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教育公平问题是由教育实践中林林总总的“教育不公”现象引发出来的,“教育不公”在本质上是指没有按照教育规律办事所产生的后果,这些后果是以现实的意义表现出来的,因此,只有在“反教育不公”的道路中,教育公平才得以自我呈现。  相似文献   

在转型期社会不公问题日益呈现加速演化的趋势下,深挖并解析“三个代表”重要思想的公正内容,对构建和谐社会具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

在公正问题上,研究不公正具有很强的理论价值和现实意义.何为不公正在认识论上具有明显的差异性,不公正的存在和肆虐是对人类智慧的考验.社会不公正现象产生和肆虐的根源主要存在于三个方面: 1、行不公正者的自私和逐利本性;2、受不公正者不觉醒和怯懦;3、执行公正者易于倒向行不公正者.由于不公正具有极强的仿效性和渗透性,使得不公正的社会危害性极大,不公正是社会毒瘤.社会不公的存在及其严重化已经引起党和政府的高度重视.  相似文献   

对推进我国"教育公平"的现实思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济社会的不断发展和人们教育观念的不断更新,社会对于教育资源特别是优质教育资源的需求越来越高,人们对教育平等和教育公平问题给予了前所未有的关注。建国以来,我国在实现“教育公平”方面取得了很大的成就。但在社会转型期由于各种因素的影响,“教育不公”现象在某种程度上依然存在。本文对“教育不公”的表现、成因及推进教育公平的对策作了简要分析。  相似文献   

司法不公正是影响社会和谐稳定的一大因素。而司法不公正的原因主要在于司法人员认为“不必公正”、“不敢公正”或者“不愿公正”。因此,实现司法公正必须提升司法权威,改革司法体制,提高司法队伍素质,让司法人员重视公正、敢于公正、愿意公正,真正使司法公正成为维护社会公正的最重要的防线,成为构建社会主义和谐社会的基础性保障。  相似文献   

人类社会的历史就是一部不断争取建立更为公正的社会秩序的历史。人们对于社会公正的认识和追求社会公正的实践,经历了一个不断发展的过程。在社会主义市场经济条件下,社会公正具有与以往任何历史时期不同的内涵和特点,目前在我国社会生活各个领域,还不同程度地存在着社会不公的问题。我们对此必须给予高度的关注,并努力促使社会公正的普遍实现。  相似文献   

公正、普及、完善的国民教育是通往和谐社会最重要的一座桥梁。在大力构建和谐社会的今天.“教育不公”却成了中国社会的一个不和谐的因素。通过对城乡之间、平等教育与教育商业化这两个方面不和谐因素、现象的分析。提出了解决方法与途径。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业中的社会公正问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会公正问题是当代社会发展理论的重大课题,也是始终贯穿于我国改革开放过程中的重大理论问题和实践问题。它是衡量社会文明程度的重要尺度,也是人类追求的社会理想之一。就业公正是指用人单位在录用毕业生的过程中,对待每一个毕业生都应公正、公平,一视同仁。随着由计划分配改为“双向选择”,毕业生在就业过程中的不公正现象日趋严重,使得毕  相似文献   

从生态文明和社会公平两个维度看,生态公平是落实科学发展观的重要目标和基本追求,也是对科学发展观的丰富和拓展。弱势群体遭受不公正生态侵害、结构性生态不公、地理性生态不公和输入型生态不公现象,背后存在着观念、物质和制度三方面原因。解决生态不公问题,需要贯彻科学发展观,坚持发展的先决性,把握公平的统一性和差异性,树立唯物辩证的思维方法。  相似文献   

中国的经济规模、人口数量、土地面积,再加上同世界各国日益紧密的依存关系,使得可持续发展问题日益明显:中国选择哪种模式进行发展,将对世界各国人民及其依存的自然资源产生重要影响。对于中国正在实践的可持续发展策略的前景,外界评论褒贬不一。有的指出中国在保护环境及消除社会不公方面采取了新的积极的措施;有的则强调中国的环境状况在持续恶化、社会不公正现象也呈上升趋势。持乐观态度者认为中国领导人有能力驾驭社会主义市场经济,以实现对环境的保护和对社会公正的维护,特别是加入WTO、解决三农问题及承办2008北京奥运会等因素,也都敦促着中国提升在这些方面的努力。“可持续发展”已经是中国新的五年计划中的核心议题,将引发中国在资源定价、清洁生产、土地转型、洪水控制、立法改革和国际合作等各领域进行变革。  相似文献   


