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文章以“国培计划”(2013)新疆农村小学体育参训学员为调查对象,对其所在学校的体育教学现状进行了调查分析,旨在进一步完善“国培计划”参训学员的培养实施方案,为培养高素质的农村小学体育骨干教师提供保障.  相似文献   

本文通过问卷法对2010年、2011年以及2012年河北师范大学"国培计划"中西部项目满意度情况进行调查与分析,数据显示学员在项目对培训需求的把握、学习资源及设施、生活条件及质量、服务态度与质量、研修成果与收获等方面的满意度呈上升趋势。本文在数据分析的基础上,介绍与总结了河北师范大学在实施"国培计划"中西部项目中的相关措施与有益经验,并针对实施过程中存在的问题进行反思,从而为切实提高"国培计划"施训效果提出改进设想。  相似文献   

结合近年来实施的“国培计划”项目的实践,从教育行政主管部门和培训机构的角度,在学员遴选和学员管理两个方面,分析了“国培计划”实施中的学员管理工作,以期把培训学员管理工作做深、做细、做严、做实,真正体现“国培计划”的高端、高效.  相似文献   

“国培计划”高度重视专业化创新型乡村中小学教师的培养,已成为我国教师教育的国家品牌。以安徽省13地市1796名乡村中小学数学国培参训教师为研究对象,综合运用问卷调查、访谈和统计分析等方法,深入研究了他们的专业发展现状。结果表明,“国培计划”能有效促进参训教师的专业发展,但不同类型教师的专业发展程度是有差异的。总体来看,女性教师、中学一级教师和硕士学历教师专业发展最显著。国培学习积极性和课程满意度是两个显著性影响因素。基于上述结论,从学员学习积极性提高、国培课程满意度提升、中青年骨干教师培训项目单列、人工智能+数学教学能力培养和“国培计划”与学历教育融合等五个方面对我国“十四五”期间的“国培计划”发展提出建议。  相似文献   

文章总结了“国培计划”小学体育培训的成果,“国培计划”培训为新疆小学体育项目培训积累了经验,初步建立起国培体育项目培训的课程框架和管理模式,有助于推进培训理念更新,探索和创新培训模式.  相似文献   

以“幼师国培”(2012)——河北省农村幼儿园“转岗教师”培训为例,对幼师国培计划实施的有效性进行了调查,结果发现:参训学员对培训的总体满意度较高,但在专家团队构成、培训课程设计、培训方式选择、培训环境建设等方面都还存在着不尽如人意的地方,进而在分析的基础上提出了几点建议,以期能为今后的培训工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为了更好地总结经验,把握“国培计划”项目的培训需求,做好本年度的项目实施工作,吉林省教育厅委托吉林省“国培计划”项目执行办公室对全省10个市(州)教育学院、64所县(市/区)教师进修学校的教师培训工作负责人进行了2011年度“国培计划”培训需求调查,发放问卷74份,回收问卷71份,回收率达96%。  相似文献   

“国培计划”是教育部、财政部于2010年开始全面实施的旨在提高中小学教师特别是农村教师队伍整体素质的重要举措。“国培计划”农村中小学体育教师短期集中培训存在这样一些问题:培训组织松散,没有形成合力;难以组建培训团队;培圳内容存在“应然”与“实然”的矛盾。针对这些问题,应采取如下对策:提高认识,形成农村体育骨干教师培训组织合力;引入市场竞争机制,建立农村体育教师培训机构和人员的资质认定体系;确立和发挥参培学员的主体性,提高培训的实效性。  相似文献   

胡惠明 《教师》2012,(25):17-19
为规范“国培计划”项目管理,提高培训质量.教育部委托全国教师教育课程资源专家委员会组织专家研制了《“国培计划”课程标准(试行)》(以下简称“国培课标”)。于2012年5月17日发布实施。教育部要求承担“国培计划”任务的院校(机构)根据国培课标设置培训课程.研制项目实施方案:要求各地将国培课标的贯彻落实情况作为项目立项评审、绩效评估的重要内容。下面对国培课标的相关内容进行介绍,供培训机构设计培训方案或地方培训课程标准作参考。一、国培课标的种类  相似文献   

