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19世纪后期至20世纪初期,欧美出现的教育科学研究运动是教育研究领域一次具有深远意义的运动它的出现与这个时期欧美社会新的发展和教育的深刻变革,以及人们对科学、科学与教育关系的认识有密切的联系。根据欧美教育科学研究运动中一些突出的事件加以划分,其发展可以分为四个阶段,且每个阶段都有其显著的特点。19世纪末至20世纪初期,欧美出现的教育科学研究运动是现代科学研究思想和方法在教育研究领域里的初次运用和实践,其所关注的领域和所争论的问题值得今天反思与借鉴。  相似文献   

Trevor H. Maddock 《Interchange》1997,28(2-3):171-182
A recent attempt to answer questions on the scientific status of education draws on the thoughts of Jürgen Habermas. There is a tension in Habermas's work because he consigns scientific endeavour to the realm of instrumental action, while attempting to base his theory of communication on scientific results. This suggests that either his theory is wrong and science is not merely instrumental, or that his recent proposals mistake manipulation for understanding. This proposition is considered by examining the work of Wilfred Carr, who has taken up the ideas of Habermas. Carr interprets and develops Habermas's theory within an analytical framework, situating it in relation to recent developments in the philosophy of education and philosophy more generally, bringing new light on the relationship between critical theory and education, and overcoming certain limitations of previous scientific characterisations. However, it is argued here that Habermas's idea of science is too abstract to provide a sufficiently complex grounding for substantive, socially liberating, educational practise.  相似文献   

The seventeenth century in England, bounded by the scientific stimulus of Francis Bacon at the beginning and Isaac Newton at the end, seemingly saw a huge leap from the Aristotelian dialectic of the past to a reconstruction of knowledge based on inductive methods, empirical investigation and cooperative research. In mid‐century, Puritan reformers inspired both by the scientific thinking of Bacon and by the educational reforms of Comenius, hoped that educational reform at both school and university level would follow political and religious changes. In 1661, after the restoration of the monarchy, the founding of the Royal Society suggested that acceptance of experimental and practical science at the highest level had been achieved and that this would impinge on education. None of these assumptions can be accepted at face value. Indeed, the whole intellectual and educational history of the seventeenth century is far more complex than often portrayed. Various scientific and philosophical world‐views and different methods of scientific investigation jostled for supremacy and major leaps forward in scientific knowledge were often a combination of some of these. The physical sciences still came under the umbrella of ‘natural philosophy’. Nevertheless, this period is seen as the beginnings of a scientific revolution that has profoundly affected, even generated the modern world. Generally such developments have been both hailed and derided as masculinist. Earlier historians usually neither saw nor looked for women's place in scientific development: more recently, feminist historians have both tried to correct the picture and sought to explain the exclusion of women from most of it. Some have seen Western science itself in this period constructing notions of masculinity and femininity that would prevent women participating in the scientific ventures which represent modernity. This article will investigate the position of women within the scientific and educational developments of seventeenth‐century England. The development of Baconian science and its effects on Puritan reformers, especially Samuel Hartlib, John Dury and other like‐minded scholars, will be examined. It will be shown that their ideals, like those of Jan Comenius whom they admired and worked with, had positive implications for female education. Although, however, some females were affected by the educational reforming impulses of the Hartlib circle, in the changeable political and intellectual world of seventeenth‐century England, very little lasting reform was achieved. Generally women were not well educated in this period. They were excluded from formal educational institutions such as the grammar school and the university although these were not necessarily where scientific and educational reform took place. The advent of printing in the sixteenth century and the growth of scientific lectures in the seventeenth enabled upper and some middle‐ranking women to take part in some of the intellectual ferment of the day and women naturally had a place in science through their culinary and medical roles. Contemporary research has uncovered some of the scientific work done by women and stimulated significant discussion on what can be counted as ‘science’. In England, female relatives of those who espoused scientific and educational reform were themselves involved in such initiatives. On the other hand, they were shut out from membership of the Royal Society for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge, established in 1662, or any other formal institution. Some women were affected by Cartesianism and other scientific theories including those on both natural magic and more occult philosophies. This was a century, however, when unorthodox thinking could meet with frightful consequences and eminent thinkers across the continent fell foul of religious and political authorities. The period was shamed by the highest number of witchcraft trials ever in Central and Western Europe, including England, chiefly against women, albeit mainly the old and the poor. In the second half of the century, longings for stability and peace were more likely to consolidate patriarchical and conservative mores than give way to radical social ideas. Nevertheless, as this study will show, a number of women, chiefly of aristocratic lineage or at least educated above the norm, were able even to publish their scientific ideas. Two of the women mentioned here did so through translation: Lucy Hutchinson, translating Lucretius, and Aphra Benn, translating Bernard le Bouvier de Fontenelle. Hutchinson particularly revealed her own thinking through the notes she added to her edition. Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, chose to pour out the scientific and philosophical ideas she gathered through reading and conversation, in a torrent of unedited publications. Anne, Viscountess Conway, in more measured tones and timing, drew from her private form of higher education to publish The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy, which influenced leading philosophers of her day, including Liebniz. Both she and Margaret Cavendish were sufficiently confident to critique Descartes, although Anne Conway's thinking was based on a sounder education. Bathsua Makin was able from her own excellent education and her contacts with the Hartlib circle at home and Anna Maria van Schurmann and others abroad to promulgate an education for girls that would enable them to learn and use a range of sciences and mathematics in an extended female role. Even so, these women were a privileged few and promoted scientific and educational ideas from a vantage point of their own fortunate educational and/or social position. For none of them was this uncomplicated, while for other women, even ones within intellectual circles such as that of Mary Evelyn, their scientific impulses were restrained by gendered notions. Thus it is shown that in both the opportunities offered by new scientific and educational ideas and in their exclusion from the mainstream the position of women was in line with conflicting modern principles that underlay a contested terrain in science for the centuries to come. In addition, this brief exploration of these gendered contradictions of the scientific revolution in England shows the benefits of understanding the large areas of learning which are outside or juxtaposed to formal education, the networks that facilitate leaning and the contemporary context of gendered and scientific beliefs pervading different forms of knowledge.  相似文献   

