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从主体间性到他者性:高等教育交往范式转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主体性交往范式强调自我主体化与对象客体化,主体间性交往范式重视自我与他者互动,这两种教育交往理论还原了教育研究本质。从主体性交往范式到主体间性交往范式转变并非教育交往逻辑的终点,基于主体与他者关系的他者教育交往范式有效破解了自我中心与交往理想化的局限,为我国高等教育范式转型提供了路径参考。  相似文献   

刘要悟  柴楠 《教育研究》2015,(2):102-109
教学交往先后经历了主体性、主体间性和他者性三种不同的范式。主体性范式通过主体性原则实现主体在教学交往中的支配性地位,但却导致了自我中心化倾向,同时也呈现出交往的知识论特征;主体间性的教学交往范式力图避免主体性范式面临的困境,使交往双方在民主、参与、合作中达成彼此的理解,然而理解却并不能保证接受,而且主体间性在面对情感和价值内容时表现出的无奈也使其成为一种在想象中构建的乌托邦式的交往世界;教学交往的他者转向使同一性哲学的认识主体得以解构,从而确保了交往中他者的他性。他者性教学交往是为了他者并对他者承担责任的交往,它通过重建主体性最终得以完成。  相似文献   

构建良好的师生关系需要双方共同努力。“自我”与“他者”的对象化关系是探讨师生关系时不能回避的。他者相对自我而言,是不能还原为自我的绝对的他者,自我是作为他者的自我,从而趋向多元、多样和全方位。他者的独特含蕴为当代师生关系发展所需要,他者视角下的师生关系体现为和而不同的社会关系、携手共进的教育关系和非对称的伦理关系。构建他者视角下的师生关系,要正视差异,强化师生双方的共在向度;超越自我,推动师生的对话与共享;强化责任,构建交互性的师生共同体;彰显伦理,增进教师对学生的人文关怀。  相似文献   

解莹  顾玉军 《林区教学》2021,(1):114-117
课堂教学中师生话语伦理趋向于"我—他"主客位分明的二元论割裂,其导致现实困境中要么学生话语主导课堂教学走向,要么教师话语占据规范支配地位,从而使师生话语伦理走向关系主体而非责任主体.因此,从"他者"思想出发,在摒除"唯我论"的前提下重新构建师生话语伦理,一是认同"他者"非同一性为学生话语留有表达空间,二是建构"他者"责...  相似文献   

王飞 《高教论坛》2022,(8):73-76
来华留学生师生跨文化交往经历了主体性向主体间性模式的过渡,面临他者性交往模式的转型。主体性、主体间性交往模式局限于主客二元交往视角,限制了交往效果。他者性哲学视角下师生跨文化交往模式具有多维式、责任制、伦理性等特点,更契合教育交往的要求。他者性师生跨文化交往要立足我国教育实际,坚持交往中的教育引领、师生间的共同负责、文化间的尊重团结。  相似文献   

进入数字化时代,技术的快速发展和广泛应用催生人类社会面向新的现实生存。从课程领域看,技术的介入加剧了现代课程的伦理困境。智能算法对教育过程本真的遮蔽、人与机器主客关系异位的价值倒转、数字鸿沟弱化边缘群体的生存,显现现代课程对他者生存伦理关怀的缺位。呼唤他者到场,重构课程关怀伦理,有利于抵制自我生命反思的遗忘与丢失、打破数字生存中的去责任化怪圈、修缮技术占位下的情感交往退化。这需要现代课程从课程设计的价值遵循呵护他者的绝对差异,从课程主体的责任担当协同人与技术的他者关系,从课程实践的伦理转向持守我为他者的“爱的行动”。在他者关怀的实现方式中,应坚守课程的教育性原点,寻求科技与人文的双馨;观照课程的公平性向度,庇护自我与他者的共生;领会课程的他者性意蕴,以召唤爱人与责任的归真。  相似文献   

"为他者"是法国犹太哲学家列维纳斯伦理学的根基,其核心就是把"他者"作为自我的伦理指向,以他者唤醒自我的伦理意识,实现伦理主体的重构。库切的小说创作体现出了同样的的伦理向度,小说特有的伦理内涵值得深入挖掘。库切立足于伦理的高度,以超越政治和种族的视野,将南非所经历的的沧桑与不幸纳入伦理学的观察视角,向读者呈现他者弱势群体在残酷的历史与现实中的生存困境,执着地表达着自己重构伦理主体、重建自我与他者伦理关系的诉求。  相似文献   