着眼于“国培计划2013西藏农村转岗幼儿教师短期集中培训”项目,根据受训教师对培训满意度的调查,发现受训教师对培训内容、培训方式/方法、培训教师团队、时间安排、住宿条件、管理水平与质量这6方面的评价基本满意,同时指出培训中的不足,从培训承办方、受训教师本身两方面进行了原因剖析,旨在提高国培计划的时效性.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of a large Australia‐wide survey which collected farm financial information and information about changes to farm‐management practices, as well as information about education and training, and a smaller survey of farmers who attended one of three training courses for farmers. The paper considers the relationship between education and training outcomes at macro and micro levels. At the macro level, education and training as well as prompts for change are considered, while at the micro level the influence of training on changes to practice is examined. Education and training enhance farmers’ ability and willingness to make successful changes to their management practice. The training program is generally only one of several factors which influence participants to make changes in their practice. Training events are opportunities for interaction between participants and with expert trainers. This interaction assists in altering values and attitudes toward new practices.  相似文献   

培训培训是全面启动中小学教师继续教育工程并保证培训质量和效益的先决条件,也是继续教育的一个崭新课题。教师进修学校教师的培训分在培训机构集中培训和在培训任职学校培训两类。集中培训的内容为;继续教育的理论学习;继续教育课程研究;继续教育经验交流;学科前沿和综合性知识;小学教师培训的理论与实践。培训模式的特点有:具有明确的主题性;突出参训的实践性;充分发挥参训的资源。在培训试点工作的基础上制订《浙江省教师进修学校教师继续教育培训方案》;在实验研究的基础上初步形成《浙江省教师进修学校教师校本培训方案》。  相似文献   


Do pedagogical training courses for university teachers have desirable effects on the participants? We set out to answer this question by following a panel of 183 university teachers from Sweden’s six largest universities, who participated in pedagogical training courses. Our study reveals that the participants’ self-reported confidence in their role as teachers increased slightly, and their self-assessed pedagogical skills increased notably after they had finished their courses. Even though the courses were rather short, we could also observe some changes in fundamental approaches to teaching in some of the subgroups of respondents, both toward more student-centeredness and, perplexingly, toward more teacher-centeredness. Additionally, most respondents (7 out of 10) found the courses useful or very useful. Course satisfaction was most notable among participants with less than three years of teaching experience. Considering the fact that we find the positive effects of pedagogical training courses to be present mainly in the group of participants with less than three years of teaching experience, we discuss whether a policy of making these courses mandatory for all university teachers implies an overestimation of their impact.  相似文献   

While “flipping” a classroom has gained attention in K-12 and Secondary school programs, there has been relatively no explicit focus on its effectiveness as a teaching method for instructional media design courses in Higher Education. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to determine the effectiveness of the flipped classroom approach to teaching instructional media design subjects by comparing students’ academic performance and training satisfaction in traditional lecture-based instruction with those in a flipped classroom. A total of 128 undergraduate students participated voluntarily and were divided into a control (= 62) and an experimental (= 66) group, respectively. The study findings indicated substantial differences in both academic performance and training satisfaction between the two groups, with the students in the experimental group performing significantly better. Specifically, the results showed some determining factors associated with training satisfaction that explain why students in flipped classes achieved notably higher mastery in the learning objectives than their control group peers. This study adds to the literature by providing evidence on how a flipped classroom can potentially benefit students’ academic performance, leading to higher training satisfaction and deeper disciplinary understanding in instructional media design courses.  相似文献   

