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<正>数学例题教学是最为基本和重要的解题教学,是数学课堂教学的必备环节.众所周知,例题的作用在于"加深理解、巩固理论和培养技能技巧等几个方面".要充分实现这几方面的作用,关键在于所选例题的内容,在于它的目的性.在参加各级教研部门  相似文献   

设计好的例题是例题教学的关键.一个好的例题不仅能够起到传授基础知识、基本方法的作用,而且能够潜移默化地渗透数学思想方法,培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力.解题后的反思又是学生学会思考、实现举一反三的一个重要环节.笔者曾在例题教学中选取了以下的一个解析  相似文献   

苏教版小学数学教材例题后面的"练一练",内容一般指向例题教学最基本、最重要的基础知识和方法,起到巩固知识的作用。在第十一册长方体和正方体的单元,我在教学例5后进行了练一练,题目见下方:  相似文献   

重视教材例题的教学,要能从例题中提炼出一些重要的东西,如基本图形、基本思想方法等.通过例题教学来激活学生思维,深化对以例题为载体的知识、技能的理解.在长期的教学中,我总结出以下几点做法.  相似文献   

  教科书设置例题的目的,是引导与培养学生应用基本理论分析、解决问题的能力,并进一步搞清基本概念,启发学生学有所用,用有所疑,疑有所思,从而将所学知识融会贯通。因此,例题在学生数学学习中有着重要的作用。无论学生数学概念的形成、数学命题的掌握、数学方法和技能技巧的获得,还是学生智能的培养和发展,都必须通过例习题的解决来实现。所以,课程专家在编写教科书时特别重视对教材中例题的选择和设计。但在实际教学中许多一线教师未充分认识到例题的价值和作用,往往轻描淡写地讲述一下教科书中的例题,有的甚至干脆舍弃教科书中的例题不用而选择教辅资料上的题目。究其原因,主要是教师对教科书例题的功能认识不清所致。而综观国内外文献,单独研究教科书例题的比较少,从理论上探讨教科书例题功能的文献几乎没有。为此,本文就教科书例题的使用进行分析。  相似文献   

怎样讲解例题,如何发挥教材例题的潜在功能,这是中学数学教学中的一个重要问题,对课本中的例题,如果在教学中只作一般性的讲解,就起不到例题应有的典型示范作用,那么怎样才能起到例题的典型示范作用呢?这就需要教师充分研究课本的例题,通过例题教学的精心设计,使例题的作用得以展开,真正发挥出例题应有的教学价值。  相似文献   

例题教学是小学数学中的重要教学手段,起着示范教学的作用。例题教学能够帮助学生达到一叶知秋的效果,让学生更好地掌握本节课的基本数学知识以及解决此类题型的方法,进一步拓展学生的逻辑思维与创新思维。  相似文献   

<正>例题是获取数学知识与技能的重要载体,是发展学生数学能力的重要平台.无论是新授课教学还是复习课教师都必须精心选择和编制例题.高效的例题教学能起到帮助学生巩固概念、加深理解、强化重点、突破难点、举一反三、触类旁通的作用.笔者结合自身多年的数学教学实践,总结出选编数学例题应遵循一些最基本的原则.一、少而优原则教师必须在有限的时间内,选择少而优的例题进行剖析透彻的讲解.让学生在有限的学习时间内掌握相关的知识和技能,而不加重学生的学业负担  相似文献   

例题是数学教学的一个重要板块.例题是经过专家精心构思,反复斟酌选出来的,它起着引入性、示范性和巩固性作用.在数学教学中,只有做好例题教学,才能更有效地发挥例题的作用.  相似文献   

教材中例题教学的现状分析及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前教材中例题教学的现状怎样讲解例题 ,如何充分发挥教材例题的教学价值 ,是中学数学中的一个重要问题 .然而教材例题教学的现状 ,正在逐步弱化教材中例题的教学价值 .目前教材中例题教学呈下列现象 :(1 )对教材中的例题 ,教学中只作一般性的讲解 ,根本不顾例题应有的典型示范作用 ;(2 )对教材中的例题 ,老师布置学生自己看 ,根本没有把蕴藏在例题中的解题思想、方法介绍给学生 ,更说不上让学生掌握这些解题思想和解题方法 :(3 )对教材中的例题 ,教学中教师根本不屑一顾 ,置之于一边 ,认为例题不过如此 ,自己找的题目比例题更好 ,更有作用…  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated the disconnect between example-based research focusing on worked examples (WEs) and that focusing on modeling examples. The purpose of this study was to examine and compare the effect of four different types of examples from the two separate lines of research, including standard WEs, erroneous WEs, expert (masterly) modeling examples, and peer (coping) modeling examples, on student performance (knowledge retention, near transfer, and far transfer), cognitive load, and self-efficacy. One hundred and sixteen students participated in the study by undergoing computer-based instruction in one of the four versions differing in how examples were provided. The results showed that, overall, expert modeling examples were most effective in promoting knowledge retention, near transfer, and far transfer, while peer modeling examples were shown to be superior in fostering self-efficacy among the four different types of examples.  相似文献   

Educational research assumes reflection on teaching examples to have positive effects on pre-service teachers' professional development. The role of teaching quality in such examples is unclear, however. In a field experiment with a pre-post-design, we taught “planning self-controlled learning” to 83 undergraduate pre-service physical education teachers and assigned them to three conditions: they either reflected on good teaching or problematic teaching examples or they compared both types of examples. We found that the comparison of examples supported their instruction planning more than reflecting good or problematic teaching examples only. In addition, comparing examples changed the pre-service teachers' beliefs.  相似文献   

