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外语教学是在母语条件下进行的,无论是学生素质、师资条件,还是社会交际的语言场景都是置身于母语环境之中。母语习惯是影响外语教学的一个重要因素。为此,本文立足于外语教学中母语(parentlanguage)与目的语言(targetlanguage)之间的相互关系,探讨外语教学中母语习惯的特征以及克服的办法。一、外语教学与母语习馒母语教学是在母语环境中,自然地教学本族语言的一种语言教学。而外语教学,作为一门跨过特定语种边界的非母语语言的教学,通常是在教学对象已经掌握一门语言的前提下,在母语环境中,利用学生已有的母语语言能力,通过…  相似文献   

略谈母语在外语教学中的地位安徽省工商行政管理学校孙文波我们的学生在学习外语时,已熟练地掌握着自己的母语,习惯于用母语进行思维,因此,总是自觉或不自觉地把母语牵涉其中。母语和外语教学有什么关系,如何利用母语来学习外语、教授外语,这是值得每一位外语教师深...  相似文献   

『母亲特别语』对幼儿英语教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何搞好我国幼儿英语教育?我国幼儿英语教育应该体现出什么特点?我认为,我国幼儿英语教育,应该而且可以从母语学习的规律中找到一些科学的答案。有关专家普遍认为,儿童和母语的接触,以及儿童与母亲或者他人之间的互动,都是母语学习所必不可少的条件和过程。因此,母语环境或者母语输入对于儿童的母语发展具有极其关键的作用。在诸多的母语输入形式中,“母亲特别语”倍受许多西方学者的关注,因为他们认为,“母亲特别语”可能有助于儿童的母语学习。尽管有的研究(如Gleitman等,1984)发现,“母亲特别语”同儿童的母语发展…  相似文献   

东缨 《成才之路》2012,(15):I0006-I0007
第三章教坛的魔杖 13.揭母语谜底 (1)一个不爱母语的教师,肯定教不好母语。而一个热爱母语、学好中文的教师,才堪为提升中国教育品质的尖兵,传承中国文化眦精华的教士。 洪宗礼如痴如狂地热爱母语。自幼时读书塾始,母语便为他奠基,伴他成长,铸他理想,给他能力。成就他的事业,与他结下了不解之缘。  相似文献   

在第二语言习得研究领域,第二语言学习与教学研究者都认识到了母语知识对目的语习得的影响。学习外语不可能完全排除母语的影响和作用。调查发现大多数英语学习者在用英语作口头表达时会使他们联想到其母语发音习惯的特别口音,而进行书面表达时又常会使用一些借自母语的、不合英语表达习惯的特殊用法。同时,由于语言是思维的直接现实,外语学习者一般都具有相当的思维能力,已有相当的母语知识,且习惯于母语思维,排除母语对外语学习者的影响事实上是不可能的。母语对外语教学的影响是客观存在的,这种影响成为第二语言习得中母语迁移现象。它指的是学习者用目的语进行交际时,试图借助于母语的语音词义结构规则或文化习惯来表达思想的一种现象。  相似文献   

对比分析理论(ContrastiveA nalysis)指出,在二语习得过程中,第二外语学习者都会遇到母语迁移的问题。所谓的母语迁移(Native Language Transfer)就是指在学习语言的过程中,母语对所学语言的影响。当母语的某些特征与目的语相类似或完全一致的时候,就会对学习语言产生有利的影响,我们称之为正迁移。然而当母语与目的语的某些特点迥异时,学习者若盲目地套用母语,就会对语言学习产生不利的影响,即产生负迁移或母语干扰现象。  相似文献   

我们通常把一个人出生后所掌握的语言称为母语,而把掌握母语的过程称为母语习得。一个人习得母语的过程其实就是他接受民族化浸淫的过程,就是他智慧生成、精神发育和心灵成长的过程。掌握母语,起初也许只是出于一种本能的需要,或是为了生存,或是为了交往,但正是这种本能的需要,使得每一个人在习得母语的同时自然而然地完成了人格的社会化和民族化。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外很多学者都意识到母语对二语习得的积极作用不容忽视。文章着重从母语思维与母语知识两个角度分析了母语对二语习得的积极作用,并对相应母语策略在教学中如何运用进行探讨。  相似文献   

再谈母语交际教学法庄文中教师我到教研室一说母语教学法,老师们议论开了,打算搞实验。文中你们实验母语教学法,值得钦佩。教师您说到“母语交际教学法”,是否胸有成竹?文中谈不上“成竹”,只是肚里有根棍罢了。我想,母语教学法,就是使本族学生提高理解和运用本族...  相似文献   

日语是日本的母语,但“日本语教育”并不指母语教育,而是指以日语为外语的第二语言教育。日本的母语课程称为“国语”,自1900年“国语科”独立以来,日本国语教育不断发展完善。以民族文化为核心,以语言实用为原则,以国际理解为背景,已成为日本母语教育的鲜明特色。一、以民族文化为核心,培养学生对祖国文化和传统的尊重教育承传人类文化,语言承载民族精神。母语教育强调民族特色,重视民族文化传统和精神是国际母语教育的总趋势,也是日本母语教育的基本方针。自“国语科”独立以来,日本母语教育在学习和吸收他国经验的同时,…  相似文献   

母语思维与二语习得   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
母语思维是二语习得领域关心的问题,但大部分研究局限在母语思维的负面作用,对其正面积极作用关注不多。事实上母语思维对第二语言学习所产生的影响并非仅限于目的语输出结果上,它的影响还包括对目的语输出过程中的作用。母语思维既是一条有助于理解、消化和吸收外语信息的有效途径,又是一种组织内容和形式的常用策略。在二语习得中应开发利用母语思维这一不可缺少的背景资源,让母语和目的语结成朋友,从而实现二语习得效率的最大化。  相似文献   

