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Building on previous research in which we provided an opportunity for female college athletes to construct their own photographic portrayals, this study explored young female athletes' perceptions of the college athlete photographs. Fifty-two girls participated in focus group interviews where they viewed and discussed the images. The young athletes particularly liked images they perceived to show authentic athletes (e.g., in athletic settings, with appropriate sport attire), images they could relate to due to personal experiences, and images that reflected competent and passionate sportswomen. Images perceived as revealing a lack of motivation, poor sporting attitudes, and nonathletic poses generally were disliked. Images depicting multiple social identities (e.g., an athlete in a dress) were controversial and generated much discussion.  相似文献   


The primary purpose of this study was to assess perceived and experienced role conflict of high school female athletes in enacting the roles of female and female athlete. Data were collected on 133 high school varsity athletes by the use of a 33-item questionnaire designed to assess perceived and experienced role conflicts of the subjects, their socioeconomic backgrounds, and specific instances of encouragement or discouragement from significant others experienced during their athletic careers. Thirty-two percent of the subjects responded that they perceived little or no problem with role conflict, and 50% had experienced little or no role conflict. Seventeen percent of the subjects responded that they perceived role conflict to be a great or very great problem with 11% experiencing role conflict to the same degree. A chi square analysis of perceived and experienced role conflict computed for the entire group of subjects indicated that the athletes perceived greater role conflict than they had experienced (p<.01). A one way analysis of variance was performed comparing the means of the athletes in traditionally socially approved sports, those in non-traditionally socially approved sports, and those participating in both categories. Results indicated a tendency for those participating simultaneously in both socially approved and non-socially approved sports to have experienced more role conflict (p≤.07).

A distinction between internal and external role conflict was suggested as a method of understanding the different types of pressures with which the female athlete must deal.  相似文献   


Initial research suggests that parental perfectionism is central to the development of athlete perfectionism. However, it is unclear whether perceived or actual parental perfectionism is most important. The present study aimed to address this issue in two ways. First, we re-examined the predictive ability of actual versus perceived parental perfectionism on athlete perfectionism. Second, for the first time, we tested whether perceived parental perfectionism mediated the relationship between actual parental perfectionism and athlete perfectionism. A sample of 150 junior athletes and their parents completed measures of perfectionism (perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns). Junior athletes completed two measures, one of their own perfectionism and one of perceptions of their parents’ perfectionism. Parents completed one measure of their own perfectionism. Regression analyses showed that perceived parental perfectionism predicted athlete perfectionism over and above actual parental perfectionism. Mediation analyses provided support for our proposed model. Overall, the findings suggest that both actual and perceived parental perfectionism are important in the development of perfectionism in junior athletes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to expand our knowledge and increase our understanding of imagery use by athletes in sport-injury rehabilitation using a qualitative approach. The participants were 10 injured athletes who were receiving physiotherapy at the time they were interviewed. During the interviews, the athletes provided extensive information about their use of imagery during injury rehabilitation and it was clear that they believed imagery served cognitive, motivational and healing purposes in effectively rehabilitating an injury. Cognitive imagery was used to learn and properly perform the rehabilitation exercises. They employed motivational imagery for goal setting (e.g. imagined being fully recovered) and to enhance mental toughness, help maintain concentration and foster a positive attitude. Imagery was used to manage pain. The methods they employed for controlling pain included using imagery to practise dealing with expected pain, using imagery as a distraction, imagining the pain dispersing, and using imagery to block the pain. With respect to what they imaged (i.e. the content of their imagery), they employed both visual and kinaesthetic imagery and their images tended to be positive and accurate. It was concluded that the implementation of imagery alongside physical rehabilitation should enhance the rehabilitation experience and, therefore, facilitate the recovery rates of injured athletes. Moreover, it was recommended that those responsible for the treatment of injured athletes (e.g. medical doctors, physiotherapists) should understand the benefits of imagery in athletic injury rehabilitation, since it is these practitioners who are in the best position to encourage injured athletes to use imagery.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the career planning of university student athletes and relationships between their career planning and athletic and student role identities. Two retrospective in-depth interviews were held with four male and four female university student athletes. Participants entered university with vague or nonexistent career objectives and invested heavily in their athletic roles. In the latter years of their college career, the participants discarded their sport career ambitions and allowed the student role to become more prominent in their identity hierarchies. The current findings support Brown and Hartley's (1998) suggestion that student athletes may invest in both the athlete and student role identities simultaneously and that investing in the latter may permit the exploration of nonsport career options.  相似文献   

