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为帮助短道速滑教练、运动员认清比赛中犯规的原因,进而提高训练水平,规范竞赛行为,适应国际比赛的要求,对短道速滑比赛中的犯规区域和犯规行为进行了分析和研究.结果发现,入弯道区是犯规的多发区,犯规行为由多到少依次为推人、阻挡、碰撞、横切.  相似文献   

横切是违反短道速滑滑跑规则的主要行为之一,在短道速滑比赛中屡见不鲜。如短道速滑教练员和运动员不能对横切犯规引起高度的重视,多年的训练成绩将被断送。采用调查法及综合分析的方法,对2002~2003赛季全国短道速滑联赛进行调查,对横切犯规区域、行为方式进行研究与分析,有助于教练员、运动员加强防范意识,并采取必要的预防对策,在比赛中避免横切犯规的发生。  相似文献   

横切犯规是违反短道速滑滑跑规则的主要行为之一,在比赛中经常出现,对2002-2003赛季全国短道速滑联赛中造成横切犯规的行为方式进行了调查分析,并就如何预防运动员在比赛中横切犯规提出了对策.  相似文献   

由于短道速滑运动的场地及竞赛的特点 ,运动员在滑跑过程中的犯规现象时有发生 ,这些现象多发生在运动员实施超越时。规则规定 :在比赛的任意时刻都允许超越 ,但由于超越引起的犯规均由超越者负责。这就要求运动员在比赛中 ,必须采取合理、有效、规范的超越行为 ,在规则允许的范围内 ,完成超越。否则将会遭到判罚。近年来 ,我国短道速滑的竞赛制度逐步与国际接轨 ,赛事的增多 ,运动员训练水平的接近 ,使比赛竞争更趋白热化。但是 ,由于运动员对规则理解不深、不透 ,比赛中经常被误导 ,造成犯规 ,真正的训练成果和水平没有反映出来。本文对 1…  相似文献   

短道速滑比赛过程中,运动员的犯规或有意或无意,但犯规的后果具有严重的危害性,轻者干扰比赛,影响运动员获得好的比赛成绩;重者会给运动员造成人身伤害,甚至使运动员过早地结束运动生命。通过对18次国际比赛中各种干扰关犯规的统计、分析,试图为我国短道速滑队参加世界比赛及抗干扰训练提供理论依据。研究发现,每次比赛平均发生12例干扰犯规,占总例数(包括犯规和非犯规性的干扰)的46.4%;比赛中犯规干的性质、数量扰具有项目、赛场区域、滑行位置等不同的特征。  相似文献   

浅析短道速度滑冰直道技术和运动员心理素质   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
短道速滑非常重视弯道技术训练,但对于直线技术的研究较少.直线技术是短道速滑训练比赛中的重要环节.加强直线技术、直线超越技术和心理的训练,有助于运动员提高成绩.  相似文献   

通过对短道速滑弯道技术动作和速度滑冰技术动作的分析,认为短道弯道技术练习对提高速度滑冰运动员的弯道能力具有积极的影响作用。速度滑冰弯道技术中使用短道弯道技术练习具有一定的优势,并从短道和速度滑冰运动员弯道下肢动作,即髋膝踝的角度、身体倾斜度、蹬冰角度以及技战术与训练等方面,阐释短道速滑和速度滑冰运动员之间的动作结合点,分析利用短道弯道技术优化速度滑冰技术动作的合理性,提出短道弯道训练对提高速度滑冰运动员弯道技术的重要作用。  相似文献   

通过对短道速滑弯道技术动作和速度滑冰技术动作的分析,认为短道弯道技术练习对提高速度滑冰运动员的弯道能力具有积极的影响作用。速度滑冰弯道技术中使用短道弯道技术练习具有一定的优势,并从短道和速度滑冰运动员弯道下肢动作,即髋膝踝的角度、身体倾斜度、蹬冰角度以及技战术与训练等方面,阐释短道速滑和速度滑冰运动员之间的动作结合点,分析利用短道弯道技术优化速度滑冰技术动作的合理性,提出短道弯道训练对提高速度滑冰运动员弯道技术的重要作用。  相似文献   

在近年的全国性大型比赛中,速滑运动员在弯道滑跑中常因技术犯规而被取消成绩,教练员、运动员与裁判员对此看法不一,甚至众说纷云,莫衷一是。本文对在大型比赛中运动员弯道滑跑技术犯规的情况做了详细调查,根据规则精神,运用数理分析方法进行处理,对运动员弯道滑跑技术是否犯规找出理论依据,使技术与规则精神达到统一,从而促进速滑运动的发展。  相似文献   

