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利用多指标可拓数学的综合评价法,将城市可持续发展评价中的多参数因子目标评价归结为单目标评价,利用主成分分析法和关联函数得到城市可持续发展的综合评价物元模型,简洁客观地反映了城市可持续发展状况。最后借助Matlab软件,通过编程来简化计算的复杂性,结果表明该法简便易行、科学合理。  相似文献   

以利益相关者理论为基础,构建反映股东、债权人、供应商、客户、经理人、员工、政府及社区等利益主体目标要求的绩效评价指标体系。针对指标体系中具有实数、区间数、语言评价和直觉模糊数等多种形式信息,首先将不同形式评价信息转化为直觉模糊数;接着通过计算各类评价指标的直觉模糊熵,确立各类评价指标的权重;然后运用直觉模糊加权平均算子对备选企业不同形式的评价指标进行集结,求得备选企业的直觉模糊综合评价值,并在此基础上通过计算直觉模糊综合评价值的相似函数值,进而对备选企业进行比较和优选。最后,通过一个算例验证了评价方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

运用主成分分析方法比较分析了17个安徽地级市大中型企业的科技发展水平和技术创新能力,构建一套综合评价指标体系,提取各地级市大中型企业相关科技进步评价指标的7个主成分因子信息,实证研究了安徽省各地级市大中型企业的科技进步水平及其技术创新能力。最后,根据主成分分析和各地级市大中型企业科技进步评价指标的比较分析结果,提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

徐伟玲 《广西教育》2013,(23):166-167,178
以学前教育目标为指导,通过对专家进行问卷调查构建儿童旅游价值评价指标体系,并计算确定各指标权重,最终得出单项指标分值,从而实现对儿童旅游价值的客观评价,为儿童旅游产品开发策略提供了新思路。  相似文献   

目标分析最优指标法用于研究生初步科研能力的综合评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目标分析最优指标法是系统工程中的一种多目标决策方法,用于研究生初步科研能力综合评价时,主要作两方面的计算。一是借鉴层次分析法,作目标分析,建立目标树结构,计算各层次权重后,用概率乘法原理求得组合权重;二是由目标树结构最下层指标收集数据,根据最优指标将数据作归一化处理,然后与组合权重相乘再累加,得综合指数,由综合指数即可对研究生的初步科研能力作出较为客观的评价  相似文献   

以学前教育目标为指导,通过对专家进行问卷调查构建儿童旅游价值评价指标体系,并计算确定各指标权重,最终得出单项指标分值,从而实现对儿童旅游价值的客观评价,为儿童旅游产品开发策略提供了新思路.  相似文献   

大学知识产出评价是一流大学评价的一个重要维度。从知识生产的输入要素、生产过程和输出影响三个方面提出了从知识维度评价一流大学的理论框架,构建了基于知识维度的一流大学评价指标体系。借助D大学的案例,多维度设计一流大学评价指标并使用层次分析法(AHP)科学合理地确定其权重,计算其综合得分。最后,论证了大数据监测技术是实现知识生产过程评价的基本条件,科学计量方法是知识生产影响评价的重要手段。  相似文献   

一、权重系数质量目标的制定不仅要考虑各种评价指标对质量目标的影响,而且还要把各指标重要性的不同考虑进去,这样才会切合实际情况。在多指标综合评价中,确定各个评价因素的权重系数是科学、合理的做出评价的关键。权重系数是指在一个领域中对目标值起权衡作用的数值。权重系数分为主观权重系数和客观权重系数。主观权重系数又称经验性权重系数,是指人们对分析对象的各个因素,按其重要程度,依照经验主观确定的系数。客观权重系数是指经过对实际发生的资料进行整理、计算和分析得出的权重系数。在高校饮食管理这样的  相似文献   

借鉴微格教学方法设计了高校体育教师室外教学质量的评价指标体系,在此基础上,利用最大隶属频率区间方法确定了一级指标和二级指标的权重。针对反映高校体育教师室外教学质量的许多因素难以用精确数学予以表示和计算的特点,利用Fuzzy综合评判模型对其中的定性因素进行处理,并借助实例研究来阐明该方法在高校体育教师室外教学质量评价中的运用。  相似文献   

传统教学中的评价方式、评价标准与教学目标不够契合,只注重学生最终对知识的掌握程度,无法充分发挥评价的激励性效能。语文新课标提出了“教学评一致性”的理念。评价作为语文教学中的重要组成部分,不能停留在评判优劣、甄别高下的层面上,而要基于“教学评一致性”的理念,将评价作为一种具体的任务。语文课堂中,教师要对接目标,借助评价形成任务驱动力量;动态转化,借助评价提炼任务驱动问题;关联活动,借助评价深入任务驱动过程;指向未来,借助评价彰显任务驱动效应。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the ability of several state characteristics to predict progress in the implementation of Part H of P.L. 99-457. This analysis utilizes two scales developed by investigators at the Carolina Policy Studies Program. One is intended to measure four potentially influential characteristics of the states: political climate, resources, policies, and interagency systems related to Part H. The second scale is an indicator of the progress states are making in the three stages of policy implementation (policy development, policy approval, and policy application). This study reports findings regarding the relationships between geographic region and state progress, as well as between influential characteristics and progress in the three stages of policy implementation. No statistically significant differences were found in state progress by geographic region. However, the four influential characteristics together predicted overall state progress and progress in each of the three stages. The dimension of system uniquely accounted for a significant proportion of variance in overall state progress, and progress in policy development and policy approval. The results suggest that an administrative structure, mechanisms, and process that promote multiagency planning are important to the successful implementation of Part H of P.L. 99-457.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the ability of several state characteristics to predict progress in the implementation of Part H of P.L. 99–457. This analysis utilizes two scales developed by investigators at the Carolina Policy Studies Program. One is intended to measure four potentially influential characteristics of the states: political climate, resources, policies, and interagency systems related to Part H. The second scale is an indicator of the progress states are making in the three stages of policy implementation (policy development, policy approval, and policy application). This study reports findings regarding the relationships between geographic region and state progress, as well as between influential characteristics and progress in the three stages of policy implementation. No statistically significant differences were found in state progress by geographic region. However, the four influential characteristics together predicted overall state progress and progress in each of the three stages. The dimension of system uniquely accounted for a significant proportion of variance in overall state progress, and progress in policy development and policy approval. The results suggest that an administrative structure, mechanisms, and process that promote multiagency planning are important to the successful implementation of Part H of P.L. 99–457.  相似文献   

