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整体主义为校本学习研究取得突破性进展提供了一条方法论同时上的新路向.它既强调整体观照以揭示学习活动的整体性,也着眼具体探察以明晰学习活动各组成部分的特殊性,追求两者间的平衡共生.以整体主义审视当下学校与课堂学习研究,可以看到其存在着重视具体探察、较少整体观照,不能很好地将"具体探察"与"整体现照"相继与相融等问题.形成整体性研究意识,使用整体性研究方法,进而彻底地践行整体主义,是校本学习研究的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

新课改背景下课堂教与学方式转变是推进课程改革的核心问题。本文在总结福州八中八年教改经验的基础上,提出研究探索新课程背景下教与学方式的转变,必须要抓住学生学习方式转变的关键:在课堂教学评价上,要转变为关注“知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度价值观”三维课程目标体系的整体落实:在教学要求上要重视基础性;在教学设计上要保证课程模块的整体性.强调要关注学生的差异性,关注学生在教师引导下对知识的自主建构,关注课堂教学的开放性与动态生成性,关注课堂教学的情感性。积极推进学生学习方式和教师教学方式的变革,更高质量地实现福州八中学生“人人成功,个个发展”的教育目标.  相似文献   

当代教育理论与实践的发展孕育了校本学习研究.校本学习研究,实质上就是校本教学研究,是一种以学校为基地、以学习为本位的新型的课程与教学研究理论与实践,它包含发展文化学习理论、提升学生学习效果、促进教师专业发展、建构研究型学习共同体和创建文化学习环境等内涵.校本学习研究正在形成自己特有的多层次研究对象、整体主义方法论和操作性研究过程结构.  相似文献   

课程灵性与人格建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代课程领域对速度和效率的一味追求不仅剥夺了课程的意义与灵性,也支离了儿童完整的生活与人格。儿童整体人格的建构期待课程领域灵性的复归。灵性的课程以联结、转变与平衡为特征,并可通过尊重整体的儿童、重视艺术的价值、推行整体的学习、培养整体的教师等具体措施予以达成。  相似文献   

冒宇婕 《江西教育》2022,(15):10-11
单元整体教学具有整体性与关联性,它指向学生核心素养的发展,关注学生的学习过程与思维过程.在小学英语教学中,我们要立足单元整体,强化学生对单元知识的意义建构,引导学生基于真实情境主动学习知识、解决问题,提高单元教学的整体性,促进学生对单元主题的意义探究.本文将基于单元整体教学的内涵及价值,尝试从聚焦单元主题、规划单元目标...  相似文献   

初中美术中实施整体性教学,就是要将相关的课程资源、素材整合,就是要搭建整体性的课程与教学框架。教师既要对相关的美术知识进行结构、重构、统整,也要将美术学科知识与学生的具体学情进行统整。解构与统整,要注重情境的创设、注重问题和任务的引领、注重评价的介入。通过美术整体性教学实践,发挥学生的美术整体学习效能,提升学生的美术学习能力,发展学生的美术核心素养。  相似文献   

课程情境本质上是一个场。心理场论思想的主要特征表现为整体动力观、系统观、心理取向、整合倾向、建构法。相应地,课程情境也表达着上述场性的特征:它是一个学习与各种课程资源相互作用的整体,一个动力整体,一个涵摄着时空要素的开放系统,并且表现着整合的趋势。关注情境场,运用场思维已成为当代课程研制的重要取向。  相似文献   

法、西两国教师培训在理念和方式上有许多方面值得我们学习。具体表现在:以终身学习理念为指导和领导开展教师培训工作;重视学校环境建设和资源中心建设;鼓励教师自发地开展合作;重视信息技术对教师培训的强有力支持,丰富教师培训的内容与方法。基于此,要以终身学习的理念为指导开展教师培训及资源中心的建设工作;重视教师教育管理与实践策略的研究;整合培训资源,切实提供高质量的教师培训,营造合作、创新的教师文化;关注教师培训模块课程开发,追求培训效果的实用性、有效性;重视与高等学校的联系,加强学术引领。  相似文献   

