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同伴互评是现阶段网络学习评价领域研究的热点话题。同伴互评领域的研究表明,学习者学习风格是影响该教学活动效果的因素之一。文章根据科尔布(Kolb)的学习风格量表对被试对象进行分类,设计并开展了基于“线下教学,线上互评”混合教学模式的同伴互评活动;依据评价深度内容分析表,对同伴互评中产生的评语文本进行分析,探讨学习者学习风格差异对网络同伴互评过程及其学习结果的影响。研究结果表明:①持不同学习风格的学习者在互评中的评价深度存在显著差异,其中聚敛型学习者在互评中评价深度最深;②学习者学习风格并未对其学习结果产生直接影响,但其在互评中的评价深度可以预测其学习结果。因此,开展同伴互评活动的教师应充分关注学习者学习风格差异,提升同伴互评中学习者评价的深度。  相似文献   

后疫情时代,提质增效是在线开放课程内涵式发展的重要抓手。重申促进学习的评价,强调学习者的深度参与,探究学习者参与同伴互评的特点及现存问题具有重要的现实意义。文章基于国内一门在线开放课程,采用学习分析技术从结构化与非结构化数据入手,分析在线开放课程同伴互评过程中学习者的投入度,并进一步探究同伴互评投入度与学习绩效的关系。研究结果表明,在线开放课程中学习者同伴互评的行为投入及认知投入不高,但是参与同伴互评能够识别更有动力通过课程的学习者,且其认知投入度能够预测其学习绩效。基于FBM(学习行为模型)模型提出促进同伴互评投入度的两阶段干预策略,从而提高学习者参与同伴互评的投入度,并为教师及平台提供更具针对性的策略建议。  相似文献   

教师培训是促进教师专业发展的有效途径,其中,线上培训近些年受到了越来越广泛的关注。以往研究已经证实,同伴互评可以促进教师的在线学习效果,但在应用中仍存在同伴评价参与度低、评分者一致性和评语质量不高等问题。研究将评价支架引入到大规模教师培训类MOOC中,对同伴互评中的整体型评价支架和分析型评价支架进行设计和开发,并采用实证研究的范式,探讨不同评价支架类型对教师同伴互评中评价参与度和评价效果的影响。研究结果表明,分析型评价支架能更好地提升教师学习者同伴互评的评价参与度,提升评价一致性和评语质量。因此,在设计与开发教师培训类MOOC时,可考虑将分析型评价支架纳入同伴互评活动。  相似文献   

同伴互评能够促进学习者高阶认知能力的发展。文章采用认知网络分析法,以课程进程中四次作业的同伴互评评语为分析对象,从时间序列视角探索同伴互评对学习者知识建构的过程影响与差异影响,剖析出在高校课程教育中"以评促学"的作用机理。研究发现:同伴互评能有效提高学习者深层次的知识建构,帮助学习者在更高阶认知结构上进行知识构建;在同伴互评策略支持下,高、低元认知自我调节能力水平学习者与整体学习者的知识建构过程趋同,即都经历了从浅层学习到深度学习的发展过程;但是,对于高水平元认知自我调节能力组学习者而言,同伴互评在提升学习者认知结构的综合性和深层次的建构方面,有更加明显的作用。  相似文献   

学评融合理念因其倡导学习与评价双向融通、相互促进而逐渐受到国内外教育领域的共同关注,以学习者为中心的自主评价与同伴互评是实现学评融合的有效方法。采用系统性文献综述的研究方法,对国际上2017—2022年间的高水平研究成果进行系统梳理,旨在分析自评与同伴互评结合的目的、对学习的促进作用以及有效的设计方法。研究的基本结论为:自主与同伴互评结合通过评价结果的相互佐证,提高评价的信效度,并引导参与者通过提供和接受反馈、反思改进来深度参与评价与学习过程;两者结合可以在认知上提升学习者的高阶思维能力、课程特定的知识与技能,行为上提升评价和学习的行为表现,情感上改善学习态度、增强信心与自我效能感、提高学习责任感与动机;有效评价应当注重对评价主客体角色互换、评价结果反馈与应用、评价过程的质量保障三种机制的设计。  相似文献   

