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笔者对学生就教师提前上课和延迟下课对学生学习本学科兴趣进行调查,有87.4%的学生对教师占用这两方面时间表示反感,有12.6%的学生表示无所谓。有67.3%的学生认为这会直接影响对本学课的学习兴趣,有32.7%的学生认为这不会影响对本学课的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

一、现状与统计数据 1.学生问卷 统计结果:85%的学生认为新一轮教材有利于课堂教学和学生学习;83%的学生认为新课改以来教师能注重采用多种方式授课;99%的学生对教师民主、开放的教学方式和对新课程倡导的自主、合作、探究的学习方式表示认同和欢迎;问卷还反映出,实施新课程以来,38%的学生认为自己解题能力增强,35%的学生学到了更多的知识和技能,25%的学生认为自己更好地掌握了学习方法,不到1%的学生认为自己学会了收集、分析、整理数据和运用信息的方法,学会了与同学合作以及更喜欢学习了。  相似文献   

通过对137名数学专业的大学生进行问卷调查,其中有50.36%的学生认为自己的课堂参与度一般,而只有4.38%的学生认为自己的课堂参与很高.提高大学生课堂学习参与度已成为大学数学教学的重点问题.大学生数学课堂参与度的提高,可以从提高学生学习兴趣、加深学生对学习的认知、转变教师的教学模式、创造良好的课堂环境等方面入手,提高学生学习的主动性和有效性.  相似文献   

学习兴趣是学生认知需要的情绪表现,是一种带着强烈色彩的认识倾向.有学习兴趣的学生能积极地投入学习,主动学习并能从学习中获得学习所带来的乐趣.相反,如果没有学习兴趣的学生则不具有主动的学习行为,更不能体会学习所带来的愉悦.在实际数学教学中,笔者对所在的农村初中的学生进行了一次数学学习兴趣的调查.结果发现,学生对学习数学感兴趣的占53%,其中原来不感兴趣的学生后因更换老师等原因而产生兴趣的占5%.对数学不感兴趣或兴趣较弱的占47%,也有部分是兴趣减退.从中可以看出,部分学生未积极地投入到数学教学活动中,只是被动地在接受知识.作为教师应该反思自身的教学行为、教学方式,应致力于培养和发展学生数学学习兴趣作一些积极的尝试与探索.笔者结合教育实际,浅谈发展学生数学学习兴趣的几点探索.  相似文献   

王李 《职教论坛》2002,(10):45-45
为了充分了解学生对体育运动的兴趣和爱好程度,本学期,我在五个班级近250名学生中进行了一次问卷调查。结果是喜欢上体育课的占80.8%,不喜欢上体育课的占3%,不喜欢按教师意图上体育课的为16.2%。学生不喜欢的主要原因与多年来体育教学中统得过死的军训式教学(教师指挥,教师控制,教师组织,学生服从,以教师为主的权威性、强制性教学)有关,虽然体育课秩序井然,但实际上学生不喜欢,不能激发学生的热情和调动学习的积极性,达不到学校体育教学的目的。因此,要想让学生都喜欢上体育课,体育教师除了努力提高自身业务…  相似文献   

经秋华 《教师》2016,(4):53
在现代的教育教学中,老师发挥的作用是无人能代替的。一名出色的、有责任心的教师不仅要注重于教授学生文化知识,传递学科知识,更重要的是要通过自身的行为有意识地培养学生良好的思想品德,培养学生的毅力、知趣、理想精神等。教师行为包括教师的态度行为、语言行为、行动行为等,主要通过影响学生的学习信心、学习意志力、学习的激励三个方面来影响学生的学习毅力。下面笔者从这三个方面,特别是从教师行为对学生学习信心培学习是一场持久战和攻坚战,学生的学习需要毅力。学习毅力是学生的学习力的集中体现,学生的学习毅力与学生的学习信心、意志力、学习激励等方面密切相关。在高中物理教学中,如何通过教师的行为培养学生的学习毅力,值得广大教师的重视与深思。本文主要通过对教师行为的研究,着重分析了其对学生学习毅力的影响。  相似文献   

有研究表明,80%的学习困难与过重压力有关,解除这些压力,明显有助于学习效率的提高和创造潜能的开发。对一个教师来说,善于为学生创设宽松学习环境,营造民主和谐课堂氛围,甚至比学识是否渊博更重要。教师与学生交流方式恰当了,学生上课的心理负担减轻了,学习的效率自然就高。那么,怎样才能实现这一目标呢?笔者认为:  相似文献   

