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In today‘s Information Age, the protection of information is of critical importance for national security, business firms, and private individuals. The common long-dis-tance communication technology is poor in keeping privacy as it is vulnerable to eavesdropping. Quantum cryptography,  相似文献   

大众传播信息合理使用原则分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The principle of the rational use of the copyright of mass communication is an importamt legal system to protect the right of the social public and individuals to use information. However, this system is facing severe challenges both in technology and in benefit. This paper attempts to analyzes the problems in the principle of rational use, such as the principle of judgement, abuse restriction and the principle of rational use under the network communication conditions.  相似文献   

In today’s Information Age, theprotection of information is ofcritical importance for nationalsecurity, business firms, and privateindividuals. The common long-dis-tance communication technology ispoor in keeping privacy as it is vul-nerable to eavesdropping. Quantumcryptography, a new approach tocommunication based on certainphenomena of quantum physics, isconsidered the absolute securemethod in this regard.Recently CAS scientists havemade progress in secure communi-cat i on based on q uan…  相似文献   

<正>1.Scientific connotation and significance The ubiquitous information manufacturing technology is a comprehensive and integrated information processing technology based on ubiquitous networks.Centeringon ubiquitous perception,it aims to provide ubiquitous services via the expansion and enhancement of ubiquitous intelligence.A manufacturing-oriented ubiquitous network is the integration of an industrial field-level sensor  相似文献   

The paper argues that the theory that opens out the nature of subject indexing process is required, if the process consists of a tremor of steps and elements and it is a range of interpretations, too. The paper points out that Peirce' s semiotics is the theory by which we may study and understand the lmture of interpretation in subject indexing pro-cess. In recent years, there is a great interest in semiofcs in library and information science field. The paper discusses some basic issues of semiotics and its use in information science.  相似文献   

The CAS Academic Divisions (CASAD) is established on June 1, 1955. At present, it has six divisions of mathematics & physics, chemistry,life sciences & medical sciences, earth sciences, information sciences and technical sciences. In 1984,the State Council defined its principal function in clear terms, i.e. "the highest advisory body of the State in science and technology" while the CAS membership is "the highest academic title conferred by the State to an individual in the fields of science and technology." Since its inauguration half a century ago, the CASAD has been devoted to the national reconstruction and the society and now, offering advisory and appraising services has become the main function of the CASAD.  相似文献   

<正>The Sino-Swiss Laboratory for Data Intensive Neuroscience was unveiled on March 26,2015 by the Institute of Automation,Chinese Academy of Sciences(CASIA)and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne(EPFL)in Beijing.Brain-like intelligence is considered to be a revolutionary scientific discipline and major driving force behind the development of future intelligence science and information technology.Taking brain-like intelligence as  相似文献   

IA应用研究--我国政府网站考察与评价   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Issuing government information is a major task of the government Website. So it‘‘s important that the government Website is organized in accordance with the users‘‘ need and habit. In this article, the theory of Information Architecture (IA) is used to examine and evaluate some government Websites in an attempt to investigate some elements of government Websites such as the navigation system, information retrieval method and ways of information organizing and labeling.  相似文献   

Software, the core and soul of the information technology industry, is a fundamental and strategic pillar of an economy. The new century has witnessed a soaring development of China’s software industry with  相似文献   

" The establishment of a national emergency management mechanism will enable China to promptly respond to and scientifically cope with natural disasters. This is a lesson we draw from the 2008 winter storms," notes a panel of the CAS Academic Divisions, China's top advisory body in science and technology in a recent proposal forwarded to State policy-makers.  相似文献   

信息技术与零售之王沃尔玛   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赖茂生  梁南燕 《情报科学》2003,21(9):966-969
近年来,零售业的飞速发展及其所带来的经济效应引起了众人的关注,特别是零售之王沃尔玛获得的巨大成功。沃尔玛能够在2000年获得世界500强之首,以及其不断的发展,最大的原因是它能够在新时代的环境下,时刻跟踪信息技术的发展,领先竞争对手充分把信息与信息技术用于经营中,增加信息化的投资。本文主要探讨沃尔玛在经营过程中对信息技术的应用,以利于我们国内零售行业的学习。  相似文献   

