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校本培训是指以学校为单位,面向教师的学习方式,内容以学校的需求和教学方针为中心,目的是提高教师的业务水平和教育教学能力.通过校本培训能够促进教师的专业发展,提高教师的教学水平,进而对教学起到事半功倍的效果.校本培训是继续教育的一种重要模式,文章通过探讨校本培训,希望能够对继续教育的模式和内容起到一定的推动作用,并且呼吁更多的学校参与校本培训,促进教师的专业发展,为推动我国的教育事业贡献自己的力量.  相似文献   

继续教育的内涵演变给继续教育的专业设置一种日趋激烈的内在张力:专业知识、职业技能与全民化、终身学习的个性化需求之间的紧张。继续教育专业设置格局是在多元利益需求主体的博弈中形成并演变调整的。据此,高校继续教育的专业设置应遵循国家逻辑、市场逻辑、高校逻辑和个体逻辑的多重逻辑结构。  相似文献   

国民政府时期的警察教育是中国职业教育的重要组成部分。浙江省警官学校作为警察教育变革的试点,其治学理念与办学措施的转变清晰地反映了警察职业教育与抗日战争的复杂关联。浙江省警官学校在建校初期,以培养现代职业警察为根本宗旨。九·一八事变后,浙江省警官学校的办学理念转变为储备战时特种警察。九·一八事变是导致国民政府警察职业教育理念发生转变的重要原因。在"以军管警"的理念桎梏下,国民政府所谓追求警察机关"独立超然"地位的理想注定是一种虚像。  相似文献   

A pair of papers re-examined the evidence from a national initiative to train all teachers in England to bring them up to the level of newly qualified teachers, who are required to know when to use and when not to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in their professional practice. The first paper confirmed that multilevel evaluation of professional development was robust for ICT teacher training. This second paper contrasts the highest and lowest rated designs for ICT teacher training: an 'organic' approach that provided training in schools was highly rated, whereas a centralised computer-assisted learning approach with online access to trainers was the lowest rated design. The study supports an ecological view of the diffusion of ICT innovations in education and recommends that ICT teacher training be designed to support evolution of each teacher's classroom, school and region, as well as the training of the ICT teacher trainers.  相似文献   

在职民警培训是我国干部教育培训的重要组成部分。山东警察学院在职民警培训工作增长性战略取得了显著成绩也遭遇了发展瓶颈。通过SWOT管理诊断发现,在行业壁垒背景下,在职民警培训工作目前存在经费使用软硬不匀,培训体系建而不全,人力资源优势不优和结构性比例失调,创新意识与创新能力互为掣肘等现象,而学院S-O增长性战略“并发症”主要聚焦在思维导向和“人”的因素;面对机遇与威胁并存的外部环境,学院一方面要打破壁垒创新理念,把对在职民警培训的重要性、紧迫性的认识提高到一个新的层面;另一方面要对症下药从短期和中长期两个层面解决以“人”的问题为主的发展短板。  相似文献   

教师继续教育培训的迁移结果指受训教师在类似或不同于培训活动情境的工作情境中实际应用培训所学而产生的结果。基础教育阶段的中小学教师继续教育培训的迁移结果是受训教师专业发展学习结果的组成部分。影响中小学教师继续教育培训迁移结果的主要因素包括受训教师特征、培训迁移生态及培训迁移设计。因应策略有反“客”为“主”、设计广告、游戏学习、“网络”链接、色彩编码、分级温习、合作与表达、共享课堂笔记等。  相似文献   

培养高效能的教师队伍是世界各国改革教师教育的基本政策。教师继续教育是教师专业发展的重要组成要素,教师继续教育与培训已经成为教育部门等相关利益主体的重要事宜。教师继续教育政策旨在推进专业发展,政策目标、政策设计、政策实施和政策评价等涉及教师继续教育政策有效性的主要问题,是教师政策改革的当务之急。  相似文献   