教学中更加重视整体教学实践在"小学数学教学论"课程中的运用,它是一种最新的教学方法之一。"小学数学教学论"是一门集理论和实践为一体的课程,其中课程、教学和学习理论知识是这门课程最主要的一部分。整个教学实践过程都是以整体为侧重点,整体是该教学论的核心思想,包括了知识和学习的整体性。有效整合了教学方面的不足,提高了教学的质量。探讨了具体的整体教学实践方法:设计课题、创建团队、选取材料、明确任务、成绩评分。  相似文献   

单元学习整体设计是一种新的教学思路和策略,侧重于提高学生学习效率,整合教学内容,实现教学的连续性、整体性和针对性。文章归纳分析了"组块教学""单元学习""整体设计"的内涵和国内外研究现状,指出三剑合璧之后,在横向拓展中建构知识体系,在纵向深入中建构科学方法,在螺旋递进中建构层级概念,从语文核心素养出发,综合利用各种教学方法,组织实施恰当的教学活动,引导学生经历必要的思考过程,形成语文学科特定的思维路径,提升语文核心素养。  相似文献   

Interest in progressive education ideas has often been accompanied by advocacy for greater use of interdisciplinary and holistic learning approaches, as these are considered beneficial in conceptual, curriculum, and pedagogical terms. The paper reviews the possibilities for progress on this basis and contextualises the paper around three concurrent watershed moments in Scottish education: the end of the five-year programme implementation phase of a Curriculum for Excellence; the half-century anniversary of comprehensive schooling (1965–2015); and the centennial anniversary of the publication of Democracy in Education by John Dewey. Following a brief outlining of the Scottish policy context, the paper analyses the influence of Dewey on conceptions of curriculum integration and interdisciplinary learning and their connections with curriculum planning, effective pedagogical practices, and whole school reforms. Analysis describes the areas of conceptual clarity required and reviews how exactly versions of interdisciplinary learning might operate in practice. It is argued that the learner-led ideals championed by Dewey can still provide guidance and traction to help ensure that policy and practice gains are more than modest and variable. However, progress is likely to be greatest if school organisational changes accompany alterations to the curriculum and pedagogical culture in schools.  相似文献   

New devolutionary powers for education have been enthusiastically seized on by politicians and policy-makers alike to promote a more integrated and holistic form of education in Scotland. This period of curriculum renewal offers the prospect of increased levels of outdoor education; however, to date there is a lack of a clearly agreed rationale for learning and clarity about how curriculum will be experienced by students. Consequently, we analyse pertinent conceptual questions about these matters through reviewing articles and policy announcements prior to advancing, in a preliminary fashion, a rationale for outdoor education which conceives of outdoor learning primarily as a moral endeavour. In developing the proposed rationale as the organising framework for learning, the article critically considers the multifarious challenges of connecting policy intentions with the authentic learning experiences of students. In so doing it discusses many of the most apparent curriculum and pedagogical barriers to learning, which have led in recent years to fragmented provision and the under-realisation of increased levels of deeply embedded and connected outdoor learning experiences.  相似文献   

学校整体课程的建构,与学校整体的教育人员,课程方案,学习对象,学习时间和课程发展等因素密切关联。其行动策略大致可以分为五个方面:学校整体课程研究;学校整体课程规划;学校整体课程设计;学校整体课程实施;学校整体课程评价。  相似文献   