The development of cynical attitudes towards elite sport is a core symptom of athlete burnout and has been associated with dropout from elite sport. To date, this phenomenon has mainly been studied by investigating explicit attitudes towards sport, whereas athletes’ automatic evaluations (i.e. implicit attitudes) that have been shown to influence behavior as well were not considered. This study aimed to compare explicit and implicit attitudes towards sport of young elite athletes with high (N = 24) versus low (N = 26) burnout symptoms. Using self-reported measures, general and athlete burnout symptoms were assessed. Additionally, a single-target implicit association test was administered to examine participants’ automatic evaluation of sport. Statistical analysis revealed greater emotional/physical exhaustion and sport devaluation in athletes reporting high compared to low burnout symptoms. Implicit attitudes towards sport did not significantly differ between the groups. Furthermore, no significant correlations were observed between different athlete burnout symptoms and implicit attitudes. Athletes with high burnout symptoms show a tendency to explicitly detach themselves from sport, thus fostering sport devaluation as a core symptom of athlete burnout. However, this process does not seem to be reflected in their implicit attitudes towards sport.  相似文献   

女子跆拳道运动员注意瞬脱现象的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对女子跆拳道运动员与普通女大学生、高水平与一般水平女子跆拳道运动员之间注意瞬脱特征进行测试,结果显示,女子跆拳道运动员的注意瞬脱特征与普通女大学生相比较注意瞬脱持续时间短,注意瞬脱程度轻.表现出了注意瞬脱的群体差异;女子高水平跆拳道运动员较一般水平女子跆拳道运动员注意瞬脱持续时间短,注意瞬脱程度轻,表现出了运动级别差异.  相似文献   

我国退役运动员职业教育的现状与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
退役运动员的就业与出路,一直是困扰我国体育事业发展,长期未能得到根本解决的难题.在分析我国退役运动员职业教育现状的基础上,阐明退役运动员职业教育的重要性,提出在目前函授教育、本科教育和高等职业教育3种主要渠道中,体育职业教育是当前解决退役运动员"出路难"的有效途径,尽快建立以体育职业技术院校为龙头,形成多类型、多层次、多形式、多渠道的运动员职业技能教育与培训体系,保证运动员在训期间完成职业技能教育与培训的同时.也能完成学历教育,从而拓展退役运动员的就业途径.  相似文献   

关于退役运动员安置工作的现状及设想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国具有庞大的体育运动员队伍,退役运动员也在逐年增多。由于社会总体再就业难度的增加,退役运动员的就业状况不容乐观。在退役运动员安置问题上,应采取加强政府各职能部门之间的协调与沟通;鼓励退役运动员上大学深造,以增强自身就业竞争力;建立政策性与补偿性相结合的安置体系;积极为运动员创造条件,鼓励运动员自主择业等。  相似文献   

采用《贝姆性别角色问卷》对柔道运动员和一般大学生进行了性别角色类型的测试调查。结果显示:在各种性别角色类型之间男柔道运动员与男大学生均无显著差异,女柔道运动员双性化人数与女大学生相比呈显著性差异;不同性别柔道运动员在双性化和恰当定型两种类型之间有显著差异,不同等级柔道运动员在性别角色类型上无显著性差异。  相似文献   

Mothers’ voices are often silent in the sports literature, especially as elite athletes. This research used a symbolic interactionist approach and semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences of nine elite female athletes in New Zealand who were also mothers at the time of competing. The specific objectives were to explore how motherhood impacted on the identity of elite athletes, how they negotiated their multiple identities and roles, and how support systems were utilized to encourage and retain elite athletes as mothers. The women managed their multiple identities and negotiated constraints such as guilt, lack of time and limited organizational support by emphasizing how integral sport was to their sense of self. They highlighted the mutual benefits of motherhood to their sport aspirations and vice versa, by utilizing time/space management strategies, and by creating and accessing strong support networks which sometimes included organizational support. There was a move towards the integration of multiple identities and a focus on how women's choices in leisure and sport were realized for future research and theory development. Sport management practices and policies that create opportunities for mothers to achieve and maintain elite athlete status are also mentioned.  相似文献   

