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社会化媒体改变了公益传播的模式,为整个社会营造出一个"人人可传播、人人可公益"的大环境,推动公益在全社会的普及.但是,社会化媒体平台的公益传播也存在明显的伦理困境,各种传播伦理失范现象层出不穷.本文分析我国社会化媒体公益传播伦理失范的表现和原因,并提出相应的改进策略,以期推动我国公益传播的发展.  相似文献   

沈琳娜 《新闻世界》2014,(7):328-329
公益传播作为一个传播研究热点,逐渐受到越来越多的关注,尤其是媒体的公益传播。本文对《楚天都市报》成功树立的"信义兄弟"形象以及对社会信义之风的讨论做出一些概括和归纳,试图从中找出其传播的模式,以期为媒体的公益传播提供参考。  相似文献   

观察公益传播的发展现状,不难发现在近几年接连涌现出例如“打拐”“一个粉丝一毛钱”“爱心衣橱”“冰桶挑战”等一系列公益活动,作为这些公益活动的传播渠道——微博也因此成为公益传播的重要平台之一,微博凭借其传播所具有的及时性、广泛性、互动性等诸多特点,使得公益信息在微博平台上的传播与扩散愈加彰显巨大的传播效果与独特的传播特色.与此同时,基于微博平台的公益传播也在一定程度上对激发受众主动参与公益的热情,加深公众对公益活动的印象起到促进作用.  相似文献   

柴静的公益纪录片《穹顶之下》关注"空气污染"这个社会问题,体现了公益传播的内涵。为此,本文探讨该公益纪录片背后的说服助推成因,并研究建构得出一个公益纪录片对受众的说服模型,以期推动未来更多的公益纪录片能够更好地实现社会公益传播效果。  相似文献   

娄婷婷 《新闻知识》2012,(9):29-30,17
伴随着微博的诞生与发展,"微博公益"作为一个新的传媒领域正在逐渐地影响着微博人群的价值观和道德观。其发展势头之强劲、传播效果之显著、关注度之高都使得研究"微博公益"变得意义非凡。本文拟从微博与微博公益发展入手,探讨微博公益的传播特点,并对微博公益传播进行SWOT分析,提出一些对于微博公益发展的建议,期待公益性事业能够在微博这个传播平台上更好地发展。  相似文献   

魏寅 《新闻大学》2013,(1):130-137
本文采用参与式观察、文本分析等研究方法,对位于上海市归泾村内的公益组织“新市民生活馆”独具特色的传播生态进行了调研和分析.研究发现,“正式员工-健康大使-社区会员”的二级结构是“新市民生活馆”公益传播的基本模式.合作领域,是一种融合了结构化特征与自发性行动、意图与或然性的行动领域;“新市民生活馆”公益传播的过程,正是一个新的合作领域的生产过程,代言、培训、闲聊是其在流动人口社区进行合作领域生产的主要方式.  相似文献   

本文从媒介公民责任日益彰显的现象出发,结合公益机制落后的现实,研究政府和媒体在公益传播中的角色,深入探讨媒体和政府的公益传播融合模式,并探索未来的公益传播发展.  相似文献   

张艳 《新闻知识》2012,(2):31-32
社会化媒体以其独特平台属性正在影响我国公益传播之行进发展,公众基于社会化媒体对公益话题的自主选择、自主传播以及自主参与,激发了更多的用户群体对公益传播的参与热情.就公众对公益传播的参与度而言,已呈现我国公益传播发展之“翘尾现象”.本文分析了该现象及其成因,认为社会化媒体正在促成以公众为基础的全民公益时代的蓬勃发展.  相似文献   

随着全媒体时代的到来,以多种移动终端为载体的微信平台,逐渐被开发出社交、通信之外的功能.其中,借助微信平台开展公益传播,成为汇聚民众爱心、传递社会正能量的新型微公益方式. 微信公益传播的类型 作为新型微公益载体,从传播主体、传播主题、传播形式等方面区分,基于微信平台的公益传播类型极为丰富. 从微信公益的传播主体来看,可分为传统公益机构或民间慈善组织开展的微信公益、各类媒体开展的微信公益、诸多企业开展的微信公益、政府相关部门开展的微信公益、个人开展的微信公益等.从微信公益的传播主题来看,可以分为公益活动、公益新闻、公益人物、公益文化、公益话题讨论等.从微信公益的传播形式来看,可分为微信朋友圈公益信息转发、微信公益群传播以及微信公益公众账号推送.  相似文献   

在社交媒体这一新兴话语表达空间中,公益传播力量在网络虚拟空间中重新集结和组合,新浪微博成为公益传播的主要社交媒体平台,官方认证的公益机构的信息传播在其中扮演着重要角色。本文采用社会网络分析的定量研究方法,以新浪微博平台上的认证公益机构为研究对象,以公益机构间的关注关系构建社会网络,通过对网络密度、中心性、凝聚子群指标进行测量,探索公益机构信息传播的网络结构和特征。研究发现:公益机构在线社会网络存在多中心的差序格局,公益机构传播存在明显的极化现象和马太效应,公益机构信息传播呈现圈子式的网络特征。  相似文献   