王小明 《中学教育》2011,8(2):78-83
样例学习是学习者从例示了一般概念、原理、程序的例子中习得解决问题方法的一种学习方式.和单纯的问题解决学习方式相比,样例学习不仅费时少、迁移效果好,还可减轻学生学习时的认知负荷.早期的样例学习研究集中于数学、物理等学科的单内容样例的学习,最近的研究开始涉及没有明确解题步骤的双内容样例的学习.样例学习的重要机制是学习者对样...  相似文献   

书证是词典中用来证明释义的文献例证。书证数量的多少、时代的早晚 ,以及是否具有典型性 ,都直接影响着词目或义项的可靠性。《汉语大词典》向以书证的丰富性和典型性著称 ,但具体到某些词条 ,有的书证显得匮乏 ,有的书证则直接空缺。这使得许多词目成了无血无肉的“骷髅” ,并连锁引发了释义失误、义项缺漏等方面的问题 ,在一定程度上影响了《大词典》的整体质量  相似文献   

Making a good programming environment for beginning programmers is an enterprise which can exploit the strong connections between machine learning and human learning. Applying what we know about teaching and learning to improve the programming environment can result in a system which allows beginners to more readily acquire programming skills.Surprisingly, a universally accepted principle of good teaching and good learning has not been taken seriously enough in designing programming environments-learning by example. A good teacher presents examples of how to solve problems, and points out what is important about the examples. The student generalizes from the examples to learn principles and techniques. This paper describes a programming environment called Tinker, in which a beginning programmer presents examples to the machine, distinguishing accidental and essential aspects of the examples. The programmer demonstrates how to handle the specific examples, and the machine formulates a procedure for handling the general case. Because people are much better at thinking about concrete examples than they are at thinking about abstractions, and because examples provide immediate feedback, Tinker is a more congenial environment for a beginner than conventional programming systems.  相似文献   

Students are commonly asked to learn declarative concepts in many courses. One strategy students report using involves generating concrete examples of abstract concepts. If students have difficulties evaluating the quality of their generated examples, then instructors will need to provide students with appropriate scaffolds or feedback to improve judgmentaccuracy. No prior research has investigated if students can accurately evaluate the quality of the examples they generate, which was the first aim of the current research. The second aim of this research was to investigate the extent to which providing feedback while students evaluate their generated examples can improve the accuracy of their example-quality judgments. In two experiments, students generated examples for declarative concepts from social psychology and then judged the quality of their examples. When making judgments, students received no feedback (in which they were only given the key term), full definition feedback (in which they were shown the definition of the declarative concept) or idea unit feedback (in which they first evaluated if they represented each idea unit of the definition within their example). Outcomes showed that students were overconfident when judging the quality of their examples, specifically for commission errors (i.e., examples that were entirely incorrect). Surprisingly, full definition and idea unit feedback did not help students improve the accuracy of their example-quality judgments. Thus, until scaffolds are discovered to reduce student overconfidence, instructors will need to assist in evaluating generated examples as students use this strategy to learn declarative concepts.  相似文献   

在修辞研究中.例子占有特殊地位。但修辞学界“轻视、忽视例子”的现象还比较严重。除了因为“一味地强调理论体系的构建”而忽视例子的现象外,对例子的不够重视还表现于部分教材、论著一味沿袭老旧的例子,使用那些早已经失却示范作用的例子作修辞范例等等。这种对例子不够重视的现象突出地表现在辞格研究方面。  相似文献   

反例在数学中占着较为特殊的地位,尤其在新课标中对反例做出了相关建议,在各种考试也考察了对反例的构造能力.然而,目前数学反例的使用中主要存在以下几个问题:教师自身对数学反例的了解不深刻,缺乏良好的数学反例的教学观;教师没有掌握构造反例的方法,不能系统地教给学生反例的思维;教师获取反例的途径很多,但最主要的途径是从教材及教材参考书和自己的经验所得,很少自己主动去从其它渠道获取;大部分的教师都是在平时教学过程中适当地穿插使用反例.  相似文献   

从语言理解最佳关联的角度,可以看到对外汉语词典编纂中的不足主要是:词条解释过于生僻;汉英解释和英汉解释不一致;义项选择区别性不强;文化意义阐释不足;示例不够浅近、典型,书面语过多,时代色彩过于陈旧;例句过少或缺失;例句未按语法分布特点编排;词典的规模过小;例句的趣味性、针对性不强等。必须有针对性地制定相应的语用对策,解决这些问题。  相似文献   

Learning about a scientific concept often occurs in the context of unfamiliar examples. Mutual alignment analogy – a type of analogical comparison in which the analogues are only partially understood – has been shown to facilitate learning from unfamiliar examples . In the present study, we examined the role of mutual alignment analogy in the abstraction and transfer of a complex scientific concept from examples presented in expository texts. Our results provide evidence that (a) promoting comparison between two examples and (b) orienting the learner toward relational commonalities result in greater abstraction and transfer. These findings suggest that mutual alignment analogy is an effective means of promoting abstraction and transfer of complex scientific concepts, and may thus be used in the classroom to promote learning from unfamiliar examples.  相似文献   

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