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In order to build a harmonious society of bilingualism in ethnic regions,language planning and policy for language education should be made in accordance with both immediate need and long term interest of ethnic minorities.In other words,we should take into consideration of the tool function and social and cultural functions of language on one hand;and on the other hand,we should not neglect emotional factor and identity function of language.Efforts should be made to encourage and guarantee the application of both mother tongue and national common language,support coexistence of schools using different teaching models in ethnic regions,integrate traditional culture of ethnic minorities into economic development of modern society,balance spiritual and material needs of ethnic minorities and effectively coordinate relations between ethnic identity and national identity.  相似文献   

Written language is an important symbol of civilization of an ethnic group.Application of written language and integrating it into school education is a step into social progress in the development of an ethnic group.This paper discusses the history of the Miao written language from its creation to its integration into school education system in order to illustrate the importance of ethnic written language in the current edu-cational development of ethnic regions.  相似文献   

Intelligence resource is closely related with natural,humanistic and biological environments for the survival of different ethnic groups.The coexistence of diverse cultures in the Southwest region results in different ethnic intelligence resources and their adaptability.Intelligence resources form the basis of innovation and adaptability for survival,so,the sustainable development of intelligence resources of ethnic groups should be taken as the basic strategy for education and culture.To realize this goal,further studies should be made in aspects of theory construction of education and culture for ethnic groups,inheritance and development of ethnic traditional cultures,education for teachers of multi-cultures and integration of ethnic cultures into courses.  相似文献   

This paper studies the similarities and differences between the goals of bilingual education in China and the United States. China and the U. S. have similar purposes in providing bilingual education to language minorities at the elementary-secondary school level. The Americans use bilingual education as a remedy, but most Chinese treat it as a tool for tangible interests. American colleges and universities provide monolingual instruction only, but their Chinese counterparts are promoting bilingual instruction today. Many have considered American bilingual education a failure. The validity of China's collegiate bilingual instruction is under debating. More research work must be done before we learn how bilingual education may be efficiently and effectively provided to different groups with various educational needs.  相似文献   

Language characteristics of the Korean Minority are weakening.This is caused by both social development and language development.The main problems are lacking language environment,and a decreasing number of people who use the language accompanied by an increasing number of Korean students who choose Han schools.Therefore,in Yanbian area,great importance should be attached to education of the Korean language.Efforts should be made to increase the number of students and build up a teaching body so as to promote healthy development of education for the Korean minority.  相似文献   

In sixty years after the founding of New China,the Party and the state have deepened understanding of ethnic education.In value theory of ethnic education,our party and the state not only attach importance to significance of ethnic education in realizing ethnic equality,enhancing national unity and protecting national integrity,but also lay stress on its value in economic and social development of ethnic regions and regard it as the basic project of promoting harmonious development in politics,economy,culture and society of ethnic regions.In methodology of ethnic education,stress is laid in carrying out reform and development according to reality of ethnic groups and ethnic regions.In development strategy of ethnic education,the emphasis is put on increasing input and support for ethnic education,implementing development strategy of"low barycentre",developing ethnic normal education to cultivate qualified ethnic teachers,and strengthening leadership for ethnic education.Since the founding of New China,innovation and change in ethnic education concept have provided basic understanding for the development of ethnic education in China.  相似文献   

Cultural identification is a significant perspective fo the promotion of the education for ehinic Unity.The theoretical analysis and survey result show that healthy ethnic interaction and utnity are based upon harmonious acculturation which based upon both ethnic and national identification,and the integration of bi-cultures.The relevant education must make use of the fruits of psychological acculturation so as to Promote the education for ethinic unity.  相似文献   

In higher education,the concept and model of general education has become the concern in recent researches.Traditional culture of ethnic minorities is an important part of the Chinese traditional culture.To integrate traditional culture of ethnic minorities in general education is both the social requirement for the training goal of general education and also one of the indispensable ways to inherit ethnic traditional culture.Exploring education of multi-cultures in general education is not only an issue to be considered in education and teaching reform of higher learning institutions,but also a perquisite for safeguarding social stability and harmonious development.  相似文献   

我国民族教育经济研究的回顾与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the development of economic society and the further development of the West,studies on educational economy have gradually developed in ethnic regions with higher level,wider range and more achievements,which have made a great theoretical contribution to the reform and development of education in ethnic regions.However,some problems still exist in the research such as lacking foresight,neglecting special and ethnic characteristics of ethnic regions,and lacking research specialists and methods.Efforts should be made in building a research system,setting up centers to train professional talents,and attaching importance to interaction among ethnic education,culture and economy.  相似文献   

A study was made on differences in cultural inheritance of the Tujia people,the Miao and Dong people in Southeast Guizhou Province and Tunbao people in Anshun.It is believed that family education and social education are important means to inherit ethnic culture.Suggestions are put forward that in university entrance examination,test on ethnic culture should be given and the score of it be added instead of lowering scores for ethnic students;economic lever be used to make ethnic schools live up to the name;and higher-level law be applied to strengthen ethnic customs so as to inherit ethnic culture.  相似文献   

