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农村留守儿童学习倦怠的影响因素包括人格、主观幸福感、手机依赖、时间管理倾向、社会支持等方面。在影响因素研究基础上,提出预防和干预农村留守儿童学习倦怠的策略:优化个性;提升主观幸福感和时间管理能力;减少手机依赖和学业拖延;构建良好的社会支持系统等。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的加快,农村剩余劳动力开始离开或半离开土地大规模的向城市转移,大部分的农民进城后选择将孩子留在农村,于是就形成了一个新的群体-留守儿童.本文主要选择留守儿童群体中初中年龄阶段作为研究的对象,重点考察留守儿童的社会支持系统的现状,试图通过对宿迁市留守儿童社会支持系统的研究以得出目前留守儿童社会支持的现状,社会支持系统的构成,存在的问题,并提出相关可行性的建议.  相似文献   

随着流动儿童成长环境的变化,他们需要适应新环境,转变生活观念,面对新的伙伴关系,这一切决定了流动儿童的社会支持系统区别于一般儿童的社会支持系统。流动儿童社会支持网络包括个体支持网络和团体支持网络,需要构建“双赢互动”式社会支持网络和建立以社区为基础的社会支持网络.  相似文献   

通过对湖北省11市州家庭教育的问卷调查和访谈发现,农村留守儿童家庭教育严重缺失,家庭教育观念存在偏差,教养方式存在缺陷,家庭教育缺乏指导,家庭教育资源匮乏。要改善留守儿童的生存状况,就必须努力改善他们的家庭教育质量,改善留守儿童成长的影响因素。促进留守儿童健康成长的对策是:提供以法律支持保障为基础,以加强科学和专业化研究为支撑,以改善家庭教育质量和营造社会支持系统为途径的干预方式。  相似文献   

留守儿童特指那些因为各种原因造成父母双方或一方流动到其他地区,而孩子留在户籍所在地并因此不能和父母双方共同生活的儿童.我国的留守儿童心理研究主要聚焦于个体心理发展、社会性发展、社会支持和干预训练四个方面.近年来,随着相关研究的增多,我国的留守儿童研究表现出研究内容多样、研究方法由质性向量化转变的特点.但也存在着理论概念不统一、缺乏干预训练和纵向研究,以及研究取向聚焦于留守儿童的问题性等不足.  相似文献   

从心理弹性理论视角看留守儿童的社会支持网络   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
留守儿童在逆境中的适应情况因其内部心理弹性,外部保护资源的不同而呈现出差异,其中社会支持是心理弹性最重要的保护因子之一,来自家庭、同伴、社会的支持有利于留守儿童的适应与心理健康恢复。心理弹性和社会支持对留守儿童的成长有着重要的意义和作用,并以此为出发点,构建针对留守儿童个体、家庭、学校和社会等方面的社会支持的网络系统。  相似文献   

留守儿童问题已经成为社会转型发展过程中逃避不了的阵痛,留守儿童的悲剧故事一次次激起了社会对留守儿童的舆论热浪。2017年,《关于支持社会工作专业力量参与脱贫攻坚的指导意见》发布,意见中明确指出了社会工作专业人才是为贫困群众提供心理疏导、精神关爱等社会服务的新兴力量,相关政府部门支持实施一批农村留守儿童社会关爱示范项目,帮助建立健全社会支持系统。  相似文献   

何云贵 《重庆师专学报》2014,(4):110-112,152
通过两个研究,调查留守儿童的社会支持现状,并探究“留守儿童之家”对留守儿童社会支持的影响。研究一对留守儿童和非留守儿童实施“社会支持评定量表”测验,发现留守儿童在主观支持和支持利用维度上显著低于非留守儿童.在客观支持维度上差异不显著。研究二选取两组留守儿童,并实施“社会支持评定量表”前测。第一组参加“留守儿童之家”活动;第二组不参加。12个月后,对参加留守儿童、对照留守儿童实施后测,并对同年级非留守儿童施测,对各项指标进行协方差分析。结果显示,参加组留守儿童的客观支持与对照组没有显著差异.而主观支持和支持利用显著高于对照组。参加组留守儿童与非留守儿童在社会支持各维度上没有显著不同。“留守儿童之家”提升了留守儿童的社会支持水平.对留守儿童身心健康有积极的作用。  相似文献   

