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教育市场中高校学费的本质是高等教育的服务价格,但教育市场不同于完全竞争下的商品市场,教育市场中的高校教育有其自身的功能和政策目标,高校教育更关注的是社会收益和教育公平问题。高校学费是高等教育经费收入的主要来源之一,高校学费的标准应遵照市场机制中的价格机制,并兼顾受教育者的个人收益和社会收益,高校学费政策的主要目标是促进高等教育的有效供给,保证高等教育的机会公正。  相似文献   

英国大学生学费与资助政策改革及启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从20世纪初到70年代末,英国政府在大学实行的是免费加助学金政策,在80年代以后,经济困境使得这种政策有所改变.2004年的<高等教育法案(草案)>,又提出了新的学费政策和资助制度.英国大学学费与资助政策的演变与近年来的一系列改革值得我们认真思考和借鉴.  相似文献   

本通过对重点大学在校生高中教育经历的调查,把握90年代后期我国高中阶段教育的概况。由于答卷人已是重点大学的学生,章所能反映的仅是全国各地的重点高中、普通高中及其一部分在校生的基本状况。内容主要包括毕业高中的学校类型、高中时的学费支付情况、学校外教育手段利用情况、毕业高中的学生资助情况以及报考大学时重视的因素。  相似文献   

高等教育财政危机:发展中国家解决途径述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从发展中国家的大学都遇到了不同程度的财政危机的情形出发,分析解决此危机的各种办法:提高学费、实行高等教育私有化、吸引留学生、降低学生规模、毕业生税和延迟费制度、征收教育税、加强大学和企业之间的联系、大学实行公司化营运、人才外流的补偿、鼓励大学生参加社会服务、改变人们的观念、寻求国际援助等。但无论如何,高等教育发展的主要责任在政府。  相似文献   

This paper explores the effects of changes in funding arrangements, and particularly in tuition fees, on universities and their strategic responses to these changes. Using data from interviews with senior managers in four universities, it finds the most prestigious, pre‐1992, university largely unaffected by tuition fees and the others responding to changes in application patterns and intake. However, the effects of tuition fees on university strategy are not easily separated from other changes in the funding of Higher Education, and universities’ strategies were strongly influenced by the need to reduce costs and to generate income. A second major concern of all four universities was quality, both of inputs such as students and staff and of outputs, in degree results and ratings in employability, research, teaching and other activities. Marketing was assuming a position of increasing importance, with universities striving to develop a ‘brand’ to attract students, staff and funding.  相似文献   

自高校学费制度改革以来,我国大学学费涨幅偏高问题一直是社会和普通家庭关注的焦点。大学生培养成本被高估、政府财政投入不足、学费标准平均化等,是目前大学学费收取中存在的主要问题,应从确定合理学费标准,国家加大对教育的投入、拓展经费来源多方面筹措办学资金,学费收取体现差异性等方面予以改进。  相似文献   

我国高校收费制度改革的分析与思考   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文从学费、支付能力、高校经费来源和贫困学生资助等四个方面,对中美两国高校收费制度进行了比较,对进一步推进我国高校收费制度改革和配套措施提出了建议。  相似文献   

大学收费标准的确定:是成本计量问题还是价格管理问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
我国《高等教育法》规定 ,大学要依据生均教育成本 ,同时参考学生家庭的承受能力 ,适当收取一定比例的学费。这一规定实际上引发了两个理论上的难题 :一是大学的教育成本计量要尽量准确 ,以充当收费依据 ;二是适当比例的成本分担 ,需要一个判断和管理“适当”比例的机制。实际上 ,大学教育成本的计量虽然有助于规范大学的收费行为 ,但它并不是解决大学收费问题的必要前提 ,针对大学的价格管理机制已被证明是一条有效的替代路径  相似文献   

针对现行的高校学生收费会计核算制度只能单纯反映实际收到、上缴学费,而对学生应缴、欠缴学费以及学校按政策减免学费等相关信息不能反映的问题,按照"收付实现制"、"收支两条线"的原则,提出通过增设"应收学生学费"会计科目,变更现有"应缴财政专户款"会计科目的核算内容等措施,达到完善现行高校学生收费会计核算制度,为学校整体资金管理与安排提供更加全面、及时、准确的信息。  相似文献   