从克莱普冰刀的特点、弯道身体倾斜角度、蹬冰角度、疾跑技术和衔接技术等方面对短道速滑和速度滑冰的直道技术、弯道技术和起跑技术进行对比分析,指出短道速滑运动员的弯道技术要优于速度滑冰运动员,从而成为短道速滑向速度滑冰转型的运动员的主要优势,相应的直道技术则沦为劣势,以此可作为判断运动员是否适合转型,以及改进转型后的技术动作的依据。  相似文献   

新奥运周期世界男子自由体操发展趋势的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以两届世界体操锦标赛和雅典奥运会体操比赛的团体、全能和单项决赛运动员为对象,从D组以上技巧动作和主要技巧串动作的难度、类型和连接,以及完成动作的质量等方面,对北京奥运周期男子自由体操发展趋势作了比较系统的研究,另对我国男队与世界各国的差距作了简要分析。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、录像分析、比较以及逻辑分析的方法,对大型团体操、文体表演及舞台表演三者之间共性与差异进行比较分析,经研究发现它们在本质与内涵、主题思想、表演形式、表演舞台、表演规模以及表演人员等方面存在着明显的差异,并在此基础上,总结出大型团体操有别于文体表演和舞台表演的本质特征。  相似文献   

This study examined the efficacy of a school-based exercise and nutrition program with a parent component. Third-grade children (N = 238) from six elementary schools participated in the study, with three schools randomly assigned to a program group and the other three schools to a control group. The program group received a health-related fitness school-based program and a home program that required parents and children to complete activities and earn points for nutrition and exercise activities. The control group received their traditional physical education and nutrition education program. Univariate analysis of variance on pre- and posttest scores were completed on the following variables: height, weight, body mass index, skinfold, blood cholesterol, mile run, exercise and nutrition knowledge, calories, protein, carbohydrates, total fat, saturated fat, dietary cholesterol, fiber, sodium, percentage of calories from carbohydrates, and percentage of calories from fat. At pretest, the treatment and control groups did not significantly differ on the measures using schools as the unit of analysis. Girls scored significantly higher than boys on skinfold and pretest knowledge. At posttest, the treatment group scored significantly higher than the control group on exercise and nutrition knowledge and significantly lower than the control group on total fat intake, using schools as the unit of analysis. There was no improvement in physiological measures, including blood cholesterol. The study demonstrated that schools can adjust curriculum to meet some health needs of students and achieve modest changes in exercise and nutrition knowledge and diet. The family component of the program provided a practical approach to improving physical activity and nutrition behaviors for elementary school teachers who teach many participants in a crowded curriculum.  相似文献   

罗晟  钟天朗 《体育科研》2005,26(4):38-40
主要采用文献资料分析、走访调查、座谈访问、逻辑分析等方法,分析了我国职业足球俱乐部会员制实施过程中存在的问题,并提出符合中国特色的职业足球俱乐部会员制发展战略和规划,以及在发展过程中应处理好的关系。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy of the DF50 (ImpediMed Ltd, Eight Mile Plains, Queensland, Australia) bioelectrical impedance analysis device using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry as the criterion in two groups: endurance athletes and power athletes. The secondary purpose was to develop accurate body fat percentage prediction equations for each group based on bioelectrical impedance analysis data and/or the combination of bioelectrical impedance analysis and anthropometric data.

Eighty male athletes (40 elite endurance athletes and 40 were power athletes), age 19–48 with body mass indexes ranging from 18.9 to 37.4 were recruited. Anthropometric measurements were taken. Body composition was assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and bioelectrical impedance analysis. An athlete-specific bioelectrical impedance analysis prediction equation was developed by stepwise regression analysis using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry as the criterion and bioelectrical impedance analysis data and anthropometric measurements as predictor variables.