Problem-based learning (PBL) curricula utilise authentic problems that are based in the real-world of practice. This very characteristic enables students to develop an intimate knowledge about the intricacies of practice, metaphorically, seeing the details of the forest floor. However, it is equally important for students to develop an overall conceptual framework of the curriculum and understand how the different aspects of the subject domain relate to each other, i.e. seeing the landscape. This paper explores the extent to which these two aspects of curriculum design, in particular the landscape, were achieved in an ‘Education Theories’ module for lecturers in higher education. It utilises Hung's 3C3R problem-design model to help develop these connections. The findings alert curriculum designers to pay more focused attention to the holistic problem from Hung's model and the model's relationship with other learning resources (lectures, etc.) in supporting connectivity in PBL hybrid curricula.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design of the curriculum for a Master of Engineering programme in civil engineering at University College Dublin. The revised programme was established to meet the requirements of the Bologna process and this paper specifically considers the design of a new, second-cycle master's component of the programme. In addition to considering the content required to meet the learning outcome specified by the professional accreditation body, the paper presents details of attempts to move from a traditional instructor-centred model to a student-centred model of education in order to promote reflective (deep) learning. Although the paper presents a model curriculum for a civil engineering programme, the holistic approach to curriculum design outlined, which considers the organisation, sequence and evaluation strategies adopted, is applicable to all subject areas in higher education.  相似文献   

自主学习是新课程倡导的学习方式,是有效教学的重要途径,也是学习的本真所在。在区域层面上优化教学,就要将自主学习作为核心要义来实施,并通过教研部门与基层学校的互动来概括自主学习的公共策略,实现从自主学习的意识唤醒到自主学习习惯的强化。这些基于实践概括的策略贯穿于整个学习流程,教学优化则寄寓其中。  相似文献   

学习领域课程从开发到教学实施都与职业活动紧密相连,它以工作过程为逻辑进行开发设计和实施课程教学,与传统学科逻辑课程相比更适合职业院校的教育教学目标。文章根据学习领域课程开发设计及其教学实施的内在逻辑,对学习领域课程开发及其教学实施作为一个整体进行了系统化研究,构建了学习领域课程开发与实施系统,并提出"职业活动-学习活动-职业活动"所包含的两次转换是学习领域课程开发与教学实施能否成功的关键。  相似文献   

This paper explains the application of concept mapping to help foster a learning-centred approach. It investigates how concept maps are used to measure the change in learning following a two-week intensive undergraduate Marketing Principles course delivered to 162 Chinese students undertaking a Bachelor of Business Administration programme in China. Using four scoring procedures (breadth of knowledge, relational quality, structural quality and holistic quality), student learning is assessed in terms of prior and new knowledge, as well as improvement in knowledge structure. Concept map scores are correlated with conventional measures of overall student performance. The results provide strong evidence for improvement in students’ ability to externalise new learned concepts resulting from intensive instruction. Incorporating concept maps as a contemporary method of learning in the curriculum potentially enriches student learning, provides a measure of the impact of teaching on students’ learning and adds value to students’ higher education experience.  相似文献   

AI教师与真人教师联袂执教的双师课堂课程开发已成为重要课题。从缘起、主题与方法三个层面进行考察发现,当前国内外双师课堂课程开发活动,主要聚焦于“AI教师的选用与开发”“双师课堂课程开发”和“双师课堂课程开发的学习效应”三大主题。文章创新性地采纳超学科哲学范式,采取整体主义行动研究方法论,采用融通性混合方法,结合逻辑分析、技术建模、行动研究、量化方法和质性深描技术等,系统地探索与建构AI教师的选用模型、AI教师开发的关键技术、双师课堂深度学习模型、双师课堂课程开发整体模式、AI整合性课目学习知识研究方式、双师课堂课程开发促进深度学习的效应以及双师课堂课程开发促进深度学习的内在机理,以期为双师课堂课程的适切开发提供新思路。  相似文献   

整体论是一种关注整体的哲学思想,它既强调整体的“相互关联”,又关注个体的自由和“灵性”。整体论对当今教师学习与发展的启示是:从“人”的发展看,教师学习不仅仅是知识和技能的获得,更有情感与态度的学习与发展;从专业的形成和发展看,教师学习是贯穿其整个职业生涯的整体的、连续的过程;从人的社会学习情境看,教师学习与个人发展、学生发展、同事发展、学校改进以及社区(社会)发展等相互联系、不可分割,共处于一个学习共同体中。  相似文献   

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