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随着国际交流的日益加深,第二语言学习得到愈来愈多的重视。从个体语言学习与认知发展的角度来看,第二语言学习既有一定的积极作用,也有一定的消极影响。在第二语言学习的积极作用方面,大量的实验证据证明双语者在执行功能方面表现出优势,但是也有部分研究者提出了不同观点。在第二语言学习的消极影响方面,很多研究发现双语者存在词汇通达劣势,但是也有部分研究者认为这种影响是暂时的,甚至双语者的某些语言能力还会好于单语者。在未来的研究中,研究者不仅要加强对第二语言学习利与弊的系统研究,探讨第二语言学习利与弊的发展轨迹和内在机制,而且应该尝试使用因果设计更直接地探讨第二语言学习对个体语言与认知发展的影响。  相似文献   

语音加工的脑机制研究:现状、困惑及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语音加工是语言认知的核心功能,其脑机制是当前研究者关心的重要问题,有关语音加工脑机制的研究,既包括听觉通道中语音加工的脑机制,也包括视觉通道中语音加工的脑机制。结果发现,左侧颞上回、左侧额下回以及左侧顶下小叶等多个脑区参与到语音的认知加工过程,但各脑区在功能上不是孤立的,而是相互联系与影响,构成一个神经网络,共同负责语音加工的过程。最后我们提出了一些未来研究应改进的方向,包括研究方法、研究思路以及研究对象方面的调整。  相似文献   

一、双语教学及其相关概念要研究双语教学首先必须领会双语教学的相关要领和精神。关于双语人员的定义,语言学家及研究专家众说不一。概括来讲,双语人员就是指一定程度上掌握并能在一定语境中运用两种语言的人。双语现象从广义上讲是指一个人具有两种或两种以上语言能力的人类普遍现象,即双语人员在现实生活中的双语运用,或者说一个人有可能在某种程度上运用两种或两种以上语言的现实存在。关于双语概念至今也没有定论,但不管怎么解释都离不开其核心的两个方面。一是必须在一定程度上掌握两种语言,母语及第二语言。二是要在一定范围内使用两种语言。双语教育或双语教学就是指以母语和非母语的第二语言作为课堂用语或指导语进行学科内容学习的教学模式。换句话说就是以母语及第二语言作为媒介语而进行的学科内容教学的教学模式。另外还有一种观点认为双语教育是指以学生的第一语言和文化为主要媒介,同时系统地教授第二语言的教育活动。二、双语教学与二语习得之间的关系双语教学并不是简单的二语习得,是以第二语言为课堂媒介,是借助于第二语言学习新的学科内容。在双语教学中,第二语言主要用作学习交流的工具,双语教学的主要目的是学科内容的学习而不是第二语言的学习。当然在双语教学中也包含...  相似文献   

在第二语言学习的研究中,有两个重要的概念,一个是Linguistic Competence,另一个是Communicative Competence.20 世纪60 年代起,语言能力与交际能力的概念及其范围逐渐广为人们接受,特别是交际能力作为了衡量第二语言水平的标准.当学习者对第二语言的掌握达到一定程度时,双语能力这一概念也日渐凸显出来.首先需要对这三概念提出的背景、理论依据,具体表现进行阐述,进而探求这三个概念之间的关系.从语言研究上,语言能力、交际能力一般是在一种语言内部的探讨,多是探讨第二语言的学习,双语能力一般是在至少两种语言间进行探讨;从位属关系上,语言能力、交际能力是实现双语能力的前提和基础,双语能力是对语言能力、交际能力的深化;从教学要求上,对双语能力的要求要高于语言能力与交际能力,进而针对三个概念的提出,阐述和分析了进行第二语言教学的启示.  相似文献   

掌握两种语言(L1:first language;L2:second language)的双语者,其语言中枢是否和单语者相同?文章围绕该问题探讨了许多研究证实的双语者加工不同语言时会激活不同脑区的研究结论,并支持了不同的双语语言是由不同脑皮层来表征这一理论,也分析了第二语言的流利性、语音、语法等特点,都是影响双语脑区激活的重要因素。  相似文献   

双语者能够在两种或者多种语言之间切换的认知机制是什么,这一话题近年来引起了研究者的广泛兴趣。抑制控制被认为是双语切换的核心机制,为此研究者基于不同的理论模型进行了大量的行为、脑电和功能成像实验来验证抑制在双语者语言加工和切换中的作用,但并未取得一致意见,这种争议可能源于研究者对抑制控制内容和影响因素缺乏统一认识和考虑,鉴于此,本文系统分析抑制控制的核心内容和影响因素,并提出未来研究要在以下方面取得突破:引用双语加工非抑制控制模型、细化抑制控制内容、拓展影响抑制的因素、结合脑电和核磁来明确抑制控制作用位置和探明抑制时间进程等。  相似文献   