曹玥 《少年儿童研究》2023,(2):25-34+50
以千禧年前后出生且有留守经历的大学生为研究对象,基于生命史访谈,从积极心理学视角研究手机网络普及下的新媒介环境如何促进留守儿童成长历程中抗逆力的形成。研究发现,对于身处逆境中的留守儿童来说,手机网络具有提供文化资本、扩大社会交往及调适精神取向的功能,由此在物质发展资源、情感支持系统与个体精神取向层面促进保护性因素的生产,增强留守儿童的抗逆力。借此可以认为,手机网络作为“媒介校准仪”有助于校准留守儿童面对困境时偏离主流的心理与行为,使之与社会规范与社会期待相符合。  相似文献   

为探讨社会支持、应对方式对农村留守儿童心理健康的影响,对394名儿童施测社会支持问卷、应对方式问卷和心理健康诊断测验问卷。研究发现,农村留守儿童的心理健康、社会支持、应对方式得分与非留守儿童存在显著差异,农村留守儿童的社会支持、应对方式与心理健康存在不同程度的相关,社会支持和应对方式是农村留守儿童心理健康的重要预测变量。农村留守儿童的心理健康水平显著低于非留守儿童,通过社会支持与应对方式可以显著预测农村留守儿童的心理健康。  相似文献   

调研目的:了解彝族地区智力落后儿童社会适应行为、社会支持与生活质量的现状。方法:采用问卷调查法,在云南省、四川省彝族地区的两所特殊学校,整群抽取126名智力落后儿童。结果:彝族智力落后儿童的社会适应行为性别差异显著,女生显著高于男生(p〈0.01);不同居住地的彝族智力落后儿童的社会适应行为差异显著(p〈0.05);父母不同文化程度的智力落后儿童的社会适应水平差异显著(p〈0.05);不同支持水平的彝族智力落后儿童的生活质量差异显著(p〈0.01);支持利用、社会责任进入彝族智力落后儿童的生活质量模型(p〈0.01)。  相似文献   

This review provides an overview of definitions and measurements of ‘Social Distance’ and attitudes children without disabilities carry towards children with disabilities. Measures include explicit and implicit approaches but clearly, the ‘Bogardus Social Distance Scale’ (A Social Distance Scale, 1933, 14 May 2014) is the most used scale in research, yet it is outdated. For a deeper look into what impacts children's ‘Social Distance’ in inclusive school settings and in order to find measurable constructs, relevant attitude questionnaires are discussed. To bring long‐used measures and attitudes together, a comprehensive model of ‘Social distance’ is introduced. This model integrates the classical view on ‘Social Distance’ as interaction willingness with feelings associated with this interaction and includes attitudes children carry towards individuals and towards the group the interaction partner is believed to belong to. In summary, this paper shows the need for a more comprehensive and precise measure on how school children really engage with one another.  相似文献   

Children in sixth grade randomly assigned to a teacher-made writing procedure anchored in the self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) model and training procedures were predicted to surpass children assigned to the comparison condition on dependent measures of writing clarity, organization, and cogency. The prediction was generally substantiated. The results suggest that the rate of change among individual children in the SRSD condition was faster than among children in the comparison condition on measures of clarity and organization. On the measure of cogency, findings showed that the rate of change among individuals in the SRSD condition compared to the comparison condition approached but did not reach statistical significance. Variance in growth parameters on the measure of writing clarity was statistically significant; however on the measure of organization, there was no substantive variation in individual growth parameters. Social validity data from all the children and teachers indicated the training was well received. The results are taken to support the efficacy of the SRSD model and training procedures.  相似文献   

对儿童权利的保护是《经济、社会与文化权利公约》的重要内容,我国政府于1997年签署了该公约,目前国内已基本建立了儿童权利的立法保护体系,司法及执行保护体系也正在逐步完善与健全。但现状却另人堪忧,本文指出:切实地保护儿童的权利,首先应树立正确的儿童观,澄清儿童权利保护的理论误区,在此基础上逐步建立与完善包括监护制度、扶养制度、亲权制度等在内的儿童权利保障机制。  相似文献   

The author examined the conditions (i.e., social support and dysfunctional coping) under which perceived stress predicted psychological well‐being in 459 college students. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated a significant 2‐way interaction (Perceived Stress × Social Support) and a significant 3‐way interaction (Perceived Stress × Social Support × Dysfunctional Coping) predicting well‐being. Low social support deteriorated the association between stress and well‐being. Only the frequent use of dysfunctional coping exacerbated the association between stress and well‐being across high and low social support. Implications for counseling college students are discussed.  相似文献   

