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教师的教育观念,尤其是教师的创造性内隐观在教师实施创造教育的过程中扮演着关键性角色。本文从内隐理论的角度出发综述了教师关于创造性、创造型学生特征和对学生创造性培养的观念,并在此基础上浅谈教师的创造性内隐观对教师培训的启示。  相似文献   

幼儿园教师所持有的创造性儿童画特征的内隐观对他们在绘画教学中如何培养儿童的创造性有着直接的影响.本研究采用社会效度的方法,调查了125名幼儿园教师关于创造性儿童画特征的内隐观,结果表明:(1)幼儿园教师对创造性儿童画认同的最重要的前10个特征依次是:想像力、反映孩子的个性、表达孩子对事物的理解和情感、构思大胆、幼儿能根据画解释丰富的意思、内容丰富且生动、让看画的人有很多的遐想空间、以儿童的日常生活为主延伸进行创作、反映孩子真实的内心世界、敢于探索等;(2)幼儿园教师有关创造性儿童画特征的内隐观结构表现为:独立自主创作且内涵丰富、具有明显的年龄特征、表现方式独特、技巧相对成熟;(3)个体变量对幼儿园教师有关创造性儿童画特征的内隐观没有显著影响.  相似文献   

采用形容词核查表调查当代大学生的创造性内隐观以及对创造性相关问题的看法,研究发现:当代大学生的创造性内隐观涉及个体心理的各方面;大学生最看重的是良好社会性、独创性和开放性等探索性因素;性别和专业对大学生创造性内隐观有一定影响;当代大学生对创造性的社会意义认识比较客观,对其个人意义认识相对模糊,对大学生的创造性现状以及大学教育对创造性培养作用的评价不甚乐观。  相似文献   

创造性内隐观是创造意识的最初形态,有创造意识才能产生创造行为。大学生的创造性内隐观涉及认知方式和人格特征两个方面,大学生对创造性价值的认识存在着不足,且对当前大学教育在创造性培养中的作用认可度也不高。有鉴于此,应从培养创新型教师、激发学生创新能力的自我发展、健全教育管理体制方面进行大学生创新能力的培养。  相似文献   

创造力内隐理论(implicit theories of creativity)是指一般公众(专家和外行人)在日常生活和工作背景下所形成的,且以某种形式存在于个体头脑中的关于创造力概念、结构及其发展的看法(也称为"内隐观"或"公众观")。研究教师的创造力内隐理论有助于研究者了解教师对于创造力的观念以及他们对待创造性儿童的态度,从而把握教师实施创造性教学的状况,有针对性地对教师进行培训,改进教师的教学,从而有利于在教育教学中对学生创造力的培养。通过教师对创造力的理解,对创造性学生的态度及人格特征的认识,对创造力的培养等论述,以期有助于我国教师创造力内隐理论的研究。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生心理健康内隐观的结构及不同维度上的差异。方法:采用社会效度方法对大学生的心理健康内隐观进行调查,对数据进行探索性因素分析及不同维度上的独立样本检验和方差分析。结果:1.描述统计显示,大学生的心理健康内隐观涉及的范围广泛,涵盖了认知、人格、道德等多个方面(M=4.66—3.41);2.因子分析显示,大学生的心理健康内隐观可以概括为四个因子,分别是利他性、自主性、才情和适应性(累积解释率为49.42%);3.独立样本t检验和方差分析显示,大学生心理健康内隐观在年级、学校性质、学校层次及是否掌握了心理健康知识等维度上差异显著(P〈0.05)。结论:大学生心理健康内隐观由四个因子构成,他们的形成不仅受到“心理健康”知识的影响,而且是生活、学习经历和环境共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生心理健康内隐观的结构及不同维度上的差异。方法:采用社会效度方法对大学生的心理健康内隐观进行调查,对数据进行探索性因素分析及不同维度上的独立样本检验和方差分析。结果:1.描述统计显示,大学生的心理健康内隐观涉及的范围广泛,涵盖了认知、人格、道德等多个方面(M=4.66—3.41);2.因子分析显示,大学生的心理健康内隐观可以概括为四个因子,分别是利他性、自主性、才情和适应性(累积解释率为49.42%);3.独立样本t检验和方差分析显示,大学生心理健康内隐观在年级、学校性质、学校层次及是否掌握了心理健康知识等维度上差异显著(p0.05)。结论:大学生心理健康内隐观由四个因子构成,他们的形成不仅受到"心理健康"知识的影响,而且是生活、学习经历和环境共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