本文是基于一项听力自选学习项目中教师的角色定位和学生对教师的角色期待的实证研究.研究发现,在听力自选学习中,学生对教师作为学习资源提供者、评价者、鼓励和咨询者、监督者和培训者的角色评价较高.学生对教师在以下几方面有较高的期待:鼓励学生参与项目学习并激励学生持续努力,为学生提供咨询和组织培训,开发合适的材料并帮助学生对听力自选学习进程进行有效监控和评价.  相似文献   

初中语文的学习除了依赖于教师在课堂中开展的语文教学活动之外,还需要学生自主性的探究学习。然而初中阶段的学生自主性学习需要教师逐步引导和推动开展,教师应当以激发学生学习兴趣为推动学生自主性学习的出发点,逐步培养学生自主确立学习方向及学习计划,并通过及时对学生自主性学习成果进行检验,帮助学生完成对于初中语文自主学习的学习周期的整体构建,最终实现学生语文成绩的提高和初中高效语文课堂的构建。  相似文献   

最近在对我省高校大学俄语教育现状调查后得知,有一半多(50.7%)的学生有明确的自主学习计划,1/3的学生学习目的不明确,对于是否知道如何自主学习这一问题,只有33.4%的学生知道,59.6%的学生要么就是不清楚,要么就是概念模糊。针对这些现状,首先必须确立学生自主学习活动在外语学习中的重要地位;其二,教师应该从根本上改变陈旧的教学方法和教学手段,改变落后的教育思想观念,积极推广先进的教学辅助手段;其三,学生的小组活动也应受到重视;其四,教师应培养学生对自己学习负责任的态度。  相似文献   

Scholars have agreed that the way in which students perceive their learning environments influences their academic performance. Empirical studies that focus on architecture students, however, have been very scarce. This is the gap that an attempt is filled in this study. A questionnaire survey of 273 students in a school of architecture in Nigeria provided data for this pilot study. The perceptions of the students were best defined by the involvement of the students in their studies, the perceived support, and conduciveness of the learning environment. The students’ perceptions of their learning environment varied with their years of study, age and gender. Their perceptions of inflexibility of schedule, positive assessment, and fairness influenced the overall grades of students. The results suggests which aspects of learning environment that can be manipulated by architectural educators to improve the performance of their students. The study of the learning environment of architecture students still appears to be relatively unexplored. The value of this study therefore lies in its exploration of the perceptions of the learning environment from the point of view of students.  相似文献   

理想信念的缺失是中等职业学校学生学业倦怠的根本原因。中职生理想缺失的原因主要是由于学习与生活脱节,对社会发展缺乏认识,物质生活的丰富失去了奋斗目标,以及学习失败导致的心理健康问题。确立中职生的人生理想,激发他们学习的热情,关键在于帮助他们确立为生活而学习的目标。  相似文献   

Sixty‐six students completed two questionnaires to describe their approaches to study and the relationship to their personal preference for either the conventional lecture (CL) or self‐learning package (SLP) as methods of instruction. The students were randomly assigned to either an SLP and a CL group and received instruction on the same topic. Then, six weeks after the lecture all students were given a 30‐minute test to examine their level of understanding. Ten students, chosen at random, were interviewed further to assess their attitude towards learning. The inference drawn from the results is that more students preferred CL to SLP, however there was no correlation between students’ study approach and their preference for different teaching methods, nor did the study demonstrate that either method of instruction was superior when measured by test performance, suggesting a need to review independent study packages to better match student needs. Interview analysis showed that the students were highly dependent on reassurance from their lecturers, emphasising the negotiated nature of learning.  相似文献   

This study reports on the role of students’ reflections in their teacher written feedback. Informed by a qualitative case study approach, this study collected data from 18 students across a semester of an English-as-a-foreign language writing course at a university in China. In the course, teacher written feedback and students’ reflections were both informed by writing as a meaning-making process. The data sources included 72 pieces of student essays, 144 pieces of reflection written by the students, and post-semester interviews with the students. The study showed that engaging students in writing reflections was helpful for developing their knowledge of writing, although the process somewhat followed a zigzag trajectory. The exercise helped them transcend their previous knowledge repertoires, thereby assisting them in critically understanding their revision process and refining their knowledge of writing in response to the teacher’s written feedback. In particular, the students felt that the meaning-making-based reflections provided clear and accessible layers for them to understand the close relationship between language and content. As such, the students felt that they were able to harness their reflections as a written venue through which they could critically digest the teacher’s written feedback and develop their knowledge of writing as a meaning-making process while dialoguing with their instructor.  相似文献   

