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节奏是技术动作在时间、空间、力量等方面相互配合的一种综合表现,并存在于一切运动之中。运动节奏的合理与否、精确与否对掌握运动技术和提高运动技术水平以及实战效果均起着非常重要的作用。乒乓球每项技术本身以及与其他技术之间均包含着节奏和节奏变化。因此,正确的节奏对提高乒乓球技术、战术、比赛水平具有非常重要的意义。乒乓球比赛不仅仅需要运动员综合实力强,更要求教练员能够根据实战情况,指导运动员正确而巧妙运用节奏谋略,充分利用节奏变化,这样才能最终赢得比赛。  相似文献   

节奏是技术动作在时间、空间、力量等方面相互配合的一种综合表现,并存在于一切运动之中.运动节奏的合理与否、精确与否对掌握运动技术和提高运动技术水平以及实战效果均起着非常重要的作用.乒乓球每项技术本身以及与其他技术之间均包含着节奏和节奏变化.因此,正确的节奏对提高乒乓球技术、战术、比赛水平具有非常重要的意义.乒乓球比赛不仅仅需要运动员综合实力强,更要求教练员能够根据实战情况,指导运动员正确而巧妙运用节奏谋略,充分利用节奏变化,这样才能最终赢得比赛.  相似文献   

1、投篮节奏的概念 节奏一词是指音乐中交替出现的有规律的强弱、长短的变化。篮球节奏是指全场快慢的变化。所谓篮球比赛节奏,是指在篮球比赛中,通过个人战术行动和全队的战术配合表现出来的运动特征。攻守双方的速度变化是比赛节奏的集中体现。篮球节奏可以分为进攻节奏和防守节奏,又可以分为技术节奏和战术节奏。投篮节奏属于技术节奏的一种。根据投篮节奏的特点和属性,我们试将投篮节奏定义为:篮球运动员根据比赛进展,自身投篮的习惯和特点,动静结合,快慢结合,所表现的一种投篮运动特征。  相似文献   

本文依据网球运动基本理论和目前很多体育教师及教练员只重视对网球基本技战术的训练,而忽视对网球比赛节奏训练的现实情况,运用文献资料、录像观察、专家访谈、逻辑分析等方法,对现代网球比赛的节奏特点、影响网球比赛节奏因素、比赛节奏的控制手段以及如何培养网球运动员掌握比赛节奏等几个方面进行了分析。文章旨在加强教练员与运动员对网球比赛节奏的认识,使运动员在比赛中合理的调控比赛节奏,掌握比赛的主动权。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、访谈法、观察法,对优秀中长跑运动员的训练和比赛研究发现:运动员的速度节奏强、呼吸节奏明显、对自身速度的准确感知能力良好、运动记忆以及智力水平比较高已经成为现代中长跑项目比赛的主要特征;竞技体育竞争的加剧更加强调在比赛中的高效能和制胜战术的运用;具备良好的速度节奏感是节省体能和运用战术的基础。  相似文献   

体能类竞速项目速度节奏研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
速度节奏是影响体能类竞速项目运动成绩的重要因素。在总结相关研究的基础上认为:(1)速度节奏的内涵分3层,分别是速度的变化、速度变化的原因以及个性化的战术选择及训练;(2)中枢控制理论是目前较为认同的速度节奏机制;(3)项目特征、持续时间、外界环境、训练水平和性别差异等几个因素对节奏的影响是大家关注的焦点;(4)速度节奏可分为全冲型节奏、积加速节奏、匀速节奏、消极节奏、抛物线型节奏和变换节奏等6种类型;(5)将来有关速度节奏的研究应在训练实践环节加以突破。  相似文献   

陈小笋 《体育世界》2009,(10):14-15
节奏是网球比赛的灵魂,是网球技战术能力、体能、智能、心理素质等能力运用的综合显现,能否正确而深刻理解网球比赛节奏并适时调控,争取比赛的主动权,可以反映出球员的综合能力。节奏是在变化中追求和谐统一,它是包含了强弱、快慢、轻重、缓急、长久与短暂而又具有规律的运动现象。节奏存在于一切运动之中,是技战术在时间和空间上的综合反映。  相似文献   

