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提高全队战术行动的效果和某些篮球运动员的个人战术能力,是高水平篮球运动员训练的基本任务之一。篮球运动员的思维活动,仅能在极其短暂的时间内进行。这种思维活动的特点,是一个不断感知战术形势的大量信息,并在众多干扰因素频繁影响的情况下迅速采取决策的过程。与此同时,篮球运动员还必须从性质相近的一些战术方案中选定应该施行的战术决策,其正确性如何,取决选定的决策所采取的战术行动(手段)的实际效果的优劣程度。为了训练培养和检查篮球运动员的个人战术意识,不少人曾经应用了可以显现战术模  相似文献   

男子少年足球运动员战术意识发展水平研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过采用增加选择决策目标数量的方法制作的实战录像测试带,对不同水平的男子少年足球运动员进行了实际测试。结果表明:我国男子少年足球运动员的战术意识思维决策水平的发展是不平衡的;在小范围内的局部战术意识思维决策水平要优于在较大范围内的整体战术意识思维决策水平。  相似文献   

篮球战术意识是指篮球运动员在从事篮球实践活动中,经过大脑思维而产生的一种正确反映篮球战术规律的特殊机能和能力。青少年时期是培养战术意识的黄金时期,但目前在我国青少年的篮球训练中,往往忽视了战术意识的培养,这样一来就影响了运动员的全面发展。文章对青少年运动员篮球意识的培养和提高途径的论述,以求对青少年篮球教学与训练提供理论依据。  相似文献   

现代运动训练发展趋势突出表现为专项化、实战化和个体化,短道速度滑冰运动员的战术意识反映了运动员在比赛场上的技战术应用水平,短道速度滑冰运动员的战术意识的培养是提高其比赛实力与战术水平的关键环节,对提高运动成绩具有重要的意义。短道速度滑冰运动员的战术意识具有战术行动的预见性、准确的判断性、战术思维灵活性、战术配合的协同性等特点,深刻认识短道速滑的项目特点、规律,及时总结观摩与比赛经验,培养运动员敏锐的临场观察能力、判断能力和决策能力,提高运动员的综合素质,进行战术模拟训练是培养运动员战术意识的主要训练手段。  相似文献   

在对足球战术意识的理解基础上,详细阐明青少年足球运动员战术意识训练与培养的方法。足球意识是影响运动员运动技术水平的重要因素,足球意识表现为运动员对比赛现实情景的观察感知、瞬时的思维判断与决策意向以及准确合理的行动应答。影响运动员足球意识的心理因素主要是记忆与思维、行动与反馈以及无意识控制机能对个人技术打法运用的控制能力。足球意识的培养途径有:学习足球理论知识;掌握足球运动的规律和方法;在平时训练中提出要求;发展专门性知觉;增加对抗和配合体验等。  相似文献   

排球运动员战术意识的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
排球是一项隔网对抗的集体运动项目,随着规则的修改,技、战术水平的不断提高,强弱之间的差距逐渐缩小,使得比赛越来越精彩,越来越激烈。在这种大的背景下如何巧妙地运用技、战术,以便更合理、准确、灵活地发挥体能和技术水平,是取胜的根本。而在技、战术训练和身体训练的过程中有计划地采取有效措施,来培养运动员的战术意识则是排球训练的重要环节。1战术意识的含义及其重要作用排球运动员的战术意识是指队员在发挥技术的过程中,支配自己行动,带有一定战术目的的思维活动。它是运动员在运动实践中具有的经验、才能和知识的反映,是在比赛中判…  相似文献   

1篮球战术意识的概念及其形成1.1篮球战术意识是完成比赛任务的各种方法手段在运动员头脑里的反映,是运动员进行战术活动时自觉的心理活动。战术意识是运动员在发挥技术的过程中,支配自己的行动并带有一定战术目的的心里过程。对于篮球战术意识,可理解为是运动员在发挥技术的过程中,支配自己行  相似文献   