Why young elite athletes fear failure: consequences of failure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fear of failure can have negative effects on children in achievement settings, affecting many aspects of their lives. Perceiving the consequences of failure to be aversive provides the basis for fear of failure, and the anticipation of a threatening outcome elicits fear. Problems attributed to fear of failure in achievement settings are prevalent. Sport is a popular and significant achievement domain for children and adolescents and there is a lack of research on fear of failure in sport among this age group. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate fear of failure in the sport domain among young elite athletes, and to explore their perceptions of the consequences of failure. Interviews were conducted individually with nine athletes aged 14 - 17 years (5 males, 4 females). Analysis identified and organized perceived consequences of failure into themes and categories. Results revealed that the most commonly perceived aversive consequences of failure were diminished perception of self, no sense of achievement, and the emotional cost of failure. These findings are consistent with those reported in adult population, suggesting the potential for generalizing existing results to young elite athletes.  相似文献   

It is now widely recognized that athletes with disability compete at an elite level which parallels that experienced by non-disabled athletes. The importance of quality coaching to develop an athlete’s full potential is similarly recognized. However, research in the area of coaching athletes with disability is still lacking compared to its counterpart in non-disabled sport. This research explored the holistic experience of coaching elite athletes with disability, and therefore encompassed not only the coaches’ preconceptions, but the rewards and challenges of their coaching experience. Semi-structured interviews were held with 12 coaches of elite athletes from sports including swimming, athletics, cycling, canoeing, triathlon, equestrian sport and wheelchair basketball. The results of the study identified that, although the coaches reported their experience as being overwhelmingly positive, they were also regularly confronted with difficulties not generally faced by coaches of non-disabled athletes.  相似文献   

以参加“十运会”的古典式摔跤、男女自由式摔跤、男女柔道五个运动队的重点运动员为研究对象,调查分析“十运会”前两年运动员贫血的状况。每周一晨对研究对象进行血常规测试,持续两年。结果显示,山东省摔柔项目运动员的贫血患病率低于国内外其他报道;所有的贫血均为轻度贫血,与男队员相比,女队员铁、叶酸、维生素B12等造血原料缺乏更严重,个别队员先天性血红蛋白水平较低。建议运动员应积极治疗引起贫血的各种原发病,注意营养均衡、饮食科学、针对性的补充运动营养品,而耐力性项目或以有氧能力为基础的项目的运动员选材,要重视血红蛋白这一指标。  相似文献   

鲍克 《体育科研》2013,(4):43-46
目的:探讨我国优秀跆拳道运动员比赛时的损伤发生规律,为预防和降低跆拳道运动损伤提供参考依据。方法:对参加2011年全国跆拳道冠军赛的237名运动员的损伤情况进行调查和分析。结果:我国优秀跆拳道运动员比赛时损伤总体发生率为13.1%,男显著高于女(P<0.01);男子损伤发生部位依次为下肢、头部、脊椎和上肢,女子损伤部位集中在下肢和头部;男子最常见的损伤类型依次为扭伤、挫伤和撕裂伤;女子最常见的损伤类型为挫伤、扭伤和拉伤;损伤机制主要发生在受到对方腿击时,其次出现在出腿进攻时,男子更倾向于在被对手出腿击中的情况下发生损伤。结论:新规则实施后跆拳道运动员的损伤发生率减少,与下肢相比,运动员头部损伤比例增加,运动损伤类型较多,损伤机制多发生在运动员实施高难动作的对抗环节,进一步提高运动员运动素质、完善技术动作、加强对抗性格挡训练是防治损伤的重要环节。  相似文献   

运用骨龄评定预测方法,对珠江三角洲2191 名青少儿运动员现身高和未来身高的预测进行了分析研究,论证了其身高、运动员特点及发育提早、未来身高预测趋势的整体评价女高于男等现状特征,为该地区今后青少儿运动员科学选材的研究提供依据  相似文献   


