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随着全球海外分校数量的不断上升,竞争也日趋激烈,不少海外分校陆续关闭的主要原因之一就是没有足够的生源。招生问题目前已成为各国高校在开办海外分校过程中遇到的棘手问题。澳大利亚莫纳什大学马来西亚分校和卧龙岗大学迪拜分校的招生状况一直处于较好水平,两所分校招生策略的独到之处在于:注重对输入国的社会环境进行详细分析,在此基础上明确招生目标群体的定位;重视从小型项目入手打造学校品牌,继而扩大规模;强调通过宣传、线上线下互动、利用校友关系等方式促进营销;在招生工作中充分关注学生的用户体验与需求。  相似文献   

This article, by Sheila Riddell and Elisabet Weedon of the Centre for Research in Education Inclusion and Diversity, University of Edinburgh, analyses recent policy developments and outcomes in the field of additional support needs in Scotland in the context of devolution and austerity, drawing on a critical analysis of policy and administrative data. While there is a growing tendency in Scottish policy discourse to ‘decentre’ England as a main point of comparison, in the field of special and additional support needs policy there appear to be strong correspondences between the two jurisdictions. England appears to be following Scotland's lead in producing new types of statutory support plans and placing greater emphasis on children's rights. At the same time, these policy changes are being implemented in different policy contexts, with homogenous governance arrangements characterising the Scottish school system, compared with increasing complexity within the English system. In terms of the growth of the category of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD in Scotland, BESD in England) there are strong cross‐border parallels. Children in these categories tend to live in deprived areas and are unlikely to have statutory support plans. Overall, this indicates the importance of analysing not just policy discourse, but also policy outcomes.  相似文献   

印度是发展中国家高校海外办学发展最为迅速的国家,其海外办学以私立大学为主。作为印度最著名的私立大学,阿米提大学海外办学成效显著,具有代表性。截至2018年,阿米提大学已在英国、美国、澳大利亚、毛里求斯、南非、罗马尼亚、阿联酋、中国、新加坡等9个国家筹建了12所"全球校园"。阿米提大学海外办学模式既有海外联合学位项目,也有独立建制海外分校、合作建制海外分校;其海外办学特色鲜明,办学理念以学生未来就业为导向,建立了鲜明的实用性和国际化课程,构建了内外结合的质量保障体系。但其发展也面临国际学位项目生源不足、管理机制不健全以及海外分校建设存在较为突出的商业化和产业化问题等。  相似文献   

在过去的半个世纪里,多校园大学系统已经成为美国公立高等教育管理的主导模式.总校与分校之间在行政权力、学术权力以及其他利益群体权力的划分是多校园大学内部管理的核心问题.管理和运作一个多校园大学事实上就是一种不断寻求平衡的行为和过程,关注及思考总校与分校、效率与效益、集权与分权之间的关系问题,对于深入讨论美国多校园大学管理模式是有相当意义的.  相似文献   

The peer review of teaching: Progress,issues and prospects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As campuses search for ways to raise the level of attention to teaching, the peer review of teaching offers distinct advantages, especially for faculty eager to overcome the isolation of the classroom and to collaborate on improvement. But it presents a number of challenges as well, both political and methodological, and presumes significantly different roles for faculty in ensuring and improving the quality of student learning. Experience on twelve campuses in a national project on the peer review of teaching provides a context for analysis in this introduction to the essays that follow.Patricia Hutchings directs the Teaching Initiative of the American Association for Higher Education in Washington DC, where she has been a staff member for the past eight years. Prior to that she was a faculty member and chair of the English department at Alverno College in Milwaukee. She received a Ph.D. in English from the University of Iowa in 1978 and continues to teach creative writing.  相似文献   

There seems to be a presumption that the quality of worklife on college and university campuses has declined for faculty and administrative staff. What is not known is how generally true this is perceived to be, to what extent the quality of worklife varies by campus, and for what reasons it varies. Most importantly, it is not clear what impact the quality of worklife of faculty and staff members has on their performance or retention. The following article reviews the recent empirical literature devoted to this topic and offers a framework that conceptualizes these studies in three groups: those that describe and explore differences in the quality of worklife, those that determine the impact of worklife on attitudes, and those that attempt to explain behavioral outcomes. The implications of this work for practice and policy on college and university campuses is discussed. The author argues that campus leaders who want to improve the performance and retention of faculty and administrative staff must identify and address the particular issues that matter to those employed on their campuses.  相似文献   