冰壶运动员战术意识的培养是战术训练的中心环节。冰壶战术意识是运动员根据场上的情况通过感觉、观察、思维、判断支配自己采取合理行动的心理过程的总和,它包括技术的目的性、指挥的预见性、判断的准确性、指挥的应变性等要素。为了促进冰壶运动员战术意识的形成与培养,分析了冰壶运动员战术意识形成和发展的影响因素,并从冰壶训练实践中摸索出各种技战术训练计划体现冰壶战术意识的内容、通过比赛训练法强化冰壶运动员对战术的应用、提高冰壶运动员综合素质等培养冰壶运动员战术意识的途径。  相似文献   

浅议足球运动员的战术意识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战术意识对运动员在比赛中的活动起着特殊的调节作用 ,它使运动员的战术运用更具目的性和方向性 ,能够更好地适应各种复杂情况 ,获得场上的主动。从某种意义上讲 ,战术意识也是衡量足球运动员运动水平的一个标志。当然 ,作为一种观念的形式 ,战术意识要通过战术行动来体现 ,没有相应的技术 ,就没有战术配合基础 ,运动员具备再好的战术意识 ,打起来也会感到力不从心。足球运动员的战术意识不是自发产生的 ,它和足球技能一样是在足球训练、比赛等实例活动中获得和提高的。其中教育和直接经验对战术意识的形成和发展有着重要的影响。在实例中培…  相似文献   

戎宝全 《精武》2013,(18):21-21,23
近几年来,人们逐渐重视在篮球教学训练中战术意识的培养,篮球运动中对于战术意识的培养是一个长期而复杂的训练过程,在整个篮球教学过程中学员需要长期艰苦的训练才能获得篮球战术意识。篮球战术意识是篮球运动员在篮球训练和比赛中,综合运用置球技术的重要表现。其中篮球战术意识是篮球运动员在长期的实践活动中通过对篮球技术的运用和配合中不断积累经验,经过系统的篮球训练中逐渐建立起来的一种支配篮球运动员在篮球比赛活动中的思维能力和正确的心理和生理机能的反射性行为。其实篮球运动中的灵魂所在,在篮球比赛中起到了至关重要的作用。本文将针对篮球教学训练中战术意识的培养进行浅要地探讨。  相似文献   

足球运动员战术意识活动的基本特征分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
笔者从不同的侧面对足球运动员的战术意识活动的基本特征进行了深入的分析 ,揭示了战术意识活动具有自觉目的性、对抗性、择优性等基本特质。旨在为广大教练员和运动员在今后的训练中更有效地促进战术意识水平的提高提供了十分有益的理论指导。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine what visual information expert soccer players encode when they are asked to make a decision. We used a repetition-priming paradigm to test the hypothesis that experts encode a soccer pattern's structure independently of the players' physical characteristics (i.e., posture and morphology). The participants were given either realistic (digital photos) or abstract (three-dimensional schematic representations) soccer game patterns. The results showed that the experts benefited from priming effects regardless of how abstract the stimuli were. This suggests that an abstract representation of a realistic pattern (i.e., one that does not include visual information related to the players'physical characteristics) is sufficient to activate experts'specific knowledge during decision making. These results seem to show that expert soccer players encode and store abstract representations of visual patterns in memory.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine what visual information expert soccer players encode when they are asked to make a decision. We used a repetition-priming paradigm to test the hypothesis that experts encode a soccer pattern's structure independently of the players' physical characteristics (i.e., posture and morphology). The participants were given either realistic (digital photos) or abstract (three-dimensional schematic representations) soccer game patterns. The results showed that the experts benefited from priming effects regardless of how abstract the stimuli were. This suggests that an abstract representation of a realistic pattern (i.e., one that does not include visual information related to the players' physical characteristics) is sufficient to activate experts' specific knowledge during decision making. These results seem to show that expert soccer players encode and store abstract representations of visual patterns in memory.  相似文献   