The gradual commodification of higher education in the context of an increased focus on graduate employability attributes together with evolving labour markets is creating challenges for universities and students alike. For universities, there has been significant investment in careers services and, through institution-wide initiatives, employability or graduate attribute development established to support graduate transitions into work. Meanwhile, for students, experience of part-time work together with pessimistic post-recession employment discourses are challenging the notion that a good degree guarantees their future career prospects. Simultaneously, decreasing financial support from the state has resulted in worrying levels of debt for new graduates. This pilot study was designed to gain a fresh perspective of how students imagine themselves following graduation. The study used rich pictures (RP) as a methodology to explore student views of life beyond university in the UK and Canada. Content analysis of the RPs provided insights into their thoughts and anxieties about potential challenges for the future. Students presented both positive and negative visions of their future, with success in achieving a respectable performance in their final degree as the key differentiator. The insights gained are discussed in the context of related research into students’ concerns and university initiatives to support students throughout higher education and then into graduate employment. The findings revealed student motivations, hopes and fears which can inform the development of impactful university interventions.  相似文献   

拖欠学费问题已经成为困扰高校发展的一个顽疾。调查发现,各高校之所以不能采取强制措施催缴学费,很重要的一个原因是不能正确区分经济困难生与非困难生。通过建立贫困生档案,充分了解学生的日常消费水平,充分发挥学生的监督作用,建立恶意拖欠学费惩罚制度等一系列控制措施,能够有效的区分经济困难生与非困难生,是根治恶意拖欠学费的有效途径。  相似文献   

从“免费加助学金”大学生资助政策的确立、扩大,到逐步向“收费加贷学金”资助政策的转变过程中,英国政府通过立法、财政手段,实现了其政府责任,使英国的大学生资助政策经历了从无偿资助到有偿资助的转变。这种历程也显示了当今世界大学生资助政策的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Governments in Latin America appear to have reached the limits of public subsidy of higher education and they are searching for funding alternatives. Tuition is viewed as one of the means of diversifying support and thereby of reducing the financial pressures on the budgets of these countries. In addition to the economic rationale, advocates of tuition base their arguments on the inequities of public subsidy, on the concept of ‘the ability to pay’, and the need to redirect public subsidy to the elementary and secondary levels. Opposition to tuition is led by the students, with support from faculty and administration in higher education. Opposition is based on the ideology of ‘free’ education, which views higher education as a basic societal obligation and fears the ‘privatization’ of universities if governments do not fulfill their obligations. Tuition is much more than an economic issue and reflects a traditional distrust of government motives within higher education. Without additional sources of funds, however, it is likely that opportunity for higher education will be denied large numbers of students. It is ironic that expansion of opportunity may depend on the implementation of tuition as one method of raising financial support.  相似文献   

根据对我国大陆31个省市175所普通高校4.7万名2007级大学新生的调查发现:农村子女就读一般公办本科院校和公办高职高专院校的较多,而"211"高校和独立学院中城市子女占多数;与农村大学生相比,城市大学生对其所读大学达到"满意"的比例更高;择校时,城市大学生更看重"父母、家人或其它亲属的影响或建议",而农村大学生更看重"学费和生活费用因素"。因子分析的结果表明:影响农村大学生择校的有"高校自身的特征"、"外人的影响"、"地缘和学缘"和"高校招生宣传信息"等4个主要因素,而影响城市大学生择校的3个主要因素分别是"高校自身特征"、"地缘、学缘和特殊项目"及"外人的影响"。  相似文献   

By evaluating the impact of policies to financially support university students in Georgia, this article demonstrates the systematic spatial disparities that exist in a context of formally equal competition. The author uses a mixed-methods design, combining quantitative evidence on the entire population of Georgian university applicants in 2005–2009 with data obtained through in-depth interviews with rural families and with policy-makers, to understand the costs associated with attending universities, based on their prestige and location, as well as inequalities stemming from existing policies on the allocation of public funding. She suggests that the distribution of public funding is apparently fair, as urban and rural students incur the same average out-of-pocket tuition costs. Behind the façade of the fair outcome, however, lie serious spatial inequalities based on the complex interplay between the residential origin of higher education applicants, tuition costs, public funding allocations, university locations, and prestige. The analysis shows that urban applicants apply, and gain admission, to more prestigious universities which charge higher tuition than the universities where rural applicants enrol; urban students also manage to obtain higher proportions of the public tuition grant than their rural peers. Thus, rural and urban students purchase higher education of different quality for the same out-of-pocket costs, with urban students being more privileged and rural students relatively less so. Exacerbating this injustice is the fact that rural residents in Georgia earn half of the average urban income.  相似文献   