论流媒体时代的挑战与电视生存   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
流媒体技术的出现使音频文件在网络媒体中的顺利传播成为现实,从而使网络媒体对于电视媒体的直接竞争开始突现.本文以"流媒体时代"下的电视媒体为考察对象,分析了流媒体带给网络媒体的新变化、电视节目媒体所面临的挑战、生存机会,并提出了电视节目媒体的生存对策.  相似文献   

本文以媒体对2010年世界杯的报道为例,探讨了网络时代背景下传统媒体如何在“恪守”与“延展”中突破自我,新媒体如何在“模仿”与“创新”中站稳脚跟,二者必须在“求同”与“存异”中走向融合,寻求媒体发展新路。  相似文献   

Around 1960, the politics of the emerging media society in Sweden tended to fixate the formative functions of mass communication. The monopoly of public service broadcast media, press subsidies and new tendencies in film policy were some of the issues around which uncertainty prevailed. New methods to provide reliable data were sought by politicians, since empirical facts were required as arguments for an updated media policy. This article examines the different ways that the field of media studies was introduced in Sweden between 1960 and 1980. We argue that Swedish academic media studies departed from, and emerged within, a rather diffuse borderland between industry, politics and academia. The formation of national media research in Sweden can partly be seen as an effect of politicians and the media industry wanting to be better informed on issues such as media influence, media ownership and the habits and composition of the media audience.  相似文献   

Digitization has caused disruption in the traditional business model of the news media. Policy implementation in the media sector is therefore increasingly raised as an economic question, involving concern for the ability of legacy media to serve as independent platforms for public deliberation. While media policy traditionally tends to focus on unwanted developments (i.e. local monopolies, ownership concentration, etc.), the side-effect often representing an obstacle to innovation, the question is how future media policy should account for innovation needs. Combining media economics, policy analysis and strategic management theory, this article combines interviews with key stakeholders with policy document analysis to a scenario analysis of possible future policy directions enabling innovation in the news industries in Norway.  相似文献   

The rise of digital media labs and spaces for content creation in public libraries has been documented in the scholarly literature. However, fewer studies have investigated the outcomes of media literacy initiatives in community media centers (CMCs) and how they might inform similar programs and services in public libraries. This article reports findings from a study that used qualitative research to investigate the current goals and activities of CMCs across the United States. The findings show that the educational, social, and community benefits of these programs could be useful for public libraries to consider in developing or augmenting their own media literacy initiatives.  相似文献   

Using democratic participant theory as a framework to explain media performance, this article examines the implications of ownership concentration and diversity on democracy and analyzes the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority's (PEMRA) endeavors to implement the principle of diversity as espoused in its mandate. It finds that though PEMRA accelerated the growth of electronic media in Pakistan, it failed to promote local and diverse media as PEMRA policies supported diagonal integration and lead to concentration of ownership. PEMRA was also criticized for suppressing independent media when it was brought under the control of Ministry of Information in 2007. The study concludes that regulatory mechanisms in developing countries like Pakistan are still a tool in the hands of the government to control media, and development of a participatory and diverse media is a normative ideal not yet translated into reality.  相似文献   

Qualitatively analyzing 35 responses from a letter-writing homework in a media literacy education program, this study examines sixth graders’ understandings of producers’ responsibility in creating media content. Responses suggest their understandings about producers’ responsibility are bounded within the context of their media use as consumers, rather than as citizens. Findings focus on the importance of introducing contextual factors of media production as well as the challenges that researchers and educators might face.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how media theory and history should approach specimens of evidence about the cultural reception of media pertaining to the realms of the fantastic, such as speculations, predictions, dreams, and other forms of fantasy regarding media. It argues that the role of the imaginary in the history of media can be fully comprehended only by employing a perspective which is dynamic in time. In different phases of a medium's evolution, in fact, we find different fantasies; it follows that we need specific approaches to study them. The article discusses fantasies which are specific to three stages in media change: those preceding the actual invention of a medium; those accompanying the earliest period after the introduction of a new medium; and those connected to old media.  相似文献   

媒体人的媒介素养与媒体责任   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
姚治兰 《新闻界》2008,(6):88-89
在传播实践中,因缺乏媒介素养而造成了媒体责任的缺失,如媒介主体形象的失衡、以知情权的名义侵犯隐私权、“克里空”“见空就冒头”等等。媒体人应该从保持庄严的距离、质疑的精神、严格的自律等方面加强媒介素养。  相似文献   

随着苏联解体 ,俄罗斯传媒开始朝着私有化、市场化和国际化快速转型。这一崭新而巨大的市场吸引众多西方传媒趋之若骛。十多年过去了 ,俄罗斯传媒领域的转型已基本完成 ,新的格局趋于稳定。在俄西方传媒的命运如何 ?本文从三个方面回答了这一问题。  相似文献   

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