Background: In team games situations, the ability to make fast and accurate decisions is crucial to performance. As such, effective decision making, characterised by the consistent and efficient ability to choose the right course of action at the right moment, is a key component of match performance in team sports such as rugby union. Previous research has identified pedagogical approaches to enhance decision making. However, there is dearth in research to investigate how coaches evaluate tactical decision making and subsequently develop context specific ‘on’ and ‘off-field’ coaching practices to improve it. Further, the value coaches place on decision making is under explored.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore coaches’ perceptions of decision making in rugby union. The specific objectives to meet this aim were to: (i) Explore coaches’ perceptions of the value and importance of decision making in rugby union; (ii) Identify coaches’ opinions of the key decision making moments in games and how to evaluate them; and (iii) Investigate coaches’ on and off field methods for improving players’ tactical and strategic decision making.

Participants: Purposive sampling was used to select five male coaches, whose ages ranged from 25 to 41 years, from a regional rugby union club in Wales to participate in the study. Coaching experience ranged from two years to 16 years.

Methods: The interpretative paradigm was used within the study with data collected through semi-structured interviews with academy rugby union coaches. This type of interview gathered rich, detailed and complex accounts of coaches’ opinions of players’ in-game decision making in rugby union in order to inform practice and theory. Inductive and deductive qualitative thematic analysis was used to analyse and interpret the data.

Findings: All five coaches agreed that decision making was a crucial part of the modern game of rugby union. There was some disagreement between them about the players’ autonomy to make their own decisions on the pitch and a general lack of clarity between ‘game plan’, ‘strategy’ and ‘tactics’ amongst the coaches. All the coaches agreed that the process of evaluation of players’ decision making should involve a joint discussion with the players. They also agreed that developing decision making was one of the hardest things to coach. Finally, they used a variety of ‘on’ and ‘off-field’ coaching methods to achieve this including video analysis, questioning and the use of games based scenarios.

Conclusion: This study acquired the coaches’ voice on players’ decision making in rugby union by exploring its perceived importance to them and how they evaluated and attempted to improve it. A clear attempt was made among the coaches to develop a ‘non-judgemental’ atmosphere in the evaluation and improvement of players’ decision making. Future research should consider the use of explicitation interviewing, where the interviewer (coach) aims to get the player into a state of evocation, to relive the key decision making moments in an attempt to improve it.  相似文献   


Purpose: The concepts of creativity and intuition have been well studied in isolation, but less is known about their distinctive contributions to option generation in decision making. Method: We examined the relation between creative and intuitive decision making in two studies—one involving coaches and one involving soccer players—using video footage of real soccer matches. Additionally, we analyzed whether this relation is culture generic or culture specific by conducting matched cross-cultural studies in a European and a South American country. Results: In Study 1, results indicate a conceptual overlap of creativity and intuition for Brazilian and German soccer coaches. Furthermore, coaches did not differ in their evaluation of creative and intuitive actions of players of both cultures. In Study 2, we found that for both subsamples the total number of generated options was positively correlated with the quality of the first and the final option and that the quality of players’ first (intuitive) option was higher than that of options generated later. Moreover, results indicate a positive correlation between a player’s creativity score and the quality of the first generated option for the whole sample. Conclusion: Overall, our findings provide meaningful information regarding athletes’ and coaches’ option-generation processes in decision making in complex team sports.  相似文献   

