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世界晚报市场呈现整体衰落之势,而中国的晚报市场虽然受到早报的不断冲击,但仍然存在相当大的空间。在上海、北京等大城市相继出现了第二份晚报。即所谓的“一城二晚”现象。这一现象的出现,将改变中国晚报市场长期以来区域性强,竞争不温不火的格局。  相似文献   

田地 《绥化学院学报》2001,21(1):117-119
地方性是晚报的重要特色之一,是晚报晚报化的标志。晚报地方性不仅规范了晚报的版性内涵,而且也丰富了版面内容。本文认为地方性包括地域特色、人文特色、民俗特色、文化特色等几个方面。  相似文献   

赵超构曾担任新中国第一份晚报——《新民晚报》的总编辑、社长。在长期的工作实践中.他逐渐形成了自己独特的晚报理念,如:明确了晚报的立身之本、服务对象、办报方针、特性和风格;晚报应结合自身特点来体现指导性;为社会新闻平反;对编辑工作应高度重视等。这些理念对新中国晚报事业的成长和发展具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

创刊于1985年的《拉萨晚报》是西藏地区最有影响的报纸之一。目前随着西藏新闻传播事业的发展,《拉萨晚报》(汉文版)的版面设计包括版式设计和内容编排、版次安排上都表现出了新型晚报的特色,同时也存在一些不足之处。本文分析了《拉萨晚报》(汉文版)版面设计的特点和不足,并从发展的角度提了一些建议。  相似文献   

《彭城晚报》是徐州地域性报纸,坚持报道主流社会、为主流读者服务的精神,在传承徐州地域文化方面起着非常重要的媒介作用。同时徐州属于楚汉文化的核心地带,为了在新时期进一步传承和建构这种文化就需要《彭城晚报》这样的主流媒体来辅助。本文主要通过视觉传达设计角度来分析《彭城晚报》对徐州楚汉文化的现代传承和建构,以供广大读者参考。  相似文献   

目的:研究山东省内各地市晚报的健康传播现状,探讨健康传播的优点与不足,提出相应解决办法;方法:对山东省四份晚报中的健康传播在版面设置、健康信息的版面分布及内容进行对比分析;结果与结论:各大晚报在健康传播的版面设置、分布及内容方面存在参差不齐的情况,建议通过增加健康专刊或专版数量,扩大健康信息的报道范围及完善信息结构等方式不断优化传播环境。  相似文献   

摘要:红星杯“诗城小诗人”诗歌大赛是皖江晚报策划创办的一个品牌,定位准确、内在激活、注重评点,是释放品牌效应、张扬晚报个性的关键。  相似文献   

随着传媒市场化、竞争化的加剧以及"走、转、改"的推进,读者的地位不断提升。文章以《衡阳晚报》为样本,运用传播学的使用与满足理论,借鉴传播效果研究,采取随机抽样调查的形式,分析了《衡阳晚报》的读者调查具体情况,以期发现《衡阳晚报》存在的问题,对报纸的未来发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

《邵阳晚报》已经进入了一个新的发展阶段,如何面对来自同质、异质媒介的挑战与竞争,是每一个晚报人都无法回避的话题。文章拟从晚报内容的革新以及版面的调整等方面作简单的探讨。  相似文献   

兆子 《家教世界》2008,(1):12-13
身教的力量在我的书柜里,一直珍藏着21份晚报。应当说,我一向没有收藏报纸的爱好,而我之所以将这21份晚报收藏,是因为里面包含着一个下岗女工独立的人格和对我内心的时时警醒。一年前我所居住的那条街道上出现了一个报摊,卖报的是位三十多岁的女人,每天下午两三点钟就见她坐在自行车后座上,对着路人时断时续地喊:"晚报、日报、电视报。"卖报  相似文献   

You look up at the sky, and see a lovely cloud; you look down, and may see lovely ripples on a rivulet (or river). On a hot summer afternoon you see dancing dust devils; on a cold winter evening you can see smoke rising lazily from achulah, and hang up there as if it has given up. You peer at a telescope, and see intense supersonic jets, or vast whirling galaxies; you measure in a wind tunnel, and sense powerful tornadoes behind an aircraft wing. The universe is full of fluid that flows in crazy, beautiful or fearsome ways. In our machines and in the lab, as in terrestrial nature, one sees this amazing diversity in the flow of such a simple liquid like water or a simple gas like air. What is it that makes fluid flows so rich, so complex-some times so highly ordered that their patterns can adorn a saree border, sometimes so chaotic as to defy analysis? Do thesame laws governall that extraordinary variety? We begin with a picture gallery of a number of visible or visualized flows, and consider which ones we understand and which ones we do not, which ones we can compute and which ones we cannot; and it will be argued that behind those all-too-common but lovely flows lie deep problems in physics and mathematics that still remain mysteries.  相似文献   

