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加强中国非政府公共部门教育培训的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国非政府公共部门是社会公共部门的一个重要组成部分,包括各种公益性、互益性活动的非营利民间组织,国外通常叫NGO或者NPO。本文首先论述NGO对中国社会的重大影响,之后指出了NGO自身存在的不足和缺陷。在此基础上,提出了应重视并加强NGO的教育培训,以改善NGO自身的能力建设。在文章的最后一部分,探讨了NGO教育培训的两种方式及其各自特点和不足。  相似文献   

非营利性组织、社会团体、第三部门、NGO……我们可以用这样多个称谓来定性中国第一个专业从事职业教育的民间组织中华职业教育社。作为一个民间组织,中华职教社为什么能够从1917年5月6日成立之初的48人,发展到今天拥有3万多名社员,成为在海内外都具有一定知名  相似文献   

考察新型妇女NGO产生的背景、现状和所面临的挑战,对保障妇女权益、提高妇女能力以及社会民间组织的作用具有积极意义。  相似文献   

理性选择与贫困缓解——基于国际NGO教育扶贫行为的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从科尔曼为代表的理性选择理论出发会发现,作为"理性人",国际NGO扶贫行为的理性选择与我国的贫困缓解息息相关.国际NGO的扶贫行为,一方面出于组织自身的独立性、自主性表现出明显的个体理性选择因素,另一方面又因其海外性、嵌入性而不能不作出社会理性选择.国际NGO的社会理性选择直接影响了这些组织在我国的扶贫方向与内容,而其个体理性选择又直接决定了这些组织在我国独特的扶贫路径与方法.为了实现缓解贫困的"效益最大化",国际NGO必须兼顾个体理性与社会理性,在二者之间作出灵活的理性选择,即吉登斯的主体-结构二重性.  相似文献   

农村NGO对理顺政府与民间关系,实现政府职能转变,加快农村社会事务发展,实现农村社会和谐具有重大意义。通过对黑龙江省农村NGO发展基本状况的探析,明确和谐社会发展要求。深入分析了当前农村NGO尚未满足实现社会和谐的原因,并提出发展农村NGO,推动和谐社会建设的思路。  相似文献   

考察新型妇女NGO产生的背景、现状和所面临的挑战,对保障妇女权益、提高妇女能力以及社会民间组织的作用具有积极意义。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国民间组织得到迅速发展.但是,与社会的高速发展相比,我国民间组织的发展仍较落后.培育和发展我国民间组织,可以从健全我国民间组织法律体系、理顺政府部门与民间组织的关系、提高我国民间组织的自我治理能力、完善自身建设等几个方面着手,以促进我国民间组织健康有序发展.  相似文献   

当前政府与NGO合作扶贫面临着许多问题:NGO的社会认知度严重不足;NGO面临转型瓶颈,同时受到权力中心论的干扰,政策法规缺失严重。为达到减少社会贫困的目的,我国政府与NGO合作扶贫的路径采取自上而下和自下而上两种合作路径。完善政府与NGO合作的扶贫机制,政府应当在政策上解决NGO的发展问题,NGO也应加强自身能力建设、改进合作关系,实现既竞争又合作。  相似文献   

我国民间组织已经开始进入一个快速发展时期,在构建和谐社会中的地位作用也日益重要。近年来,云南省高度重视民间组织的培育和发展,虽然全省民间组织正处于发展的初级阶段,也存在一些问题,但其作用却不断显现。应进一步明确民间组织在构建和谐云南中的功能定位,并采取相应的培育发展民间组织的对策措施。  相似文献   

社会主义新农村建设的关键是提高农民素质,而这也是难点。我国新农村建设不仅需要政府的扶持,也要得到社会和广大农民的参与,更主要的是完善农村民间组织的功能。因为民间组织的发展与提高农民素质有很大关系。当前我国农村民间组织虽发展迅速,但由于管理和资金等问题影响其正常功能的发挥。为了更好实现新农村建设的持续发展,就必须提高农民素质,就必须完善农村民间组织的功能。  相似文献   

新时期乡村治理注重多元主体的共同参与和协作,民间组织参与环境治理是多元主体参与乡村治理的表现形式之一。实地调研发现,民间组织参与环境治理存在法律地位不明确、资金匮乏和缺乏制度保障等问题。从法学的角度,对以上问题展开法律分析,并结合实地调研和文献研究,提出实现民间组织参与环境治理的法治化路径:明确民间组织的法律地位,完善政府购买公共服务的制度建设,健全环境信息公开机制与环境保护问责追责机制。  相似文献   

非政府组织活动合法性的前提是取得相应的法律人格.法律人格的保障主体是国际政府间组织和主权国家.具有法律人格的非政府组织将享有特定的优惠待遇.这就为非政府组织的国际国内活动提供了良好的条件.但是,从宏观上来说,非政府组织还是附属物,它们的力量来源于其他国际行为体的力量,这就大大限制了非政府组织作用的进一步发挥.  相似文献   

作为国际教育援助三大主体的国际组织、援助国政府、NGO近年来形成多元、多层、多途径合作的局面,特别是政府与NGO,基于对彼此资源的相互依赖,形成不同的合作模式,其合作机制值得深讨。日本作为经验丰富的援助大国,政府与NGO的合作是通过"政府购买服务""对话协商""助推NGO发展"三大制度结构来实现的,而在具体实施过程中,双方根据不同的"资源依赖性"与"组织身份定位",组合成"伙伴型""合同型""延伸型"合作关系。在"伙伴型"关系中双方构成对称性依赖关系,维持各自的组织身份,在"合同型"关系中形成非对称性依赖关系,NGO虽然自主却也受政府的条件牵制,在"延伸型"合作关系下NGO过度依赖政府,致其依附型发展。  相似文献   

Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs) promote alternative development strategies to those provided by the government. The economic recession being witnessed in developing countries like Nigeria and the poor performance of many government development programmes have made NGOs more relevant than ever. NGOs play an increasingly important role in rural development in particular and societal development in general, for which extension education is one of their policy instruments.