本文探讨了言语工作记忆在双语者第一语言和第二语言学习中发挥的不同作用,尤其在两种语言的阅读理解、语法理解、口语水平、词汇密度和语言成绩等方面,并推论它在形式不同的语言加工中具有特殊性和普适性。  相似文献   

双语记忆表征研究主要探讨两种语言是如何在双语者的大脑中进行储存和组织的。先前研究围绕着上述问题、运用翻译等范式、以成人双语者为被试取得了丰富的成果。文章重点介绍了双语记忆表征现代研究的几个新视角,包括运用基于内隐记忆的研究范式进一步探讨双语记忆加工的过程、关注双语者掌握的两种语言词汇的意义量差异所造成的记忆表征的差异以及将第二语言获得年龄效应引入到双语记忆表征问题上来。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代到80年代,语言教学的研究者们对入学前就学会读写的儿童如何在自然环境中习得语言进行了一系列的观察和研究,提出了整体语言教学法作为一种教学模式并逐渐被应用到第二语言中去的观点.整体语言教学法开始主要应用于以英语为母语的教学.后来,整体语言教学法对英语作为第二语言和其他外语教学的影响越来越大.语言教学的研究者们通过观察和研究发现,可以把语言知识与技能作为一个整体,从一开始就进行整体学习,同时培养各种能力,即听、说、读、写同步学习,共同发展,全面提高.  相似文献   

音乐因其对个人和社会的重要意义而吸引心理学和神经科学等学科的研究者对其心理机制及神经基础进行广泛而深入的探究。研究者们围绕音乐的认知加工和情绪体验及其神经基础、音乐与人格特征的关系、音乐心理学及脑科学研究的应用价值诸方面展开研究,取得了不少重要进展,但也面临着一些问题。在脑认知机制上音乐加工与语言加工的关系、音乐情绪加工及其脑机制等是未来研究的可能方向。  相似文献   

研究表明拼音文字系统的发展性阅读障碍者与以中文为代表的表意文字系统的发展性阅读障碍者在阅读过程中大脑的激活部位存在差异。关于母语阅读障碍儿童对第二语言学习的影响是近年来发展性阅读障碍研究的热点。双语发展性阅读障碍的理论假设主要有两种语言相互依赖假设和正字法依赖假设。前者认为母语的阅读障碍可以自动迁移到第二语言的学习中;后者认为母语的阅读障碍是否会迁移到第二语言的学习中,要依赖两种语言的正字法特征。我们认为这两种理论不是相互矛盾的,阅读障碍是否会同时出现在两种语言中可能取决于这两种语言是否共用了相同的有缺陷的神经系统。  相似文献   

Previous cross-language research has focused on L1 phonological processing and its relation to L2 reading. Less extensive is the research on the effect that L1 orthographic processing skill has on L2 reading and spelling. This study was designed to investigate how reading and spelling acquisition in English (L2) is influenced by phonological and orthographic processing skills in Spanish (L1) in 89 Spanish-English bilingual children in grades 2 and 3. Comparable measures in English and Spanish tapping phonological and orthographic processing were administered to the bilingual children. We found that cross-language phonological and orthographic transfer occurs from Spanish to English. Specifically, the Spanish phoneme deletion task contributed a significant amount of unique variance to English word reading and spelling, for both real words and pseudowords. The Spanish homophone choice task predicted English reading, but not spelling. Taken together, these results suggest that there are shared phonological and orthographic processes in bilingual reading; however, orthographic patterns may be language specific, thereby not likely to transfer to spelling performance.  相似文献   

Bilingual German fourth‐graders are expected to develop greater linguistic awareness than monolingual children and therefore should habitually apply different text‐processing strategies compared with German monolingual fourth‐graders when comprehending and recalling a text. Bilingual children are expected to process texts from the bottom up, from the text base to the gist, whereas monolingual children should engage in top‐down processing, which is indicated, for example, by more text intrusions and inferences. This research attempts to clarify whether bilinguals show this shift in direction of processing when they process cross‐linguistic versus mono‐linguistic texts. The results of Experiment 1 supported our main hypothesis. Monolingual German fourth‐graders had more intrusions than same‐aged German–English (L1–L2) bilingual children. In Experiment 2, nearly balanced German–English and German‐dominant children were tested separately in within‐language free recall in both languages and in across‐language text recall. For nearly balanced bilingual children, within‐ and cross‐language recall was equally efficient in both languages but not for German‐dominant bilingual children – in their recall, more intrusions appeared in their L2 recall. Top‐down processing seems to increase when it is in the weaker language. Engaging in bottom‐up processing apparently is associated with cognitive functioning in L1.  相似文献   

