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为了探讨英语测试对高职高专英语教学的反拨作用,选取安徽医学高等专科学校2008级117名学生为研究对象,58名实验组学生被要求参加高职高专英语应用能力B级考试和国家大学英语四级考试,对59名控制组学生实施常规教学。一年后,对比实验组和控制组的英语学习情况。结果表明:英语测试对高职高专英语教学有着积极的反拨作用,实验组学生英语成绩得到了显著性提高;此外,英语测试反拨作用与性别有关,女生成绩显著优于男生成绩。  相似文献   

以孤独感自评量表(UCLA)为测度,筛选出高孤独感的高职生,将其中自愿加入者随机均分为实验组和控制组,实验组进行为期四周的团体辅导,控制组不作任何干预。测评结果显示:两组被试前测无显著差异;后测中,干预后的实验组较控制组孤独感水平有显著降低,较自身干预前也有显著降低,且维持一个月;控制组前测后测无显著差异。可见,在突发公共卫生事件影响下,团体辅导对降低高职生孤独感有显著的干预作用。  相似文献   

采用准实验设计,以问卷调查、成就量表等收集资料,经卡方分析、共变数分析,旨在探讨资讯科技融入微积分教学对学生学习的影响.研究结果表明:实验组与控制组两组学生在微积分的后测达显著差异,且实验组优于控制组;学生在实验教学前后,在学习愉悦方面发现可有效提升学生的学习兴趣;在学习焦虑、自我效能上未达显著差异;实验组实验后在课后时间与资讯管理上前后测间这显著差异,而且课后练习缩短了,资讯管理能力变强了.  相似文献   

通过定量分析的方法考察了有声思维与初中学生英语阅读理解之相关性。被试系27名7-8年级学生,按照阅读测试成绩被分为A组(低分组)、B组和C组(高分组)。统计分析结果表明:A组前测与后测得分的均值之间没有明显区别;B组两次测试的均值之间虽然没有统计意义上的差别,但仍表明有声思维作为理解策略是有用的;C组前测与后测之间的均值差异显著,不过有声思维不是促进而是妨碍了被试的阅读理解。  相似文献   

本研究对农村小学学习后进生进行了较为系统的调查与实验研究,调查结果表明:学习后进生智力、注意力发展相对滞后,情感、性格等发展存在偏差,回避失败动机较强。实验结果表明:对实验组被试进行诊断性训练,超前教学训练,注意力训练及学习信息的精致化训练,在学业成绩和转化率两个维度的测试中,均显著或极显著地高于控制组。且发现两组被试在学习情感,学习自信心等非智力因素方面存在显著差异。  相似文献   

假装游戏对幼儿心理理论发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究以48名3~4岁儿童为被试,借鉴以往假装游戏的干预方式,对幼儿进行假装游戏训练,以此探讨假装游戏对儿童心理理论发展的影响.结果表明:(1)游戏组儿童的心理理论后测成绩显著高于控制组,即假装游戏的训练促进了3-4岁儿童心理理论能力的发展;(2)在后测的心理理论任务总成绩上年龄效应极其显著,即训练后,实验组4岁儿童与3岁组儿童在心理理论成绩上差异显著.假装游戏可能通过游戏中的角色、实物转换,即用一个物体代替另外一个物体或想像一个不存在的物体、角色扮演等方式促进了儿童心理理论的发展.  相似文献   

本研究考察了点探测注意训练对考试焦虑的干预效果。首先使用考试焦虑量表(TAS)在小学、中学和大学分别筛选60、38、60名被试,依据TAS得分将其分别划为高考试焦虑实验组、高考试焦虑控制组和低考试焦虑控制组;在三周内采用点探测注意训练对三组被试进行13次、总时长65min的干预。高考试焦虑实验组和低考试焦虑控制组的训练程序中,探测刺激出现在先前呈现考试无关图片位置的概率为98%,而高考试焦虑控制组的训练程序中,探测刺激出现在先前呈现考试无关图片和考试相关图片位置的概率均为50%。干预结束后比较三组被试各自干预前后TAS得分差异。结果发现,小学、中学和大学实验组被试TAS得分前后测差值均显著大于控制组。研究表明,点探测注意训练能有效降低小学、中学和大学高考试焦虑个体的考试焦虑水平,干预效果良好。  相似文献   

测试不仅可以评估学习者的学习成果,而且相比于同等时间的重学能产生更好的学习效果,这种现象被称之为测试效应。但是大量实验结果表明,测试效应在即时测试中出现衰减甚至消失的现象,相反,随着间隔时间的增加,测试效应愈加显著。针对这种现象,本文拟综述即时/延时测试效应的相关研究及其结果,且试图利用相关理论进行分析与诠释,以期进一步探究测试效应的机制与原理。  相似文献   

主要采用自然实验法、问卷和访谈法,考察一段时间内PETS3口试测试频率是否会对高职学生英语成绩产生影响。自变量为"测试频率",因变量为学生的PETS3口试成绩与笔试成绩,得到如下结论:测试及其频率影响学习,PETS3口试及其测试频率对高职学生英语口语学习存在反拨效应,口试及其测试频率影响学生的口试成绩和笔试成绩。学生根据口试所获反馈信息进行自我评价,通过自我调整来改善学习。  相似文献   

通过传授小学数学差生具体的数学学习策略,考察学习策略是否会促进其认知灵活性。结果发现:(1)实验组前测和后测中使用学习策略的人数差异极其显著,被试掌握了具体的学习策略;(2)实验组和控制组的认知灵活性前测差异不显著,后测差异极其显著,后测中实验组任务转换反应时显著低于控制组。研究结果表明,小学数学差生通过掌握学习策略,其认知灵活性有显著的提高。  相似文献   


