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基础教育课程改革在教育思想、教育观念、教育目标、教育内容、教育方法、教育评价、教育组织方式等方面都对师范教育提出了新的挑战,迫切要求师范院校为其培养高素质的新师资。本文通过分析高等师范教育“两课”教学存在的问题,对高等师范院校“两课”教学应采取的对策提出了思考意见。  相似文献   

我国现阶段高等师范院校在课程设置方面存在着各类课程设置的比例失调、课程类型结构不合理、无课程设置特色等问题。为此,高等师范院校应转变教育观念,坚持师范教育为基础教育服务的方向,建立课程的动态机制,积极调整师范教育的三大块课程,即通识教育课程、学科专业课程和教育类课程。  相似文献   

师范教育服务于基础教育蓬勃发展的需要,以及国家教育领导部门决定在高师本科院校组织实施“高等师范教育面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划”,有力地推动着师范院校教育的改革与发展。师范教育改革的外部环境甚好,师范教育课程改革已付诸实践,令人欣喜。但欣赏...  相似文献   

高等师范教育模式的现状与基础教育课程改革的需要存在很大矛盾,教育实践活动是我国师范教育中的薄弱环节。为了适应基础教育课程改革的需要,高等师范教育需要设计建构有效的实践教育模式:优化课程结构,突出实践性;整体设计专业实践活动;重视课程规范,加强实践性教学环节;强化教师基本功,培养学生的教学能力;开展专业化的课外活动,开发学生多方面潜能。  相似文献   

高等师范院校素质教育论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等师范院校的素质教育,要以马克思主义的教育观和邓小平教育理论为武器,结合我国社会主义初级阶段的实际,着重在认识上实现教育思想、教育观念的转变,这是改革和发展高等师范教育的根本前提。为此要坚持为基础教育服务的办学思想,努力突出师范教育的特色,树立大师范教育的观念,提高办学的质量和效益,提高各级领导的认识,形成全社会的共识。一、改革教学内容、学科体系、课程设置世界发国家发展教育的成功经验为非学科性教学模式,基本理论以“必需和够用”为度,专业理论以掌握基本原理为主,教学方式为理论传授、实验实习、岗位…  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革对高等师范教育提出了重大而现实的新课题。高等师范教育不能适应基础教育课程改革的需要,应根据基础教育课程改革的目标与内容,更新教育观念,调整培养目标和课程结构,改革教学方法,加强教育实践环节,培养高素质的教师队伍,推进基础教育课程改革健康发展。  相似文献   

高等师范教育面向基础教育,适应和服务于基础教育。高等师范院校英语综合课程是高等师范院校外语专业的主课程。文学作品是该课程的核心内容。生本教育理念与师范教育有着深厚的渊源。英语教师应该在研究基础教育改革的同时,率先引入生本教育的先进教学理念,探究出一条科学与艺术紧密结合的教学途径。  相似文献   

高校教师教育适应基础教育课改的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校教师教育专业(或高等师范院校)是培养基础教育工作者的主要阵地,面对基础教育课程改革的全面实施对教师的新要求,针对高校教师教育面对基础教育课程改革的诸多不适应,我们通过树立全新“教师教育”理念,改革教师教育课程设置,更新教师教育教学方法,加强与中小学广泛联系等措施进行积极有益的尝试。  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革的进行不仅给广大中小学教师带来新的挑战与机遇,也对高等师范教育提出了新的要求。如果审视一下现行的高师地理专业(指地理科学专业)教育,就会发现目前的师范教育存在许多问题。即高师地理教育不能很好地适应基础教育改革的需要,其培养目标、课程构建、学生观念与基础教育的要求存在差距。针对这种现状,高等师范院校地理教育在培养未来地理教师的过程中,应该适应新课程,构建学生的知识新体系,培养师范生的多种能力。  相似文献   

《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》指出:“师范院校要坚持为初等和中等教育服务的办学思想”,“把发展师范教育和培训在职教师作为发展教育事业的战略措施”、“从幼儿师范到高等师范的各级师范教育都必须大大发展和加强。”作为教育工作母机的高等师范院校,承担着为发展教育事业培养中等学校师资的特殊使命。本文就高师贯彻《决定》,面向基础教育、为基础教育服务的问题,谈几点认识。  相似文献   

美国自20世纪50年代以来,在中小学进行了三次旨在提高学术质量的课程改革,每一次都强调了相应的教师教育改革,三次教师教育改革共同的趋向就是在课改的同时注重教师的专业发展。美国的经验值得我们借鉴,在课改的同时要注重相应的教师教育,加强职前教师教育的课程改革,加大在职教师的培训力度。  相似文献   