The increasing importance that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been gaining for Physical Education (PE) and sports pedagogy has generated the need to prepare ICT-proficient prospective PE teachers within PE and sport science university departments. This study was aimed at: (a) the design and implementation of two project-based elective courses on ICT in education (entitled ‘Informatics in Education’ and ‘Computers in Physical Education Teaching’) for the undergraduate students of a PE and sport science department, and (b) the investigation of students’ responses to the courses and instructor’s experiences from organizing and imparting the courses. The courses were focused on educational multimedia and web development for PE. Twenty-three students that had attended ‘Informatics in Education’ and 13 students that had attended ‘Computers in Physical Education Teaching’ participated in the study. Research data were collected through student questionnaires and instructor’s notes. It was found that students were helped to acquire basic multimedia and web development skills for educational purposes, and that their responses to the courses were positive overall. The courses fulfilled students’ expectations and were successful in equipping students with self-confidence in their ability to make use of ICT in PE courses and to construct multimedia and web-based learning materials. Furthermore, students were provided with opportunities to express their creativity and improve their future instructional practices. However, the study also brought to light the various difficulties and challenges of training prospective PE teachers in the didactical utilization of ICT at undergraduate level.  相似文献   

根据体育院系足球普修课基本技术教学的实际情况,为了提高教学质量,采用徐福生训练法的基本原理,笔者对体育系2002级1、2班进行足球普修课基本技术教学实验对比的教学研究,取得明显教学效果,并对徐福生训练法提出几点认识.  相似文献   

通过对新加坡发布的《理工学院及工艺教育学院应用学习教育检讨报告书(ASPIRE)》和《新加坡持续教育与培训2020总蓝图》进行阐述,分析新加坡ASPIRE委员会的组成、主要任务、目标以及对新加坡持续教育与培训的意见和建议,分析《新加坡持续教育与培训2020总蓝图》的主要内容及策略方向;分析新加坡技能创前程计划的主要内容、四个重点推动力、四大核心任务以及终身学习对新加坡高等教育注入流动性的影响。最后提出新加坡持续教育与培训体系对我国继续教育从国家层面和社会发展、以职业应用教育为特色的模块化培训以及继续教育与培训三方合作的培养机制等三点启示。  相似文献   

The ability to purposefully access, reflect, and use evidence from educational research (Educational Research Literacy) is expected of future professionals in educational practice. Based on the presented conceptual framework, a test instrument was developed to assess the different competency aspects: Information Literacy, Statistical Literacy, and Evidence-based Reasoning. This paper addresses the question of whether this test allows monitoring students’ development during courses on research methods in educational science. In winter semester 2013/14, two courses in Early Education and Teacher Training degree programs were accompanied. Both cross-sectional (multidimensional latent regression models) and longitudinal (paired t tests of plausible values) comparisons are reported. The results indicate no significant differences in competencies between the degree programs at start of the semester. For the end of semester, only data of the Early Education course was available. These course participants showed higher proficiency in all aspects of educational research literacy. In conclusion, the results are discussed with regard to the goals of the assessment of competencies in higher education, particularly the use of test feedback for course development, and desiderata for future research (e.g., ability to transfer research into practice) are stated.  相似文献   

针对体育选项课学生选课满意度低的问题,文章构建关于体育选项课策略的有约束的、多目标、非线性的组合优化模型,并提出利用进化规划算法有效地求解模型,为科学合理地进行体育选项课选课及网络选课软件开发提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Nationally approved adult numeracy teacher training programmes were started in September 2002 following the introduction of subject specifications by the Department for Education and Skills and the Further National Training Organisation in England. These programmes delivered by higher education institutions and further education colleges were found to consist of a wide variation of course structure and delivery style. This article offers a conceptual typological framework to classify the diversity of these programmes. It uses examples of adult numeracy courses drawn from a research project which investigates the diverse curriculum approaches to teaching the subject specifications, the issues around implementation, and the way that subject knowledge was translated into classroom skills. The typology uses Bernstein’s theories on curriculum knowledge, transmission and recontextualization of pedagogic processes as a framework to classify and enhance our understanding of the raison d’etre of this subject area of teacher training courses, that is, to teach trainees how to be teachers of adult numeracy. The article also offers an ‘ideal’ teacher training course where some of its elements are drawn from best practices identified in the project. Finally, this article might act as a platform for practitioners to critically assess how adult numeracy teacher training courses might be structured and classified.  相似文献   

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