The authors explored whether a testing effect occurs not only for retention of facts but also for application of principles and procedures. For that purpose, 38 high school students either repeatedly studied a text on probability calculations or studied the text, took a test on the content, restudied the text, and finally took the test a second time. Results show that testing not only leads to better retention of facts than restudying, but also to better application of acquired knowledge (i.e., principles and procedures) in high school statistics. In other words, testing seems not only to benefit fact retention, but also positively affects deeper learning.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have shown that retrieval is more efficient than restudy in enhancing the long-term retention of memories. However, studies investigating this effect in children are still rare. Here, we report an experiment in which third-grade children initially read a brief encyclopaedic text twice and then either performed a cued recall test on selected target contents of the text or reread the same text twice. A final four-choice memory test about the text’s contents was administered to all children after seven days as well as tests measuring their IQ and reading skills. In the final four-choice memory test, children who took the initial cued recall test showed significantly greater performance in comparison with children who restudied the text twice (their responses were 87 and 53% correct, respectively). The results suggest that cued recall tests can elicit very robust testing effects in young children, even when complex, educationally relevant materials are used as stimuli.  相似文献   

快速、有效地掌握各种知识和技能是适应现今社会的基本技能之一,而测试就是这样一种有效的学习策略。本文在前人实证研究的基础上,回顾了测试效应的概念、测试效应的基本研究范式、测试效应的消极影响以及概括总结了测试对有效记忆的间接促进作用,并指出把测试效应的实验结果应用于教育实践是未来的发展方向和研究热点。  相似文献   

Taking a test on a passage one has just studied is known to enhance later retention of the passing contents. This study examined the effects of three types of initial test on later retention: a short-answer test, a multiple-choice test, and a full free-recall test. Questions on the first two of these tests covered only half of the passage contents. Later retention was compared for both initially tested content and un-tested content with that of a control group not initially tested on the passage at all. The subjects were 57 secondary school students who studied a brief history text before taking one of the initial tests. All were given retention tests 2 weeks later. The classical testing effect (enhanced retention due to initial testing) was shown to be influenced by the type of initial test used. Thus, a testing effect was evident in the case of the initial short-answer test, but not in the case of either of the other two tests. A depth-of-processing view is advanced in interpreting this finding. The testing effect was found not to generalize to untested content and in one condition (the initial multiple-choice test), retention of untested content was depressed.  相似文献   

Retrieval-based learning has been investigated in various populations. The present study examined retrieval-based learning in a sample of students at a special-needs school with educational tracks for learning and mental development. In addition, a comparison group of students at a regular school was examined. Learning conditions were manipulated within participants. In a first session, participants either received restudy cycles only, or they received alternating test and restudy cycles. A second session then comprised the opposite form of practice. In both sessions, a final test assessed memory after a short distractor phase. This procedure was the same in two experiments but with different kinds of item material. For both kinds (images and image-word pairs), a testing effect occurred, that is higher recall of tested items. These results show that lower cognitive ability or lack of experience with regularly being tested in school do not prevent students from benefiting from retrieval-based learning.  相似文献   

因为测试不仅是评价教学成果的很重要的手段,而且也会为未来的英语教学提供反馈信息。因此,对英语测试的研究是很有必要的。本文以英语阅读测试为研究对象,探讨了多项选择题和简答题两种不同的测试类型对英语阅读理解测试结果的影响。该研究的被试是112名非英语专业一年级学生。论文除了对被试进行了两次不同题型的测试外,还对他们应对不同题型题目时的答题状态、平时英语阅读的习惯等问题以问卷形式进行了调查。通过这两种研究手段论证了两种不同的测试方法各自的优缺点,以及他们对阅读理解测试的结果影响。希望本次研究对其以后的大学英语阅读方面的教学能够产生相应的指导意义。  相似文献   

Permitting item review is to the benefit of the examinees who typically increase their test scores with item review. However, testing companies do not prefer item review since it does not follow the logic on which adaptive tests are based, and since it is prone to cheating strategies. Consequently, item review is not permitted in many adaptive tests. This study attempts to provide a solution that would allow examinees to revise their answers, without jeopardizing the quality and efficiency of the test. The purpose of this study is to test the efficiency of a “rearrangement procedure” that rearranges and skips certain items in order to better estimate the examinees' abilities, without allowing them to cheat on the test. This was examined through a simulation study. The results show that the rearrangement procedure is effective in reducing the standard error of the Bayesian ability estimates and in increasing the reliability of the same estimates.  相似文献   

通过对TQN高效减水剂在水下检中的试验与应用,证明了TQN高效减水剂可以有效地避免水下检因流动性损失大、稳定性差而导致水下旺均匀性差、卡管等施工质量事故;同时统计结果表明,TQN高效减水剂具有较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

The measurement community needs to better understand how to interact with the media to effectively disseminate important findings from educational testing efforts. To this end, the current paper will review media coverage of educational testing and related issues and elaborate on areas of concern and opportunities for improved communication between measurement professionals and the media. Common misinterpretations of test results and measurement concepts will be discussed and suggestions for the clearer presentation and explanation of such information will be offered. Also, practical advice and strategies for handling different types of interactions with the media will be provided. The implications of focusing on this topic in the measurement profession and the inherent public value of this focus are highlighted throughout the paper.  相似文献   

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