Elite soccer players spend a substantial amount of time trying to improve physical capacities, including aerobic endurance and strength and the strength derivatives of speed and power. The average oxygen uptake for international soccer teams ranges from 55 to 68 ml.kg-1.min-1 and the half-squat maximal strength from 120 to 180 kg. These values are similar to those found in other team sports. Recently, it has been shown that the heart's stroke volume is the element in the oxygen chain that mainly limits aerobic endurance for athletes. These findings have given rise to more intensive training interventions to secure high stroke volumes, which, in turn, have proved positive in changing both maximal oxygen consumption and soccer performance in terms of distance covered, contacts with the ball and number of sprints in a game. The training employed has consisted of 4x4-min "intervals" running uphill at 90-95% of maximal heart rate interspersed with 3 min jogging at 70% of maximal heart rate to facilitate removal of lactate. Research has revealed that a soccer-specific training routine with the ball might be as effective as plain running. Strength training to produce neural adaptations has been effective in changing not only strength in terms of "one-repetition maximum", but also sprinting velocity and jumping height, in elite soccer players without any change in body mass. The same training has also improved running economy and thus aerobic endurance performance. The training regimen used for a European Champions League team was 4x4 repetitions of half-squats with the emphasis on maximal mobilization of force in the concentric action.  相似文献   

Young adult soccer players often encounter difficulty progressing from youth competition to being regularly selected for high-level, open-age competition. In an attempt to increase the playing opportunities of semi-professional and amateur under-21 players in first teams, the Royal Belgian Football Association required national division teams to include at least two players younger than 21 in their match selection (under-21 rule). Over four seasons, the following variables were analysed across 2138 semi-professional and amateur soccer players aged 16?–?39 years: (1) the number of times a player was selected to be in the first team squad; (2) the number of times a player was selected to play in the starting line-up; and (3) the number of minutes played. Chi-square analysis demonstrated that second and third division teams had complied with the new selection regulations. However, two-way analysis of variance of individual player data revealed no increase in the number of playing minutes in the under-21 group. It would appear that many teams had complied with the new regulations by selecting young players as substitutes. The results highlight the difficulties that talented young soccer players experience progressing from youth to senior competition. We conclude that the rule imposed by the Royal Belgian Football Association has failed to improve the playing opportunities of young adult soccer players. Alternative strategies for increasing playing opportunities for young talented players are required.  相似文献   

我国职业足球运动员的管理现状分析及对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、数理统计等方法,对我国职业足球运动员的管理现状进行分析研究,主要结论:1)职业运动员产生比例过高、年龄偏小;2)运动员流通渠道不畅;3)运动员权益得不到保障;4)缺乏运动员价值的评价体系;5)缺乏科学、稳定的竞赛体系;6)职业足球运动员后备力量培养力度不够。对策:1)尽快提高管理人员素质,大力吸纳职业足球急需人才;2)实行国内职业运动员自由转会制度,提高运动员的积极性;3)建立、健全相关法律制度,确保运动员的权益;4)尽快与市场经济价值规律接轨,建立运动员价值评价体系;5)建立科学、稳定的竞赛体系,不断加强对外交流;6)加大对足球后备力量的培养力度。  相似文献   

利用CYBEX-NormT等速测试系统对我国46名优秀女子足球运动员膝关节屈伸肌群进行等速向心收缩测试与分析,结果提示:(1)提高我国女子足球运动员伸肌的最大力量和快速力量是提高运动能力的关键;(2)为防止腘绳肌的拉伤,应适当提高女足队员的膝关节屈肌的力量;(3)我国女子足球运动员膝关节屈伸肌比率不均衡是导致膝关节损伤的主要原因,力量训练中应加强屈、伸肌力量,尤其是伸肌的力量,以改善屈伸比率的不平衡,防止损伤的发生;(4)我国女子足球运动员存在两腿屈、伸肌力量不平衡现象,在力量训练中,应加强对弱势腿的力量训练,以保证两腿的肌力平衡,防止损伤的发生。  相似文献   

采用对比分析方法,对中、日、韩青少年足球运动员的培养体系中的培养途径、培养目标、教练员队伍建设、训练和教学理念、竞赛体系等诸多因素进行全面的比较研究,深入认识中、日、韩青少年足球运动员培养体系的异同,分析各自的优点与不足,提出了中国青少年足球运动员培养应制定符合我国实际的培养体系,以推动我国青少年足球工作的不断改善。  相似文献   

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