排球比赛节奏的影响因素及控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
节奏是排球比赛的灵魂,是运动员技、战术运用的综合体现和心理调节的具体反映。运动员在排球比赛中技术、战术的灵活运用,不仅要求队员有较高的竞技运动水平和心理调节能力,还需要教练员和运动员从临场实际情况出发,充分发挥主观能动性,合理适时地采用恰当的手段和策略,巧妙地控制比赛速度来掌握比赛节奏的主动权。这就要求我们平时从技、战术、身体素质和心理训练方面,应加强对运动员节奏意识的训练和教练员节奏谋略的培养,以适应当今排球运动的发展趋势。  相似文献   

"节奏策略"的原理与运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全面综述了体育运动领域内关于"节奏策略"的文献,普遍采用的节奏策略主要有4种:1)全冲型;2)慢起型;3)匀速型;4)变化型。但许多实证研究表明,在这些策略类型中并不存在一种最佳策略,最佳的节奏策略只是针对具体的比赛类型和具体环境以及个体。但许多学者认为,尽管运动员们在不同类型的比赛中会采用不同的节奏策略,但这些节奏策略的产生或变化的潜在原理很可能是相似的,即促使某种节奏策略产生的最重要的因素很可能是当事人对比赛终点(Endpoint)的认知和经验(Knowledge)。这种认知和经验的产生可能是通过一种"内部时钟"来完成的。大脑会结合当事人对终点的认知或经验和外部环境、内部条件等信息,计算出一个最佳的节奏策略。研究表明,在不同的节奏策略中,主观努力感觉(RPE)的值随着运动进程有增加的趋势,但它是一种"量子单位"的变化,同时,其他心理因素也应该考虑进RPE在运动中变化的过程中去。  相似文献   

为探讨优秀速滑运动员500m全程速度节奏问题,以个案研究法对2008年荷兰短距离世锦赛我国两名优秀男子运动员比赛数据进行了量化分析,结果表明:(1)于凤桐滑跑内道时速度节奏控制较为合理,第一弯道和第二弯道滑跑充分利用弯道提供的有利条件实现了加速,但滑跑外道时在两个弯道表现较差。安伟江外道滑跑除第三直道降速较为明显外,其它段落滑跑较为合理,但内道滑跑时第一弯道未能实现应有加速,影响了整个全程的速度节奏分配;(2)最大速度能力、速度耐力和两次滑跑的稳定性对获取优异运动成绩起决定性作用,从本次比赛两次滑跑来看两名运动员稳定性较差;(3)弯道是节奏控制的关键区域,运动员应适当控制入弯道和出弯道速度节奏,充分利用弯道的力学优势合理加速。当速度节奏控制符合场地力学原理时运动成绩一般表现较好,反之较差。  相似文献   

目的:探讨国内和国际比赛中200m个人混合泳运动员的节奏策略,各种泳姿对比赛成绩的影响以及性别和游泳能力水平所扮演的角色。方法:国内和国际各三场比赛中94名运动员的分段成绩和比赛用时百分比用于分析,采用双因素方差分析来探讨性别(男、女)和游泳能力水平(1-3名和4-8名)对各泳姿比赛用时百分比的影响,另外通过皮尔逊相关系数来确定哪种泳姿(分段成绩)对比赛成绩的影响。结果:国内和国际比赛中运动员均以最快的速度完成前1/4赛程,在比赛中间阶段速度明显下降,最后1/4阶段再全力冲刺的比赛节奏。获得奖牌者的仰泳成绩相关系数最高(r>0.730),4-8名运动员则是自由泳成绩(r>0.620)。国内和国际比赛中男子运动员在蛙泳阶段的比赛用时百分明显高于女子(P=0.005,P=0.006),但在自由泳阶段较低(P=0.034,P=0.005)。结论:不论性别和游泳能力水平,国内和国际比赛中200m个人混合泳运动员的节奏策略均为抛物线型。其中男子运动员更倾向于积极加速的节奏策略,而女子则青睐于消极的节奏策略。在国内外比赛中,1-3名和4-8名分别与仰泳、自由泳成绩强相关。在专项训练中,应该考虑性别和游泳能力水平的差异尤其在仰泳和自由泳泳姿上。  相似文献   

