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试析我国男女中长跑运动员成绩差异的原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对我国部分中长跑运动员的绝对速度、速度耐力和速度的合理分配以及如何应用“人才群体”进行了资料调查。对我国男子中长跑运动员与世界优秀中长跑运动员之间的差异和我国男、女中长跑运动员之间所存在的差异进行比较、分析 ,提出看法和建议。  相似文献   

对男子达到健将、女子达到国际健将的中外马拉松运动员117人次比赛的速度分配进行研究,结果表明,优秀马拉松运动员比赛速度分配呈“匀速跑”特征;运用运动员比赛全程各段落速度百分率的特征,建立各段落成绩量化的模式表,即各段落速度分配表,为运动员比赛实施理想的速度分配,创造优异成绩提供参考。  相似文献   

短跑运动员在专项成绩达到一定水平后,在某一阶段,某一时期,甚至几年内在速度增长上出现“缓慢”、“停滞不前”、“下降”等现象就是“速度障碍”。少年短跑运动员的“速度障碍”与优秀运动员不同,它不是由于训练中快跑速度能力已达到或接近当前最高水平而出现的“速度障碍”,而是在快跑能力一般(一级运动员以下水平)的情况下出现的,其原因大概有以下几点:  相似文献   

竞走运动员“阈值速度”的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为不断提高竞走运动员的训练水平,通过对运动员血液中乳酸含量的分析,求出其运动强度达乳酸阈时的速度(即“阈值速度”),对提高竞走运动员有氧代谢能力的训练有重要意义。研究发现运动员血乳酸浓度总体位置达3mmol/L 左右时,出现非线性临界点。达临界点时的“阈值速度”与运动成绩、比赛速度呈高度相关;临界点时的平均心率为162次/分。本文采用坐标作图方法求得乳酸阈值及“阈值速度”。  相似文献   

运用文献资料研究法、灰色关联分析和图表分析法,对第十届世界田径锦标赛女子400 m栏决赛前8名运动员的速度特征进行了研究。结果表明,女子400 m栏运动员速度总体变化趋势为“速度上升-高速度保持-速度下降”,第2栏、第6栏栏间速度与成绩关联最大,而这两个栏间正是运动员速度变化的转折点,也进一步表明加速能力、速度耐力水平是决定运动成绩的最重要因素;同时,对中国运动员黄潇潇的技术特征进行了具体分析并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

我国优秀男子标枪运动员助跑速度的类型与特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究采用SCL—Ⅰ型运动测速雷达仪,对我国10名优秀男子标枪运动员的助跑速度进行了比赛现场测试。共获有用助跑速度曲线44条,数据280多个。经整理分析得出:我国优秀男子标枪运动员的助跑速度曲线类型可分为尖峰型和平台型、助跑的加速度方式有“速升”和“缓升”两种。不同运动员应选择适合自身特点,能充分发挥速度能力的助跑形式。  相似文献   

速度分配能力差是影响我国男子400米跑成绩提高的主要原因之一,而导致速度分配能力差的主要原因之一是心理素质差;多年来,我国对采用心理训练提高男子400米跑运动员的速度分配能力的理论研究尚少,尤其是对少年400米跑的心理训练的研究更少,为此,我们着重对采用“意念训练”提高少年男子400米跑运动员速度分配能力作初步探讨,为更好地对少年运动员进行心理训练提供参考。所谓“意念训练”是指培养运动员根据任务需要全神贯注地将重现的动作与实际的训练相结  相似文献   

运用极限爆发训练法提高篮球运动员弹跳力的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用“极限爆发训练法”对12名高校高水平男子篮球运动员进行了为期12个月的力量训练,结果表明,此法能使运动员的弹跳力、爆发力和速度显著提高。  相似文献   

我国男子百米跑成绩落后原因分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对中外优秀百米跑运动员的速度结构和技术特征分析认为:我国运动员成绩落后的原因主要是步幅小、绝对速度差,速度结构和技术特征显出一定优势,但电存在缺陷;“双峰”或“多峰”跑比“匀速跑到底”更符合人体的生理特点。  相似文献   

一、对高校田径短跑训练的现状分析短跑的特点是要求运动员具备在比赛中发挥最高速度和保持最高速度的能力,因此速度是短跑运动员的关键因素。如何提高短跑运动员的速度,许多教练员及科研工作者提出了一些行之有效的方法。当前高校在田径短跑训练方面客观上存在着训练期限短、时间少、条件差等实际问题。在主观上看短跑运动员成绩停滞不前甚至下降的现象——即“速度障碍”的出现,往往造成短跑运动员训练积极性下降,比赛信心不足等“症  相似文献   

采用实验法、观察法及分析法,对5名参加以400m跑为主项的短期集训运动员的训练过程进行分析,探讨短期内提高运动成绩的有效途径,结果证明,长距快速跨步跳是短期内提高400m跑运动成绩,特别是后半程运动成绩的有效手段.  相似文献   

跳远动力学仿真 着重分析跳远中的关键 动作一踏板时的碰撞问 题。作者用Lagrange碰 撞方程推导出适用多刚 体踏跳碰撞仿真方程。 该仿真方程可分析出影 响跳远成绩的主要因素, 最后以跳远的距离为目 标函数,建立描述跳远运动员腾空数学模型。可用计算机算出最优化的跳远技术参数,向教练员提供科学训练理论依据。  相似文献   