师生关系中最基本的关系是教学关系.具体来说,是能够实现和满足相互发展期望与需要的,基于跨文化的和道德的相互依赖的信任关系.教师既是教授者,也是指引学生人生方向的导师;学生既是学习的主体,更是自我成长和发展的责任人.然而现实中的师生,对他们之间关系的本质认识模糊,以致关系紧张,甚至交恶.因此,师生双方必须明确各自在教学过程中的责任,对责任自由确认和自觉服从的过程,是提高履行和恪守责任能力的过程,也是构建与实现和谐师生关系的过程.  相似文献   

教育对话是促进儿童精神成长的重要途径。探究教育对话是为了寻求儿童精神成长的更有效的方式。在对传统本体论哲学的同一性思维批判中,列维拉斯提出了强调"为他者"的新伦理范式,这为思考教育对话开辟了新视野。在他者伦理视域中,教育对话是一种教师回应学生"言说"的精神关怀责任,也是师生"所言"中的一种话语精神构建,还是一种教育民主精神的体现。重构促进儿童精神成长的教育对话,首先是建立他者伦理视域中教师以学生为中心的、对学生的积极主动的回应的精神关怀关系,其次是师生在教育实践中结成"精神类主体"走向多元和解。  相似文献   

李冲  牛广妍 《教育评论》2023,(12):110-115
随着生活场域的扩大,中学生面临的社会适应任务骤然增加,其自我意识取向需要及时从自我转向他者。结合法国伦理学家列维纳斯的他者理论,中学生在自我取向的自我意识无法维持时,要将主体地位让渡给他者;察觉到他者的存在后,开展对他者的再认识;在与他者交往中,建立非对称的伦理关系。未完成嬗递的中学生容易步入自我主体论的困境中,表征为自恋、同伴拒绝与个体人的膨胀。教师可以通过关系重塑、弥合分裂与提供榜样示范的路径,引导学生重新认识校园与社会中的他者,转变其以自我为中心的观念,重建他者与自我的伦理关系。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to ascertain whether the degree to which Korean middle school students perceived their teachers to be credible made a difference in the effectiveness of teachers’ persuasion as a source of students’ academic self‐efficacy. In the contexts of both general school learning and a specific subject of Korean language and literature, social persuasions by teachers were a significant predictor of student self‐efficacy. Students’ academic self‐efficacy, in turn, was a significant predictor of students’ expected final examination scores. Although perceived teacher credibility did not predict student self‐efficacy directly, it interacted significantly with teacher persuasion in the prediction of student self‐efficacy, as determined by the latent interaction analysis. Consistent with Bandura's assertion and our hypothesis, students reported stronger academic self‐efficacy as they perceived the teachers who delivered the social persuasion to be more credible.  相似文献   

冯建军 《比较教育研究》2021,43(1):10-18,26
公共人的衰落已成为当代社会必须解决的一个重大问题。法国思想家列维纳斯的他者性思想为解决这一问题提供了一个新的视角。在列维纳斯看来,他者是不同于我的主体,具有独特性、差异性,我与他者之间是非对称的伦理关系,我必须为他者负责,为他人而活。遵守他者性伦理原则,公民必须具有关怀、责任、友爱与奉献等伦理品格。培育公民的他者性伦理品格,需要转变个人主体的观念,从为己到为他,确立他者的伦理主体;构建"我与他者"的伦理关系;谋求我与他者的面对面的"相遇";唤醒公民爱与责任的良知。  相似文献   

Self and peer-assessment are becoming central aspects of student-centred assessment processes in higher education. Despite increasing evidence that both forms of assessment are helpful for developing key capabilities in students, such as taking more responsibility for their own learning, developing a better understanding of the subject matter, assessment criteria and their own values and judgements, and developing critical reflection skills, both forms of assessment are still not the norm at universities. This paper provides the findings of a two-year study of formative self and peer-assessment at an Australian university. The study supports other research showing that students tend to regard formative self and peer-assessment as beneficial for gaining more insights about the assessment process and for improving their own work. We argue that self and peer-assessment requires careful design and implementation for it to be an effective tool for formative assessment processes; and that the development of students’ capacities for giving feedback, and the continuous and timely involvement of the teacher, are central aspects for successful self and peer-assessment. The move to self and peer-assessment is not simple for teachers and students but is worthwhile and necessary for twenty-first century higher education.  相似文献   

班主任是所在班级工作的主要责任人,是新教改成功与否的关键。新教改要求摒弃传统班主任工作中保姆式、警察式的班级工作模式,突出学生的主体地位。事实证明,班主任工作要以学生为主体,要经常保持和学生家长的沟通,要赢得学生的尊重,使学生不断提高对班集体的责任感和义务感,成为自主管理、自主学习,自我发展的主人。  相似文献   