本研究采用社会效度的方法对244名幼儿教师创造性儿童特征的内隐观进行研究,结果发现,幼儿教师创造性儿童特征的内隐观主要包括11个因素,涉及儿童的社会适应性;认知;人格;外在行为表现;对外界环境的态度等方面。幼儿教师比较重视创造性儿童对环境的探索和好奇。幼儿教师创造性儿童特征的内隐观中没有出现明显的集体主义倾向,但与智力等认知特征联系紧密,在创造性与破坏性的关系上表现出一种模糊甚至矛盾的态度。机体变量对幼儿教师的内隐观没有显著影响。  相似文献   

教师对学生的态度及看法中,存在着一部分无法被教师意识与控制但又确实对教师行为产生影响的内隐学生观.随着教育改革的推进,教师的学生观也发生了一些变化.本研究即是采用刻板解释偏差问卷对熟手教师和准教师的内隐学生观进行测量,以检验这一变化是否得到落实以及是否朝被期望的方向发展.结果表明:(1)熟手教师和准教师都持有传统学生观与新学生观相混合的内隐学生观,但熟手教师略微偏向传统学生观,而准教师更偏向新学生观;(2)不同教龄和性别熟手教师和准教师的内隐学生观无显著差异.  相似文献   

对326名中小学教师进行问卷调查,考察中小学教师的智力内隐观与教学效能感、对学生学业成败归因的关系。结果发现:中小学教师的智力内隐观处于中间水平,稍倾向增长智力观。不同性别、文化程度、教龄和职称教师的智力内隐观都不存在显著差异;持增长智力观的教师比持固存智力观的教师有更高的教学效能感;持增长智力观的教师更重视学生努力的作用,而持固存智力观的教师更重视学生能力的作用。  相似文献   

Studies on the nurturing of creativity by university teachers are rare. In the present study 233 students from two universities, one ranked as one of the best in Brazil (University A) and another ranked low among Brazilian universities (University B) were asked to fill out an inventory designed to evaluate the degree to which different aspects related to creativity had been fostered by their university teachers. Students from University A, compared with those from University B, rated their teachers as providing significantly more favourable conditions for the nurturing of creativity. It was also found that students from the first half of their courses, compared with those from the second half, evaluated their teachers as nurturing significantly more different aspects of creativity. The results point to some characteristics of the learning situation that may contribute to the promotion of creative abilities. These characteristics should be implemented in the educational setting, in order to prepare students for the creative productivity that is necessary in all societies.


There has been growing interest in the possibility that peers’ ideas can stimulate students’ creativity in group contexts. However, empirical research on this issue is limited. This study tested the hypothesis that peers’ ideas and students’ openness to experience would predict student creativity and attention to peers’ ideas. Undergraduate students (n = 60) completed creative tasks in an online collaborative group in which the ideas of “peers” were pre-programmed. Mixed ANOVAs showed support for the hypothesis. Specifically, students with higher (but not lower) openness, when exposed to a high (but not low) rate of peers’ original ideas, paid greater attention to those ideas and were more creative. The implication for education is that teachers should encourage students to share more of their original ideas and to pay more attention to peers’ ideas in online collaborative groups.  相似文献   

Despite creativity's many benefits and positive outcomes, there are still both explicit and implicit teacher biases against creative students. We argue that teachers do not dislike creativity but rather dislike inappropriate creativity that can come from students at poorly chosen times. After reviewing the literature on metacognition and creativity, we propose the adapted construct of creative metacognition (CMC), a combination of self-knowledge (knowing one's own creative strengths and limitations) and contextual knowledge (knowing when, where, how, and why to be creative). We end with ways that teachers can raise students’ CMC.  相似文献   

This research study investigated the perspectives of teachers on student creativity. A group of 15 teachers from public schools and 24 teachers from private schools completed an Early Childhood Creativity Rating Scale (ECCRS) on four of their students. A total of 156 students were rated on this ECCRS. The major question asked in this study was: How do teacher perspectives of student creativity differ in public and private schools, between kindergarten and grade 3, and are these perspectives influenced by teacher characteristics. Results found that private school teachers rated their students higher on creativity, third grade students were rated lowest on creativity, and teachers who perceived themselves as most creative also rated their students as most creative.  相似文献   

Creativity can and should play a role in students’ science experiences. Beghetto (Roeper Review 29(4):265–270, 2007) suggested a framework for teachers to assist students in transforming their creative ideas into creative products. This framework involves taking time to listen to students’ ideas, helping them recognize the constraints of a task, and giving them multiple opportunities to think through and try their ideas. Ill-structured problems, such as those found in inquiry and engineering design activities, provide excellent opportunities for students to experience creative processing and express their creativity through product creation. These types of problems are typically challenging, but the use of appropriate questioning has been shown to assist students in solving problems. This multiple case study investigated the use of inquiry-based questioning as a means of supporting creativity within a design-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) activity. Findings suggest that groups facilitated by inquiry-based questioning strategies were better able to solve an ill-structured problem and achieved a more linear progression toward creative products than groups who were not facilitated by inquiry-based questions.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the effects of creating digital stories (DSs) on the self-confidence of foreign language education (FLE) pre-service teachers with regard to technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK). A one-group pretest/posttest experimental research design was applied, supported by a qualitative approach. A total of 71 FLE pre-service teachers created DSs on a topic from the national foreign language programme. Data were collected through a self-confidence TPACK scale, demographic questionnaire, open-ended question and observations. Results showed positive significant differences between TPACK self-confidence scores before and after DS creation. Specifically, scores on technological pedagogical knowledge and technological knowledge improved significantly. The mean scores of technological content knowledge also improved, but the change was not significant. Moreover, qualitative data showed that FLE pre-service teachers used TPACK-relevant adjectives to describe their DSs as instructive, consistent with aims, appropriate for target students, thought provoking and creative.  相似文献   

