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主体间性是主体在思想与行为上为达成共同意愿而采取的一种协商与对话活动。主体间性分为内主体间性与外主体间性。内主体间性使个体理论不断生成、理性水平不断提升,而外主体间性促成了主体间共识的达成。教育理论的发展是教育主体内主体间性与外主体间性不断达成与层次不断提升的结果。同时也是教育理论与实践在不同层面上互动的结果。因此。要使教育理论在教育实践面前彰显其生命力,则必须借助教育主体阅历与学习、探索与反思、叙事与创作、实践与思考在不同层面上达成主体间性。使教育理论在主体间性的达成中动态生成与发展。  相似文献   

现有教与学支配地位的研究多持主客体对立或复合主体论观点,后现代主义则认为教学活动中师生是以主体间性关系存在的。从主体间性出发,探究师生相互间的认知及其调控活动,形成对教学活动中支配地位变化的理论认识,更为迫近复杂多变的教学实际。中国道教的太极演化图可以用来形象地表征师生主体间的认知作用,展示教与学支配地位阶段转化的理论形态。应用这一理论认识成果,可以探究出师生之间在学段教学、学科教学、单元教学和课堂教学中,教与学支配地位演化的实践形态。  相似文献   

本从萨特《存在与虚无》中的主体间性理论出发,指出作家——作品——读这一特殊主体间性关系体,使作和读相互之间体现为超越性的关系,而不是对象化的原始冲突关系,突破了《存在与虚无》中描绘的人与人之间原始冲突处境,揭示了阅读(审美)对于人与人的共同生存具有超越性和现实性意义及其对未来社会的启示。  相似文献   

承担社会赋予的教育使命是学校赖以生存的起点。为完成教育使命,教师与学生需要在合作中分别承担教与学的不同责任,同时形成特定的师生主体间关系。师生双方是受社会法律保护、人格与尊严平等的公民主体间关系,在此关系的基础上,师生之间又具有在知识地位上不平等的教与学的主体问关系;师生中公民主体间关系是教学主体间关系的逻辑前提;在教与学的认知过程中,师生既是教学主体同时又彼此被客体对象化。因而,师生之间是双方既为双重主体而又彼此互为认知客体的关系。  相似文献   

从主体间性的学理发展历史来看,它主要研究了主体间精神交往的可能与生成,与师生何以理解的根基有着不谋而合的学理视界。对于主体间性内涵的确认,首先应从以下几方面展开:主体间性是关系范畴,是基于不同主体各种现实或可能的关系;主体间性并不等同于类性,但与类性的关系十分密切,类性是强调人的集约性、群体性和人类性,是主体间性的结果状态;主体间性在它提出之时就蕴涵了"主体-主体"的平等交往关系的意味。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,知识被视为不断生成与建构的“文本”,而不是封闭的、稳定的、从外部即可加以研究的意义系统.师生关系不是主客二分的关系,是“我—你”的生活关系,是主体间性的关系.从主体性到主体间性,既是人的生存方式也是教育方式的根本变革.在师生主体间性范式下,师生在交互的基础上双向理解,教育的意义是通过师生主体间性交往而得以建立,教育关注的是师生教学生活本身,是师生个体生命的成长.  相似文献   

主体间性为现代教育提供了崭新的视角,它不仅使我们对教育主体和教育活动的理解获得了新的突破,也使我们在处理教育活动中主体与主体间关系问题上获得了崭新的思路。  相似文献   

思想政治教育主体间性的确立可以还思想政治教育关系的本来面目,使教育者与受教育者的关系以新的姿态走向开放和融通,对思想政治教育的创新发展意义重大。那么如何生成思想政治教育主体间性呢?本文认为交往资质、交往实践、交往环境、交往中介分别是思想政治教育主体间性生成的前提、基础、条件和环节。  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育场域是高校思想政治教育行动者的实践场所,是由处于各种"位置"的高校思想政治教育行动者构建的客观历史关系网络。其建构和优化的基础在于高校思想政治教育主体的重新定位,应从抽象的人转向生成的人;其建构和优化的关键是理顺两种关系,即高校思想政治教育场域中的主体间性关系和反思性关系。  相似文献   

