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One of the longest-standing debates in the martial arts relates to their being either ‘sports’ or methods of self-cultivation. Traditionalists often ascribe unique spiritual characteristics to the martial arts, while criticising the ‘sportification’ of certain practices. In this view, the martial arts are seen to have declined from ancient ideals and become focused on ‘superficial’ competition and techniques. This paper argues that the supposedly intrinsic connection between martial arts and mental self-cultivation is largely a product of the last 150 years, and developed from the historical context of Japan’s modernisation in the late nineteenth century, as martial arts were codified while experiencing a powerful challenge from the arrival of Western sports. This dynamic was closely related to the development of the nationalistic ideology of bushido, the ‘way of the samurai’, which was frequently invoked by promoters of the martial arts. In this context, intangible elements such as ‘spirit’ were used by martial artists to include and exclude people along lines of gender, nationality, and ethnicity. This paper uses three Tokyo Olympics, 2020, 1964, and the cancelled 1940 games, to examine how the Japanese martial arts were ‘spiritualised’, and to consider the enduring legacy of imperial ideologies.  相似文献   

In the third phase of Japanese colonialism in Korea, from 1937 to 1945, after the Sino-Japanese War in 1937, Japan became a militaristic state. It expanded onto the Asian mainland. Korea was an important military base in this military expansion. The colonial policy shifted from cultural amalgamation to military oppression. This period was the darkest and the most oppressive colonial period. In the line with the new colonial policy, the government closely watched nationalist suspects. It introduced the Regulation for the Observation of Korean Ideologists in 1936 and the Regulation for Detention in Custody in 1941 whilst it also carried out the “Cultural Erasure Policy”. Korean sport was seen as a part of this new colonial policy. Japan used sport to advance its militarism. Thus gymnastics for the Imperial Subject was introduced across society. Furthermore, military drill was performed in schools along with Japanese traditional martial arts.  相似文献   

武术古籍是中国传统武术文化东传朝鲜半岛的重要载体,在中朝武艺交流过程中扮演了极为重要的角色。为探明中国武术古籍在朝鲜半岛传播的时间、路径、背景及产生的影响,在归纳中国武术古籍代表书目的基础上,对古代中朝史料展开文献学分析和历史考证,并通过韩国相关数据库以及朝鲜《武艺图谱通志》所列参考书目,检索朝鲜正史与经籍所涉中国武术古籍的信息。研究表明,壬辰倭乱爆发后,朝鲜为改变武备废弛、兵力羸弱的不利局面,通过赐书、赠书、购书等途径慕求中国武术书籍,购书是中国武术古籍东传朝鲜半岛的主要渠道。绝大多数中国武术书籍于16世纪末期至18世纪末期东传朝鲜半岛,对朝鲜武艺发展影响深远,促进了明清武艺在朝鲜半岛的传播,奠定了朝鲜武艺发展的理论基础,推动了中朝两国的武艺交流。中国武术古籍在朝鲜半岛的传播,是在以中国传统武术文化为中心的东亚武艺圈内发生的文化转移现象,亦是中国传统武术文化博大精深、泽被四方的历史见证。  相似文献   


There is often a perceived conflict between practising martial arts and the academic study of martial arts. Those who practise it do not need to know the history of martial arts, and those who study it do not need the physical practice to inform their research. This paper argues that practitioners will improve their practice by study, in particular, they will gain a demystified sense of the origins of martial arts. The construction of traditional martial arts is the result of the East Asian reaction to Western imperialism and modernity. Moreover, this category developed in direct response to the introduction of modern sports into Asia. Critical to this modern creation was the development of styles of martial arts, where before there were scattered and disparate schools. Styles suggested greater national unity and cultural coherence than schools, thus aiding the building of modern nation states in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.  相似文献   