自2005年新疆开展少数民族学前双语教育以来,调研组对新疆少数民族双语幼儿园编班类型、双语教育教学的形式进行了调查,在分析编班类型的基础上梳理出教育模式,并提出影响学前双语教育成效的因素。在与一线双语教师开展行动研究中总结出“三步式”学前双语教育方法,这是提升新疆学前双语教育质量的有效策略。  相似文献   

新疆少数民族双语教育模式及其语言使用问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分析了新疆少数民族语言使用与发展状况和现行双语教育模式及目标设计,指出了新疆少数民族双语教育中存在的模式泛化和语言使用问题,认为双语教育的模式应体现双语教育目标,而双语教育的目标设计应以少数民族语言使用与发展状况为依据,才能满足不同民族对双语教育的需求。双语教学中民汉语言的使用应以教师和学生的汉语能力为依据,以实现双语教育目标为目的,实事求是地实现教学语言的逐渐过渡。  相似文献   

文章针对少数民族学前儿童双语教育中汉语活动的内容、形式做了比较深入细致的探讨,遵循儿童语言教学规律,突出学前教育特点,体现寓教于乐的原则,因地制宜,充分利用学前儿童所在地的资源创造语境,让孩子在自然状态中逐步培养汉语交流的兴趣和能力。  相似文献   

浙西南是畲族人口较为集中的地区,浙西南民族地区对畲话的传承做了许多有益的探索实践。畲汉双语教育、畲族文化工程和畲族居住格局对畲话传承起着十分重要作用。畲族文字是否需要创制,如何更有效地实施畲汉双语教育是值得我们深入思考的问题。  相似文献   

少数民族教育直接关系到我国少数民族地区的经济发展和社会进步。在少数民族聚居地区实施双语教学是发展民族教育的重要途径。但是,在少数民族双语教育方面仍然面临着许多问题。文章将系统地介绍关国、英国、德国、法国的双语教育的历史背景、语言政策和具体实施情况,以期对我们更好地开展双语教学有所启发。  相似文献   

本文在深入研究和总结加拿大早期完全浸入式双语教育理论和经验的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,提出了在我国少数民族地区开展早期部分浸入式双语教育,并从理论支撑、选择缘由等维度探索了在我国少数民族地区通过该模式开展学前双语教育的可行性和对策.  相似文献   

儿童的语言教育既要遵循儿童发展的规律,又要符合语言教育规律,还要考虑少数民族儿童语言学习的特点。在学前教育阶段加强国家通用语教育的策略包括:加强党的民族政策的学习,把握双语教育的正确方向;优先支持民族地区幼儿园建设,普及民族地区学前教育,在幼儿阶段强化国家通用语教育;在活动中提高儿童的国家通用语水平;注重信息技术的运用;加强学前师资队伍建设;营造良好的国家通用语学习环境。加强少数民族地区幼儿园建设,普及民族地区学前教育,抓住儿童语言发展的关键期开展国家通用语教育,使少数民族儿童较好掌握国家通用语,为少数民族儿童的终身发展奠定坚实的基础,对促进少数民族儿童的国家认同、加强民族团结,意义重大,影响深远。  相似文献   

在人类口头与非物质文化遗产的传承和保护中,语言不仅是人们用来相互沟通的重要工具,也是用来体现一个族群的民族性的重要依据。因此,少数民族非物质文化遗产要得到科学的传承与保护,民、汉双语教育是一个必不可少的重要手段。本文认为,双语教育在确保非物质文化遗产传承中不但具有原真性意义,而且还为跨文化沟通提供了族际交流的语言条件。无论是在实现多民族语言保护和文化多样性传承方面,还是在构建"美美与共"的族际文化共享社会环境等方面,双语教育都在发挥着应有的重要作用。  相似文献   

改革开放40年来,少数民族双语教育研究发展较快。基于中国知网数据库,运用citespace软件对1978—2018年期间国内少数民族双语教育研究的研究机构、研究内容及研究趋势进行分析,归纳出该领域的五大研究方向:双语教学、双语教师及双语教育模式研究,学前和中小学阶段双语教育研究,藏汉和维汉双语教育研究,美国双语教育和多元文化教育研究,语言态度和语言使用研究。该领域的研究经历了探索期、平稳发展期、井喷期和新时代四个阶段。针对现有研究存在的不足,本文提出强化濒危语言的教育研究、弥补高等教育阶段双语教育研究短板、开展国外双语教育专项研究等策略,以期为少数民族双语教育研究的理论与实践提供参考。  相似文献   

3-4岁是幼儿语言发展的关键期。提高听说能力成为民语幼儿理解运用汉语的桥梁。评价是双语教学活动中的重要环节,可以使幼儿在汉语学习过程中获得大量的反馈信息,教师通过这种反馈的信息可以反思自己的教育教学行为,从而提高双语教学的质量。  相似文献   

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