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一例唐氏综合症儿童语言能力的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对一例14岁唐氏综合症儿童的汉语词类、句长、句法结构等方面在校的自发性语言的研究,结果发现1.个案使用的实词数大于虚词数;2.个案语言中7种基本的句子结构均已出现;3.个案已经出现结构复杂、逻辑性强的单句,并开始有意识地运用偏正关系的复句;4.在运用基本汉语语法的能力方面,个案语言发展水平大致相当于正常儿童3~6岁水平。  相似文献   

在日常跨文化交际中常常会出现由于语言的原因而造成的语用失误,即语用语言失误。通过了解其在形成原因和表现形式可以帮助中国的语言学习者获得语用能力,最终实现成功交际。  相似文献   

通过综述国内跨文化语用学领域关于言语行为的部分研究,说明我国学习者与本族语者在言语行为实施和言语行为理解两方面的语用系统是不同的。讨论造成这种差异的四个主要原因:推理能力欠缺、语用负迁移、泛化、教材中语用指导不足,并从语言能力、课堂教学和语用意识等方面提出了语用教学建议。  相似文献   

跨语言、跨文化的语用现象涉及两种语言和两种文化对交际的影响,不同文化背景的人用某一种语言进行交际总避免不了语用失误,从而影响信息的交流。不同的民族有不同的文化,文化差异会造成交际中的语用失误,而语用失误又是形成翻译障碍的主要原因之一,甚至产生的后果要比语法翻译不当造成的错误严重得多。一个能说一口流利外语的人出现语用失误,他很可能会被认为缺乏礼貌或不友好,有时受话者会将其归咎于对方的人格问题,甚至看成是一种冒犯。因此,在英语翻译中,只有正确把握英语和汉语的文化差异,并对其具体的语境进行合理的语用对比,即通过语用翻译才能使语言交际获得成功。  相似文献   

减少语用失误,提高语用能力是英语教学的重要任务之一。但目前语用失误却普遍存在。本文通过问卷调查分析语用失误的原因,主要包括:语言负迁移、语用知识输入不足、课堂教学不当、学习方法不当、地道英语交流机会缺少。对此,应当加强跨文化知识教学,加强师生互动,加强课外学习。  相似文献   

李学晋 《文教资料》2009,(20):45-47
模糊语言的语用在很多方面被很多人研究过,但在天气预报方面的语用尚无人研究.基于Ver-schueren的顺应性理论,本文对天气预报中模糊语言的使用的原因、句子结构进行了分析,讨论了天气预报中的结构性模糊语言与模糊限制语.  相似文献   

采用随机法抽取非英语专业在校大学生251人,以语用能力问卷与英语文化掌握程度问卷为工具,调查大学生语言水平、语用能力、英语文化掌握程度,并探究三者间的关系。结果发现:不同性别、专业的大学生语用能力差异不显著;不同语言水平的大学生语用能力差异不显著;不同英语文化掌握程度的大学生语用能力差异显著。结论:大学生英语语用能力主要受制于其英语文化掌握程度,与语言水平关系不大。  相似文献   

孔莎  梁勇 《考试周刊》2009,(13):102-103
本文通过分析中国英语学习者在跨文化交际中出现的语用语言失误和社交语用失误,探索其根源是跨文化交际中的语用迁移,并发现造成语用迁移的原因是传统英语教学方法只注重英语语言知识的输入,而没有注重学生语用能力的培养。并就如何在英语教学中培养和提高英语学习者的语用能力提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

中国大学生的英语语用能力明显落后于语言能力,他们在跨文化交际中常因为母语语用负迁移导致语用失误,不能顺畅地交流。本文分析了跨文化交际中语用语言负迁移和社交语用负迁移的产生原因、表现,并就此提出了关于大学英语教学的建议,以全面提高学生的外语综合应用能力。  相似文献   

对非专业本科生的英语语用能力的调查分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
语用能力的高低直接关系到跨文化交际的能否顺利进行。从在我院非专业本科生中进行的两次测试的平均分来看,学生的语用能力远远低于其语言能力。通过对学生语用能力测试结果的深入分析,作者探讨了造成学生语用能力不理想的主要原因并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

The basic impoverishment of deafness is not lack of hearing but lack of language. To illustrate this, we have only to compare a 4-year-old hearing child, with a working vocabulary of between 2,000 and 3,000 words, to a child of the same age, profoundly deaf since infancy, who may have only a few words at his command. Even more important than vocabulary level, however, is the child's ability to use his language for expressing ideas, needs, and feelings. By the age of 4 years, the hearing child in all cultures has already grasped the rules of grammar syntax that enable him or her to combine words in meaningful ways.  相似文献   

Parental responses to grammatical and ungrammatical child utterances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Early Conversations and Word Learning: Contributions from Child and Adult   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Temporal and topic contingencies between child and mother speech are reported at 2 achievements in language development in the second year. Measured against their respective baseline rates of speech, children were most likely to talk before mother speech and mothers most likely to talk after child speech. This pattern, evident at both language achievements, increased in amplitude with development. These early conversations were generated by the children; neither their interactions nor word learning depended on adult-scaffolded formats. Only about one-third of all child speech occurred in response to something mothers said; only half of all child speech received a topic-related response. When mothers responded, they most often simply acknowledged, repeated, or clarified what the child said. The results supported the intentionality model for language development, in which the child's role is primary: Children learn words for expression and interpretation in order to share contents of mind, bringing words to their conversations that they've already learned in other contexts.  相似文献   

