developing nations. However, for the immediate future, the medical libraries of Vietnam will require ongoing sustained support from the international community, so that minimal levels of resources will be available to support the information needs of the health care community. It is remarkable, and a credit to the determination of Vietnam's librarians that, in a country with a legacy of war, economic deprivation, and international isolation, they have somehow managed to provide a sound basic level of information services for health care professionals.  相似文献   

This article highlights the extent to which international law has changed rapidly in recent years in relation to the rights of Indigenous peoples generally and in particular how this impacts upon the legal status of traditional knowledge and culture. It reviews the recognition of the unique legal status of Māori in Aotearoa and Aboriginal peoples in Canada in relation to self-determination and how their changing place within these nations are affecting the operations of museums, libraries, and archives as case studies, illustrating some of the key legal and practical challenges that now impinge upon the work of archivists and related professionals in many countries.  相似文献   

传教士是近代早期中西文化交流最主要的使者。他们对近代中国教育影响巨大,表现之一即为在中国创建了类型不一的图书馆,并通过创办报刊、著书立说等方式,对图书馆在富民强国中的作用大力宣介,为近代图书馆的萌芽奠定了舆论基础,准备了人才队伍;同时他们的宣传客观上带来了西方先进的办馆组织模式、管理经验和服务理念,对我国近代图书馆的制度体系建设很有启发意义。  相似文献   

The world is too small to function within borders. Librarians have recognized the need for mutual respect and co-operation between nations, and the importance of their role in achieving this end. IFLA represents the interests of librarianship and has established various core programs that address common concerns. Aspects of international co-operation include the needs for preservation of materials, resource sharing through international networks, international telecommunications, librarian exchanges and materials exchanges. Obstacles to technology, finances and cultural differences must be overcome. Developed nations must assume an open and helpful attitude toward sharing technology with underdeveloped nations so that they can begin to thrive, standards of living improve, and economic markets open. Librarians can effect major changes in the way information is transmitted across borders, thereby shaping information policy and the resulting world order.  相似文献   

The world is too small to function within borders. Librarians have recognized the need for mutual respect and co-operation between nations, and the importance of their role in achieving this end. IFLA represents the interests of librarianship and has established various core programs that address common concerns. Aspects of international co-operation include the needs for preservation of materials, resource sharing through international networks, international telecommunications, librarian exchanges and materials exchanges. Obstacles to technology, finances and cultural differences must be overcome. Developed nations must assume an open and helpful attitude toward sharing technology with underdeveloped nations so that they can begin to thrive, standards of living improve, and economic markets open. Librarians can effect major changes in the way information is transmitted across borders, thereby shaping information policy and the resulting world order.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]为纪念国家图书馆建馆110周年,以国家图书馆和公共图书馆为主要对象,讨论图书馆在国际文化交流中的作用与地位。[研究设计/方法]基于文本调查,对近年来国内外政策法律和规划中关于图书馆国际文化交流的内容进行分析。[结论/发现]图书馆在国际文化交流中扮演着五大角色:中介者角色、推动者角色、组织者角色、中心角色、领导者角色。图书馆开展的国际文化交流活动主要有:出版物交换,数字图书馆共建共享,图书馆员业务交流。基于图书馆的角色定位和主要活动,提出图书馆在国际文化交流中发挥着四个方面的作用:保护人类文化遗产;对内引进国外先进文化;对外传播民族优秀文化;保护文化多样性、促进跨文化对话。[创新/价值]该研究有助于推动图书馆对外文化交流的整体发展。  相似文献   

文章基于信息资源组织的视角,对欧洲、北美洲、亚洲三个区域中14个国家60所高校图书馆网站的RSS、Instant Message、Blogs、Social Networking Services、Wiki、Social Tagging等6种软件应用情况进行了深入调查,得出Web 2.0技术在各国高校图书馆应用普及规律顺序,试图为我国Web 2.0技术在高校图书馆建设提供参考。参考文献16。  相似文献   

以俄罗斯文化部《2011-2020年全俄图书馆信息计算机网Libnet发展的基本方向》为基础,介绍俄罗斯图书馆事业信息化未来发展的目标、任务、信息基础设施建设、预期指标和实施保障等内容.俄罗斯图书馆事业信息化发展规划是基于该国建设信息社会和振兴图书馆事业的社会背景而制定的,它的实施对俄罗斯图书馆事业发展具有重要意义.结合我国文化部发布的《全国公共图书馆事业发展“十二五”规划》,指出中俄两国图书馆发展水平具有相似之处,可加强两国图书馆之间的交流,以促进共同发展.  相似文献   

黄琴玲  谭旻 《图书情报工作》2021,65(12):139-146
[目的/意义] 调研国内高校图书馆留学生信息素养教育实践进展,提出可行性发展对策,为我国高校图书馆开展支撑学校"双一流"战略与国际化建设的留学生信息素养教育提供参考。[方法/过程] 面向我国东西南北中5个地区的91所开展留学生教育的高校,对其下属图书馆的104名馆员和上海交通大学的20名留学生开展问卷调查,并通过调查结果分析我国高校图书馆留学生信息素养教育存在的优势、不足和应对策略。[结果/结论] 中国半数以上高校图书馆开展了留学生信息素养教育,相关教学实践呈现出授课人员与师资多样化、教学类型与内容多维化、教学方法与语言多元化等特点,存在对留学生信息素养培育的重视程度不足、教学实践有待加强、授课人员队伍严重缺乏、教学效果尚需提升等问题,可通过加强留学生信息素养教育规划设计、夯实师资队伍建设、注重馆员教学能力提升、加强新型教学方法运用等对策来改善。  相似文献   