This paper suggests that complex practice dilemmas call for thick stories of masterful practice that don't ignore the tensions and ambiguities involved. The paper draws on an Australian study of policing as a fruitful example. Academic commentary suggests policing is beset with practice dilemmas unique in their complexity. However, empirical studies suggest that stories of mastery dominating police culture are heroic, simplistic accounts from which the doubts and tensions of dilemma have been removed. The study reported here explored interviews with 50 serving police officers for indicators of whether they describe their work in similarly limited ways. In total, 351 separate dilemma statements were identified and a further 252 statements offered glimpses of how officers deal with dilemmas. These statements offer multiple clues as to what more comprehensive stories of complex practice mastery might look like. It is suggested that workplace learning and continuing education should actively encourage the construction of such stories. Similarly, for other domains of practice, it is suggested that stories of masterful practice describe, in plain language, constructive engagement with the wicked and unresolvable, in order to be helpful in an age of super-complexity in which liquid learning presents both challenges and opportunities.  相似文献   

Mike Jess 《Education 3-13》2013,41(3):225-237
With career-long professional learning increasingly seen as a significant element of teacher education, this paper proposes that there is a need to acknowledge the complex nature of the professional learning process. The paper explores lessons learnt from over a decade of professional learning efforts by the Developmental Physical Education Group at The University of Edinburgh. With the group's traditional initial continuing professional development efforts having limited impact on teachers' practice, the paper considers how more recent efforts have refocused on a longer term, participative and situated approach that appears to be having significantly more influence on teachers as professional learners.  相似文献   

当前社会已经进入信息化社会建设的成熟期,人类的社会行为越来越多地依赖信息技术产品,各种各样的信息设备也存储着大量的人类社会活动信息。警察作为社会管理的重要组成力量,其工作方式会跟随社会信息化建设的发展而进入信息化警务时代,与之不相适应的是警察的信息化技能水平和信息化意识的落后,以及警察院校的信息化人才培养体系建设的滞后,这就要求警察类院校的教学理念和教学内容也需要随信息化警务模式作出新的规划。本文介绍了信息化警务人才培养的意义、信息化警务人才的培养理念和信息化警务课程建设的方法。  相似文献   

哈佛大学走开放型继续教育与培训之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈佛大学以其悠久的历史和一流的教学科研闻名于世,在学习型社会和终身教育的背景下,哈佛大学的继续教育与培训工作也同样开展得有声有色。本文通过对哈佛大学继续教育与培训工作的调研发现,哈佛大学走出了一条开放型的继续教育之路,为满足学习型社会人们对终身教育的需求起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

文章立足水产养殖专业对标国家战略需求,以对新入学学生的专业教育、培养模式、大学班主任工作、专业建设与就业指导等方面为着眼点进行论述。结合在处理水产养殖专业新进学生在专业导向和就业问题方面所获得的个人感受进行梳理,为提高教学效果、调动学生学习的主观能动性以及满足社会对应用型人才的需求提供参考。  相似文献   

发展远程教育和继续教育,建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,是人类社会发展的必然趋势。鞍山电大积极搭建终身教育平台,发挥远程继续教育优势,为提高大众文化素质和职业技能开展学历继续教育和非学历继续教育以及多种培训继续教育。实践表明,电大培养应用型人才、服务民生的办学方式,受到地方政府、企事业单位和广大市民的肯定与高度赞扬,为地方经济和文化建设、维护地方的安定团结、创建文明城市作出了积极贡献,也为建设开放大学奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