慕课同伴互评模型设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2011年以来,慕课热潮席卷全球,成为高等教育领域的变革力量。随着慕课教学理念和实践的流行和深入发展,如何对慕课学习者进行学习测评成为大规模、开放式、在线教学活动环境下教师、研究人员和慕课学习者关注重点之一。同伴互评作为学习测评的一种方式被认为能够有效应对慕课环境下大规模学习者学习测评需求。基于此,本文在文献研究的基础上详述了同伴互评的研究发展,并结合本人在美国访学期间参与佛罗里达州立大学慕课教学实践分析了其优点和不足,从教学法和教育技术应用的角度提出慕课学习环境下五种不同的同伴互评模型,即同伴评分模型、专家扮演同伴互评模型、社交网络同伴互评模型、跨文化同伴互评模型和批判性同伴互评模型,指出慕课环境下进行同伴互评模型设计应关注的设计原则、标准和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

文章基于同伴互评与网络同伴互评学习活动的相关分析,从"理解"的角度探讨了网络同伴互评学习活动的内涵。基于此,文章围绕衍生性主题、理解性目标、学习任务、学习环境等四个核心要素,构建了理解视域下网络同伴互评学习活动的设计框架。依托此框架,文章以"网络教学平台的设计与开发"课程的相关学习内容为例,从理论层面设计了相应的学习活动。文章的研究,一方面可为同伴互评研究提供新思路,另一方面也可为教师的教学实践提供设计案例与方法上的借鉴。  相似文献   

同伴互评是培养高阶思维、提升学习绩效的重要学习策略。然而在教学实践中,同伴互评存在严重的低信任问题,即学习者对同伴的评价存在质疑或漠视,整体接受度不高。究其缘由,学习者的认知差异性是导致低信任问题的关键诱因:客观上,学习者的认知差异性导致同伴评价的不一致现象;主观上,学习者面对评价不一致现象时会产生确认偏误。人工智能赋能的可信同伴互评模型,使用可信系数标明评价的有效性,引导学习者建立正确的认同与信任,可以降低学习者的确认偏误。该模型的智能化实现过程分为4个阶段:评价及可信系数的表征、评分关系加权图构建、基于加权随机游走算法的同伴间认知水平关系挖掘、可信系数计算及评价反馈。基于该模型的教学实践表明:其能够依据评价者与被评者的相对认知水平为评价计算合理的可信系数;有助于提高学习者对同伴评价的接受度,在感知有用性、行为意愿2个维度上显著优于传统同伴互评模型;对学习者批判性思维倾向的培养具有显著的正向影响,在分析性、系统性、求知欲和思想开放性4个子维度上均有显著提升。  相似文献   

刘晓静 《英语辅导》2014,(2):26-31,46
基于网络的同伴互评是大学英语写作教学中的热点话题。互评小组的划分是互评活动计划的重要环节,影响着互评的效果。个人因素的多样使学习者在互评中有着不同的表现,同时对小组其他成员产生影响。本文立足于国内写作实践中应用最多的匿名延时互评,通过对72名学生4次写作互评作业的统计分析,考查英语水平、写作动机及认知风格三种个人因素如何对学生互评表现产生影响,从而对科学的互评分组提供参考。研究结果表明英语水平、写作动机和认知风格不同程度的作用于给出意见综述、意见类型和修改率,因此文章认为分组时必须充分考虑这些个人因素,以便组员之间优势互补,达到更好的互评效果。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨同伴互评在翻译教学中的应用效果。研究对象是20 名英语专业高年级的学生。研究者首先对受试进行一定的培训,随后收集同伴互评的相关数据,此后随机挑选6名 学生进行访谈。结果表明:同伴互评行之有效;同伴评论的利用率很高;修改后的译文质量有显著提高;翻译的方向对同伴互评的效果无明显影响;学习者对互评机制持积极态度。将同伴互评应用到翻译教学中来,有利于培养学习者的自主 学习与合作学习的能力,强化校改意识并提高翻译质量,以及促成我国的翻译教学向以过程为取向过渡。  相似文献   