刘颖 《海外英语》2014,(20):287-289
The influence of first language(L1) involvement in second language(L2) writing has been a theme widely discussed since the research on L2 writing process thrived in the early 1980 s. So far extensive studies have indicated that L2 writing is a bilingual event and the use of L1 is a fairly common strategy among L2 writers. In light of this cognitive characteristic of L2 writing process,a wide range of studies have been carried out,seeking to further reveal what role L1 plays in L2 composing process and how L1 assumes its role during the process. However,there seems to be no consensus reached by the L2 writing researchers so far on whether L1 involvement facilitates or interferes L2 writing,which results in a lot of confusion and frustration in L2 writing teaching practices. Therefore,this paper tries to examine the conflicting views on the role of L1 transfer in L2 writing process and analyze the reasons and theories that may underlie this phenomenon for an attempt to elicit some pedagogical implications for future L2 writing teaching.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the development of linguistic awareness in children exposed to the early learning of a second language in Grades 3–5 of primary school, i.e. between the ages of 8 and 10. The aim was to determine whether this bilingual experience enhanced the development of phonological awareness in beginning readers in a bilingual French-regional language school programme compared with a population of monolingual children receiving traditional education. More specifically, in light of research promoting the hypothesis of a “bilingual advantage”, we set out to determine exactly how long children need to be exposed to a second language before bilingualism starts to influence the development of their phonological awareness. Tasks designed to assess phonological awareness were administered to more than a hundred children. Results suggest that children who have undergone a bilingual school programme display a more highly developed phonological awareness than their monolingual peers from age 9 onwards, i.e. in Grade 4. These results are discussed in the light of ongoing research on bilingualism, bilingual education and threshold theory.  相似文献   

A dearth of research has investigated the language preference of bilingual childhood populations and its subsequent relationship to reading skills. The current study evaluated how a sequential bilingual student's choice of language, in a particular environmental context, predicted reading ability in English and Spanish. The participants were Latino children ranging in age from 7 years, 5 months, to 11 years, 6 months, with 43% born in the United States. Results showed a relationship between a child's higher English language preference for media and for communication with others outside the family and better reading skills in English. Language preference differences predicted reading abilities better for English than for Spanish. Results suggested that sequential bilingual children's language preference may be a useful marker of English language (second language [L2]) facility and use that is related to their reading proficiency or influences the development of English reading skills in such bilingual children in the United States. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 44: 171–181, 2007.  相似文献   

We discuss the fruits of educational neuroscience research from our laboratory and show how the typical maturational timing milestones in bilingual language acquisition provide educators with a tool for differentiating a bilingual child experiencing language and reading delay versus deviance. Further, early schooling in two languages simultaneously affords young bilingual children a reading advantage and may also ameliorate the negative effect of low socioeconomic status on literacy. Using powerful brain imaging technology, functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy, we provide a first-time look into the developing brains of bilingual as comapred to monolingual children. We show unequivocally that the age of first bilingual exposure is a vital predictor of bilingual language and reading mastery. Accounts that promote later dual language and reading instruction, or those that assert human brain development is unrelated to bilingual language mastery, are not supported by the present findings. We discuss the implications for education, teachers, and developmental brain sciences.  相似文献   

This research considers aspects of literacy in Maltese–English bilingual children. The study examined the reading and phonological awareness skills in English and Maltese of children whose home language is Maltese and second language English. A sample of 50 typically developing Maltese pupils aged 8 years 0 months to 10 years 5 months was selected. Since commencing school at the age of 5 years, the children have been learning to read in Maltese and also in English. For the purpose of this study, Maltese reading and reading‐related tests were constructed to parallel the UK and US standardised assessments. The novel tests and the standardised tests were administered to all the children. Results showed that Maltese children read better in their first language (Maltese) than in English, the language of instruction. Findings also showed that phonological awareness measures correlated across first and second languages. The results are discussed in terms of L1 and L2 transfer, whereby the transparency of Maltese orthography and English phonological processing skills facilitate performance on phonological tasks in both Maltese and English.  相似文献   

外语学习障碍的概念在上世纪80年代提出,一直作为一种学习障碍被研究者关注,特别是在外语学习研究领域。这一概念在提出后就存在争议,争议的焦点在于如何定义和测量外语学习障碍,以及是否存在一种学习障碍叫做外语学习障碍。导致这些争议的原因主要来自学习障碍概念本身的争议和分歧,另外在外语学习障碍的定义和诊断上的问题也是导致争议的重要原因。对外语学习过程及其与母语习得之间差异的考察有助于我们重新认识外语学习障碍。  相似文献   

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