以中国知网(CNKI)收录的2001—2020年学历继续教育文献为数据源,借助文献计量方法和CiteSpace知识图谱分析软件对我国近20年来学历继续教育研究的总体特征、演进过程和前沿热点进行可视化分析,得到如下结论:近20年来学历继续教育的概念用词多元,直到2015年得以基本统一;学历继续教育研究的文章主要见于继续教育领域专业期刊和继续教育类学报;高被引论文集中在继续教育概念的辨析、广播电视大学和开放大学研究、学历继续教育对从业人员的影响研究;研究者之间、机构之间合作松散,但不同研究者都在尝试探索继续教育的发展新路径;研究热点集中在学历继续教育相关概念、办学生态、在职人员培训、发展对策方面。  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of the use of access training in order to enhance the performance of ethnic minority candidates in the process of selection for the West Midlands Police Force. Following the location of the initiative in an equal opportunities framework, the new Police Initial Recruitment (PIR) Test is described. This test was introduced in 1991 to replace the original test, first used in 1974, and is the first element in the selection process. The aims of the access training course are outlined and attention drawn to the way in which the course seeks to develop a range of skills relevant to both the selection process and police basic training, i.e. it seeks to do more than simply raise test scores. The methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of the access course are reported before consideration is given to the issues raised by the study.  相似文献   

The enquiries into police action in the Stephen Lawrence murder, the Macpherson report and the subsequent race relations legislation have altered the political, professional and wider social climate of debate on equality issues, including inequalities in minority ethnic exclusions. The paper analyses the meanings given to racism and institutional racism, and the contested political territory which shapes and limits the possibilities of responses working towards equity. It considers the evidence on the extent to which the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 (RRAA) has been implemented, reporting particularly on sustained disproportionality in exclusions experienced by some minority ethnic groups. Disproportionalities, in terms of exclusion and attainment, are deemed ‘institutionally racist’ outcomes produced annually as a consequence of organisational practices, limited will and low levels of investment at national, local and school levels. Critical Race Theory and writings about ‘white supremacy’ attempt to explain the normal and enduring character of racism, but the outcomes of ‘passive racism’ are best comprehended as a product of neoliberal policy‐making which limits interventions in aggregate performance for a group, giving primacy to individual effort and talent as explanatory concepts. The RRAA, in force since 2002, can, with hindsight, be seen as a legalistic, rhetorical step too far, unable to marshal governmental or institutional will and financial commitment to implement its requirements.  相似文献   

美国教师教育变革与发展的主要趋势   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文从确立优质教学的新标准、加强教师的职前和初任阶段的培养工作、激励和支持教师的持续专业化发展三个层面探讨了美国近些年来教师教育领域的主要改革动向,展示了20世纪至今的美国教师教育变革和发展的主要趋势。  相似文献   

公安院校人文素质课程调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公安院校相对于其他职业学院起步晚,其学科体系和理论问题尚处在探索阶段,对公安院校人文素质课程研究也十分有限.本文通过对目前公安院校人文素质课程培养目标需求、学生人文素质知识现状、人文素质课程设置状况的调查分析,研究公安院校实施人文素质培养过程中存在的问题,在此基础上提出改革对策.  相似文献   

会计人员继续教育为提高会计人员专业素质、接受最新法律、法规等起到了一定的积极作用,各地财政部门会同有关机构、专家进行积极探索,山东省对于继续教育模式也进行了多样化的改进,从原来的仅限于面授模式,到后来的网络培训、竞赛答题以及撰写专业论文、从事课题研究换取继续教育课时的方式旨在满足不同群体、不同层次会计人员继续教育的需求,目前各大中城市的培训模式已经日渐成熟,但山东省县级以下的地区继续教育方式还相对滞后,虽然在近年引入了新的教育模式,但也存在一定的漏洞,导致无法保证继续教育的效率与效果.因此,针对目前山东省县级以下地区会计人员继续教育中存在的问题,为继续教育的提高和改进提出一些意见和建议.  相似文献   

警察院校培养的人才因具有特殊的职业性,故建设与之相适应的校园文化已成为题中要义。通过调研当前行业院校校园文化建设的现状,在分析警察院校"忠真智勇"校园文化内涵的基础上,提出了以政治教育为手段、以"建构主义"课程观为指导、以"人的发展"为宗旨的教育模式来实现预备警察"忠"信念"、真"性情"、智"技能、"勇"行为的培养目标。  相似文献   

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