刘颖 《海外英语》2014,(20):287-289
The influence of first language(L1) involvement in second language(L2) writing has been a theme widely discussed since the research on L2 writing process thrived in the early 1980 s. So far extensive studies have indicated that L2 writing is a bilingual event and the use of L1 is a fairly common strategy among L2 writers. In light of this cognitive characteristic of L2 writing process,a wide range of studies have been carried out,seeking to further reveal what role L1 plays in L2 composing process and how L1 assumes its role during the process. However,there seems to be no consensus reached by the L2 writing researchers so far on whether L1 involvement facilitates or interferes L2 writing,which results in a lot of confusion and frustration in L2 writing teaching practices. Therefore,this paper tries to examine the conflicting views on the role of L1 transfer in L2 writing process and analyze the reasons and theories that may underlie this phenomenon for an attempt to elicit some pedagogical implications for future L2 writing teaching.  相似文献   

Reading span as a measure of L1 or L2 working memory capacity is shown to be related to L2 reading comprehension. Albeit limited, there is research on the relationship between both L1 and L2 reading spans and their roles in L2 reading comprehension, yet these studies take reading as a global construct rather than delving into its multi‐level representational architecture. This study differentiates itself from previous research in that it investigates the relationship of both L1 and L2 reading spans to L2 reading comprehension, while taking into account two reading dimensions, namely, literal understanding and inferential comprehension. Findings reveal no significant difference between L1 and L2 storage capacities, although task processing in L1 is more accurate compared to that in L2. Generally, L1 and L2 processing tasks correlate positively as do L1 and L2 stoarge tasks. Finally, only L2 reading span has a meaningful relationship with L2 inferential comprehension.  相似文献   

Second language (L2) reading research suggests that there is a complex interplay between L2 proficiency, first language (L1) reading and L2 reading. However, not much is known about the effect of L1 proficiency on L1 reading, and of L1 reading on L2 reading, or vice versa, in bilingual settings when readers have few opportunities for extensive reading in their L1. The relationships between L1 (Northern Sotho) and L2 (English) proficiency and L1 and L2 reading were examined in Grade 7 learners attending a high‐poverty primary school in South Africa, during the course of a year when a reading intervention programme was implemented. The effect that attention to reading and accessibility of books had on the learners' reading proficiency in both languages was examined, and the factors that predicted academic performance were analysed. When the learners were engaged in more reading, L2 reading contributed more variance to L1 reading than L1 proficiency. Reading in both languages also contributed significantly to academic performance. The study highlights the need for more cross‐linguistic reading research in different educational settings.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the contribution of first language (L1) reading ability and second or foreign language (L2) proficiency to L2 reading comprehension, by focusing on the compensation between L1 reading ability and L2 proficiency. Two research questions were addressed: (1) does high L1 reading ability compensate for low L2 language proficiency? (2) does high L2 language proficiency compensate for low L1 reading ability? Participants were 241 Japanese university students learning English as a foreign language. They were divided into three levels (high, middle, low) according to the levels of their L1 reading ability and L2 language proficiency. Effects of these two factors on L2 reading ability were analysed by analysis of variance. A multiple regression analysis to estimate a compensation model was also applied. Results provided positive answers to both research questions. The present study thus demonstrates the mutual compensation between L1 reading ability and L2 proficiency, which works in order to achieve the highest possible level of L2 reading comprehension for readers with different ability backgrounds in L1 reading and L2 proficiency.  相似文献   

藏族学生英语三语(L3)习得受到母语藏语(L1)和第二语言汉语(L2)的双重影响。以多语交互影响研究者提出的类型近似模型、第二语言主导模型和累积增强模型为理论基础,收集L2水平不同的藏族L3学习者的作文语料,从流利度、词汇丰富度和词语错误率等三个维度对比分析。结果表明L1和L2在L3写作中发挥了不同的作用:L1在作文构思阶段发挥作用;L2水平越高,词汇错误率越低,但L2水平在词汇丰富度上并不具有区分力;教学媒介语对L3也会产生一定影响。这一结果对于藏区英语教学具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

在定性分析的基础上,讨论了儿童母语习得与成人二语习得之间的差异。通过对相关理论文献的系统性回顾,对影响儿童母语习得和成人二语习得因素的分析,对儿童母语习得与成人二语习得的个人理解及相应的教学实践效果发现,儿童的母语习得与成人二语习得在很多方面(如习得年龄、手段、模式、环境和动力)都有区别。由此得出结论:儿童的母语习得是毫不费力的,而成人的二语习得是非常艰难的。因此,儿童母语习得与成人二语习得不同的特点,产生的原因以及相关的效果都应受到足够的重视。  相似文献   

Authors examined the relationship between individual differences in L1 print exposure and differences in early L1 skills and later L2 aptitude, L2 proficiency, and L2 classroom achievement. Participants were administered measures of L1 word decoding, spelling, phonemic awareness, reading comprehension, receptive vocabulary, and listening comprehension in 1?C5th grades, and then followed into 9?C10th grades where measures of L2 aptitude, L2 proficiency, and L1 print exposure were administered. Students?? responses on the L1 print exposure measure were used to divide them into High, Average, and Low Print groups. Findings showed significant differences between the High versus Low Print groups on all L1 skill measures, L2 aptitude and L2 proficiency tests, and L2 classroom achievement after controlling for IQ. L1 skill differences between the groups emerged as early as 1st grade. L1 phonemic awareness, L1 word decoding, and L1 spelling measures were the best discriminators of L1 print exposure among the three groups. Results suggest that early success in L1 reading and reading volume prior to L2 study may be related to differences in L2 aptitude, L2 proficiency, and L2 achievement several years later.  相似文献   

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