思想政治教育主体间性生成分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想政治教育主体间性的确立可以还思想政治教育关系的本来面目,使教育者与受教育者的关系以新的姿态走向开放和融通,对思想政治教育的创新发展意义重大。那么如何生成思想政治教育主体间性呢?本文认为交往资质、交往实践、交往环境、交往中介分别是思想政治教育主体间性生成的前提、基础、条件和环节。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between general educational experiences and cognitive development during the school years, kindergarten through high school, and also the effects of focused instruction on learning across short time intervals. Children appear to acquire concepts and other outcomes of learning in the cognitive domain gradually, rather than abruptly, although qualitatively different cognitive operations are presumed to emerge which make possible successively higher levels of concept attainment. The quality of “general education” of the kind experienced by American children under compulsory, universal education appears to influence both the rate of cognitive development and also the maximum level of development that is achieved. Focused instruction clearly aids students to attain concepts to successively higher levels during short time intervals and also to use their concepts in understanding principles and in solving problems. From these conclusions and the results of other studies and analyses, the inference is drawn that the quality of educational experience exerts a strong influence on both the rate and the final level of cognitive development.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a model of teacher change based on a study of a science discipline-based professional education program and on an understanding of teacher change in terms of an agency| structure dialectic. Professional education programs should expand teachers' capacity to act in a range of fields. Conducted over one year, this study used socio-cultural theory to examine the role of cultural schema and resources in the enactment of new pedagogical structures by two teachers who demonstrated widely variable responses to their experience of a professional chemistry education program. Hermeneutic and phenomenological methods of study supported the examination of teacher actions and narratives as sources of data. The analyses of these data sources resulted in greater understanding of the relationship between schema, resources and structure and the relationship between structure and teacher agency. Structures are dynamic and if a teacher uses a resource such as an inquiry-based instruction protocol without the attendant cultural schema such as the value of questioning then the structure that is implemented will be different from that the teacher experienced in the professional education program. This understanding supported an explanation of teacher change in terms of teacher agency that constituted our learning from the study and resulted in changes to aspects of the professional education program.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that adding active learning to traditional college science lectures substantially improves student learning. However, this research predominantly studied courses taught by science education researchers, who are likely to have exceptional teaching expertise. The present study investigated introductory biology courses randomly selected from a list of prominent colleges and universities to include instructors representing a broader population. We examined the relationship between active learning and student learning in the subject area of natural selection. We found no association between student learning gains and the use of active-learning instruction. Although active learning has the potential to substantially improve student learning, this research suggests that active learning, as used by typical college biology instructors, is not associated with greater learning gains. We contend that most instructors lack the rich and nuanced understanding of teaching and learning that science education researchers have developed. Therefore, active learning as designed and implemented by typical college biology instructors may superficially resemble active learning used by education researchers, but lacks the constructivist elements necessary for improving learning.  相似文献   

Studies on blended education pay little attention to implementation, thus limiting the understanding of how such programs contribute to student math learning. This article examines the implementation of a widely used blended algebra curriculum and the relationship between implementation and student outcomes. The study was conducted in 74 middle schools and 73 high schools in 51 school districts located in seven states. The study included both treatment and control schools. The blended-curriculum combines inquiry-based teaching and learning with technology (math software). The study found that teachers implemented the blended curriculum with low fidelity. Teachers had most difficulty allocating the recommended amount of time for the math lab and content. The study also found that the blended-curriculum teachers in the second year reverted to more traditional approach to instruction and spent less time on inquiry based instruction than in the first year, although they continued to use this approach at a higher level than teachers in the control schools. The study findings suggest that teacher adjustment of instruction in the second year, specifically balancing the amount of traditional instruction with inquiry instruction, in combination to the use of the math software contributed to the performance of the program.  相似文献   