The importance of teachers as significant others in the formation and development of children's self‐concepts has been widely recognised. However, the relationships between perceived specific aspects of teacher behaviours and dimensions of adolescents’ self‐concepts have not been sufficiently investigated, especially in Africa. The present study investigated the relationships between perceived teacher behaviours and adolescents’ self‐concepts. The sample included 874 students from four high schools around the metropolitan area of Cape Town, South Africa. The results showed that a significant positive relationship existed between perceived teacher support, interest, encouragement, expectations and participation, and the adolescent family, school and health self‐concepts. The findings underscore the usefulness of employing multidimensional measures in examining the intricate relationship between perceived teacher behaviours and adolescents’ self‐concepts.  相似文献   

Attempts to find positive new directions for moral education now face a number of well‐recognized challenges, including those relating to the rise of commodification and the virtualization of experience. It is argued that there is now a need for innovative approaches that move beyond the traditional frameworks of critical thinking and ethical reasoning, and that encourage the development of moral dispositions and personal conscience. One crucial limitation of traditional approaches lies in their reliance on a monological interpretation of self‐reflection that emphasizes objective impressions of the self. It is proposed that only a dialogical model of self‐reflection that recognizes the presence of competing self‐impressions is fully consistent with the kinds of authentic self‐reflection and critical questioning that are required for the develc pment of moral conscience. The emerging dialogical model of the self is also compatible with an approach to moral conduct grounded in the idea of an ‘ethics without ethics’ in which dispositions to act for the good of the community become the focal goals. It is argued that the dialogical model of the self supports a dynamic view of selfhood and identity through which the subject is encouraged to recognize its own complexity and vulnerability, rather than external principles, as the basis for moral responsibility and action. In practical terms, the dialogical model supports the idea of engaging students in activities in which they are encouraged to monitor their own thoughts, feelings, and actions, rather than in activities which perpetuate objective, monological modes of self‐thematization.  相似文献   

Learning achievements and attitudes towards individualized learning in biology of tenth‐grade students in Israel were studied. For this purpose the subject concerned with the blood system was developed in terms of eleven self‐learning subject modules for individualized learning. Of the 557 students who participated in the study, 340 students used the individualized method whilst 214 students learned the same subject by the standard traditional method. The results indicate better achievement by students learning individually, especially average and fast students, and also girls. In the light of the results it is recommended that the individualized method be used especially in heterogeneous classes where the teacher would be free to help the slow students while average and fast students could learn without teacher assistance.  相似文献   

The relationship between teacher experience, further professional development training, and beliefs and attributions about teaching students with additional learning support needs was studied in a sample of 199 mainstream general class primary school teachers. Using multiple regression, it was found that none of the teacher experience or professional training variables were significant predictors of locus of causality, stability, or controllability attributions, or of teacher self‐efficacy with students with difficulties in learning. Self‐efficacy, however, was a positive predictor of attributions, and sympathy a negative predictor. Multivariate analysis of variance found no relationship between teacher experience, further professional development training, and dependent outcome variables: self‐efficacy with learning difficulties, coping with learning difficulties, interactions with people with disabilities, or general optimism. Implications for continued professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of school ethical climate and students' school performance within the context of a Chinese high school. Gender and grade‐level differences in ethical climate perceptions were also explored. Survey data on perceptions of school ethical climate based upon the dimensions of student‐to‐teacher, student‐to‐student and teacher‐to‐student interactions and relationships were obtained from 754 students. Results of the study showed that students' perceptions of their high school's ethical climate were related to academic achievement, gender and grade level. Students' involvement in extracurricular activities and student leadership generally did not seem to relate to their perceptions of ethical climate. Based upon these findings, the school's moral education intervention programs should increase their focus on the area of teacher‐to‐student relationships and interactions and the subgroups of male students, students in higher grades and students with lower academic achievement. Implications for future research on school climate are also discussed.  相似文献   

In an era of teacher quality reforms, one overlooked area for assessing readiness for teaching is education majors’ self‐efficacy for teaching reading. This gap is unfortunate, as teaching reading is a common responsibility among general and special education teachers. In the current push for RTI—one in which more general education teachers are increasingly called upon to provide reading support to students with learning disabilities, in addition to the support received from special educators—it is important to determine preservice teachers’ self‐efficacy for teaching reading. Self‐efficacy is an important construct to consider as it is related to eventual teacher attrition. The purpose of the current study was to develop a scale to measure elementary and special education majors’ self‐efficacy for teaching reading. With a sample of 110 education majors, a three‐factor scale was developed and demonstrated strong psychometric properties. Implications for the future of teacher education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

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