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急性高原病是抵高原2周内发生于高原低氧环境的一种特发病,是由于人体对高原低压性缺氧不适应导致机体病理生理上一系列改变而引起的各种临床表现的总称,按照病情可以分为急性轻症高原反应、高原肺水肿(高原昏迷)。荨麻疹是机体受到某种致敏物质刺激后,机体内已经致敏的肥大细菌释放出刺激物(介质),作用于皮肤血管而形成皮疹,该皮疹表现与人接触植物荨麻所发生的皮损雷同,故称此皮肤病为荨麻疹,荨麻疹病程不足一月称为急性荨麻疹。急性高原病患者发急性重型荨麻疹患者在临床中比较罕见,在治疗和护理上具有特殊的要求。  相似文献   

目的:通过对不同类型运动员进行血常规、肝功能等生化指标进行长期监测,探讨不同类型的训练对运动员肝脏代谢的影响。方法:根据运动项目的专项特点,分别选取以无氧和有氧供能为主的项目的运动员进行连续4个月生理生化监控,每个月取大强度训练周进行血常规、肌酸激酶、血尿素、肝功能血液学监控,观察不同类型的训练对运动员机体代谢变化、肝功能变化情况的影响。结论:1、长期有氧训练对机体免疫功能没有不利影响,高强度的无氧训练可以使白细胞升高,对机体免疫不利。2、有氧训练对于提高运动员氧转运系统的能力优于无氧训练,但需要一定时间的积累,长时间无氧训练对机体有氧能力的提高不利。3、无氧训练对肝脏的损伤程度大于有氧训练,损伤的程度和训练强度相关,和训练量相关性不大。  相似文献   

心室破裂是一种严重的外科疾病,对机体损伤严重,易造成生理和生化方面的紊乱,影响肺、脑、肾等重要器官的功能,及时实施手术,术后严密的观察和精心护理是抢救成功的关键。我科于去年11月份成功地抢救了1例右心室破裂的患者,现将术后的几点护理体会介绍如下:1,病例介绍患者李某,  相似文献   

宝福凯 《科技通报》1995,11(3):183-186
程序化细胞死亡是生物体内广泛存在的一种生理过程,对维持机体的正常发育和内环境稳定起重要作用。但是,这种有益的生理过程也可产生病理作用,本文从程序化细胞死亡的形态学改变,遗传控制和和程序化细胞死亡与疾病等方面对程序化细胞死亡的研究现状进行了论述。  相似文献   

严重烧伤属于一种全身性疾病,可引起生物化学、病理生理、代谢、免疫等复杂的变化,导致身体出现不同程度的功能紊乱,严重时会危及到患者的生命安全。本文主要针对严重烧伤的临床治疗措施与进展进行分析。  相似文献   

许多心血管疾病可引起继发性肺动脉高压,严重的肺动脉高压给临床治疗带来很大困难,有时甚至失去手术机会。鉴于此类病人一个重要病理生理变化是微循环功能障碍,我们对20例继发性肺动脉高压病人进行了改善微循环调节治疗,取得了较好的临床结果。  相似文献   

脑中风是导致成年人高死亡率和高致残率的一种重要公共健康问题。N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸盐受体(NMDARs)的过量刺激和由此导致的神经元一氧化氮合成酶(nNOS)活化是脑中风后神经元损伤的主要原因。然而,由于在CNS5中NMDARs和nNOS具有关键的生理功能,直接抑制NMDARs或nNOS可引发严重的副作用。  相似文献   

宋瑾官  于企 《大众科技》2008,(6):160-161
文章拟探讨肝硬化患者血清总胆汁酸(TBA)变化的临床价值,通过检查100例肝硬化患者及100例健康者的TBA水平,发现肝硬化组TBA水平明显高于对照组(P〈0.01),说明血清TBA水平可以作为反映肝实质损伤的灵敏指标,对于监测病情发展、预后及治疗具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