物理学对训练项目有很好的指导作用,它是掌握和改进运动技术,加快提高运动成绩的重要依据。运用物理学知识对跳远、射击项目中的位移、力的分解和光的直线传播原理等进行阐述。提出物理教学要教给运动员应知应会的知识,重视基础学科对训练项目实践性的指导作用及对提高运动成绩的重要性。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to examine the age- and sex-associated variation in neuromuscular capacities of young distance runners. A secondary aim was to compare the magnitude of sex differences in young athletes in the same sport compared with the general population. Twenty-seven male and 27 female distance runners were enrolled in the study, whose ages ranged from 8.0 to 15.1 years at initial visit. Twenty males and 16 females were followed at approximate annual intervals for 4 or 5 years. Seven neuromuscular capacities were measured: quadrant jump, figure 8 run, standing long jump, vertical jump, flexed arm hang, sit-and-reach and sit-up. Age- and sex-associated variation was analysed by two-way analysis of variance. There were significant main effects for age for quadrant jump, figure 8 run, long jump, vertical jump, sit-and-reach and sit-up. There were significant main effects for sex for figure 8 run, long jump, vertical jump, flexed arm hang and sit-and-reach. The interaction between age and sex was statistically significant for long jump and vertical jump. In general, differences in neuromuscular agility (figure 8 run, quadrant jump) and explosiveness-power (long jump, vertical jump) between the sexes were attenuated before 13 years of age in young distance runners. However, during the adolescent growth spurt, differences in agility and power between the sexes emerged as a result of a continued increase in males and a plateau in females. Differences between the sexes in upper body neuromuscular endurance (flexed arm hang) and sit-and-reach persisted throughout the age range. The magnitude of sex differences between the runners and the general population varied by age and neuromuscular capacity.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to examine the age- and sex-associated variation in neuromuscular capacities of young distance runners. A secondary aim was to compare the magnitude of sex differences in young athletes in the same sport compared with the general population. Twenty-seven male and 27 female distance runners were enrolled in the study, whose ages ranged from 8.0 to 15.1 years at initial visit. Twenty males and 16 females were followed at approximate annual intervals for 4 or 5 years. Seven neuromuscular capacities were measured: quadrant jump, figure 8 run, standing long jump, vertical jump, flexed arm hang, sit-and-reach and sit-up. Age- and sex-associated variation was analysed by two-way analysis of variance. There were significant main effects for age for quadrant jump, figure 8 run, long jump, vertical jump, sit-and-reach and sit-up. There were significant main effects for sex for figure 8 run, long jump, vertical jump, flexed arm hang and sit-and-reach. The interaction between age and sex was statistically significant for long jump and vertical jump. In general, differences in neuromuscular agility (figure 8 run, quadrant jump) and explosiveness-power (long jump, vertical jump) between the sexes were attenuated before 13 years of age in young distance runners. However, during the adolescent growth spurt, differences in agility and power between the sexes emerged as a result of a continued increase in males and a plateau in females. Differences between the sexes in upper body neuromuscular endurance (flexed arm hang) and sit-and-reach persisted throughout the age range. The magnitude of sex differences between the runners and the general population varied by age and neuromuscular capacity.  相似文献   

运用多刚体模型及现代计算机仿真技术,探讨人体在不同姿势下踏板所引起的跳远远度的变化特征,以寻找最佳的起跳着板姿势。结果表明:着板时小腿的姿态角、膝关节角不同组合可以使人体获得相同的远度,故仅凭着板角的大小来衡量着板技术的优劣显然是不合理的;跳远踏跳着板时刻、人体各环节姿态角对跳远距离的影响作用大小并不一致,其重要性排序依次为踏跳腿小腿的姿态角最重要,其次是踏跳腿的膝角,而躯干斜角、大腿夹角及摆动腿的膝角对跳远距离的影响相对较小;运动员在跳远踏跳着板时刻,一定存在一个最佳的踏跳腿膝关节角和小腿与地面的夹角,以这种方式上板,可获得最大的跳远距离。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate possible changes at step pattern and technical performance of the long jump approach run in seven young long jumpers by modifying the performance environment (long jump runway versus track lane) and the nested actions (run-through with take-off versus complete long jump). Our findings suggest that the step pattern and technical aspects of the approach run are affected by environmental context and nested task constraints. In terms of environmental context, it appears that practising the training routine of run-through followed by take-off on the long jump runway allows athletes to simulate competition conditions in terms of step regulation and technical efficacy. The task of run-through followed by take-off on the track lane failed to initiate visual perception, step regulation and technical efficiency at the steps preceding the instant of take-off. In terms of nested task constraints, when run-ups were followed by jump for distance instead of only a take-off, a higher level of consistency was achieved and step regulation was based on perception–action coupling. Practising long jump run-up accuracy at a setting not containing the informational elements of the performance environment fails to develop the key elements of the skill.  相似文献   

助跑技术是跳远技术的重要组成部分之一,助跑的准确性又是影响跳远成绩稳定发挥的关键因素。采用文献资料、实验、数据统计等研究方法,从助跑距离的确定,改善初始助跑节奏,对提高中学生跳远助跑准确性进行了研究,结果显示跳远助跑运用标记法教学效果优于传统教学法,为中学生跳远的教学和训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

通过数年对女生跳高、跳远和立定跳远成绩的随机抽样 ,运用统计学的原理进行分析研究 ,发现同属跳类项目的立定跳远的评分标准与跳高、跳远存在着极显著的差异。建议对项目设置及评分标准进行有效性和客观性验证。  相似文献   

为了探讨短距离助跑跳远这一练习方法的运动生物力学意义,本文对跳远运动员的短距离助跑和全程助跑跳远进行高速摄影和三维测力的同步测试.并通过对其分析和研究,结果表明:1)短距离助跑与全程助跑的水平速度、跳跃距离之差约为10%;2)起跳时间和力作用于垂直方向的时间比全程助跑长;3)腾起角度大于全程助跑;4)身体重心腾起高度和滞空时间与全程助跑相同。  相似文献   

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