针对当前体育教师知识体系落后于时代发展,专业知识偏而窄,知识结构不合理,特别是教育类知识,化知识比较薄弱,而且对一些边缘学科知识、前沿科学学习不够,从事具体工作的技能偏低等现状,提出了构建和培育新世纪体育教师知识体系的设想.体育教师首先要确立终身学习观念,在学好专业知识的同时,还应注意技能方面的锻炼,加强对相关学科和先进科学的学习和研究,努力掌握和运用现代教育和科研技术手段,提高自己教学、科研水平和人素养.  相似文献   

本文从推动近代历史进程的两大事件———17世纪牛顿科学革命与18世纪末英国工业革命———出发,阐明马克思主义的自然观与历史观产生和形成的理论依据,以及以近代科学技术发展为依据的马克思主义的基本观点与基本原理,从而论证了马克思主义必将随着科学和技术的发展不断地完善、丰富与发展。  相似文献   

Lisa Borgerding’s work highlights how students can understand evolution without necessarily committing to it, and how learners may come to see it as one available way of thinking amongst others. This is presented as something that should be considered a successful outcome when teaching about material that many students may find incompatible with their personal worldviews. These findings derive from work exploring a cause célèbre of the science education community—the teaching of natural selection in cultural contexts where learners feel they have strong reasons for rejecting evolutionary ideas. Accepting that students may understand but not commit to scientific ideas that are (from some cultural perspectives) controversial may easily be considered as a form of compromise position when teaching canonical science prescribed in curriculum but resisted by learners. Yet if we take scholarship on the nature of science seriously, and wish to reflect the nature of scientific knowledge in science teaching, then the aim of science education should always be to facilitate understanding of, yet to avoid belief in, the ideas taught in science lessons. The philosophy of science suggests that scientific knowledge needs to be understood as theoretical in nature, as conjectural and provisional; and the history of science warns of the risks of strongly committing to any particular conceptualisation as a final account of some feature of nature. Research into student thinking and learning in science suggests that learning science is often a matter of coming to understand a new viable way of thinking about a topic to complement established ways of thinking. Science teaching should then seek to have students appreciate scientific ideas as viable ways of making sense of the currently available empirical evidence, but should not be about persuading students of the truth of any particular scientific account.  相似文献   

