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培养学生的观察能力是化学教学活动中一个基本的教学目标,化学实验在培养学生观察能力方面具有很多的优势.在本文中,笔者结合高中化学实验,简单阐述了在化学教学中培养学生观察能力的策略.  相似文献   

学生化学实验观察能力的培养对其化学学习有重要意义.文中将人教版化学九年级上册教材的实验活动内容设计为培养化学实验观察能力各维度表现的教学情境,编写相应的化学实验观察报告单,在课堂教学活动中使用.研究发现,实验观察报告单教学对学生化学实验观察能力各维度表现的发展均有显著的教学效果.课堂教学活动缩小了不同化学学业成绩学生在化学实验观察能力敏捷性维度和深刻性维度表现的差异,扩大了在灵活性维度表现的差异,但未改变在批判性维度表现的差异.课堂教学活动对不同性别学生化学实验观察能力的发展影响差异不显著.  相似文献   

化学实验是化学科学的基础,化学实验的教学主要是培养学生观察、思维、实验基本操作和创造能力.培养学生观察能力可分阶段进行.   第一阶段:指出观察什么和怎样观察   化学实验中要观察的内容有四种:实验装置、试剂、操作和反应现象.   ……  相似文献   

根据化学教学的目的,化学实验教学主要是要培养学生的观察能力、实践能力、创新能力以及思维能力.化学实验能够激发学生对化学的兴趣,能够帮助学生更快更好地学习化学理论知识并将理论用于实践.通过化学实验,学生还能够复习巩固已学过的化学理论知识,同时培养自己观察事物、创新思维及分析解决问题等综合能力.  相似文献   

化学是一门以实验为基础的自然科学,化学实验在培养学生创造性能力方面有着不可替代的作用.它不仅可以培养学生的观察能力和实验操作能力,还可以培养学生的创新思维能力.化学实验是激起学生学习化学兴趣的首要外部因素,要使学生学好化学就必须重视和加强实验教学.  相似文献   

在化学教学实践中,激发学生学习兴趣、启发学生思维、培养学生综合能力的有效途径莫过于鲜明而有趣的化学实验.在中职化学实验课中培养学生的操作能力、观察能力、分析判断能力、思维能力及实验探究能力,是化学实验课的目的所在.  相似文献   

让学生体验科学探究的乐趣,认识化学与人类生活密切关系,激发学生学习化学的积极性.培养学生的综合能力和创造思维能力,通过动手实验,规范学生操作,全面培养和提高学生实验能力,观察能力和对实验现象的解析能力.  相似文献   

化学实验是化学科学的灵魂,是学生认识化学世界的窗口.培养学生的化学实验能力是素质教育与创新教育的核心,而如何更有效地通过实验教学培养学生的各项实验能力,如观察能力、理解能力、分析能力、设计能力、实践能力和创新能力等,是值得深思的课题.因为实验能力是创新教育的根本和核心.  相似文献   

在高中化学学习中,学生观察现象、分析问题、解决问题能力的培养和正确认识事物及其变化规律能力的提升都需要依靠实验.化学实验可以给学生以慧眼与睿智.因此,在化学课堂教学中学生观察能力的培养具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

实验观察是学生通过自身体验培养观察能力、全面提高化学素养的重要环节。化学教师应致力于培养学生的实验观察能力,深入研究实验中影响观察能力培养的消极和积极因素,努力探索在实验中提升学生观察能力的新方法和具体措施。  相似文献   

小学生英语口语能力的培养已经受到了社会各界的广泛关注。文章旨在研究探索有利于提高小学生口语能力的有效途径:利用儿歌、游戏、情景交流、看图说话、课本剧排演等五种方式来培养小学生口语能力的有效策略,并对每种途径的特有功效和使用方式进行详细说明。  相似文献   

This article examines interactions between school‐level and pupil‐level measures of socio‐economic status for pupil reports of the school environment and a range of risk behaviours and health outcomes. The baseline survey for the INCLUSIVE trial provided data on pupil affluence and pupil reports of the school environment, smoking, drinking, anti‐social behaviour at school, quality of life and psychological wellbeing for over 6,000 pupils (aged 11–12 years) in 40 schools within a 1‐hour train journey from central London. The level of socio‐economic disadvantage of the school was measured using the percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals. Multilevel regression models examined the association between pupil affluence, the socio‐economic composition of the school and the interaction between these with the school environment, risk behaviours and health outcomes. Our findings provide some evidence for interactions, suggesting that less affluent pupils reported lower psychological wellbeing and quality of life in schools with more socio‐economically advantaged intakes. There appears to be a complex relationship for anti‐social behaviour. Where pupil affluence and school socio‐economic composition were discordant, pupils reported a higher number of anti‐social behaviours. This article provides further evidence that less affluent pupils are more likely to engage in a variety of risk behaviours and experience worse health outcomes when they attend schools with more socio‐economically advantaged intakes, supporting some of the mechanisms described in the theory of human functioning and school organisation.  相似文献   