江西省75例孤独症儿童的现状调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究对75例江西籍孤独症儿童进行调查,分析其在基本信息与家庭情况、求医诊断、治疗康复、生活学习等方面的现状,调查结果表明:(1)本次调查的孤独症儿童城镇比例大、男童远多于女童,父母职业较稳定,文化程度相对较高,家庭收入情况多数不佳。(2)孤独症儿童家长自身建设待加强,康复训练的及时性与持续性不足。(3)教育系统配套措施与满足孤独症儿童入学需求尚存差距。(4)社会支持系统对孤独症问题介入不足。对此提出普及孤独症及相关发育障碍知识、提高家长自身素质、将孤独症教育落到实处、为成年孤独症人士建立社区精神康复机构、构建完善的社会支持系统等建议。  相似文献   

High-quality early childhood education is a vital experience for young children with and without disabilities. Social and communication experiences in the context of play represent a core curriculum that sets a foundation for later learning and participation. Using a new self-report instrument, this article describes data collected in a large-scale professional learning project in NSW, Australia, that aimed to support early childhood teachers, paraprofessionals and other personnel who directly work with young children, including individuals who present or are at risk of challenging behaviours. Using a case application model of remote and direct coaching support and intervention centred on the input of expert practitioners, the reports of participants were collected before and after a series of three sequential workshops with embedded action research processes for participants. The program was designed to increase social and communicative exchanges and reduce the likelihood of challenging behaviours, by providing a systematic and practical framework for the introduction of functional behavioural assessment and positive support planning. Respondents indicated significant improvements in knowledge and skills after the program, along with decreased concerns in some areas. The paper concludes by discussing potential areas for an expanded research agenda into the professional learning needs of personnel in this field and more broadly within early childhood support systems and services.  相似文献   

Child abuse and neglect (CAN) are likely to have negative consequences on health; however, for oral health, studies on associated outcomes are sparse. The purpose of this study was to assess oral health and oral health behaviors in relation to suspected CAN among children being investigated by the Swedish Social Services. The material comprised data from the Social Services and dental records; the sample, 86 children and 172 matched controls. The children in the study group had a higher prevalence of dental caries than the control group; in addition, levels of non-attendance and dental avoidance were high, as was parental failure to promote good oral health. We found four factors that, taken together, indicated a high probability of being investigated because of suspected CAN: prevalence of dental caries in primary teeth, fillings in permanent teeth, dental health service avoidance, and referral to specialist pediatric dentistry clinics. If all four factors were present, the cumulative probability of being investigated was 0.918. In conclusion, there is a high prevalence of dental caries, irregular attendance, and a need for referral a pediatric dental clinic among Swedish children under investigation due to suspected CAN. Social context is an important factor in assessing the risk of developing dental caries, the inclination to follow treatment plans, and the prerequisites for cooperation during treatment. Routinely requesting dental records during an investigation would provide important information for social workers on parental skills and abilities to fulfill the basic needs of children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study had three main objectives: First, to assess physically abused children's perceptions of teacher, peer, and family support; second, to determine whether the levels of perceived support differ according to the person's social role; and third to assess which sources of social support show stronger associations with adjustment in a physically abused sample. METHOD: Perceived social support from teachers, families and peers was assessed in a sample of 37 physically abused children using a shortened version of the Survey of Children's Social Support (Dubow & Ullman, 1989). Child adjustment was indexed by child and parent reports of child depression, anxiety, and anger. RESULTS: Analyses indicated that the children rated their families, peers, and teachers highly as sources of social support, with families being rated as the most important source. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that perceived peer support was significantly negatively related to children's and parent's reports of children's depression and anxiety. Furthermore, perceived family support was significantly negatively associated with child reported depression. No significant relationships were found between perceived teacher support and symptomatology. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the results suggest that peer and family support are particularly important for physically abused children's psychological functioning, particularly for internalizing problems.  相似文献   

流动儿童社会支持与自尊的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解流动儿童社会支持、自尊及二者关系,为更好地采取教育措施提供依据。方法:采用社会支持量表(SSRS)和自尊量表(SES)对4~6年级402名小学生进行研究。结果:流动儿童的社会支持状况更差,流动儿童社会支持总分显著低于非流动儿童;流动儿童自尊得分高于非流动儿童,但两者之间差异不显著;流动儿童社会支持总分、主观支持和支持利用度与自尊呈显著负相关;社会支持总分对自尊具有显著预测作用。结论:家庭、学校和社会应给予流动儿童更多关注和支持,并注重其内心感受。  相似文献   

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