Many factors influence students’ progress in higher education. However, the students’ own voices are seldom heard. Using a qualitative approach, the study explored students’ own experiences of the factors that have influenced their studying. Research has indicated that students’ experiences are often related to their approaches to learning. Therefore, experiences of enhancing and impeding factors were explored here in relation to different study profiles. Altogether 736 open-ended answers were analysed by qualitative context analysis. After establishing the categories of enhancing and impeding factors and creating the student profiles, the differences between the profiles were examined using chi-square tests. The results revealed that the students had experienced a broad variety of factors that influenced their studying. These experiences varied widely with regard to the students’ study profiles. In particular, those in the Students applying a surface approach and Unorganised students applying a deep approach profiles appeared to experience more obstacles in their studies than the students in other profiles. Characteristic of these two profiles was the students’ low ability to organise their studies, that is, manage their time and effort. The study suggests that at least part of the variation in students’ experiences of the factors influencing their progress is explainable by the students’ learning profiles. Whether it would be useful to identify different student profiles rather than concentrate on asking the students directly about their experiences of enhancing and impeding factors is discussed.  相似文献   

During their secondary school years, a considerable number of students seriously consider choosing between learning and leaving. Leaving school early means that students do not complete their education. Early school leaving is the last step in a process in which students gradually lose interest and develop the intention to leave school. This study focuses on students with special needs and the impact of their social relations with parents, teachers and peers on their intentions to leave school early. The sample for this study comprises 1873 typical students and 132 students with special needs aged 16 from secondary schools in a large region of Norway. The intention to leave early can be predicted by teacher support and by loneliness as an indicator for peer support. The findings suggest that especially peer support is, for all students, a key variable in staying motivated for school. For students with special needs, teacher support is also important to stay in school in the early years. Over time, however, the support from teachers becomes less important for students with special needs. They too become more dependent on support from peers.  相似文献   

This study is based on a survey in 2007 of 12,961 senior secondary final year students in seven major cities in China, and shows that students in less developed cities manifest a stronger intention to study abroad than students in better off cities, controlling for students’ other demographic characteristics and their major perceived attractions of study abroad. The intention to study abroad of students in less developed cities becomes increasingly lower than the intention of students in better off cities for every unit increase in the perceived attraction of better quality instruction if the students expect to fund their overseas studies by self-financing or loans.  相似文献   

The self-regulation of learning behavior is an important key competence for university students. In this presented study, we aimed at fostering students’ self-regulation of learning by means of a standardized learning journal. In two of four courses that were included in the study, students had to keep a structured learning diary and/or received further intervention on self-regulated learning through a weekly course. Students who received these interventions were compared to students who received no treatment whatsoever in their self-regulation and learning achievement. The study reports pre–post measures as well as process analyses. Results revealed that keeping a structured learning diary without any further intervention did not improve students’ self-regulation. Those students who only kept learning diaries even showed a decrease in their motivation. Students who kept the learning diary and at the same time received further information on self-regulation showed increases in their strategy use and their self-efficacy. However, no improvements were found for students’ academic performance. It can be concluded that in order for students to profit in keeping a structured learning diary, they should be informed on the benefits of self-monitoring to increase their motivation.  相似文献   

This study explored the response of 28, second year undergraduate students to an innovative approach to a five-day solo. Periods of solitude are more likely to lead to positive outcomes when they are freely chosen than when they are programmed as part of a course. The extent to which a programmed solo can be ‘freely chosen’ by the individual is traditionally perceived as being constrained by logistic, safety and group needs. This study describes a solo, delivered as a required part of a core academic module, in which these perceived limitations were challenged. It describes an attempt to empower students to make their own choices about the nature of their solo experience and risk management. The study evaluates the extent to which individual students felt that they had freedom of choice; the choices they made and the outcomes of their solos. An intrinsic case study approach was used to explore the choices made by all students before, during and immediately after their solo as well as the more considered responses of 14 students eight months later. The data suggest that the pre-solo mindset was the most important factor in determining positive outcomes for participants and that offering students the opportunity to take responsibility for the structure of their own solo increased the likelihood that this would be achieved.  相似文献   

In UK higher education, the attainment of ethnic minority students is lower than that of white students, and this remains the case when differences in entry qualifications have been taken into account. The present study investigated whether the under-attainment of ethnic minority students might be due to the nature of the feedback that they received for their assignments. The assignments submitted by 470 ethnic minority and 470 matched white students taking a distance-learning course were compared using a computer system, Open Mentor, to categorise the feedback given by tutors based on a scheme devised by Bales. Asian and black students and students of mixed ethnicity obtained lower marks for their assignments than did the white students. However, there were only small differences between the ethnic minority students and the white students in terms of the pattern of feedback that they received, and these disappeared when the marks that they had received for their assignments had been taken into account. It is concluded that students from all ethnic groups received feedback that was commensurate with their marks, and that the origins of the attainment gap in ethnic minority students in UK higher education must be sought elsewhere.  相似文献   

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