高等教育与市场:问题与框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在高等教育领域引入市场机制,是提高高等教育的效率、质量和社会适应性,扩大高等教育资源基础的有效途径。但是高等教育市场化并不意味着将大学改造为市场经营的主体,也不意味着减少政府对高等教育的财政支出和提高学费。高等教育市场化需要政府和高校采取恰当的措施。  相似文献   

加强高校贫困生助学工作的若干策略   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
随着我国高校收费制度改革的深入和高等教育的大发展,高校贫困生作为一个群体现象已受到社会各界的广泛关注。能否建立合理的助学体系,做好贫因生的资助工作,已成为制约我国高等教育发展、保障社会公平的瓶颈。高校贫困生的资助工作应依靠政府、社会和学校的共同努力,其中加大政府的投入是解决高校贫困生问题的根本。此外,要确立国家助学贷款在资助工作体系中的主体地位,通过高校自身的制度建设及多种形式的助学模式构建合理的助学体系。  相似文献   

总结我国信息化建设成功大学之经验,是落实《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年》精神,整体提升我国高等教育信息化水平的必然选择。本研究通过对国内五所信息化建设较有成效的大学的个案研究后发现:有着重视和切实支持信息化的校领导、集多种能力和素质于一体的IT主管与多元化结构的IT队伍、国家财政的支持、信息化体制的创新发展,以及在信息化建设中的妥协与变革智慧,即"人、财、体制、策略"四大关键因素的发挥是我国大学信息化建设成功的主要经验。论文进一步指出,我国大学信息化建设的成功更多依靠"人"的因素,信息化体制不规范、不稳定是制约其深入发展的根源。因而,我国大学在信息时代的创新发展迫切呼唤大学信息化体制的进一步规范化、科学化。  相似文献   

More than 40 years of research has found a positive relationship between increases in the proportion of non-resident students enrolling in an institution and increases in the tuition prices this institution charges to these same students. Notably, this line of research has consistently treated this non-resident student body as if they constitute a homogeneous group in terms of their socioeconomic well-being, when in reality these students come from states with differing levels of socioeconomic prosperity. Notably, given that tuition and fee charges to non-resident students are market-based, institutions charge what out-of-state students are willing to pay. Under this rationale, it follows that the wealthier the student body of an institution is, the more institutions will be able to charge them in terms of tuition and fees for their education. The purpose of this study is twofold. First, it offers a method to measure the level of wealth of the non-resident student body enrolling at an institution considering the level of wealth of these students’ home states, therefore creating a measure of heterogeneity of the non-resident student body. The second purpose is to evaluate whether this measure of heterogeneity is associated with larger increases in the net tuition and fee prices charged to these students compared to the increases related to the homogeneous structure that ignores these students’ home-state wealth. This twofold purpose was addressed utilizing a dataset built from regional, state, and institutional information of 1743 public and private not-for-profit 4-year institutions across the contiguous United States. Since all the outcome variables were found to be spatially dependent, spatial econometrics techniques were employed for model estimation. Results corroborated that treating non-resident students as a homogeneous structure rendered downwardly biased estimates of institutions’ abilities and/or decisions to set higher or lower tuition and fee prices compared to the estimates obtained using the heterogeneous structure. Considering current general disinvestment of states in higher education, the analysis of factors driving non-resident tuition and fee price-setting has become especially relevant for public policy officials and decision-makers at both the institution- and state-levels. Accordingly, this study examines a critical issue in the finance of higher education—the setting of institutional tuition and fees for non-resident students.  相似文献   

中美民办高等教育成本分担主体的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
民办高等教育受益各方均应是成本分担的主体。美国私立高等教育之所以发达,与其多元化筹措办学经费、合理分担教育成本有直接的关系。我国民办高校的经费主要来源于学费,这种单一的经费来源不利于民办高校的可持续发展。应采取差别收费、政府适当资助、引导社会捐赠、民办高校加强自身服务创收等对策,缓解民办高校的经费压力。  相似文献   

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