Yi Feng 《Higher Education》2013,65(4):471-485
This essay studies the University of Nottingham Ningbo China and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University—the two Chinese campuses established respectively by the University of Nottingham and the University of Liverpool. They represent successful models of globalization of higher education in China; however their rationale, strategies, curricula, partnership, and orientation are very different. Through a comparative analysis, the paper reveals their unique development and offers a template for studies of globalization of higher education in China and elsewhere through branch campuses.  相似文献   

This paper uses Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) data on applications and entries to full‐time undergraduate courses to examine the changing flows of students across the boundaries of the four countries of the United Kingdom (UK), over a period (1996–2010) that embraces parliamentary devolution. It asks whether the emergence of more distinct administrative systems of higher education, following devolution, is reflected in more distinct social systems as reflected in reduced cross‐border flows of students. It reveals a declining tendency for UK applicants to apply to, and enter, higher education in another UK country. This trend is partly attributable to devolution and to consequent changes such as differential fees. However the detailed patterns vary widely across the countries of the UK, across categories of student and across types of institution and programme.  相似文献   

When the Clery Act was passed in 1998, it required institutions of higher education to raise awareness among those in the campus community about the crime prevention programs they offer, as well as disseminate information about crime on campus, in an effort to reduce levels of individual risk. However, scant research investigates the impact that such institutional crime prevention efforts may have had on reports of both violent and property crime on campus. Using two different datasets, this study reveals that campuses with more security measures in place and more men enrolled than women are associated with the highest reports of violent crime. Alternatively, institutions with more security measures implemented and larger proportions of women enrolled have the fewest reports of violent crime on campus. This paper discusses the considerations that should be made when relying on official reports of crime on campus and concludes with implications for future research.  相似文献   

Politics is a difficult idea to relate to students. In a team-taught course that uses political novels and films, the concept of politics becomes more understandable to the students. Three different instructors representing Political Science, English and Film bring expertise to the course that is usually not possible when a single instructor tries to incorporate separate disciplines into one course. Although some administrative and departmental problems may prevent this type of course from achieving wide popularity on college campuses, it has proven to be successful with students as well as with the instructors who teach it.Michael George Krukones is a professor in the Department of Political Science at Bellarmine College in Louisville, Kentucky. He is the author ofPromises and Performance: Presidential Campaigns as Policy Predictors (University Press of America, 1984).  相似文献   

Hooking up, or casual “no strings attached” sexual encounters, has become the normative heterosexual relationship on college campuses. This phenomenon has only recently received public attention. Many citizens have become alarmed that this trend is indicative of moral decline in our culture, a reflection of our hypersexualized media, and a promotion of sexual irresponsibility. However, this is not necessarily so, and researchers have come to identify both social and psychological factors that have produced and continue to maintain this sexual environment on campuses. This paper will review some factors that previous research has discussed, including the shift in intimacy over the past century, social norms enforced by peer groups, psychological attachment style, and the developmental transition period between adolescence and adulthood. Implications for students and psychotherapists who work with students will be discussed.  相似文献   

Indiana University—Purdue University Indianapolis has joined campuses across the nation in identifying and assessing student learning outcomes. With its twenty schools, diverse populations, and multiple goals, how this urban institution managed to organize much of its work around six learning principles is a tale of both caution and triumph.  相似文献   

The peer review system at all campuses of the University of California is a long standing program of pre- and post-tenure evaluation. All faculty are reviewed on a schedule of 2 to 4 years by department colleagues, the dean, and a campus faculty committee which normally results in a merit increase. This system of pre- and post-tenure review throughout a faculty members' career poses a substantial workload for faculty, departments, and the campus; but it is regarded by faculty and campus administrators as crucial to maintaining a faculty of very high quality. This article describes the well-established review process, which may provide ideas for those institutions planning on enhancing their approaches to peer review .  相似文献   