高校年轻教师为师之道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校年轻教师的教学之道与为师之道,即是他们成长、成才、成功之道,是他们职业道德与思想境界、教育理念与教学能力、科研意识与科研水平的综合体现。高校年轻教师应该爱岗敬业、忠诚教育事业,崇尚以师爱为核心的职业道德;拥有符合时代发展和社会要求的教育思想和教学理念,练就扎实的教学功,尽快过好教学关;增强科研意识,找准科研切入点,有效推进科研进程,练就过硬科研功,从而使自己迅速成长为一名合格的大学教师。  相似文献   

文艺复兴为近代科学的产生提供了条件,启蒙运动则为之传播并提供了发展方向。托马斯.L.汉金斯的著作《科学与启蒙运动》,将十八世纪的科学放置在大的历史背景下再现并剖析,见解犀利而独到,为我们展现了一幅科学发展的真实画卷。  相似文献   

近几年随着高等职业教育的大力发展,高职教育的教材开发已经成为一项亟待研究的课题。教材开发要体现创新性、适应性、科学性、实践性和发展性原则。贯彻现代教育观念,突出以人为本的恩想,实现由“教育专家导向”转为“企业专家导向”,建立教学质量评价制度,满足“实习社会化”的要求。以课题立项研究带动教材开发,通过立体化工程推进教材开发战略的实施,保持教材的前瞻性促进教材开发的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Today, the influence of economic thought on educational theory is evident. It seems to weaken, however, the further we travel back in history. In this article, Tal Gilead examines the historical origins of this influence. He shows that it first emerged in French educational thought during the second half of the eighteenth century. Through analyzing a number of books on educational theory from this period, Gilead demonstrates the educational impact of two innovative economic ideas: first, the idea that wealth stems from the product of the land, and, second, the idea that the wealth of the nation is positively correlated with that of the individuals composing it. Gilead argues that these economic ideas contributed to the emergence and spread of progressive notions regarding the scope, nature, and aims of educational provision. He especially stresses the role that these economic ideas played in transforming contemporary attitudes toward the education of the poor.  相似文献   

In this article, I describe the 21 ideas underlying a 42-year search to understand giftedness. I present the ideas roughly chronologically, in the order in which they arose, and discuss how in a career as in science, progress means supplementing or even superseding one idea with the next. In terms of the 21 ideas, I start with a discussion of how I thought IQ tests could account for giftedness and end with a discussion of the ACCEL (Active Concerned Citizenship and Ethical Leadership) model. But I frame the article in terms of a paradox—that despite the fact that IQs rose 30 points during the 20th century, people often seem to be operating at an intellectual level that is not notably higher and may even be lower in some respects than in previous times.  相似文献   

教学以学生为本观念的若干思考   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
教学要成为学生全面发展的基本途径,关键在于坚持以学生为本,但教学以学生为本的观念远非是普遍自明的。而要牢固地确立教学以学生为本的观念,既须从教育现代化的合理性高度来认识教学以学生为本的必要性,也须从教学的学生、社会、知识三者的关系上来判明学生所处的地位。教育现代性的核心理念是以人为本,这一理念是教育现代化的基本原则,同时也是教学的合理性根据;而在学生与社会、学生与知识的关系上,学生是本体,这是教学面对学生、社会、知识这三者时的本相,体现这一本相、本色化的教学,应是以学生为本的、让学生成为自主活动的主体、“贵无”的教学。  相似文献   

19世纪的柏林大学是先进的教育理念的化身。在洪堡等人先进教育理念的指导下,柏林大学创建以后迅速崛起,成为世界高等教育史上一颗璀璨的明星。柏林大学致力于将科学研究和科学教育相结合,进而实现由科学达至修养的目标,通过卓越人才的汇集和自由之风的形成赢得了“现代大学之母”的美誉。柏林大学的先进教育理念和成功经验对我国高等教育改革,尤其是世界一流大学的建设有着重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