This article identifies historical, pedagogical and epistemological problems which distance the school science curriculum from social questions, and issues of social justice more specifically. Drawing on a critical realist approach it addresses these problems and aims to demonstrate that social justice lies at the heart of inquiry in science in schools.  相似文献   

Researchers and theorists in education have offered persuasive arguments and evidence documenting the need for, and benefits of, education for social justice. Despite these efforts the intersection of social justice with interdisciplinary curricular designs remains underexplored. This article argues that social justice education is enriched through interdisciplinary curricula, in that it holds the potential for students to develop deeper conceptions of social justice and experience deeper learning outcomes related to content knowledge across subject matter areas. Central to this argument is the notion that situating disciplinary relationships explicitly within social justice perspectives encourages an emphasis on broader and richer sociopolitical consciousness among learners. We draw on historical and contemporary narratives to position social justice in mathematics and social studies education. As researchers in these two fields, we envision greater possibilities for the advancement of knowledge, and we envision learning from inequalities and resisting oppression by nurturing deeper, more explicit connections between mathematics and social studies. We conclude this article with three overviews of learning segments as potential representations of interdisciplinary mathematics-social studies for social justice work in secondary school contexts.  相似文献   

Because of these learners’ potential as future leaders, it is imperative that educators develop gifted students’ ability to identify and solve complex social justice problems. Nourishing students’ affective traits, including empathy for others, understanding of themselves, and the ability to connect to others in local and global society, will help students to recognize and seek out authentic problems. This article examines the nuances around the creative problem-solving process and how educators can infuse the curriculum with opportunities to develop and strengthen the skills students need to become engaged, real-world problem seekers, as we call it, and problem solvers. Through the combination of social justice issues and creative problem seeking, students can be motivated to engage with the community and promote positive change in the world.  相似文献   

This article explores the process of teaching undergraduate students to conduct social justice research. We were interested in understanding how to develop a social justice perspective among students while training them in conventional research methods. The following questions guided our research activities. How can the principles of social justice inform undergraduate research projects? What pedagogical strategies prepare students to conduct social justice-based research? What are the challenges and opportunities in teaching social justice research? We documented the lessons and activities during the field school and collected students’ comments in journals, extensive observations, focus groups, and interviews to understand the influence of social justice on the students’ approach to research. We identify three lessons in teaching social justice. First, teaching social justice requires that students develop meaningful relationships with the community understudy. Second, gender dynamics can prohibit or promote meaningful student engagement and learning. Third, it is important to consider how to integrate, rather than “add on,” social justice activities and discussions into research lessons.  相似文献   

文章根据胡锦涛总书记关于建设和谐社会6个基本特征的思想,通过调查分析孝南区经济社会发展的现状,对社会活力、社会公平和社会稳定问题进行了探讨,并提出了构建和谐社会的相应建议。  相似文献   

The article provides a multiperspective approach to educational careers. It first discusses social justice issues in the distribution of the crucial individual and social good of education. It then summarizes core findings of recent international research on processes and factors generating social disparities in the acquisition of education. Based on both it finally provides suggestions how especially professional guidance can contribute to reducing inequalities and increasing social justice.  相似文献   

对于当代中国来说,社会主义和谐社会就是公平、合理和有序的社会,就是全体人民各尽其能、各得其所又和谐相处的社会。社会公正是构建社会主义和谐社会的核心和价值取向。改革开放以来,由于种种复杂原因,我国社会公正方面的矛盾和问题日益彰显,这已对社会的安全运行与和谐发展造成了十分严重的负面影响。构建社会主义和谐社会,必须努力弥补社会公正的缺失,真正实现社会公正。  相似文献   

高考制度在我国长期被视为能够最大限度地保障社会公平的人才选拔制度,"高考公平"是"社会公平"的重要内容和尺度,是"社会公平"在教育领域的延伸,也是实现"社会公平"的重要手段和途径。高考本身虽然具有相对的公平性,但究其本质,它毕竟只是一种普通的人才选拔制度,在日趋复杂的社会背景下,它并不具有保障社会公平的责任和能力。目前我国高考改革领域出现的众多问题和阻碍,正是由于高考被赋予了太多它本身不该也不能承担的社会责任所致。因此,让高考回归"教育本性",才是目前高考改革的理性目标。  相似文献   

This study explores how social identity is formed in the United States of America. In particular, it examines the social, economic and educational problems experienced by underachieving Black American children and issues of social inequality along with their implications for social justice. Against the background of matters of group identity and its maintenance or loss, the author reflects on the under-utilization of Black American children’s educational and human potential. She also suggests a rationale for re-conceiving the goal of social justice and how it is to be achieved, as well as the paradigm of cultural assimilation.  相似文献   

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