This paper addresses the issue of self-evaluation among non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The impact of NGOs' interventions shows that there is change in living standards, income generation access to infrastructures and also change in literacy levels. This may have either a positive or negative effect upon the lives of the beneficiaries.

In general, self-evaluation is seen to be a non-priority area for three reasons: there is little performance pressure on NGOs, the perspectives available for evaluation do not match the context in which NGOs function and the existing methodologies for evaluation are not appropriate for the evaluation process to become institutionalized within the NGOs. The paper discusses each of these in turn and proposes action to be taken by the NGOs and by those with whom they work, especially the poor donor agencies, etc.. The recommendation, if adopted, should encourage NGOs to engage in more systematic evaluation of their own programmes and, thus, improve their impact and efficiency.  相似文献   

In a study focusing on the views of Pakistani adolescent girls on contraception and family planning reveals that the majority of girls between the ages of 15 and 19 years have no knowledge of contraceptives. Many favor immediate pregnancy right after marriage. Only 4.8% of the total adolescent population opted to delay pregnancy and 1.5% expressed a desire to gain access to family planning aids to limit number of births. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have responded to this adolescent reproductive health problem. Activities such as the Girl Child Programme, the Youth Project, and training in skills development concerned with the issue are being piloted by NGOs. In addition, non-formal education programs by the NGOs and community-based organizations have been initiated in response to the need for appropriate family life, adolescence and population education. Moreover, significant changes have been observed, brought about mainly by cultural and socioeconomic changes. Among these are the rise in the age at marriage from 16.9 to 21 years and a discernable career orientation of the education pursued by some women.  相似文献   

当前我国非政府组织发展面临的主要问题   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
现代社会文明应该是公民社会、市场经济和民主政治(政治文明)三大社会层面共同发展的结果。在其中每一个层面上,都有相应的组织系统的发育。与市场经济相对应的是各种营利性企业组织;与民主政治相对应的是科层制的各种政府机构;而与公民社会相对应的是各种非政府组织。随着我国市场经济和政治文明的发展,我国非政府组织也得到了前所未有的发展。然而,在这种飞速发展的背后,当前我国非政府组织发展也面临着许多问题。  相似文献   

Social donation is a means for individuals, government organizations, and non-government organizations (NGOs) to provide public products and services for society. Seeking social donation is vital in the improvement of the university. This paper probes into the relationship between social donation and university development by comparing social donation levels and practices in China with those in the U.S. The main reasons why social donations in Chinese universities are relatively low are as follows: (1) independent NGOs have not been formed; (2) the system and mechanism of social donation are not perfect, and (3) many restricting factors of social culture still exist in China. __________ Translated from Journal of HIgher Education, 2006 (1)  相似文献   

安徽民间环保NGO的兴起折射出安徽两型社会建设中环保领域社会改革的功能性需求,但现行社团立法理念的偏差和法规体系的严重滞后,制约了民间环保NGO健康发展,难以满足公众对环境结社自由权的迫切需求,也导致了民间环保NGO严重的合法性困境.解决这一困境,要确立公民环保结社的非政治性制约立法理念,解决民间环保NGO无序状态和监管真空,合理构建资源导向型的培育监管机制以及保障民间环保NGO环境保护参与权的法律准入制度.  相似文献   

联合国是最早认识到非政府组织(NGOs)作用的政府间国际组织(IGOs)之一,它与非政府组织建立的咨商关系在先后通过的四个决议中不断有所变化,这种咨商关系受到了20世纪40年代末至50年代的冷战、60年代以来发展中国家的民族主义和90年代的环境危机的影响,深深地打上了时代发展的烙印。  相似文献   

This study examines the interaction between non-governmental organization (NGO), the Local Education Authority (LEA), and public schools in communities of different socioeconomic backgrounds in Israel. We characterize how schools serving more and less affluent communities create, cultivate, and preserve interactions with NGOs; how NGOs form, and sustain interactions with schools serving communities of different socioeconomic backgrounds; and how this process is maintained through LEA regulation. We show how school–NGO–LEA interaction is largely shaped by the affluence of respective schools’ communities within given educational settings. Analysis of interviews conducted with different stakeholders exposed two main themes: (1) the differing capabilities of various actors in this interaction to express agency; (2) the power relations between involved parties, whereby NGO and LEA impose a global agenda on local schools (particularly those serving less affluent communities) – occasionally in contrast to the needs as perceived by schools’ leaders. Our conclusions offer some insights into the nature and possible consequences of the interaction between third sector organizations and schools serving communities of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.  相似文献   

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