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以文献资料和实验方法,从遗传、形态、心理、生物学和教育学方面,对篮球运动员早期选材进行了综合研究,收集、查阅了有关选材文献资料并对优秀运动员进行了实地测试,采用统计学方法进行数据处理,为篮球运动员的选材提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

在中长跑运动中,对运动员的选材是非常重要的。青少年中长跑运动员的选材要注重对青少年运动员的身体素质的要求,身体形态的要求,注意选材和后期培养的关系,初选标准与实际相结合,注重青少年运动员的文化课的学习。  相似文献   

张轶 《考试周刊》2012,(91):110-111
射击运动是我国在奥运会上争金夺银的优势项目之一。它不仅要求运动员有好的身体素质、良好的遗传优势和极大的生理潜能,而且要有发挥这些优势的心理素质。好的身体素质是作为优秀运动员的基础,而良好的心理素质则是成就一个优秀运动员的关键。因此在进行运动员选材时不仅应从身体形态指标和运动能力方面去考虑,还应重视心理素质选材。  相似文献   

侯强 《焦作大学学报》2011,25(2):128-129
现代体育的发展,各项运动成绩的提高,与选材和训练的科学化有着密切的关系。科学的选材是对运动员进行科学训练的前提。太极推手运动员选材涉及的知识面很广,它包括遗传因素、生理机能、身体形态、身体素质和心理因素等五个方面。  相似文献   

查阅近十年有关运动员科学选材的资料,通过阐述遗传度较高的身体形态、心理因素、生理机能、遗传物质等在运动员科学选材上的应用来说明遗传性与运动员科学选材的关系,并对遗传性与运动员科学选材的研究现状进行简要的分析。  相似文献   

根据短跑项目的特点,短跑运动员应重视早期选材,考虑个体遗传因素;短跑运动员的身体素质是选材的重要依据;结合短跑运动的技术原理分析,选材应强调运动员形态特征及心理方面的有利因素.  相似文献   

浅谈跳高运动员的选材   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵伟 《天中学刊》1998,13(2):36-39
提出了选择跳高运动员的身体形态、身体机能及智力等模式.  相似文献   

随着世界跳高运动水平的不断提高,科学地挑选能够承受日益增长的运动负荷和适应快速成材的天赋较好的运动员.就变得越来越重要.根据我国跳高的现实情况,本文对我国青少年跳高运动员科学选材的现状和研究成果进行再分析.试图找出一套适应我国青少年跳高训练实际情况的选材标准和方法,为我国科学选拔优秀跳高人才打下良好的基础.  相似文献   

篮球运动员选材探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、归纳法对篮球运动选材的意义、原则以及指标体系的确定进行研究.研究结果认为:科学选材可提高篮球训练效率与运动员的成材率;选材应遵循"精而全"的原则;选材指标测试应涵盖备选对象的身体形态、身体机能、身体素质、专项技术与心理品质.  相似文献   

选材是培养高水平运动员的第一步,是整个训练过程中非常重要的一个环节.运用文献资料法、观察发、比较分析法、专家访谈法和逻辑分析法等科研方法对跳远运动员的身体形态在选材中的作用、地位和运动成绩之间的关系进行了探析,皆为科学选材提供理论依据.  相似文献   

本文收集了中外优秀跳远运动员在助跑速度方面的相关数据 ,通过对比综合分析 ,认为我国跳远运动员在今后训练中应提高助跑速度并且应合理地提高速度利用率 ,不断完善技术 ,以缩小与国外运动员之间的差距  相似文献   

健美操具有音乐、体育、舞蹈、美学的多种社会功能,对跳高选手的作用表现在:发展肌群力量,改善柔韧性;能诱导学生学习和掌握正确的基本技术和技能,激发学习兴趣;改善协调性,培养节奏感,促进训练后疲劳的恢复。但训练时一定要有针对性,内容不宜过多,时间不宜过长。  相似文献   

改革不符合非通用语人才培养实际的固有毕业论文模式,提升非通用语种本科毕业论文质量,将研究型学习切实融入到非通用语外语人才培养的实践中,是提高非通用语专业整体学科水平的必由之路。非通用语种毕业论文改革,应该面向非通用语教学实际,建立严格的选题制度和科学合理的论文评价体系,强化过程管理,提高质量意识。  相似文献   