异质型团队有助于推动跨领域的联合创新,但由于一些因素的制约,导致了异质型联合创新项目运行效率低下,资源浪费严重。以异质型团队成员实施的三个联合研发项目作为案例分析对象,探讨团队成员协作与合作两种互动形式对创新过程中知识共享及项目进度的影响,结果发现,借助协作与合作互动形式的平衡可实现知识共享和确保项目进度;当遇到关键事件时,重构共同知识基础的能力能够确保项目进度。  相似文献   

“三种文明”“三大纲领”和“三个代表”之间存在着密不可分的内在联系。它们之间不仅存在着形式上的对应性关系。也存在着内容上的相互交叉、相互包容关系。江泽民同志的“三个代表”思想是人类社会现代文明与无产阶级政党本质特征的完美结合。“三个代表”把建设人类现代物质文明、精神文明和政治文明同党的根本宗旨统一起来。集中体现了我们党的先进性,突出反映了我们党区别于其他政党的本质特征,为在新时期进一步加强党的建设指明了根本方向和前进目标。  相似文献   

维护社会稳定,为和谐社会提供动力支持,改革、发展、稳定是和谐社会的"铁三角",是和谐社会的动力系统.构建和谐社会,我们要保持经济持续、快速、健康发展;要发展社会主义民主,落实依法治国的基本方略;要促进社会公平;要营造诚信友爱的道德环境;要激发全社会的创造活力;要加强社会建设和管理工作;要建设人与自然和谐发展的生态文明.  相似文献   

Children with special educational needs (SEN) are known to experience lower average educational attainment than other children during their school years. But we have less insight into how far their poorer educational outcomes stem from their original starting points or from failure to progress during school. The extent to which early identification with SEN delivers support that enables children who are struggling academically to make appropriate progress is subject to debate. This is complicated by the fact that children with SEN are more likely to be growing up in disadvantaged families and face greater levels of behavioural and peer problems, factors which themselves impact attainment and progress through school. In this paper, we evaluate the academic progress of children with SEN in England, drawing on a large‐scale nationally representative longitudinal UK study, the Millennium Cohort Study, linked to administrative records of pupil attainment. Controlling for key child, family and environmental factors, and using the SEN categories employed at the time of data collection, we first establish that children identified with SEN in 2008, when they were age 7, had been assessed with lower academic competence when they started school. We evaluate their progress between ages 5–7 and 7–11. We found that children identified with SEN at age 7 tended to be those who had made less progress between ages 5 and 7 than their comparable peers. However, children with SEN continued to make less progress than their similarly able peers between ages 7 and 11. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the idea that education should function to promote economic progress has played a major role in shaping educational policy. So far, however, philosophers of education have shown relatively little interest in analysing this notion and its implications. The present article critically examines, from a philosophical perspective, the link between education and the currently prevailing understanding of economic progress, which is grounded in human capital theory. A number of familiar philosophical objections to the idea that economic progress is a worthy educational aim are raised, but it is held that many of these objections stem from a partial understanding of economic theory. The article then moves on to investigate the foundations of human capital theory's conception of economic progress. It is argued that there are inherent tensions between the philosophical foundations of the economist's conception of progress and the very essence of education. The article concludes by suggesting that in order to resolve these tensions we should consider grounding the economic theory that guides educational policy‐making in an intersubjective or objective conception of welfare.  相似文献   

Pupil monitoring systems support the teacher in tailoring teaching to the individual level of a student and in comparing the progress and results of teaching with national standards. The systems are based on the availability of an item bank calibrated using item response theory. The assessment of the students’ progress and results can be further supported by using computerized adaptive testing where the items selected from the item bank are targeted at the specific ability level of the student. The present article discusses psychometric issues of pupil monitoring systems, such as ability estimation, the optimal construction of tests from the item bank and monitoring of progress.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study that compares the reading progress of students in multigrade schools with the reading progress of students in monograde schools. The research was conducted in a small island state in the Caribbean. The results of the study indicate that multigrade schools are particularly effective at promoting the reading progress of low-achieving students. It is hypothesised that this is partly because of differences in the approach to instruction in multigrade and monograde classrooms. Whereas monograde classrooms tend to be characterised by undifferentiated whole-class teaching, in multigrade classes students have more opportunity to engage in small-group work. The implications of the findings are explored for policy, practice and research.  相似文献   

本文就人的全面发展与社会进步的关系进行了论述,认为:人的全面发展和社会进步是相辅相成,血肉相连的统一体,是一个自然历史过程。唯物史观为人的全面发展提供了理论依据,人的全面发展和生产力发展相一致,社会进步为人的全面发展指出了光明前景,人民群众是历史的创造者。在社会主义现代化建设中,人的全面发展和社会主义现代化建设是同一历史过程不可分割的两个方面。  相似文献   

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