在18世纪的多数思想家为科技理性摇旗呐喊、倡导人类要充分享用一切文明成果时,卢梭即从人生存的角度对科学和艺术进行反思。卢梭先于康德提出“人的感性与理性相统一”的命题,显示了他对人的问题的深切关注。而这一人学思想反映到艺术哲学领域,必然体现为标榜伦理、崇尚自然和张扬浪漫的文艺价值观。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the emergence of science education in the seventeenth century with the influences of Joseph Priestley on the Dissenting Academies. Primarily, this paper analyses Priestley’s ideas from some of his letters to scientists during his time and his ideas from his books Miscellaneous Observations Relating to Education (1778) and the Essay on a Course of Liberal Education for Civil and Active Life (1765). As an expository essay, analysis shows that the inclusion of experimental science education dates back from the Dissenting Academies when they explicitly aligned science education for practical life. With Priestley’s advocacy on experimental learning in science, his idea of hands-on science education encouraged other dissenters to seek and understand the changing natural world. His advocacy states that knowledge and understanding of the natural world builds the foundation for rationally evaluating the developments derived from permissible scientific theories. Not setting aside religious studies, Priestley promoted a radical education which ended the restrictions to the privileged and powerful few so that it opened up the access of learning for everyone whose capacity may range from scientific, religious, political, or educational propensities.  相似文献   

理解科学本质是科学素养的内涵之一,是实现提高科学素养的科学教育目标的关键因素。现代科学本质观对科学知识、科学探究和科学事业进行了新的诠释。根据现代科学本质观,发展科学本质观下的科学教学理念,构建科学教育的三维目标,形成融入科学本质的科学教学策略,提升学生的科学本质观。  相似文献   

Models are often used when teaching science. In this paper historical models and students’ ideas about genetics are compared. The historical development of the scientific idea of the gene and its function is described and categorized into five historical models of gene function. Differences and similarities between these historical models are made explicit. Internal and external consistency problems between the models are identified and discussed. From the consistency analysis seven epistemological features are identified. The features vary in such ways between the historical models that it is claimed that learning difficulties might be the consequence if these features are not explicitly addressed when teaching genetics. Students’ understanding of genetics, as described in science education literature, is then examined. The comparison shows extensive parallelism between students’ alternative understanding of genetics and the epistemological features, i.e., the claim is strengthened. It is also argued that, when teaching gene function, the outlined historical models could be useful in a combined nature of science and history of science approach. Our findings also raise the question what to teach in relation to preferred learning outcomes in genetics.  相似文献   

思想的力量:影响19世纪初期德国大学改革的大学理念   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在18世纪末、19世纪初的德国,出现了一批论说大学理念、大学改革的思想家,其中的主要者如康德、谢林、施莱尔马赫、费希特、洪堡。如此众多的思想家对大学理念的集中论述,既是中世纪大学产生以来的大学史上的第一次,同时在迄今为止的大学改革与发展过程中也是不多见的。思想家们的论述对19世纪初期的德国大学改革乃至世界大学的发展都产生了十分重要的影响。  相似文献   

自然科学教育的价值取向应重视促进人的理性发展,其理性维度包括科学态度、科学方法和科学精神三个方面。以理性为基础的自然科学教育还衍生出许多精神品质。自然科学教育的改革应发掘其内在的精神资源,使理性成为21世纪新人的精神力量。  相似文献   

中国现代旅游业已进入21世纪发展创新阶段,其旅游地理理论也获得了创新发展,具有创新实质的中国“新世纪高等教育教学改革工程”也早已启动。服务于国民经济主战场的21世纪中国旅游课程教材,就在这样的背景下同样面临着创新优化问题。为此必须明确目标、准确定位,符合这一时代发展的总体走势。而且首先要求实现教育思想和观念的转变,并应在版式结构、内容体系、理论、方法等方面进行全面创新优化。  相似文献   

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