Amateur musical instrument learners are usually taught in a one-to-many learning mode owing to the cost consideration; therefore, it is difficult for the teacher to address individual students’ problems. This results in a lack of knowledge internalization. The flipped classroom enables the teacher to have more in-class time to interact with individual students. However, when the teacher guides a learner in the flipped class, the other learners usually practice on their own rather than engaging in critical thinking or reflective thinking activities. Therefore, this study uses the peer assessment strategy to increase the effectiveness of musical instrument flipped teaching. However, conventional peer assessment flipped teaching (CPA) has some disadvantages. So, we present another method in which the peer assessment is performed by online video sharing (VSPA). The VSPA method can further extend the learning time until after class. It lets teachers have more time to solve the problems of individual students. Besides, it can reduce the students’ nervousness. The experimental results showed that both of the two teaching modes can help progression, but there is no significant difference in the learning effectiveness. As for learning preference, we found that the learners preferred CPA to VSPA.  相似文献   

This paper advances a model describing how peer assessment supports self-assessment. Although prior research demonstrates that peer assessment promotes self-assessment, the connection between these two activities is underspecified. This model, the assessment cycle, draws from theories of self-assessment to elaborate how learning takes place through peer assessment. The model is applied to three activity structures described in the literature to analyse their potential to support learning by promoting self-assessment. Broadly speaking, the model can be used to understand learning that takes place in a variety of peer assessment activities: marking/grading, analysis, feedback, conferencing and revision. This approach contrasts most studies on peer assessment, which have focused on calibration of instructor and peer grades, rather than learning opportunities.  相似文献   

Peer assessment can be conducted online with rapid development of online learning technology. The current study was conducted empirically to investigate peer rating accuracy and student learning outcomes in online peer assessments, comparing compulsory and voluntary peer assessment. Section 1 (N?=?93) was assigned to the voluntary group and Section 2 (N?=?31) was assigned to the compulsory group. The results showed the voluntary group scored significantly higher than the compulsory group in the final task of the course, while there was no significant difference on the final task score increase. Students who participated in the voluntary group provided more accurate scores (i.e. peer rater accuracy) than those who participated in the compulsory group. The peer score leniency/severity rating, comparing peer assigned scores with the teacher assigned scores, were generally consistent with the peer rater accuracy results. The current study offers insights for researchers who are interested in studying the effect of online peer assessment activities. The results are also of interest for instructors who may want to conduct peer assessments in online courses and are choosing between compulsory and voluntary formats.  相似文献   


This article reports on a study that examined teaching and learning in multi-grade classrooms using the Learning Environment, Learning Processes and Learning Outcomes (LEPO) conceptual framework. The study sought to investigate how the learning environment is created; how the processes of teaching and learning take place; and how assessment is used to determine the achievement of learning outcomes in multi-grade classrooms. A qualitative research design was used, where interviews were conducted with nine teachers from schools with multi-grade classrooms. The data was analysed thematically and revealed the following: the learning environment can be created by grouping learners appropriately in classrooms, creating learning stations and reading stations, proper use of time-tables, and adaptation of teaching plans; the learning processes should take place through the differentiated curricular approach or quasi mono-grade, that is, learners should be afforded the opportunity to learn from their family members, teaching and learning should take place through self-directed learning, peer tutoring and cooperative learning, and lessons should cater for different learning styles; to determine the realisation of learning outcomes teachers should assess learners in different grades informally with either the same or grade-specific assessment activities and formally with grade-specific assessment tasks. The article also addresses the main criticisms against the LEPO framework by explaining how teachers and learners should interact with the learning environment, learning processes and learning outcomes in multi-grade classrooms. The article concludes that if the LEPO framework can be implemented in multi-grade classrooms, teaching and learning can be strengthened in such classrooms.  相似文献   