Teacher attitudes affect their instruction such that positive teacher attitudes enhance the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this study was to explore inservice science teachers' views of learning physics within the context of a professional development experience and to investigate the relationship between those views and the teachers' understanding of force and motion concepts. The conceptual understanding pretest results indicate the need for inservice science teacher professional development that focuses on conceptual understanding. The relationship between participants' views and their conceptual understanding at posttest has additional implications for the curriculum for these science teachers' professional development experiences.  相似文献   

This research examined the relationship between content instruction and the development of elementary teacher candidates' understanding of conceptual change pedagogy. Undergraduate students (n = 27) enrolled in two sections of a science methods course received content instruction through either traditional or conceptual change methods, followed by instruction about conceptual change pedagogy. Candidates were interviewed pre- and postinstruction about their content and pedagogical knowledge and also wrote conceptual change lessons. Twelve of the 27 subjects were videotaped teaching in the field. Results indicate that prior to instruction, most candidates had weak content knowledge and held traditional pedagogical conceptions. After instruction, students in the conceptual change group had significantly larger gains in their content knowledge than those in the traditional group, gave qualitatively stronger pedagogical responses, and used conceptual change strategies more consistently in practice. These results indicate that personal experience of learning science content through conceptual change methods facilitated the development of understanding and use of conceptual change pedagogy in teaching practice. Thus if conceptual change methods are to be incorporated into teacher candidates' repertoire, science content courses that students take prior to teacher education should be taught using conceptual change pedagogy. In addition, courses in science education should use pedagogy more in line with that taught in methods courses.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the effect of a computer-assisted instruction method using GeoGebra on achievement of prospective secondary mathematics teachers in the definite integral topic and to determine their opinions about this method. The study group consisted of 35 prospective secondary mathematics teachers studying in the mathematics education program at a state university in Turkey. The study was carried out using an embedded design, and the Definite Integral Knowledge Test and an opinion form were used for data collection. Upon analyzing the data, the computer-assisted instruction method using GeoGebra was found to positively contribute to the success of teaching the definite integral topic. Prospective teachers stated that this method should be used in math courses as it creates a fun and interesting environment with dynamic learning elements, provides visualization and opportunities to learn mathematics through practice and exercises, enables thorough understanding and explication of skills, and makes way for conceptual learning instead of memorizing. Furthermore, this study was found to facilitate conceptual learning of the relationship between the lower sum, upper sum and Riemann sum.  相似文献   

当代终身学习概念的本质特征及其理论发展的国际动向   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
近年来终身学习的概念逐渐受到社会各界的关注,那么何谓终身学习?终身教育和终身学习理念所蕴藏的基本内涵又有什么不同?为什么围绕同一个概念会出现两种不同的表述?终身教育的地位又为何有逐渐被终身学习所取代的趋向?关于这一问题目前仍还处在一种较为模糊的认识状态。而对基本概念的理解和认识不清,则将在很大程度上影响了上述理念对实践所产生的指导作用。因此对终身学习与终身教育的关系及其蕴涵于概念之中的本质特征作一番梳理和研究则实属必要。  相似文献   

现代远程教育和传统教育不是简单替代或否定的关系,两者在人才培养目标、理论基础、教学模式、师生关系、教学组织形式等方面虽然有诸多不同,但历史地看,两者是继承和创新、借鉴和互补的关系,正确认识两者关系是深化教育改革、发展教育事业的关键。  相似文献   

徐陶 《教育科学》2012,28(4):66-71
孔子与杜威是中西教育思想史上极为重要的人物,对各自国家乃至世界的教育发展皆产生了重要的影响。两位大哲在基本的哲学思想、教育的本质、教育与社会的关系、教育与德育的关系、教育方法等方面皆有会通之处。深入比较这两种在不同文化和政治背景下产生的教育思想,可以促进东西方教育哲学的相互理解与借鉴。  相似文献   

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