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我国优秀武术运动员旋风脚720°三维图像特征分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用三维图像解析系统对我国优秀武术运动员旋风脚720°运动时间特征、身体重心位移特征、身体重心的速度变化特征以及身体主要环节夹角的特征等进行分析与评价,旨在揭示其动作过程的运动学特点与规律,建立整个动作的时间、位移、速度、以及相关环节间夹角等量化指标,从而为教学与训练提供客观的理论依据。  相似文献   

跳远起跳必须重视发挥垂直速度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 一、垂直速度对跳远成绩的影响根据人体重心在水平方向飞进的远度公式:S=Vo~2Sin2d/g跳远成绩主要取决于腾起初速度和腾起角度,同时与身体重心的腾起高度也有很大的关系。运动员的腾起角度是跳远起跳时身体重心的连线与地面的夹角。水平速度和垂直速度的快慢,决定着腾起初速度和腾起角度的大小,以及身体重心的腾起高度。水平速度与垂直速度的快慢变化,影响到其它因素随之发生变化。详见表1。  相似文献   

"程菲跳"运动学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"程菲跳"是我国优秀运动员程菲在2005年创造的新动作,是目前该类动作中难度最大的动作之一,目前世界上极少运动员能完成该动作。通过三维运动学分析方法,研究了"程菲跳"运动学规律与技术特点,获得了程菲在完成"程菲跳"时主要运动学指标随时间的变化过程,包括身体重心位移和速度,各关节的位移、速度和角度,不同动作阶段的时间,以及几个关键技术阶段的运动技术特点。  相似文献   

采用技术动作录像、影片分析以及数理统计等方法,通过对我国10名优秀女子跳高运动员助跑最后两步和起跳速度变化特征的运动学分析,提出我国优秀女子跳高运动员最后两步缓冲动作稍大,摆动腿蹬离地面时速度水平较低;大部分运动员身体重心高度波动较大;起跳垂直速度水平与起跳时间有较高的相关性;运动员起跳结束瞬间的垂直速度水平差别较大,但整体水平一般.  相似文献   

运用生物力学的研究方法对我国优秀男子跳远运动员的起跳过程进行研究,得出我国优秀男子跳远运动员在起跳过程中身体重心的运动轨迹、重心速度、位移等运动变化情况,研究了摆动腿的运动特征.同时证明,在起跳过程中摆动腿的摆动动作对身体重心的运动状况具有重要的影响.  相似文献   

对我国优秀链球运动员投掷技术的分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对我国参加第六届全运会预赛资格的13名优秀链球运动员(健将11人,一级运动员2人)的投掷动作进行了现场高速摄影,经影片处理与分析,结果为:整体上具有现代链球技术的特征,但存在着单支撑时间在后两圈延长;每圈双、单支撑时间比例不当;身体重心较高,上体后仰较大;链球轨迹面向右倾斜,低点在右等不合理因素,有待于改进。另在研究中,我们发现,提高第四圈旋转身体重心向投掷方向的位移速度,有助于增加投掷远度。  相似文献   

以2009年第十一届全国运动会女子铅球冠军巩立娇为研究对象,运用文献资料、专家访谈、生物力学测试和比较分析等方法对其运动学技术特征进行分析.研究如下:巩立娇滑步技术阶段具低起投速度,滑步时间和距离短,滑步速度慢、摆动动作幅度小、躯干下压幅度小的技术特点;转换技术阶段保持了铅球与身体重心的同步运动节奏,躯干保持滑步姿势的能力强;动作幅度大,身体重心起伏小,运动速度稳定的技术特点;最后用力阶段身体重心与铅球运动速度节奏合理.具有用力时间短、动作幅度大、出手角度小和出手速度快的技术特点.  相似文献   

夏正清 《体育科研》2000,21(3):11-13,26
通过高速摄影和文献资料法,对不同水平女子100m栏运动员分析,发现高水平运动贞起跨时的起跨距离、身体重心的水班平速度明显优于水平相对低的运动员;腾空过栏时低水平运动员身体重心的垂直位移明显大于高水平运动员的值;下栏着地时高水平运动员身体重心水平速度的损失率明显小于低水平运动员;并且发现不同水平运动员的起跨距离、起跨时身体重心水平速度、腾空时身体重心垂直位移、下栏着地时着地点与身体重心垂直投影点的水平距离等指标与其身体重心平均水平速度呈高度正或负相关。  相似文献   

<正>后横踢是跆拳道的重点腿法技术动作之一,在实战中经常被跆拳道运动员所使用。本文针对这一动作,对其运用特征进行分析。从时间、关节角度、重心移动、上肢动作和躯干动作五个方面,论述了后横踢这一技术动作的时间分配特征、关节角度变化特征、重心移动特征、上肢特征以及躯干特征,为跆拳道后横踢技术动作的训练提供参考。  相似文献   