《行政复议法》实施10年来,通过行政复议解决行政纠纷的案件已达到八万多个,切实地为百姓解决了许多难题。但面对客观现实的需要和社会的发展挑战,行政复议这一行政纠错机制目前已出现了一些不足,有待进一步完善。将从当前行政复议存在的问题出发,提出进一步健全行政复议的几点建议。  相似文献   

The University of Botswana has not escaped the reform fever currently gripping higher education institutions the world-over. In the late 1980s the University initiated an administrative/management restructuring exercise whose resultant structure was implemented between 1998 and 2000. The exercise, in many respects, was a response to globalization. The emergence, in the past two decades, of a global economy, the massification of higher education, and the globalization of neo-liberal economic thinking have compelled universities to recast their social and economic missions. Consequently, universities have had to restructure within the framework of a global ideology characterized by an emphasis on effectiveness, quality and efficiency. This paper explicates the restructuring exercise at the University of Botswana by locating the exercise within its global and local contexts. It argues that while the resultant structure reflected global influences and trends, it was as much a product of local concerns.  相似文献   

克拉克·克尔在担任美国加州大学总校长期间,实现了加州大学管理分权趋势萌芽半个多世纪后第一次大刀阔斧的分权管理改革。在对大学管理和多校园大学系统的利弊进行深入分析后,克尔认为,多校园大学中每个分校才是基本的忠诚单位,大学则是服务于分校的高级机构,在维持一个大学的前提下,分校必须掌管基本事务的决策权。但是,克尔也强调权力的制衡,认为在多校园大学系统与分校关系问题上,集权与分权的程度是动态发展的,没有黄金法则。  相似文献   

THE OBJECTIVES of this paper are to review the cultural and historical context in which the notion of mainstreaming has developed in the United States and to contrast this with a proposed model for Canadian integration practices. Mainstreaming and integration are contended to be distinctive, reflecting different social dynamics and cultural traditions in each country. There are contrasts in both administrative and research implications of assuming a mainstreaming or integration model. Research on the instructional implications of mainstreaming in the United States most frequently concerns changes in the achievement and adaptive behaviour of exceptional groups as they become more like the mainstream. The chief administrative implication of an integration model is that significant effort should be expended on the development of positive attitudes accepting differences on the part of nonexceptional students. By contrast a mainstreaming model would place more emphasis on adaptation by the exceptional student, so‐called ‘preparation’ for mainstreaming.  相似文献   

My Colleague, Dr. Eileen Landis‐Groom, and I are professors of English at Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical University, she on the Prescott, Arizona campus, and I on the Daytona Beach, Florida, campus. This past semester we began an experimental composition project that centers on the students’ exchanging papers and paper critiques between the two campuses. We believe that writing students engaged in the correspondence project have better realized particular instructional goals than they would have in the traditional closed‐classroom environment; student assessment of the project indicates that they, too, are confident that the method allowed them to improve their writing more than more traditional methods might have. The project has challenged their understanding of the audience‐purpose‐style relationship, demanded a much more concentrated effort in composing written evaluations of student writing, and allowed for a valuable exchange of place‐oriented information across a great geographic distance. The correspondence method of teaching writing insists on the nature of writing as dialogue by replacing the “general,” hypothetical audience with the concrete individual, combines key features of collaborative learning, peer review, and process orientation, and focuses on the critique as a composition in itself.  相似文献   

This article examines the dichotomy between summative and formative evaluation of teaching and suggests a new model for reviewing teaching that utilizes colleagues from other campuses (external review) as a means of summative evaluation. Traditionally student evaluations and on-campus peer-based review of teaching (internal review) discourage innovations in teaching assessments because they are used for summative purposes. Based on research conducted as a part of the AAHE Peer Review of Teaching National Project, this article argues that summative evaluation of teaching should be based on external review leaving internal review primarily for formative purposes.Jere W. Morehead: Jere W. Morehead received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Georgia  相似文献   

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