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秦万祥  李廷娟 《海外英语》2011,(15):255-257
对推理的研究是语篇阅读理解研究的关键。一语语篇理解的推理研究经历了三个阶段,二语语篇理解的推理逐渐引起研究者们的关注。研究者们提出了最小假设模型、建构主义理论和因果推理产生模型等理论模型来描述推理过程、预测推理内容、解释推理结果。  相似文献   

本文以不同英语水平的中国英语学习者为研究对象, 采用命名实验和关键句阅读实验的在线研究方法, 着重考察了语篇因果制约度和读者的二语水平对语篇理解中预期推理的激活和编码的影响。 研究结果表明:1)在二语语篇阅读过程中, 语篇的因果制约度影响预期推理的即时激活, 当语篇因果制约度高时, 读者易做出预期推理;2) 在二语语篇阅读过程中, 预期推理概念的激活受读者语言水平的影响, 高级英语水平 读者能够在较低水平上即时激活预期推理概念, 而中级语言水平读者预期推理概念不能即时激活;3) 对于高 级英语水平读者 ,预期推理能够在激活后保存于读者工作记忆并编码于语篇短时记忆表征, 但这种编码只是 一种部分编码 。  相似文献   

推理是语篇中没有明确提到却被激活的信息,或从语篇已知的语义信息中产生新语义信息的过程。对推理的研究一直是语篇阅读理解研究关键。通过从国外语篇推理研究的三个阶段、语篇理解中推理的分类以及语篇理解的推理理论与模型三个方面对国外语篇理解中的推理研究进行总结、回顾和探讨,希望有助于对语篇阅读理解的研究。  相似文献   

翻译过程与语篇语境动态构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在翻译过程中,语境起着重要作用。但是静态语境观将翻译看作“成品”而非“过程”,仅仅强调研究语境对理解源语语篇的影响,忽视研究语境对的语语篇生成的作用。从动态语篇语境的观点来看,翻译是一个以语篇为单位、从源语语篇理解向的语语篇的生成转换过程,这一过程可以通过动态构建源语语篇语境和的语语篇语境来实现。  相似文献   

词汇推理又名“词义猜测(推断)”,指的是在语篇阅读中基于上下文对不熟悉词汇的意义进行推理和猜测。对学习者而言,词汇推理既是一种不可或缺的认知过程,也是一项有效的阅读策略,对二语语篇的理解和构建意义重大。梳理和回顾词汇推理的概念和模型,并基于实例阐释了词汇推理的流程以及点线面相结合的推理策略,最后探讨了该推理流程和策略对教学的启示。  相似文献   

语篇分析主要关注语篇的交际功能,而语篇中影响其交际价值的因素主要有语法、词汇以及语用因素.因此,在翻译过程中译者要注重原文语法、词汇以及语用因素对语篇交际价值的影响,合理运用翻译技巧,使源语语篇的交际价值最大化地移入目的语语篇中.  相似文献   

汪斯斯 《文教资料》2014,(20):27-28
连贯推理是语篇理解中最常进行的推理类型。本文回顾了国内外有关连贯推理的研究成果,包括连贯推理的理论模型、影响因素、认知神经科学的研究等,希望能对未来我国在这一领域的研究有所启发和借鉴。  相似文献   

留学生汉语语篇衔接偏误目的语因素考察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在实证材料的基础上,由母语为英语的留学生汉语中介语语篇偏误入手,从语篇衔接的角度探讨了目的语对中介语的影响程度和影响方式,得出结论:大约三分之一的语篇衔接偏误是由目的语因素造成的,证明目的语因素是造成中介语语篇衔接偏误的重要因素之一.又根据James Corder的研究方法,借助典型的偏误实例,分析了目的语对中介语的影响方式.  相似文献   

语篇是语言的基本单位。语篇含义有显性和隐性之分。语篇理解是语篇含义的推导过程。语篇推理能力影响语篇理解,不可忽视。在分析了我国外语教学对语篇推理能力培养现状后,文章强调外语教学应注重培养和提高学生的语篇推理能力,同时,笔者提出了相应的教学策略。  相似文献   

推理活动是阅读理解的核心,推理是构建篇章连贯的重要手段。本文通过对语篇理解中的推理,可以看出在外语推理策略阅读教学中应深化语篇特征和语境因素分析,这样有利于培养和提高语篇推理能力,充分发挥推理在外语阅读教学中的重要作用。  相似文献   