目的对高原地区颅脑损伤的临床特点以及手术配合与护理情况进行分析探讨。方法随机抽取在2009年4月-2012年4月间西藏自治区第二人民医院收治的高原重型颅脑损伤临床病例53例,对其临床资料展开回顾性分析。对该类患者的手术配合与护理效果进行探讨。结果本次研究中所有患者均接受了开颅血肿清除术与骨瓣减压术进行治疗,并对其实施了合理的临床护理,术中死亡2例,其余均痊愈或好转。结论针对高原重型颅脑患者的特点,对其给予合理的手术配合与临床护理能够有效降低致残率和死亡率,提高患者的生存质量,值得临床注意。  相似文献   

张乐 《大众科技》2015,(3):103-104
下背部病痛,活动受限等疾病是人类的常见病,可由多种原因造成。临床上有针对下背部疼痛的多种治疗,中医方面针刀是非手术治疗的方法之一。现已经在中医临床广泛开展。文章针对于下腰段的生理病理以及针刀的特点,作用机理,分析针刀对于下背部疾病的治疗原理,治疗效果,以及针刀临床的发展前景。  相似文献   

Various metabolic and biological changes follow burn injury. Serum Thio-barbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), transaminases, alkaline phosphatase and amylase were measured in 43 patients with thermal injury over the first 10 days of post burn period. No clear correlation between elevated serum enzymes except amylase and the burn size was observed on admission. Mean serum TBARS were significantly increased in the burn patients. Transaminases values increased till 5th day then declined on 10th day, whereas alkaline phosphatase and amylase activities continued to rise till day 10. It is concluded that functional disturbances occur in liver and pancreas around a week after thermal injury. Monitoring serum ALP and amylase in postburn period has valuable prognostic importance.  相似文献   

大剂量纳络酮治疗重型颅脑损伤   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许伟  卢晓敏  黄李法 《科技通报》2002,18(4):337-339
目的 探讨纳络酮对重型颅脑损伤患者的疗效。方法 将同期收治的60例重型颅脑损伤患者随机分为治疗组(纳络酮治疗)和对照组各30例,对两组患者的GCS(格拉斯哥评分)及GOS(格拉斯哥预后评分)计分进行对比分析。结果 治疗组患者的GCS计分及GOS计分在治疗后及随访时均较对照组有所提高,结果有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论 早期大剂量使用纳络酮对改善急性重症颅脑损伤病人的预后有明显的疗效。  相似文献   

杨靖冬  崔伟  高冠群  宋庆慧 《大众科技》2013,(5):139-141,182
缺血再灌注损伤后的恢复是比较复杂而缓慢的过程,它对心肌梗死、中风、器官移植和心血管手术等有着重要的影响因素,缺血再灌注损伤主要发生在白细胞-内皮细胞的相互作用、钙超载、氧自由基的反应和补体系统等方面。文章综述对缺血再灌注损伤的研究进展提供新的思路和治疗手段,从而对病人的治疗取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

颅脑损伤患者病死通常由其脑神经损伤引起,脑外器官功能障碍亦常见,其中最常见的并发症是呼吸功能障碍。颅脑损伤(traumatic brain injury,TBI)患者在全身麻醉手术后,多数仍需呼吸支持。颅脑损伤患者术后拔管时机一直是临床研究的热点和难点。该文从急诊颅脑损伤患者麻醉评估、拔管条件、拔管时机等方面入手,对麻醉专业住院医师规范化培训的教学进行系统总结。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, social media technologies have become effective tools not only for entertainment, but also for online health communications. In virtual health communities (VHCs), the members often share their personal health information (PHI) with other members. These information exchanges provide benefits to both the information providers as well as the recipients. The PHI disclosure, however, may entail privacy concerns. Our study used the privacy calculus model to examine the trade-off between individuals’ expected benefits and privacy concerns when disclosing PHI in social media environments. Our results showed that age, health status, and affective commitment influence the balance between the information disclosure drivers and barriers in the privacy calculus model. More specifically, we found that among members of VHCs, healthier people expect to receive fewer personal benefits of communicating PHI in social media environments. Moreover, individuals who are emotionally attached to online communities expect to both receive and provide more benefits while communicating PHI in those communities. We also observed that individuals who are familiar with but not members of VHCs, especially those who are young and healthy, are more concerned about their PHI privacy in online communities.  相似文献   