本文探讨中国手枪速射运动员身体稳定性与环值的相关性。采用专家访谈法、测试法、个案分析法等,通过比利时Footscan平板式压力测量系统测量速射运动员射击时重心晃动距离、晃动面积、射击环值等指标,并针对力学分析结果进行个案训练。研究发现:第一,技术动作方面,中国速射运动员在注重完整动作流畅基础上,要重视第一靶动作和节奏控制;重心压实左腿,有利于人枪结合,符合专项特征。第二,速射运动员随击发时间变短,晃动面积和晃动距离加大;环值与晃动面积存在低度相关,晃动面积受到晃动距离、左右腿重心位移的影响。第三,提高身体稳定性,有利于改善晃动面积,对击发准确性有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

利用三维图像解析系统对我国优秀武术运动员摆莲720°技术动作进行分析与评价,并针对该技术动作的特点,从训练方法上进行了探讨,旨在揭示其动作过程的运动学特点与规律,建立整个动作的时间、位移、速度等量化指标以及行之有效的训练方法与手段,从而为教学与训练提供客观的理论依据。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to establish the characteristics of the movement patterns common to flutter kicking of skilled swimmers and to determine how the movement patterns of swimmers at different levels of a “learn-to-swim” programme differ from those of skilled swimmers. Also, the nature of the skill afforded the opportunity to investigate learning of a cyclical multi-joint task from a motor control perspective. The underwater motion of nine children representing three levels of a “learn-to-swim” programme and 10 skilled swimmers were video-recorded while performing nine cycles of prone flutter kicking. Kinematics including joint angular motion and coordination of joint actions were calculated. Fourier analysis was applied to determine the frequency composition of the vertical undulations of the hip, knee, and ankle and to calculate the velocity of the body wave travelling caudally from hip to ankle. Fourier analysis also enabled investigation of biological noise, as distinct from variability. The results indicated the desired joint angles and coordination towards which learners could be guided. An index based on the ratio of hip – knee and knee – ankle body wave velocities showed that the inter-joint coordination of most learners was not appropriate for effective flutter kicking. There was strong evidence to suggest that skilled performance in flutter kicking is characterized by sequencing of joint actions to produce a single sinusoidal body wave moving caudally with not decreasing and preferably increasing velocity, low biological noise, and small variability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to establish postural cues in kicking that may be of use to goalkeepers. Eight male soccer players (age 20.5 ± 1.1 yrs; height 1.78 ± 0.053 m; mass 75.18 ± 9.66 kg) performed three types of kick: a low side-foot kick to the left hand corner of the goal, a low side-foot kick straight ahead, and a low instep kick straight ahead. Kicks were recorded by an optoelectronic motion analysis system at 240 Hz. At kicking foot take-off (about 200 ms before ball contact) the variables which were significantly different and could act as cues were support foot progression angle, pelvis rotation, and kicking hip and ankle flexion. The support foot progression angle was considered to be the most valuable of these variables as its angle coincided with the direction of ball projection. The other variables were less clear in their interpretation and so less valuable for a goalkeeper to use for decision making. Cues appearing after support foot contact were thought unlikely to be of value to a goalkeeper in their decision making. These include kicking leg knee flexion angle, and support leg shank and thigh angles.  相似文献   

利用CT扫描数据建立具有高度几何材料相似性的腰椎运动节段(L4-L5)的三维有限元模型,分析速滑运动员进行运动时脊柱腰椎节段受力特点,以便对速滑运动员腰部损伤进行积极的预防,减少伤病的发生.结果表明:速度滑冰运动员在进行运动时,其椎间盘所受应力主要集中在外层纤维的中前部,在前部更为明显;椎体应力集中在椎体前部,其值高于其下方髓核应力值,邻近椎体终板应力明显高于其他部位,此部位出现应力集中现象.运动员椎体所受应力分布在皮质骨椎弓周围及邻近终板的地方,椎体后部结构应力集中在小关节上下关节突与椎弓根等位置.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to compare the three-dimensional kinematics of the lower extremities and ground reaction forces between the instep kick and the kick with the outside area of the foot (outstep kick) in pubertal soccer players. Ten pubertal soccer players performed consecutive kicking trials in random order after a two-step angled approach with the instep and the outstep portion of the foot. Three-dimensional data and ground reaction forces were measured during kicking. Paired t-tests indicated significantly higher (P < 0.05) ball speeds and ball/foot speed ratios for the instep kick compared with the outstep kick. Non-significant differences in angular and linear sagittal plane kinematic parameters, temporal characteristics, and ground reaction forces between the instep and outstep soccer kicks were observed (P > 0.05). In contrast, analysis of variance indicated that the outstep kick displayed higher hip internal rotation and abduction, knee internal rotation, and ankle inversion than the instep kick (P < 0.05). Our results suggest that the instep kick is more powerful than the outstep kick and that different types of kick require different types of skill training.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查、逻辑分析等研究方法,对普通高校散打课程内容构建进行了研究.散打课程内容构建要遵循符合课程目标原则、简洁实用原则、民族性原则和现实性原则,包括理论知识和实践技能两大部分.其中,实践部分以"3拳"、"3腿"、"3摔"为主:"3拳"即冲拳、贯拳和抄拳,"3腿"即鞭腿、蹬腿和踹腿,"3摔"即勾踢摔、搂切摔和压腿摔.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of the asymmetries in the dominant and non-dominant limbs when kicking stationary and rolling balls. Ten experienced Brazilian amateur futsal players participated in this study. Each participant performed kicks under two conditions (stationary ball vs. rolling ball) with the dominant and non-dominant limbs (five kicks per condition per limb). We analysed the kicking accuracy, ball and foot velocities, angular joint displacement and velocity. The asymmetry between the dominant and non-dominant limbs was analysed by symmetry index and two-way repeated measures ANOVA. The results did not reveal any interaction between the condition and limb for ball velocity, foot velocity and accuracy. However, kicking with the dominant limb in both kicks showed higher ball velocity (stationary ball: dominant – 24.27 ± 2.21 m · s?1 and non-dominant – 21.62 ± 2.26 m · s?1; rolling ball: dominant – 23.88 ± 2.71 m · s?1 and non-dominant – 21.42 ± 2.25 m · s?1), foot velocity (stationary ball: dominant – 17.61 ± 1.87 m · s?1 and non-dominant – 15.58 ± 2.69 m · s?1; rolling ball: dominant – 17.25 ± 2.26 m · s?1 and non-dominant – 14.77 ± 2.35 m · s?1) and accuracy (stationary ball: dominant – 1.17 ± 0.84 m and non-dominant – 1.56 ± 1.30 m; rolling ball: dominant – 1.31 ± 0.91 m and non-dominant – 1.97 ± 1.44 m). In addition, the angular joint adjustments were dependent on the limb in both kicks (the kicks with non-dominant limb showed lower hip external rotation than the kicks with the dominant limb), indicating that the hip joint is important in kick performance. In conclusion, the kicks with the non-dominant limb showed different angular adjustments in comparison to kicks with the dominant limb. In addition, kicking a rolling ball with the non-dominant limb showed higher asymmetry for accuracy, indicating that complex kicks are more asymmetric.  相似文献   