In recent years, many teachers suffered different kinds of negative emotions in the context of education reforms. A typical explanation was that the education reforms disempowered teachers in teaching, so teachers were forced to do much non-instructional work. Teachers considered their work meaningless but were powerless to change it, and eventually indulged themselves in negative emotions. However, the present research suggested that this explanation had neglected teacher agency and might be incomplete. Arguing from the perspective of social constructionism, the research showed that teachers in Hong Kong experienced negative emotions in education reforms because, on top of the disempowerment, the reforms structurally displaced teachers’ educational goals with administrative goals. The goal displacement impeded teachers’ evaluation of the instructional values of their work. Thus, teachers perceived their work as inconsistent with their major purpose of teaching (i.e. making a difference) and they felt negative towards work.  相似文献   

小学教师专业化已成为世界教师教育的共同发展趋势。从台湾几所师范学院课程改革可以看出台湾小学教师培养思想的调整趋向:(1)构建开放性、发展性的教师教育体系;(2)师范性与学术性相统一,促进小学教师专业发展。  相似文献   

In this article, teachers' sense-making and reasoning about higher education reforms in a post Soviet country, namely Armenia, are examined using an analytical framework with six sensitising concepts: beliefs, emotions, attitudes, change knowledge, attributions and organisational culture. The results of semi-structured interviews with 12 Armenian higher education teachers showed that they mainly felt distrust towards reforms and that the implementation initiatives caused dissatisfaction, frustration and therefore distortion. At a deeper level, the teachers mostly felt excluded from the reform process and that their role was depreciated. One striking feature was the predominant causal attribution of teachers to external, unstable and uncontrollable factors which question the success of the reforms.  相似文献   

高等师范院校教育专业开办有两类,一类是为培养中小学教师的教育类专业,另一类是为培养中等学校教育理论教师和教育行政管理部门工作者的教育学专业。这种设置把教育理论与实践分割开来,造成教育理论缺乏实践性和教育实践缺乏科学性,这也是多次基础教育改革深入不下去的原因之一。为此,把两种专业结合起来,通过课程改革和教学改革,使教育学专业的学生具备“教育理论 学科知识 教学技能”的素质结构,采用交互渗透的方式进行教学,使学生综合素质逐步、全面、扎实发展,培养真正适应基础教育改革所需要的教师。  相似文献   

高素质教师的培养是教育成功的关键,所以教师教育越来越引起教育界学者的关注并成为热门话题。随着20世纪以来的几次基础教育改革,美国的教师教育与建国初期相比发生了巨大变化。美国小学教师教育也为培养合格的小学教师做出了相应的调整,其体制虽被外界普遍认可,但仍存在缺乏教学质量的评价体系,教师生命成长意识的消解和职前与在职教育的断层等问题。  相似文献   

如何促进职业院校的教师成长是当前职业教育研究的重要课题,可以从职前教育与在职后发展两个方面来进行探讨。职前教育阶段要求严格师范生的选拔制度,推行双证书制度;在职教育阶段要求采取有效措施来促进教师成长,如建立学术型组织以营造教师成长的良好氛围、在课程与教学改革实践中形成教学风格、制定合理的教师评价标准以提高教师的工作效能。  相似文献   

In early 2015, the Australian Government and an associated Ministerial Group called for ‘urgent national action to improve the quality of initial teacher education’. Following this call for action, the Australian Government launched a series of reforms into initial teacher education, targeting ‘teacher quality’ and ‘classroom readiness’. The reforms are based on a logic of deficiency within initial teacher education, mandating new accreditation processes, standardized assessments and the National Literacy and Numeracy Test for pre-service teachers. In this paper we set out to explore these reforms, considering the policy trajectories, technologies and technicist network in which they are operationalized. We propose the concept of reification and objectification to examine the institutionalization of auditing, standardization, and accountability. These reforms aim to intervene in both the content and delivery of initial teacher education. We argue that reforms such as these recondition our conceptions of professionalism and teacher quality. There is a contraction in scope for progressive or experiential teacher education, and moreover, the ongoing de-professionalism of teachers and teacher educators, whom are subjected to constant surveillance.  相似文献   

In the last 15 years, New Zealand has experienced a range of educational “reforms” driven by a neo-liberal agenda which has insisted that the education system serve the goal of enhancing the nation's economic performance and its competitive edge through the inculcation in learners of the skills requisite to the pursuit of this goal. Fuelled by a perception that the education system needed quality management and greater accountability to its clientele, a series of administrative reforms were put in place in the late 1980s and were followed by a series of radical, state-dictated curriculum and assessment reforms. The subsequent reshaping of curriculum and assessment has had a profound impact on the nature of teachers’ work and their identity as professionals. Using research undertaken in New Zealand in the later 1990s, this article examines ways in which 1990s reforms in New Zealand have worked to reconstruct the professional knowledge (including pedagogical knowledge) of secondary English teachers. It further examines the implications of these changes in teachers’ work for professional identity and discusses some of the implications of these “reforms” for pre-service teacher education.  相似文献   

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