Sleep is an essential component for athlete recovery due to its physiological and psychological restorative effects, yet few studies have explored the habitual sleep/wake behaviour of elite athletes. The aims of the present study were to investigate the habitual sleep/wake behaviour of elite athletes, and to compare the differences in sleep between athletes from individual and team sports. A total of 124 (104 male, 20 female) elite athletes (mean ± s: age 22.2 ± 3.0 years) from five individual sports and four team sports participated in this study. Participants' sleep/wake behaviour was assessed using self-report sleep diaries and wrist activity monitors for a minimum of seven nights (range 7–28 nights) during a typical training phase. Mixed-effects analyses of variances were conducted to compare the differences in the sleep/wake behaviour of athletes from two sport types (i.e. individual and team). Overall, this sample of athletes went to bed at 22:59 ± 1.3, woke up at 07:15 ± 1.2 and obtained 6.8 ± 1.1 h of sleep per night. Athletes from individual sports went to bed earlier, woke up earlier and obtained less sleep (individual vs team; 6.5 vs 7.0 h) than athletes from team sports. These data indicate that athletes obtain well below the recommended 8 h of sleep per night, with shorter sleep durations existing among athletes from individual sports.  相似文献   

This study extends recent coach stress research by evaluating how coaches perceive their stress experiences to affect athletes, and the broader coach–athlete relationship. A total of 12 coaches working across a range of team sports at the elite level took part in semi-structured interviews to investigate the 3 study aims: how they perceive athletes to detect signals of coach stress; how they perceive their stress experiences to affect athletes; and, how effective they perceive themselves to be when experiencing stress. Following content analysis, data suggested that coaches perceived athletes able to detect when they were experiencing stress typically via communication, behavioural, and stylistic cues. Although coaches perceived their stress to have some positive effects on athletes, the overwhelming effects were negative and affected “performance and development”, “psychological and emotional”, and “behavioural and interaction” factors. Coaches also perceived themselves to be less effective when stressed, and this was reflected in their perceptions of competence, self-awareness, and coaching quality. An impactful finding is that coaches are aware of how a range of stress responses are expressed by themselves, and to how they affect athletes, and their coaching quality. Altogether, findings support the emerging view that coach stress affects their own, and athlete performance.  相似文献   


The prevalence of disordered eating and eating disorders vary from 0–19% in male athletes and 6–45% in female athletes. The objective of this paper is to present an overview of eating disorders in adolescent and adult athletes including: (1) prevalence data; (2) suggested sport- and gender-specific risk factors and (3) importance of early detection, management and prevention of eating disorders. Additionally, this paper presents suggestions for future research which includes: (1) the need for knowledge regarding possible gender-specific risk factors and sport- and gender-specific prevention programmes for eating disorders in sports; (2) suggestions for long-term follow-up for female and male athletes with eating disorders and (3) exploration of a possible male athlete triad.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the relationships between various field tests in female athletes. Altogether, 83 high school soccer, 51 college soccer, and 79 college lacrosse athletes completed tests for linear sprinting, countermovement jump, and agility in a single session. Linear sprints (9.1, 18.3, 27.4, and 36.6 m) and agility tests (Illinois and pro-agility) were evaluated using infrared timing gates, while countermovement jump height was assessed using an electronic timing mat. Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients (r) were used to determine the strength and directionality of the relationship between tests and coefficients of determination (r2) were used to examine the amount of explained variance between tests. All of the performance scores were statistically correlated with each other; however, the coefficients of determination were low, moderate, and high depending on the test pairing. Linear sprint split times were strongly correlated with each other (r= 0.775 to 0.991). The relationship between countermovement jump height and linear sprinting was stronger with the longer distances (27.4 and 36.6 m) than with the shorter distances (9.1 and 18.3 m), and showed a stronger relationship within the college athletes (r= -0.658 to -0.788) than high school soccer players (r= -0.491 to -0.580). The Illinois and pro-agility tests were correlated (r > or = 0.600) with each other as well as with linear sprint times. The results of this study indicate that linear sprinting, agility, and vertical jumping are independent locomotor skills and suggest a variety of tests ought to be included in an assessment protocol for high school and college female athletes.  相似文献   

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