信息技术与企业隐性知识的管理   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
陈方丽  慕继丰  张炜 《科研管理》2004,25(6):28-34,132
知识已成为企业获取可持续竞争优势的最有力的武器。没有知识,任何企业都难以生存并赖以构建核心竞争力。信息技术对企业的知识管理起着很大作用,但信息技术对知识管理有局限性。本文讨论了知识的重要性与信息技术投资的结果、信息技术与知识管理特别是隐性知识管理的关系并给出了一个信息技术与知识管理和企业可持续竞争优势构建之间的概念性框架及启示。  相似文献   

信息时代的战略管理模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术的发展和企业环境的变化,使企业战略管理面临准确性和及时性的挑战。共享数据和数据挖掘技术为企业战略管理带来了新手段。提出信息时代的战略制定、实施和评价模型,将定量和定性相结合,指导企业及时获得动态信息,在战略制定中获得广泛的信息和知识支持,在战略实施和评价中动态调整战略,并不断积累知识。  相似文献   

管理蜜罐思维是论文作者将网络“蜜罐”思维引入管理科学中,对管理科学进行探讨的一种管理技术。文章通过引入管理蜜罐思维发现农村信息技术应用的问题,记录并预警农村信息技术需求,建设农村信息技术的管理蜜罐动态系统。  相似文献   

近年来,随着科技水平的飞速发展,信息技术在大量的企业里得到了广泛应用.然而,已有的研究认为,信息技术本身只是一种工具,并不能给企业带来持续的竞争优势,只有信息技术能力才能为企业带来更好的绩效.综合了已有的国内外学术界对信息技术能力及其对高管决策两个方面(包括控制和柔性)的影响等相关研究,进行了较为深入的分析,认为信息技术能力能够提高管理者对信息的掌控能力、增强组织的控制力度和增加组织的柔性,这为企业适应更复杂和动态的环境,提高自身的应变能力提供了有力的支持.  相似文献   

论科技信息资源的管理与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学技术信息是决定一个国家和一个地区经济社会发展的重要因素,作为科学技术信息较集中的高等院校的科技信息资源是促进高校学科建设,提高学校地位,服务社会,为工农业生产服务的基本保证。本文就如何加强高校科技信息管理,合理开发和利用科技信息资源等问题进行了分析和论述,力求达到对高校科技信息资源的有效利用和充分开发,使高校不仅成为科学技术信息的集散地,同时也成为促进国家及地方经济社会发展和文明进步的助推器。  相似文献   

Documents circulating in paper form are increasingly being substituted by its electronic equivalent in the modern office today so that any stored document can be retrieved whenever needed later on. The office worker is already burdened with information overload, so effective and efficient retrieval facilities become an important factor affecting worker productivity. This paper first reviews the features of current document management systems with varying facilities to manage, store and retrieve either reference to documents or whole documents. Information retrieval databases, groupware products and workflow management systems are presented as developments to handle different needs, together with the underlying concepts of knowledge management. The two problems of worker finiteness and worker ignorance remain outstanding, as they are only partially addressed by the above-mentioned systems. The solution lies in a shift away from pull technology where the user has to actively initiate the request for information towards push technology, where available information is automatically delivered without user intervention. Intelligent information retrieval agents are presented as a solution together with a marketing scenario of how they can be introduced.  相似文献   

知识经济时代,信息化管理是知识生产的基本条件和重要保障之一。科研管理信息化利用现代信息技术,提高科学研究、科研管理和科研交流的效率和水平。本文在分析科技管理创新的基础上,结合目前我国高校科研实际,提出了建设科研信息管理系统建议,对加强科研信息综合管理的可行措施与开放性管理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

浅议情报科学及其教育问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赖茂生 《情报科学》1998,16(1):12-15
本文慨述情报科学的性质、内容、发展脉络、未来趋势、与信息科学和信息管理学的关系以及专业教育问题。作者认为,情报科学是20世纪50年代末60年代初在科技情报工作和西方的文献学的基础上发展起来的一门科学。其主要内容包括情报科学基础理论、情报存贮与检索、情报技术以及情报系统、网络和资源的管理等方面。社会信息化和信息科学的发展,必将对情报科学的未来产生重要影响。  相似文献   

近年来工作流技术在医疗信息系统中的应用,为医院的业务流程再造提供了信息技术的平台,医院可利用信息化建设的契机,充分应用工作流技术,对业务流程进行再造,从而建立科学的管理模式,提高工作效率和医疗质量,为社会提供更多的服务。本文旨在应用工作流技术来建模并实现放射科报告流程,并阐述工作流技术的应用可以解决的一系列问题及需求。  相似文献   

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