陈旧落后的教学体系和教学内容以及学生学习内动力的减弱都是影响学风的重要因素.因此,我们需要着手深化教学改革,转变学风,充分调动学生学习的积极性,培养高素质的创新人才.  相似文献   

努力提高幼儿的生活自理能力和社会适应能力是幼儿园的重要教养任务之一。根据陶行知"生活即教育"理念,在幼儿园中大班班级管理中,充分利用"小老师"角色的作用,不仅能锻炼幼儿的管理能力,强化幼儿的自律意识,发挥幼儿的个性特长,而且能有效提高班级的管理效率。  相似文献   

小学生数学思维能力的培养是小学数学教学中的一项重要内容.数学是思维的体操,发展学生思维是数学教育的灵魂.将从调动学生学习数学的积极性,促进学生积极参与思维过程;加强对学生的数学思维训练,促进学生数学思维能力的提高;加强思维方法指导,发展学生辩证思维,培养学生创造性思维能力等3个方面对如何培养小学生数学思维能力进行论述.  相似文献   

This chapter examines a distance education program to train primary schoolteachers in Sri Lanka and looks for evidence of its success. Quasi-longitudinal data on (a) teacher perceptions of the program; (b) teacher knowledge, skill, and attitudes; (c) teacher classroom performance; and (d) pupil achievement are used to compare distance education with two other teacher education programs in Sri Lanka — an institutional inservice program and a preservice approach. More specifically, the interpersonal aspects of this distance education program are examined as a possible explanation of the program's effectiveness when compared with other distance education as well as conventional approaches to educating teachers.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of pupil voice as a trigger for teacher learning and for improving teaching quality. This is investigated in the context of Lesson Study (LS), a professional development model that can incorporate pupil voice into teachers’ collaborative reflections on lessons. Data are from two LS groups of mathematics teachers in London (one primary and one secondary school). Video-recorded pupil interviews and teacher discussions were transcribed. Episodes of teacher discussions were coded for reference to pupil input and subsequent impact on future plans. Qualitative analysis of discussions examined whether some pupils’ input was favoured over others’. Results are significant in pointing to LS as a mechanism for attending to pupil voice. In so doing, it is suggested that pupil input provided a challenge for teachers in their interpretations of pupil learning, evaluating lessons and planning, and in contributing to teacher learning from LS.  相似文献   

This paper highlights just one aspect of the highly gendered nature of nineteenth century pupil teaching and focuses on how the female pupil teacher was constructed as a ‘problem’. The paper consists of two broad sections and draws extensively upon the experience of female pupil teachers who attended pupil teacher centres during the school board period. First, to set the scene and contextualise the ‘problem’, a brief account of the feminisation of teaching and what this meant for the female pupil teacher and pupil teaching in general is explored, with particular reference to the complexities of female pupil teachers’ working life and the issue of mixed centre organisation. Secondly, there follows an analysis of how attempts were made to solve or contain the perceived ‘problem’ of the female pupil teacher through the simultaneous exercise of: moral control; protection and concern with physical and mental well‐being; moulding through the medium of ‘healthful recreation’.  相似文献   

This paper is the second of two articles arising from a study of the association between pupil mobility and attainment in national tests and examinations in an inner London borough. Our first article examined the association of pupil mobility with attainment and progress during primary school. It concluded that pupil mobility had little impact on performance in national tests at age 11, once pupils’ prior attainment at age 7 and other pupil background factors such as age, sex, special educational needs, stage of fluency in English and socio‐economic disadvantage were taken into account. The present paper reports the results for secondary schools (age 11–16). The results indicate that pupil mobility continues to have a significant negative association with performance in public examinations at age 16, even after including statistical controls for prior attainment at age 11 and other pupil background factors. Possible reasons for the contrasting results across school phases are explored. The implications for policy and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

In the UK, USA and elsewhere, school accountability systems increasingly compare schools using value-added measures of school performance derived from pupil scores in high-stakes standardised tests. Rather than naïvely comparing school average scores, which largely reflect school intake differences in prior attainment, these measures attempt to compare the average progress or improvement pupils make during a year or phase of schooling. Schools, however, also differ in terms of their pupil demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and these factors also predict why some schools subsequently score higher than others. Many therefore argue that value-added measures unadjusted for pupil background are biased in favour of schools with more ‘educationally advantaged’ intakes. But others worry that adjusting for pupil background entrenches socioeconomic inequities and excuses low-performing schools. In this article we explore these theoretical arguments and their practical importance in the context of the ‘Progress 8’ secondary school accountability system in England, which has chosen to ignore pupil background. We reveal how the reported low or high performance of many schools changes dramatically once adjustments are made for pupil background, and these changes also affect the reported differential performances of regions and of different school types. We conclude that accountability systems which choose to ignore pupil background are likely to reward and punish the wrong schools and this will likely have detrimental effects on pupil learning. These findings, especially when coupled with more general concerns surrounding high-stakes testing and school value-added models, raise serious doubts about their use in school accountability systems.  相似文献   

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