目的:分析了不同级别、不同水平男子赛艇运动员2 000 m测功仪比赛时节奏策略的特点和差别。方法:以2008年、2009年英国室内赛艇锦标赛(比赛用时男子公开级<6min 4 s、男子轻量级<6 min 28 s)、中国国家赛艇队以及福建省赛艇队男子公开级(n=49)与轻量级(n=25)运动员2 000 m测功仪比赛每500 m分段速度作为研究对象,分别以运动水平和参赛级别作为数据分类的因素,根据分段相对速度比较其节奏策略的异同。结果:不同级别、不同水平男子赛艇运动员在启航节奏上无显著差异(P<0.05);途中划阶段公开级比轻量级相对速度下降更为明显(500~1 000 m:P<0.05;1 000~1 500 m:P<0.01),国家水平(500~1 000 m:P<0.05;1 000~1 500 m:P<0.01)和地区水平(500~1 000 m:P<0.01;1 000~1 500 m:P<0.01)比国际水平相对速度下降更为显著;终点划阶段,除国际水平公开级运动员的相对速度低于1 000~1 500 m段落(-0.75%)外,其余运动员的终点划相对速度均不同程度地高于1 000~1 500 m段落...  相似文献   


In this holistic review of cycling science, the objectives are: (1) to identify the various human and environmental factors that influence cycling power output and velocity; (2) to discuss, with the aid of a schematic model, the often complex interrelationships between these factors; and (3) to suggest future directions for research to help clarify how cycling performance can be optimized, given different race disciplines, environments and riders. Most successful cyclists, irrespective of the race discipline, have a high maximal aerobic power output measured from an incremental test, and an ability to work at relatively high power outputs for long periods. The relationship between these characteristics and inherent physiological factors such as muscle capilliarization and muscle fibre type is complicated by inter-individual differences in selecting cadence for different race conditions. More research is needed on high-class professional riders, since they probably represent the pinnacle of natural selection for, and physiological adaptation to, endurance exercise. Recent advances in mathematical modelling and bicycle-mounted strain gauges, which can measure power directly in races, are starting to help unravel the interrelationships between the various resistive forces on the bicycle (e.g. air and rolling resistance, gravity). Interventions on rider position to optimize aerodynamics should also consider the impact on power output of the rider. All-terrain bicycle (ATB) racing is a neglected discipline in terms of the characterization of power outputs in race conditions and the modelling of the effects of the different design of bicycle frame and components on the magnitude of resistive forces. A direct application of mathematical models of cycling velocity has been in identifying optimal pacing strategies for different race conditions. Such data should, nevertheless, be considered alongside physiological optimization of power output in a race. An even distribution of power output is both physiologically and biophysically optimal for longer ( >4km) time-trials held in conditions of unvarying wind and gradient. For shorter races (e.g. a 1km time-trial), an‘all out’ effort from the start is advised to‘save’ time during the initial phase that contributes most to total race time and to optimize the contribution of kinetic energy to race velocity. From a biophysical standpoint, the optimum pacing strategy for road time-trials may involve increasing power in headwinds and uphill sections and decreasing power in tailwinds and when travelling downhill. More research, using models and direct power measurement, is needed to elucidate fully how much such a pacing strategy might save time in a real race and how much a variable power output can be tolerated by a rider. The cyclist's diet is a multifactorial issue in itself and many researchers have tried to examine aspects of cycling nutrition (e.g. timing, amount, composition) in isolation. Only recently have researchers attempted to analyse interrelationships between dietary factors (e.g. the link between pre-race and in-race dietary effects on performance). The thermal environment is a mediating factor in choice of diet, since there may be competing interests of replacing lost fluid and depleted glycogen during and after a race. Given the prevalence of stage racing in professional cycling, more research into the influence of nutrition on repeated bouts of exercise performance and training is required.  相似文献   

全国竞走锦标赛成年女子20km竞走全程速度节奏研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
速度节奏是影响体能类竞速项目运动成绩的重要因素。通过文献资料法、数理统计法和访问调查等研究方法对2010年全国竞走锦标赛成年女子20km竞走全程速度节奏的研究结果表明:①此次比赛前六名选手呈现出的速度节奏是加速—调整—再加速—降速—冲刺;②年轻选手的战术选择存在较大问题,缺乏对个体竞技能力和竞赛环境的正确认识和把握;③与2007年相比,目前我国成年女子20km竞走项目处于全面落后状态,集团竞争力差,次最大速度下的耐力水平急待于提高。  相似文献   