本文着重介绍了国外对同伴评价的研究,在英语作为外语教学环境下的同伴评价的作用,同伴评价与老师评价的关系,以及学习者对同伴评价的情感及接受程度等。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing volume of research in peer assessment for writing, few studies have been conducted to explore teachers’ perceptions of its appropriateness for writing instruction. It is essential to understand teachers’ perceptions of peer assessment as teachers play an important role in whether and how peer assessment is implemented in their instruction. The current study investigated tertiary English writing tutors’ perceptions of the appropriateness of peer assessment for English as a Foreign Language writing in China, where peer assessment has been increasingly discussed and researched but only occasionally used in teaching. The current study scrutinised the reasons behind its limited use via in-depth exploratory interviews with 25 writing tutors with different teaching backgrounds. The interview data showed tutors’ limited knowledge of peer assessment and unanimous hesitation in using it. The former was explained by insufficient instruction and training in peer assessment. The latter relates to the incompatibility of peer assessment with the examinations-oriented education system, learners’ low English language proficiency and learning motivation, and the conflict of peer assessment with the entrenched teacher-driven learning culture. Suggestions are made about training and engaging teachers to effectively use peer assessment in instruction.  相似文献   

Involving students in peer review has many pedagogical benefits, but few studies have explicitly investigated relationships between the content of peer reviews, student perceptions and assessment outcomes. We conducted a case study of peer review within a third-year undergraduate subject at a research-intensive Australian university, in which we examined: (1) students’ perceptions of the peer review process before and after peer review, (2) content of the peer reviews and what kinds of feedback were adopted and (3) the effect of participation in peer review on performance (grades) in the assessment task. Students overwhelmingly perceived peer review to be beneficial, and the opportunity to participate in peer review resulted in a significant improvement in the quality of work submitted for assessment. Students who benefited most from peer review were those of below-median performance, and the magnitude of benefit was related to the degree to which students engaged with the peer review process. Our study confirms that participation in peer review can lead to important improvements in performance and learning outcomes.  相似文献   


Peer assessment has proven to have positive learning outcomes. Importantly, peer assessment is a social process and some claim that the use of anonymity might have advantages. However, the findings have not always been in the same direction. Our aims were: (a) to review the effects of using anonymity in peer assessment on performance, peer feedback content, peer grading accuracy, social effects and students’ perspective on peer assessment; and (b) to investigate the effects of four moderating variables (educational level, peer grading, assessment aids, direction of anonymity) in relation to anonymity. A literature search was conducted including five different terms related to peer assessment (e.g., peer feedback) and anonymity. Fourteen studies that used a control group or a within group design were found. The narrative review revealed that anonymous peer assessment seems to provide advantages for students’ perceptions about the learning value of peer assessment, delivering more critical peer feedback, increased self-perceived social effects, a slight tendency for more performance, especially in higher education and with less peer assessment aids. Some conclusions are that: (a) when implementing anonymity in peer assessment the instructional context and goals need to be considered, (b) existent empirical research is still limited, and (c) future research should employ stronger and more complex research designs.  相似文献   

研究以两个教学班为实验比照对象,在口语教学中采用"协作式互评互学"的互动型实训教学模式,并对实验过程作全面跟踪和记录,旨在探究一种体现以人为本的英语口语发展性多元化综合考评方式,并对该考评方式的绩效性进行分析研究。研究结果显示,这种发展性多元化综合考评,几乎不受人数限制,也不受学习者个性差异的影响,能有效地激发学生的创造性、能动性和协作性,从而提高其语言交际能力,对高校英语口语教学有很强的借鉴作用,特别是大班口语教学。  相似文献   

Peer assessment has been increasingly integrated in educational settings as a strategy to foster student learning. Yet little has been studied about how students at different learning levels may benefit from peer assessment. This study examined how peer-assessment and students’ learning levels influenced students’ project performance using a two-way factorial design. One hundred and thirty teacher education students participated in this quasi-experimental study. When working on a technology-integrated lesson plan project, the experimental group completed an online peer assessment process while the control group followed the discussion method. Students’ learning levels were measured and divided into low, average and high achieving according to the quality of their draft lesson plans. Data analysis suggested that the impact of peer assessment on students’ lesson plan project seemed to vary according to students’ learning levels. While low- and average-achieving students showed significantly improved performance right after the integration of a peer assessment model, the model seemed to have had less impact on the performance of high-achieving students. Significance, implications and limitations of findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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