It is unclear how children develop the ability to learn words incidentally (i.e., without direct instruction or numerous exposures). This investigation examined the early achievement of this skill by longitudinally tracking the expressive vocabulary and incidental word-learning capacities of a hearing child of Deaf adults who was natively learning American Sign Language (ASL) and spoken English. Despite receiving only 20% of language input in spoken English, the child's expressive vocabularies at 16 and 20 months of age, in each language, were similar to those of monolingual age-matched peers. At 16 months of age, the child showed signs of greater proficiency in the incidental learning of novel ASL signs than she did for spoken English words. At 20 months of age, the child was skilled at incidental word learning in both languages. These results support the methodology as it applies to examining theoretical models of incidental word learning. They also suggest that bilingual children can achieve typical vocabulary levels (even with minimal input in one of the languages) and that the development of incidental word learning follows a similar trajectory in ASL and spoken English.  相似文献   

Joint attention and early language   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
This paper reports 2 studies that explore the role of joint attentional processes in the child's acquisition of language. In the first study, 24 children were videotaped at 15 and 21 months of age in naturalistic interaction with their mothers. Episodes of joint attentional focus between mother and child--for example, joint play with an object--were identified. Inside, as opposed to outside, these episodes both mothers and children produced more utterances, mothers used shorter sentences and more comments, and dyads engaged in longer conversations. Inside joint episodes maternal references to objects that were already the child's focus of attention were positively correlated with the child's vocabulary at 21 months, while object references that attempted to redirect the child's attention were negatively correlated. No measures from outside these episodes related to child language. In an experimental study, an adult attempted to teach novel words to 10 17-month-old children. Words referring to objects on which the child's attention was already focused were learned better than words presented in an attempt to redirect the child's attentional focus.  相似文献   

Major innovations are becoming available for research in language development and disorders. Among these innovations, recent tools allow naturalistic recording in children's homes and automated analysis to facilitate representative sampling. The present study employed all-day recordings during the second year of life in a child exposed to three languages, using a fully-wearable battery-powered recorder, with automated analysis to locate appropriate time periods for coding. This method made representative sampling possible, and afforded the opportunity for a case study indicating that language spoken directly to the child had dramatically more effect on vocabulary learning than audible language not spoken to the child, as indicated by chi-square analyses of the child's verbal output and input in each of the languages. The work provides perspective on the role of learning words by overhearing in childhood, and suggests the value of representative naturalistic sampling as a means of research on vocabulary acquisition.  相似文献   

词汇教学有多种释义的方法.传统的母语对译法或以串讲课文代替词汇教学的方法都有偏颇之处,而语素释义法则反映了汉语的特点,能真正将语言知识转化为交际能力.把词素释义作为教学中心的价值,远远超过了词汇教学本身.汉语的语素是显性的,代表“语素-音节”的汉字为汉语语素分析提供了得天独厚的条件.汉语的句子——短语——复合词的内部结构具有一致性,而这些具有一致性的“结构”的底层是语素,因此语素是对汉语词义、特别是合成词词义的理解和释义的突破口.把培养学生的语素观念和构词意识作为教学的重心,不仅使学生能掌握课内学习的词语,还能使学生对汉语内部结构的一致性有明确的认识,具有在课外交际的语境中学习新词语的能力.  相似文献   

本研究借鉴美国哈佛大学的语用研究框架,对一例具有自闭倾向4岁半儿童的言语行为包括言语倾向、言语行动、言语变通三种类型进行了统计分析,以了解自闭倾向儿童在自然情境下语言运用的总体特点。结果表明:该自闭倾向儿童的整体语言运用能力低于正常同龄儿童。其平均使用言语倾向类型略高于正常同龄儿童,言语行动类型和言语变通类型则明显低于正常同龄儿童。  相似文献   

中小学生业余钢琴学习问题的调查与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小学生钢琴学习应是一种以人为本的学习活动,应让琴童在学习过程中形成用身心去感受音乐的能力与经验,以促进其个性的完善与发展;应把钢琴学习与琴童自身的爱好结合起来,并以此为切入点发展琴童对钢琴学习的兴趣;在中小学生钢琴学习过程中,教师家长应避免功利心,对中小学生钢琴学习效果的评价应以琴童自身水平为标准;应根据琴童自身的特点与学习水平制定学习计划,并以一颗平常心对待琴童,理解容忍琴童的缺点与错误;同时,教师家长应与琴童保持平等的关系,不断了解中小学生的心理特点,选择易于被琴童接受的方式,从长远发展的高度给予琴童切实的帮助。  相似文献   

通过基于网络的语文教育跨越式创新试验,发现小学低年级学生的思维与语言能力通过正确的教育和网络的支持,有可能得到大幅度提高。皮亚杰的“儿童认知发展阶段论”存在一些缺陷。作者提出的儿童思维发展新论认为,儿童思维发展应分为:动物思维阶段、初级思维阶段、中级思维阶段、高级思维阶段;儿童从出生到具有熟练口语能力大致经过四个时期。儿童思维发展新论对语文教育的跨越发展可提供三个方面的理论支持:6岁的儿童已具有了较强的学习母语的基础;以语言运用为中心是儿童快速学习语言的根本途径和方法;应将语言能力的培养和思维能力的培养结合起来。  相似文献   

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