This paper reviews and examines critically the literature on caregiver-parent relations in daycare centers and family daycare homes. This literature is characterized by attempts to understand (and evaluate) the social changes and accumulating data regarding formal non-relative childcare in terms of the dynamics of informal, familial forms of care. Instead, it is argued that informal and formal care arrangements are qualitatively different, that neither type is inherently superior, and that each needs to be understood in terms of its own unique systemic and contextual characteristics. Viewing the data on formal care arrangements from this perspective, it is proposed that, 1) contrary to current interpretations, caregivers' ambivalent and critical attitudes toward parents are neither surprising nor a risk factor for children. Rather, these attitudes are an inherent component of the consumer/provider structure of the caregiver-parent relationship system and may actually facilitate the caregivers' involvement with the devalued parent's children; b) the high rates of parental satisfaction with daycare reflect neither a wholehearted endorsement, nor an adequate assessment of care quality. Rather, high satisfaction rates are one product of parents' attempts to cope with perceived marketplace constraints. Further, the narrow focus of the satisfaction research to date has also prevented us from adequately understanding parental perceptions of childcare and how they shape pertinent decision making processes; c) the documented low rates of caregiver-parent contact are an inherent feature of the professionalization process in the daycare system and are not a sufficiently useful indicator of the quality of caregiver-parent relationships; research in this area should expand to explore the relationship's potential buffer function.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and examines critically the literature on caregiver–parent relations in daycare centers and family daycare homes. This literature is characterized by attempts to understand (and evaluate) the social changes and accumulating data regarding formal non-relative childcare in terms of the dynamics of informal, familial forms of care. Instead, it is argued that informal and formal care arrangements are qualitatively different, that neither type is inherently superior, and that each needs to be understood in terms of its own unique systemic and contextual characteristics. Viewing the data on formal care arrangements from this perspective, it is proposed that, 1) contrary to current interpretations, caregivers' ambivalent and critical attitudes toward parents are neither surprising nor a risk factor for children. Rather, these attitudes are an inherent component of the consumer/provider structure of the caregiver–parent relationship system and may actually facilitate the caregivers' involvement with the devalued parent's children; b) the high rates of parental satisfaction with daycare reflect neither a wholehearted endorsement, nor an adequate assessment of care quality. Rather, high satisfaction rates are one product of parents' attempts to cope with perceived marketplace constraints. Further, the narrow focus of the satisfaction research to date has also prevented us from adequately understanding parental perceptions of childcare and how they shape pertinent decision making processes; c) the documented low rates of caregiver–parent contact are an inherent feature of the professionalization process in the daycare system and are not a sufficiently useful indicator of the quality of caregiver–parent relationships; research in this area should expand to explore the relationship's potential buffer function.  相似文献   

许多学科都十分重视对本学科逻辑起点的探讨,但长期以来公共管理学却没有对此作充分的论证。本文认为,公共管理学的逻辑起点应为公共物品。作为“物品”,公共物品和私人物品一样对社会共同体是必不可少的,有一个生产、经营、管理、消费的问题;但由于具有非竞争性和非排他性,它又具备了“公共”性质,不能按照私人物品供给和管理的机制来实现,而必须由公共权力机构来统一向全体社会成员提供。“公共”和“物品”之间的内在张力正是公共管理行为产生的内在根源。“公共”和“物品”之间的矛盾也决定了“公共”与“管理”的持续冲突,而后者又构成了公共管理和公共管理学演化、发展的内在动力。  相似文献   

本文通过对零件图视图选择的思考,分析了零件的形状特征。从而得出选择零件视图的最佳表达方法。  相似文献   

跳远运动员心理疲劳的成因与恢复手段研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从跳远运动员产生心理疲劳的成因入手,阐述了跳远训练、竞赛中心理疲劳对跳远运动员产生的不良影响,提出了跳远运动员心理疲劳的恢复手段。  相似文献   

背越式跳高是一项复杂的田径运动项目,技术难度较大,对身体素质要求较高。因此,在背越式跳高运动员的训练当中,应加强身体素质训练比重,发展运动员所必须的身体素质和专项能力,为不断提高运动成绩打下牢固的基础。  相似文献   

信息技术教学应用是保证"农远工程"能否成功的关键所在,其前提是广大农村中小学教师应具备良好的信息技术能力,这就需要开展有效的信息技术能力培训。为完成培训任务,要求在培训队伍的建设、培训内容的选择、培训方法的运用、培训的后续支持等环节做好工作。  相似文献   

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