During a soccer match, players are often required to control the ball velocity of a kick. However, little information is available for the fundamental qualities associated with kicking at various effort levels. We aimed to illustrate segmental dynamics of the kicking leg during soccer instep kicking at submaximal efforts. The instep kicking motion of eight experienced university soccer players (height: 172.4 ± 4.6 cm, mass: 63.3 ± 5.2 kg) at 50, 75 and 100% effort levels were recorded by a motion capture system (500 Hz), while resultant ball velocities were monitored using a pair of photocells. Between the three effort levels, kinetic adjustments were clearly identified in both proximal and distal segments with significantly different (large effect sizes) angular impulses due to resultant joint and interaction moments. Also, players tended to hit an off-centre point on the ball using a more medial contact point on the foot and with the foot in a less upright position in lower effort levels. These results suggested that players control their leg swing in a context of a proximal to distal segmental sequential system and add some fine-tuning of the resultant ball velocity by changing the manner of ball impact.  相似文献   


Hip adduction strength is important for kicking and acceleration in soccer players. Changes in hip adduction strength may therefore have an effect on soccer players’ athletic performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute and sub-acute effects of a kicking drill session on hip strength, concerning isometric hip adduction, abduction and flexion torque of the kicking leg and the supporting leg. Ten injury-free male elite soccer players, mean ± s age of 15.8 ± 0.4 years participated. All players underwent a specific 20 min kicking drill session, comprising 45 kicks. The players were tested the day before, 15 min after and 24 h after the kicking drill session by a blinded tester using a reliable test procedure. The isometric hip-action and leg-order were randomized. For the kicking leg, hip adduction torque increased from 2.45 (2.19–2.65) Nm ? kg?1, median (25th–75th percentiles), at pre-kicking to 2.65 (2.55–2.81) Nm ? kg?1 (P = 0.024) 24 h post-kicking. This may have implications for the soccer player’s ability to maximally activate the hip adductors during kicking and acceleration, and thereby improve performance the day after a kicking drill session.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish the characteristics of the movement patterns common to flutter kicking of skilled swimmers and to determine how the movement patterns of swimmers at different levels of a "learn-to-swim" programme differ from those of skilled swimmers. Also, the nature of the skill afforded the opportunity to investigate learning of a cyclical multi-joint task from a motor control perspective. The underwater motion of nine children representing three levels of a "learn-to-swim" programme and 10 skilled swimmers were video-recorded while performing nine cycles of prone flutter kicking. Kinematics including joint angular motion and coordination of joint actions were calculated. Fourier analysis was applied to determine the frequency composition of the vertical undulations of the hip, knee, and ankle and to calculate the velocity of the body wave travelling caudally from hip to ankle. Fourier analysis also enabled investigation of biological noise, as distinct from variability. The results indicated the desired joint angles and coordination towards which learners could be guided. An index based on the ratio of hip - knee and knee - ankle body wave velocities showed that the inter-joint coordination of most learners was not appropriate for effective flutter kicking. There was strong evidence to suggest that skilled performance in flutter kicking is characterized by sequencing of joint actions to produce a single sinusoidal body wave moving caudally with not decreasing and preferably increasing velocity, low biological noise, and small variability.  相似文献   

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