英语新课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。目前,高中学生的英语书面表达能力欠佳,突出地表现在英语词汇和语法错误较为严重。中国学生在英语写作中常常受汉语形容词可以作谓语的干扰将英语形容词误作谓语,长此以往形成僵化现象。在课堂教学中,高中英语教师要利用迁移理论排除母语干扰,有意识地对英、汉形容词的特征进行对比分析,重新审视语法教学的重要性,加强学生英语读写技能的培养,提高学生综合语言运用能力。  相似文献   

运用程黎和郑昊(2017)设计的中小学创造性课堂环境评估表(教师版),调查发现中小学数学教师感受到的创造性课堂环境因素分为六个维度:(1)教师给予学生的支持;(2)教师对课堂的领导掌控力;(3)教师放权;(4)学生之间的关系;(5)促进学生间的交流;(6)提高学生的凝聚力。中小学数学教师对课堂的领导掌控力和促进学生间的交流在学历、职称、学段、学校类型和教师所获得的荣誉上都有显著性差异。初中数学教师在给予学生的支持、促进学生间的交流、提高学生的凝聚力及教师对课堂的领导掌控力等维度上都优于高中与小学数学教师。小学数学教师更重视放权让学生在课堂上的创造性表现,而高中数学教师则相对较少放权让学生在课堂上表现。获得省级及以上荣誉的教师对于课堂掌控及放权让学生表现上优于其他类型的教师,未获得荣誉的教师在课堂上的各方面都略差于获得过荣誉的教师。研究生学历的教师对课堂的领导掌控力、放权让学生在课堂上表现、与学生间的关系、促进学生间的交流以及提高学生的凝聚力这些维度上都比其他学历的数学教师更好。高级教师放权让学生在课堂上表现、对课堂的掌控力以及给予学生的支持和促进学生间的交流上都比其他级别的教师更好。重点学校的数学教师在创造性课堂环境的各个维度上都优于普通学校的数学教师。女教师给予学生的支持以及促进学生间的关系与交流上要优于男教师,男教师在对课堂的掌控力、放权让学生在课堂上表现及提高学生的凝聚力上比女教师稍有优势。这些结论对引导和干预中小学数学教师积极营造创造性的课堂环境有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The social desirability of characteristics associated with creativity and cultural stereotypes was examined across Polish and Chinese cultures. Polish responses were compared with those from an earlier Chinese study (n = 451). First, we carried out an initial study among 116 Polish students to determine what traits are parts of the national stereotype. Then we sought answers from another set of Poles (n = 610) as to what traits were, first, creative and, secondly, desirable. To analyze the responses we first ranked the traits that both Polish and Chinese students found desirable and then compared the desirable traits across cultures with traits known to be trademarks of creativity. As expected, we found differences between the two samples arising from underlying social origins in that: (a) Poles desired more creative traits and more western traits, whereas Chinese desired more Confucianism based traits and less creative traits; and (b) both Poles and Chinese found creativity traits are desirable albeit Poles found them more desirable than Chinese. An interesting side note is that Poles, unlike Chinese, do not take a positive view of their cultural traits.  相似文献   

By applying the self-to-prototype matching theory to students?? academic choices, this study links the unpopularity of science in many industrialized countries with the perceived gap between typical persons representing science (e.g. physics teachers) on the one hand and students?? self-image on the other. A sample of N?=?308 Dutch and German students described both themselves and typical teachers representing different school subjects using 65 trait adjectives. The following hypotheses were tested: The typical hard sciences teacher and the typical languages teacher will be perceived as differing in their personal characteristics. The typical physics teachers will be perceived as being less similar to students' own self-image than teachers representing languages. Actual choices students make during secondary school should correlate with the perceived fit between students?? self-image and the prototype of teachers representing different school subjects, especially in the less frequent and less popular choices of a math or physics major/profile. The findings supported these hypotheses. The discussion stresses that students acquire not only knowledge about science but also about science culture (sensu Aikenhead) in their science classes and that students?? image of science teachers can influence their academic choices.  相似文献   

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