The DF50 bioelectrical impedance analysis significantly overestimated body fat percentage by 6.4 ± 0.5 in the entire group (p < .001) and in both the endurance group (6.1 ± .6, p < .001) and the power group (6.7 ± 0.7, p < .001). The endurance and power group showed no significant difference in the error of estimation by bioelectrical impedance analysis (p = .554), indicating that bioelectrical impedance analysis has the same error in both groups. The final prediction equation incorporated both anthropometric variables as well as bioelectrical impedance analysis variables and produced an adjusted r2 of .982 and a standard error of the estimate (SEE) of 1.98 for the entire group. This prediction equation used bioelectrical impedance analysis measurements and anthropometric measurements, specifically trunk measurements, to account for trunk size, a common source of error in bioelectrical impedance analysis equations. Follow-up validation studies are necessary to further validate the equations produced.  相似文献   

本研究以第十一届全国运动会拳击预赛和决赛山东和国内优秀男子拳击小级别运动员的部分比赛录像为研究对象,通过文献资料法、专家访谈法、录像分析法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法对山东省男子拳击小级别运动员与国内优秀男子拳击小级别运动员组合拳技术的运用进行对比研究,进而对山东省男子拳击小级别运动员组合拳运用现状进行分析,旨在找出山东省男子拳击小级别运动员在组合拳运用上的特点和差距所在,为今后山东男子拳击小级别运动员的训练提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

文章对相关文献进行了梳理,采用横断面调查的流行病学研究方法,将太极拳锻炼后的老年人与基本不锻炼的老年人进行了分组对照研究,对各组的生存质量进行评价和分析,从而探讨太极拳锻炼与生存质量之间的关系;研究表明太极拳作为一种干预手段可以提高中老年人的生存质量,建议在社区体育中,大力开展、普及和推广,来实现健康老龄化的社会目标。  相似文献   

目的:本研究系统评价太极拳运动对原发性高血压患者血压指标的影响并进行Meta分析,以期为临床工作提供较为可靠的参酌依据。方法:收集太极拳对原发性高血压患者血压影响的随机对照试验,应用Cochrane偏倚风险评估工具对纳入研究进行方法学质量评价,Stata15.0软件进行Meta分析。结果:依据排除标准,研究共纳入15篇随机对照试验,其中低、中、高风险文献分别为6篇、8篇和1篇。纳入研究总样本量732个,其中实验组316个,对照组416个。Meta分析发现,实验组对原发性高血压患者收缩压和舒张压的改善效果优于对照组;亚组分析显示,太极拳可明显改善65岁以下患者的收缩压和舒张压;多因素Meta回归分析未能解释研究间异质性的来源,敏感性分析剔除2篇质量较差的文献后,同质性较好。Egger检验显示,太极拳影响收缩压的文献存在显著发表偏倚,影响舒张压的文献无显著发表偏倚。结论:基于现有证据,太极拳对原发性高血压患者收缩压和舒张压的干预是有效的,应在原发性高血压的治疗中得到重视和推广。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated whether video modelling can enhance gymnasts' performance of the circle on a pommel horse. The procedure associated expert-modelling with self-modelling and quantitative performance analysis. Sixteen gymnasts were randomly assigned to one of two groups: (1) a modelling group, which received expert- and self-modelling, and performance feedback, or (2) a control group, which received no feedback. After five sessions of training, an analysis of variance with repeated measures indicated that the gains in the back, entry, front, and exit phases of the circle were greater for the modelling group than for the control group. During the training sessions, the gymnasts in the modelling group improved their body segmental alignment during the back phase more quickly than during the other phases. As predicted, although both groups performed the same number of circles (300 in 5 days, with 10 sequences of 6 circles), the modelling group improved their body segmental alignment more than the control group. It thus appears that immediate video modelling can help to correct complex sports movements such as the circle performed on the pommel horse. However, its effectiveness seemed to be dependent on the complexity of the phase.  相似文献   


In this study, we investigated whether video modelling can enhance gymnasts' performance of the circle on a pommel horse. The procedure associated expert-modelling with self-modelling and quantitative performance analysis. Sixteen gymnasts were randomly assigned to one of two groups: (1) a modelling group, which received expert- and self-modelling, and performance feedback, or (2) a control group, which received no feedback. After five sessions of training, an analysis of variance with repeated measures indicated that the gains in the back, entry, front, and exit phases of the circle were greater for the modelling group than for the control group. During the training sessions, the gymnasts in the modelling group improved their body segmental alignment during the back phase more quickly than during the other phases. As predicted, although both groups performed the same number of circles (300 in 5 days, with 10 sequences of 6 circles), the modelling group improved their body segmental alignment more than the control group. It thus appears that immediate video modelling can help to correct complex sports movements such as the circle performed on the pommel horse. However, its effectiveness seemed to be dependent on the complexity of the phase.  相似文献   

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