Athletes’ energy distribution over a race (e.g. pacing behaviour) varies across different sports. Swimming is a head-to-head sport with unique characteristics, such as propulsion through water, a multitude of swimming stroke types and lane-based racing. The aim of this paper was to review the existing literature on pacing behaviour in swimming. According to PRISMA guidelines, 279 articles were extracted using the PubMed and Web of Science databases. After the exclusion process was conducted, 16 studies remained. The findings of these studies indicate that pacing behaviour is influenced by the race distance and stroke type. Pacing behaviours in swimming and time-trial sports share numerous common characteristics. This commonality can most likely be attributed to the lane-based racing set-up. The low efficiency of swimming resulting from propulsion through the water induces a rapid accumulation of blood lactate, prompting a change in swimmers’ biomechanical characteristics, with the goal of minimising changes in velocity throughout the race. Although the literature on youth swimmers is scarce, youth swimmers demonstrate more variable pacing profiles and have more difficulty in selecting the most beneficial energy distribution.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to analyse the pacing strategies adopted by elite male and female marathon runners when setting every world record since 1998. For data analysis, the total distance of the marathon was divided into eight sections of 5?km and a final section of 2.195?km, and the relative average speed of each section was calculated individually. Female athletes maintained similar speeds in the first and second half of the marathon (ES?=?0.22, small effect, p?=?0.705), whereas male athletes increased their speed as the marathon progressed (ES?=?1.18, moderate effect, p?=?0.011). However, no differences were observed between men and women in either the first (ES?=?0.56, small effect, p?=?0.290), or in the second half of the marathon (ES?=?0.60, moderate effect, p?=?0.266). When comparing the women’s world records (1998–2003) vs. men’s records (1998–2018) by sections, we observed differences at the beginning of the race (second section, ES?=?0.89, moderate effect) and at the end (last section, ES?=?0.87, moderate effect). The pace variations during the race were similar between male athletes and that of women with male pacemakers (1.53%?±?0.60 vs. 1.68%?±?0.84, respectively). However, a trend towards higher pace variations during the race in the female records with female pacemakers was observed (2.28%?±?0.95). This study shows how male and female marathon records in the last 20 years have been set using different pacing strategies. While men used a negative strategy (faster finishing), women used a less uniform pacing strategy.  相似文献   


The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of different durations of skin temperature manipulation on pacing patterns and performance during a 15-km cycling time trial. Nineteen well-trained men completed three 15-km cycling time trials in 18°C and 50% relative humidity with 4.5-km (short-heat), 9.0-km (long-heat) or without (control) radiant heat exposure applied by infrared heaters after 1.5 km in the time trial. During the time trials, power output, mean skin temperature, rectal temperature, heart rate and rating of perceived exertion were assessed. The radiant heat exposure resulted in higher mean skin temperature during the time trial for short-heat (35.0 ± 0.6°C) and long-heat (35.3 ± 0.5°C) than for control (32.5 ± 1.0°C; P < 0.001), whereas rectal temperature was similar (P = 0.55). The mean power output was less for short-heat (273 ± 8 W; P = 0.001) and long-heat (271 ± 9 W; P = 0.02) than for control (287 ± 7 W), but pacing patterns did not differ (P = 0.55). Heart rate was greatest in control (177 ± 9 beats · min?1; P < 0.001), whereas the rating of perceived exertion remained similar. We concluded that a radiant heat exposure and associated higher skin temperature reduced overall performance, but did not modify pacing pattern during a 15-km cycling time trial, regardless of the duration of the exposure.  相似文献   

“节奏策略”与极限负荷下的心理承受力训练   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了在极限负荷条件下运动员对疼痛与疲劳的忍受性作为一种心理承受力对大强度体能训练的重要性,并对疲劳与疼痛的控制方法进行了介绍与说明。以已有实证研究对“节奏策略”的支持性结论为基础,提出假设:对疲劳的认知信念的改变和通过心理技能训练改变意志努力,可以影响中枢神经系统的“疲劳管理策略”,并且会对运动表现产生积极影响。根据已有的研究结果及知识经验,提出一个四步的训练程序,来帮助提高运动员在极限负荷下的心理承受能力。  相似文献   

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