This paper explores the question of the relation of gender and pedagogy by inquiring into the importance of gendered bodies in the construction of the great teacher as a cultural phenomenon. I ask whether men's teaching — male diction as a mobilizing of desire becomesmalediction (seduction) when it is produced out of the pedagogical performances of women. In examining this question, I do not adhere to the predictable tradition of critical feminist scholarship, given the extent to which, paradoxically, this tradition can make examination of the issue more difficult. I do allude to the newer tradition of psychoanalytic feminism, but, in the main, I draw on literary criticism as a more fertile theoretical terrain because of its potential to disrupt theory and to disturb the disciplinary boundaries which prevent feminists from “saying it otherwise.” Questions raised include: Must the image of a great female teacher be a contradiction in terms? Has it been otherwise? Could it again be so? What conditions would be necessary to achieve this?  相似文献   

围绕“加强和改进思想政治工作”的总体要求,分析高校思政工作体系的内涵及其遵循,坚持政治建设为统领,立德树人为中心,以“六争行动”工作策略融入人才培养体系,探讨突破瓶颈的理论依据。运用结构主义,从思政工作质量提升的内部结构系统和相互联系的整体,明晰高校思政工作引领力提升的必要性、内在逻辑和遵循,并提出以“六争行动”的工作策略融入人才培养体系,回答“思政工作是做什么的?为什么而做?怎么做?”这三个问题。  相似文献   

反思性教学的两个问题链   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
反思性教学的落实需要我们做进一步的开发。我们提出了两个关于反思性教学的“问题链”,一是观念的问题链,二是操作的问题链。反思性教学的观念,存在于“我为什么要反思—我什么时候反思—我反思什么—我怎样做就算是反思了”这个问题链中。反思性教学的操作,存在于“我做了什么—我的做有效吗—我的做自身合理吗—我还能怎样做”这个问题链中。  相似文献   

Why is it important to publish your research? How are papers reviewed before publication decisions are made? How can you select the right journal for your paper? How do EM:” and other measurement journals compare in content, orientation, and other characteristics?  相似文献   

研究了香料烟调制棚内,采用不同增湿方法和不同揭盖调制棚膜通风方法对调制后烟叶质量的影响,结果表明:下部叶以不增湿及调制过程中早揭晚盖;中部叶为入棚第3d加湿一次,入棚时将先入的那一头的膜盖严,另一头完全打开,过2d又将这一头打开通风,另一头盖严;上部叶是入棚第1d,第4d各加湿一次,入棚后实行一头封闭一头早揭晚盖,每3d换一次调制出的烟叶外观质量较好.  相似文献   

Educational technology at the crossroads: New mindsets and new directions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Educational technology seems to be suffering from an identity crisis. Many exciting things are happening in the field, but increasingly we educational technologists find ourselves on the sidelines in our own ballgame. People from other disciplines are taking an interest in educational technology, but they show little interest in our knowledge base (often even little awareness that it exists!) and little interest in our professional organizations and publications. Why is this happening? What can we do about it? To what extent might our mindset be the problem? What new directions do we need to pursue to improve the health and value of our field? These are the central issues which this article discusses.  相似文献   

范梅南的《教学机智》、《生活体验研究》和《儿童的秘密》等书近来在大陆相继出版,引起了国内学者和一线教师对教育现象学的极大关注。人们对教育现象学很感兴趣,但又有诸多疑问。什么是教育现象学?教育现象学做什么?如何运用教育现象学来从事教育和教育研究?本文尝试做出回答。  相似文献   

Over the years the debate on the aims, approaches, and impacts of formative assessment has never stopped to grow. Parallel to this growth is the awareness that it is crucial to understand what conceptions teachers have of assessment in order to guarantee more effective teacher education. This paper tries to connect these two fields of research: formative assessment and teacher education through an analysis of teachers’ conceptions: What do teachers think about assessment? What aims do they pursue through it? Do teachers really distinguish between formative and summative assessment? On the backdrop of the formative assessment literature, the article reports on an exploratory research study. Limitations and issues are analysed in order to shed light on teacher education implication and on future educational research paths in the educational assessment field.  相似文献   

Artistic activities are frequently touted as being imaginative or valuable in helping develop the imagination of students. However, it is not always clear what is meant by the imagination. Is the imagination a faculty of the mind? Do some people have it while others do not? Is it something that can be developed? Or is having an imagination having the ability to conceive of ideas in a certain way? If having an imagination is an ability to conceptualize in a certain manner, can educators provide experiences which foster this ability? How does this ability differ from creative ability or the ability to fantasize? These questions, among others, must be dealt with if we are to come to an understanding of what we mean by the concept of imagination. Having a clearer understanding of what we mean by the imagination still leaves unanswered questions concerning why we should want to be imaginative and why being imaginative is important for arts education. These are the questions to be addressed in the following paper.  相似文献   

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