连贯(coherence)是语篇的基本特征,在语篇理解中起重要作用。推理是语篇理解者构建语篇连贯的重要手段之一,因而也是构成语篇理解的基础。推理不仅仅涉及语篇信息的长时表征,也包括与连贯有关的信息短时激活,在语篇理解和信息加工系统中有其特定的制约和激发机制,语篇连贯离不开推理。文章探讨了推理(inference)和连贯的关系及其在语篇理解中的作用。  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between inference making, vocabulary knowledge, and verbal working memory on children’s reading comprehension in 62 6th graders (aged 12). The effect of vocabulary knowledge on reading comprehension was predicted to be partly mediated by inference making for two reasons: Inference making often taps the semantic relations among words, and the precise word meanings in texts are selected by readers on the basis of context. All independent variables were significantly and moderately correlated with reading comprehension. In support of our prediction, the link between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension was significantly mediated by inference making even when verbal working memory was controlled. An alternative mediation hypothesis (vocabulary as a mediator of the effect of inference making on comprehension) was not supported by the data. The study replicates and extends the findings of earlier work (Cromley & Azevedo, 2007; Segers & Verhoeven, 2016; Ahmed et al., 2016).  相似文献   

We investigated the dimensionality of inference making in samples of 4- to 9-year-olds (Ns = 416–783) to determine if local and global coherence inferences could be distinguished. In addition, we examined the validity of our experimenter-developed inference measure by comparing with three additional measures of listening comprehension. Multitrait, multimethod modeling determined that the best fitting model included both text and inference factors, but the factor loadings of these final models showed that local and global inference factors could not be measured reliably. The Inference Task as a whole was reliable and showed good validity at all grade levels.  相似文献   

结合经验模态分解(empiricalmodedecomposition,EMD)算法和自适应神经模糊推理系统(adap-tiveneuralfuzzyinferencesystem,ANFIS)算法应用于股票市场预测,提出了一种新的股票市场的预测模型,即EMD-ANFIS的多步预测模型。首先应用EMD算法把原始数据分解成不同尺度的基本模态函数(IMF)和残差(RES),然后通过ANFIS算法对生成的各个IMF和RES进行自适应神经模糊推理,再把各个预测结果进行简单的聚合作为股票的预测价格,并与传统的预测方法进行比较,实验证明了EMD-ANFIS的多步预测模型具有更高的预测精度。  相似文献   

探讨了图式知识在英语阅读推论中的作用.  相似文献   

“因声求义”是训诂学上一个重要的研究方法,它在先秦时期就已经开始萌芽,从汉代的“声训”、到宋代的“右文说”,再到清代的“因声求义”理论,经历了一个相当长的过程。现就其发展过程进行简单概括总结,从而理清其发展脉络。  相似文献   

图式理论对听力理解有深刻的指导意义。在听力理解过程中,怎样激活听者的知识图式是一个十分重大的课题。根据图式理论,听力理解中对有关知识信息的提取至关重要,而能否提取知识信息取决于听者头脑中是否已储存着有关信息或是否能把已知信息提取出来。推断联想的能力实际上就是从大脑中提取有关信息的能力。一个有经验的听者,往往具备不断延伸推测和联想的强烈的自我意识,因而他能提取到别人提取不到的已知信息。培养这种意识,训练这种能力,正是听力理解教学的根本任务。  相似文献   

This study explored characteristics of reading comprehension difficulties among Chinese students learning English as a second language (ESL). Two hundred forty-six Grade 8 English-immersion students in China were administered a battery of reading-related and reading comprehension tests. Three groups of comprehenders matched on age, nonverbal intelligence, and word-reading speed were identified: unexpected poor comprehenders, expected average comprehenders, and unexpected good comprehenders. The three groups differed in vocabulary and higher level processes. Vocabulary breadth and depth distinguished between the unexpected poor comprehenders and the expected average comprehenders. Inference, strategy, listening comprehension, summary writing, and morphological awareness distinguished between the expected average comprehenders and the unexpected good comprehenders. The findings suggest that vocabulary is the main source of reading comprehension difficulties in ESL unexpected poor comprehenders. The advantage of the unexpected good comprehenders group is primarily due to discourse comprehension and strategic processes, and is only possible with high language proficiency. There is no evidence that ESL unexpected poor comprehenders have poor Chinese (L1) reading ability.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether text structure inference skill (i.e., the ability to infer overall text structure) has unique predictive value for expository text comprehension on top of the variance accounted for by sentence reading fluency, linguistic knowledge and metacognitive knowledge. Furthermore, it was examined whether the unique predictive value of text structure inference skill differs between monolingual and bilingual Dutch students or students who vary in reading proficiency, reading fluency or linguistic knowledge levels. One hundred fifty-one eighth graders took tests that tapped into their expository text comprehension, sentence reading fluency, linguistic knowledge, metacognitive knowledge, and text structure inference skill. Multilevel regression analyses revealed that text structure inference skill has no unique predictive value for eighth graders’ expository text comprehension controlling for reading fluency, linguistic knowledge and metacognitive knowledge. However, text structure inference skill has unique predictive value for expository text comprehension in models that do not include both knowledge of connectives and metacognitive knowledge as control variables, stressing the importance of these two cognitions for text structure inference skill. Moreover, the predictive value of text structure inference skill does not depend on readers’ language backgrounds or on their reading proficiency, reading fluency or vocabulary knowledge levels. We conclude our paper with the limitations of our study as well as the research and practical implications.  相似文献   

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