This paper examines key ways in which ideas such as ‘tradition’, ‘authenticity’, and ‘history’ are deployed in discourses around Asian martial arts. First introducing how such concepts are used in national contexts such as Korea and elsewhere in East Asia it then examines the case of a dispute between two English language writers on martial arts. It examines these different cases to illustrate the ways that ‘tradition’, ‘authenticity’, and ‘history’ can be deployed for different ideological ends, from nationalism to personal self-advancement, in different contexts. In doing so, the paper theorizes the consequences of antagonisms that have recently arisen between common beliefs about certain Asian martial arts and historical studies that challenge such beliefs. It concludes that the discursive status of ‘history’ is not fixed or permanent, but varies depending on context. This is the case to such an extent that the status of ‘history’ can be said to have changed decisively. Ultimately, the paper argues for the value of rigorous scholarship even when it runs counter to cultural beliefs, and highlights the significance of such scholarship for showing the ways in which martial arts history matters in more contexts and registers than martial arts alone.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the complex history of the taekwondo sport uniform. Although the uniform is an outward symbol of South Korea’s most popular martial art and national sport, few researchers have elucidated the uniform’s history. From studies into martial art uniforms, and the taekwondo uniform in particular, it is discovered that the tradition of wearing white trousers and jacket began with judo in the nineteenth century. This tradition was carried over to karate and other Japanese martial arts in the early twentieth century. After the liberation of the Korean peninsula from Japan, the taekwondo uniform began to evolve from its Japanese progenitors. The first important changes to the taekwondo uniform were implemented by Hwang Gi, who altered it to meet a traditional Korean clothing style. The 1970s saw the second important transformation to the uniform, whereby it became exclusively regarded as sports attire. However, since the 1970s, the taekwondo uniform did not account for traditional Korean clothing styles, and it faced several criticisms. Recent changes to the World Taekwondo Federation’s poomsae uniform have addressed these problems. The distinctiveness of the new uniform will further distinguish it from its Japanese counterparts, and help to promote the true identity of taekwondo, as well as Korean culture, worldwide.  相似文献   

了解西方学者对中国武术哲学思想的研究状况是武术深度国际化研究的重要一步。只有了解以至理解他们的范式,才能知道用什么样的话语更好地与之交流,完成"走出去"的战略。目前,西方学者借助自身的哲学方法和话语,从主体性哲学视域出发,将中国武术阐释为一种具身化的身-心技术和教育,这其中包括:(1)武术修习对整体自我意识的构建和自信、自尊、自律等身体素养的养成;(2)通过与师父、与师兄弟和对手的身体"对话",具身地将伦理情感和共同体意识印刻在自我实践当中,同时也潜移默化地将共同体所预持的历史文化和意识形态融合到了身体认知之中;(3)通过武术修习,将人不思而得、不勉而中的超越性自我释放出来,助人明心、见性、从容中道。在西方哲学家的阐释中,中国武术实质上就是一种"自我技术",这种自我技术体现了人如何把自己构建成为自身行动的价值主体和超越主体。通过阐释西方哲学家的中国武术研究,能够以他山之石克服国内武术研究的"庐山之蔽",对中国武术未来回归身体教育和实践哲学研究有着重要的镜鉴意义,也为我们的武术研究进入西方学术话语提供了研究导向。  相似文献   

武术套路的渊源可以追溯到远古时期的武舞。运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等,从哲学、美学、历史学、文化学、武术学等角度对先秦时期的武舞文化现象重新审视,以期揭示早期武舞所呈现出来的审美特征及其对武术套路所产生的深远影响。研究认为,先秦武舞所具有的"以舞通神、以舞习武、教化功能、中和适度"的特点深刻地影响了武术套路的形式、功能与审美特征,它们在一定程度上可视为中华武术套路审美意识的基因。  相似文献   