Liver transplantation is an accepted therapy for chronic liver disease patients. These patients generally have low levels of fat soluble vitamins, which have important antioxidant roles. Therefore, this study was undertaken to investigate whether such patients had evidence of antioxidant depletion and increased lipid peroxidation before transplant and whether the subsequent ischemia and reperfusion encountered during liver transplantation have any effect on antioxidant levels and lipid peroxidation. We assessed plasma total antioxidant capacity and serum lipid peroxide in 12 patients undergoing liver transplantation and equal numbers of healthy subjects. We found that before reperfusion, antioxidant levels were significantly decreased along with significantly elevated lipid peroxidation levels as compared with healthy controls (P<0.001). On reperfusion of the liver graft, further declined values of total antioxidant accompanied with highly elevated lipid peroxidation were seen than those of pre-reperfusion samples (P<0.001). This data shows that patients undergoing liver transplant have lowered antioxidant defenses and evidence of free radical damage, which compound the additional insult of reperfusion injury. Therefore antioxidant therapy in these patients before transplantation may ameliorate the effects of reperfusion.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular complications are the major cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetic patients. An attempt has been made to evaluate the risk factors for coronary heart disease in type II diabetics. In the present study the levels of fasting and postprandial plasma glucose, total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins, triglycerides were high and the levels of high density lipoproteins were low in the type II diabetics compared to controls. The markers of free radical induced injury i.e. malondialdehyde and nitrite/nitrate were high while total antioxidant status a marker for antioxidant protection against reactive oxygen species was low in diabetics compared to controls. The study therefore suggests the importance of assessing these markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity along with the other routine investigations in diabetic patients for initiating antioxidant therapy in addition to primary and secondary preventive measures to mitigate the devastating consequences of diabetes leading to coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

高校学生伤害事故属于人身伤害事故,但又与普通的人身伤害事故存有明显不同,其内涵、处理方式与程序等均具有自身的特点。2012年11月教育部印发《全面推进依法治校实施纲要》,要求高校应在在依法行政、依法治校的基础上,探索建立处理学生伤害事故的相关制度。本文在分析界定高校学生伤害事故内涵的基础上,剖析了我国高校学生伤害事故现行处理方式存在的问题与不足,并重点提出,高校在努力构建健康理性之高校校园文化的同时,应建立健全学校安全风险管理体系,完善校内纠纷解决机制以及推动构建以学生伤害事故保险为核心的校园保险体制,从而构建一套预防或减少高校学生伤害事故发生的事前预防、事后转移与有效处理机制。  相似文献   

文章根据赵楼煤矿的地质报告和矿井基建时期的热环境观测等资料,运用热力学第一定律对赵楼煤矿首采工作面的热环境进行预测,并在此基础上提出了热害治理的措施,即采用以机械降温为主其他降温措施为辅的综合治理措施,为首采工作面的顺利开采提供重要科学依据。  相似文献   

Platelets play important role in precipitating ischaemic myocardial syndromes in many ways. One of the consequences of ischaemic diseases is excessive generation of oxygen derived free radicals that have numerous pathophysiological consequences. Platelet pro-oxidant enzyme, xanthine oxidase is one of the sources of generation of free radicals. In the present paper, we report the effect of administration of vitamin E along with aspirin on the levels of platelet xanthine oxidase and extent of free radical mediated damage in the patients reperfused after myocardial infarction. Our findings show that administration of 400 mg. vitamin E for six days along with 80 mg. aspirin has an excellent anti-oxidant effect as evidenced by reduced platelet xanthine oxidase activity and lowering of malondialdehdye (MDA) levels which is an index of the extent of free radical mediated damage.  相似文献   

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