美国是一个多元文化社会,文章介绍了多元文化视野下皇后图书馆的多元文化服务理念。同时介绍了其多元文化服务措施,包括:设置了新移民服务部为新移民提供多样化服务;致力于与其他国家图书馆之间的交流与合作;建立了多语种网站;发展多语种馆藏;长期举办实用的语言学习与识字课程;举办各种文化活动与课程等等。皇后图书馆的多元文化服务给国内图书馆提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

我国省级图书馆应属综合性研究图书馆   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
It is realistically necessary to have the provincial libraries turned into research libraries. Local socialist construction needs comprehensive research libraries with local distinctive features. And it is also the need for the cooperation, the coordination and the professional exchange of regional libraries. According to the international standards and the practice of the development of Chinese libraries, not a few provincial libraries have on the whole already been up to the standard of comprehensive research libraries.ref.7  相似文献   

For decades acquisition by exchange has been an important feature employed by libraries in the United States and abroad for maintaining international coverage for research collections. Declining resources, however, have pressured libraries into maintaining greater financial accountability in recent years, thereby causing a finer scrutiny of all acquisitions programs including international exchanges.Through a review of the literature and a special survey of thirteen ARL libraries, this study investigates how international exchanges are administered, how their needs and support may be changing, and how they are viewed and valued as acquisition programs by library administrators and collection development officers. It concludes that international exchanges are considered as cost effective and necessary components of acquisition programs in most research libraries. It also demonstrates that only exchanges with the Soviet Union have been adequately researched and that more in-depth research on exchanges with libraries in other countries and regions is justified.  相似文献   

论图书馆的法治环境   总被引:57,自引:3,他引:54  
图书馆的法治环境是对图书馆服务和与图书馆的生存、运营、发展密切相关的所有方面具有高效能、全方位、综合性保障功能的法律体系 ,不仅仅是制定图书馆专门法。它至少应包括 4个方面相互配套、相辅相成的法律法规 :图书馆专门法、图书馆相关法、图书馆行业自律规范 ,与图书馆有关的国际条约、协定等。参考文献 16。  相似文献   

中国地方志已被世界图书馆界广泛收藏。论文对充实图书馆地方志的收藏提出了许多方法,认为图书馆应该通过加强国际交流与合作来促进地方志的收藏和整理。  相似文献   

The author of this paper investigates the recent advances of information literacy education for international students at academic libraries in China. The author carried out a questionnaire survey through the Questionnaire Star platform from April 2019 to July 2020 among 152 librarians from 117 university libraries in different parts of China, including 35 librarians from the universities which participate in the country's construction plan of world-class universities and world-class disciplines. Moreover, another questionnaire survey on library information literacy education for international students was conducted among 35 international students in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Through analysis and discussion of the survey results, the research studies the overall status and existing problems of information literacy education for international students in Chinese academic libraries, and offers suggestions for the improvement of international students' information literacy education in the future.  相似文献   

This paper advances a new interpretation of the development and current decline of public libraries in Egypt based on the study of international influences which helped to shape national discourses about development and provided the context for policy making and resource allocation in Egypt. After 1945 UNESCO encouraged fundamental education and the development of public libraries as operational tools of "education for development". Public libraries witnessed remarkable growth, but then, in the late 1960s, the dominant international discourse about development shifted under the influence of dependency theory to emphasize the need for developing countries to develop from within. Information for development became a self-evident requirement, but the new priority displaced public libraries in favor of specialized information systems for decision-makers. Traditionally, public library decline is attributed to local factors and issues of scarcity. In the case of Egypt, however, factors of scarcity are better interpreted as symptoms than as underlying causes of decline. This paper maintains that the current state of decline of public libraries in Egypt is primarily a consequence of public policy choices precipitated by a shift in international as well as national development priorities, not of factors inherent in the country's political, social and cultural fabric.  相似文献   

我国科技期刊的国际影响和地位简析   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
张玉华  潘云涛  马峥 《编辑学报》2003,15(3):226-230
从科技期刊指标的国家排位、学科排位及SCI收录我国期刊状况3个方面对我国科技期刊的国际影响和地位做摘要统计和分析。结果表明,我国科技期刊在国际上的影响和地位处于世界中等水平。  相似文献   

曹阳 《图书情报工作》2013,57(19):50-56
《马拉喀什条约》是国际著作权体系中的历史性条约,其为便利视力障碍者获取出版作品提供了众多的例外与限制。《马拉喀什条约》所规定的被授权实体概念为中国图书业便利视力障碍者接触已发表作品提供了国际法依据。中国的图书馆应充分利用该条约提供的限制与例外以及灵活性,建立相关的制度性规范,便利视力障碍者获取更丰富的作品。  相似文献   

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