Throughout the twentieth century Japanese martial arts, or budo, in the West grew from a hardly visible practice for Japanese diasporas and a handful of Japanophiles to an integral part of Western culture. Today, when they have been joined by other cultural exports from Japan, and Karate has been recognized as an Olympic sport in the midst of the decline of traditional martial arts and the rise of Mixed Martial Arts culture, the question of what forces produce such powerful ‘waves’ of Japanese cultural expansion becomes relevant again. To answer this question, the article compares the forces behind the spread of three arguably most popular Japanese martial arts – Judo, Kendo, and Karate – in the West, mainly in America and Europe. Here I offer an analysis based on the division of these forces into those which ‘push’ Japanese culture beyond Japan’s borders (pushing forces) and those which stimulate its consumption in Western countries (pulling forces). Based on the results of the comparison, the article argues that there are certain repeating patterns in both types that form a unique mechanism of Japanese ‘martial’ expansion to the West, with the ‘pulling’ forces being just as, if not more, powerful, than the ‘pushing’ forces.  相似文献   


Contemporary Asia is in the process of not only developing industrialization and democratization, but also establishing Asian homogeneity and intercommunity through the universal cultural phenomenon of sports originating from the West. This paper considers the future of traditional Asian martial arts through Allen Guttmann’s seven characteristics of modern sport. In future, Asia, especially Northeast Asia; South Korea, China, and Japan are likely to become the world’s leading powerhouses based on their infinite potential in human, material and ideological resources. The Olympics will be hosted by three Asian countries in four years: in 2018, the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in South Korea, in 2020 the Tokyo Summer Olympics in Japan, and in 2022 the Beijing Winter Olympics in China, respectively. This paper examines the development of traditional Asian martial arts in China, Japan and South Korea against the background of modernization and globalization. Also, discussions regarding impediments to the efforts and measures for improvement are provided. Asian martial arts have been transformed in both nature and content and the notion of the characteristics of modern sports Guttmann proposes is prominent.  相似文献   

竞技武术产业化可持续发展的趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献法、调查访问法、研讨法等,对竞技武术产业化概念的界定、重要条件的基本理论依据进行诠注,阐述了竞技武术产业化的发展历程及问题,结论表明:更新观念、商业化的运作、职业化、俱乐部制是实现竞技武术持续、快速、健康发展的趋势,建议打破套路“锦标赛”竞赛模式,构建具有“中国功夫”特色的新赛制,尽快确立竞技武术为经营开发的主导产业,打造成世界的品牌,加强竞技武术产业化复合型人才的培养,迎接入世挑战、为竞技武术进入奥运,走向世界奠定坚实的物质基础。  相似文献   


The present study reviews the key contents and issues of Traditionalism, New Traditionalism and Revisionism, the key historical views of Taekwondo, with the purpose of focusing on the validity and limitations of New Revisionism. Traditionalism emphasizes that Taekwondo is Korea’s traditional martial art. New Traditionalism accepts this view and also recognizes the partial effect of Karate on Taekwondo without providing enough supporting evidence on their claims. Revisionism also focuses on the effect of Karate on Taekwondo. While New Revisionism shares a similar focus to Revisionism, it also focuses on the effects of Chinese martial arts on Karate and Taekwondo, which have been neglected previously. The validity of New Revisionism was supported with evidence on the following factors: the effect of Chinese martial arts on Karate, the effect of Chinese martial arts on Korea’s top five martial arts schools and their training methods, and the effect of Chinese martial arts appearing in the book written by the figures related to the top five initial martial arts schools after 1945. Despite a few limitations of the current historical views, New Revisionism suggests that Korea’s Taekwondo was affected by Japanese martial arts and Chinese martial arts, both directly and indirectly, in its formation.  相似文献   

贾丰卫  屈国锋  高飞  刘聪 《体育科学》2011,31(11):94-97
提出了目前学术界对佛教武术认识的几个偏见,通过文献资料研究对"佛教武术不只有少林武术"、"佛教与武术融合的原因有内在原因与外在原因之分"、"对‘少林舶来品’另一种视角"等观点进行阐述。佛教武术是一个宽泛的、历史的概念,不能仅局限于少林一个地方,一个历史阶段;佛教与武术产生关系的本质原因是佛教文化对待身体、生命的独特态度,而保护财产等只是外在的衍生出来的原因,并不属于佛教文化的范畴;少林对道家文化、武士道文化的借鉴是历史所趋,也是发展的一种必然,从目前看来,这种"少林舶来品"在某个历史时期有其存在的价值。  相似文献   

李龙 《体育与科学》2012,33(1):35-39
本文在深度考察传统武术的当代历史语境基础上,探究传统武术的当代发展路径。研究认为,全球化时代和中国社会转型的新历史语境给传统武术带来了一系列问题域,破解这些问题域,需要为传统武术寻求新的发展路径。本研究依据传统武术在当代语境中的问题域,提出了"一体三翼"的传统武术发展路径。  相似文献   

This article presents one analytical theme emerging from a bibliometric and content analysis of an annotated bibliography, compiled by the first author, comprising 1564 Asian martial arts monographs published in Spain between 1906 and 2009. The analysis reveals that the use of Asian martial arts and religio-spiritual self-cultivation practices, while very old in their indigenous South East Asian context, only appeared in published texts in Spain from the 1960s and this theme has been increasingly written about in the last two decades. In our analytical discussion, we contextualise this shift from a socio-historical perspective, focusing on three aspects: first and second, how this shift in focus in Asian Martial Art publishing fits with the patterns of societal secularisation in Spain, the rise of the New Age movement and counter-cultural spiritualities across Western culture; third, we comment on how, from this broader socio-historical context, Asian martial arts were well placed to fill ‘cultural spaces’ created by these changes.  相似文献   

武术国际化发展的文化思考   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
自1959年国家正式颁布《武术竞赛规则》以来,经过40多年的艰难历程,基本构建了较为完善的竞技武术体系。由表演到锦标赛,并逐渐进入全运会,跨入亚运会及世界锦标赛,这些举措均为进入奥运会竞技体育大家庭奠定了基础。然而,竞技武术只是武术文化的一个分枝,很难涵盖武术文化的深邃和底蕴。因此,将完整的武术文化体系全方位的推进,才是实施全球战略的最佳途径。所以,笔者通过文献资料法,研究其各历史时期的起伏演变,探索其历代的承传脉络,透视新形式下武术文化的最高境界,觅寻中西体育文化交融的鸿沟,构建武术国际化发展的新理念。  相似文献   

文章通过文献资料的调研,对武当武术流派创始人张三丰进行了考论,探究了张三丰的存在及其道派的主要思想特点,以使我们能深入了解武当武术内在的道教文化蕴涵。  相似文献   

文章初步探讨了羌族武术的起源,相关的历史记载,民间传说和现代文化遗存,分析了羌族武术发掘、保护与传承的意义和现状问题,提出了相应的思路与建议,为制定继承和发扬少数民族传统体育文化事业的相关策略提供参考。  相似文献   

试论中国武术文化的结构   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
中国武术源远流长,它作为一种社会历史现象,有自己独特的文化体系。中国武术文化是中国传统文化的一个重要分支。本文论述了中国武术文化的结构三要素,即技击观、价值观和伦理观它们之间的相互关系,以及中国传统文化与武术文化的相互作用。  相似文献   


The renaissance of Asian martial arts is a conspicuous example of cultural hybridity in a global setting. Globalization brings these arts under the dual sway of cinema and sport to a degree unprecedented in their history. This pull, which I describe in terms from Deleuze and Guattari as deterritorialization, creates new challenges for Asian martial arts practice. To explore these challenges and their stakes, I demonstrate the relevance of the concept of the war machine from Deleuze and Guattari, and discuss their distinction between weapons and tools as it bears on Asian martial arts history and practice.  相似文献   

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