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自20世纪80年代中期以来,全世界范围内接连出现的政府主导的改革将高等教育系统向"教科书般"经济市场越推越近已实施的改革包括公司化、引入竞争性资助、增加学费和其他费用、使用高校管理中产出模式和绩效报告。但是,没有一个国家面向本国学生的第一学位教育是按照真正的资本主义经济市场来运作的,没有研究型大学的发展是被股东、利润、市场份额、配置效率或商品形式所驱动的。在一些国家,只有职业培训和国际教育才会真正收取商业性质的学费。虽然高等教育中普遍存在激烈的竞争、企业家精神和消费者话语,但资本主义在其中没有一席之地;现有的高等教育市场充其量是一个受监管的准市场在许多国家,高等教育领域的"市场改革"不同于交通、通信、广播电视和医疗保险界的私有化和商业化。究其原因,本文发现真正的市场改革受制于高等教育领域特定的内在限度(公共产品、地位竞争)以及与这些限度相关的政治因素、高等教育市场改革计划在本质上是乌托邦式的,目前市场改革的抽象理想仍在持续并不是因为它具有真正实现的前景,而是由于外源性政策的推动(如财政缩减、政府控制等)。如果资本主义市场是无法实现的,为什么要继续假装它们可以实现呢?我们需要一个与教育系统更适切的现代化改革议程。  相似文献   

"常识"的概念已经成为一种意识形态,在当代社会构建霸权主义、并将霸权主义作为道德与智力领导力的过程中起着重要作用。尽管在事实上新自由主义作为一种经济发展模式已经彻底失败,与新自由主义相关的文化政治仍然盛行于世,并在塑造现代政府和教育角色的理念中变成了新的常识。新自由主义全球化是全球化中最突出的模式,以市场相对于政府的主导地位和放松管制的治理模式为前提,在"学术资本主义"背景下深深地影响了高校。由此带来的改革通常以促进国际竞争力为合理借口,也被称为"竞争型改革"。市场力量日益渗透到高等教育领域,围绕学术资本主义"游戏"展开的大学治理模式的重构,均显示了新自由主义对高校影响的四个主要方面,即效率与问责制、认证与普及化、国际竞争力、私有化。通过引入以管理主义治理院校的新型模式,高校深化并扩大了自身的危机。虽然高校采纳并实施了这些改革措施,但是在不同领域,在自上而下地通过政策和重心调整强制改革时,全球化面临着越来越大的阻力。在许多情况下,新自由主义改革通过收取较高学费与减少政府对院校和个人的支持,限制了一些阶级和种族接受高等教育的机会。  相似文献   

高等教育市场化是当代高等教育发展的趋势所在。高等教育市场化是指将市场机制引入高等教育领域,以市场的方式配置高等教育资源。高等教育市场化形成的理论基础主要是新自由主义、新公共管理主义、高等教育私人产品观;现实原因是经济全球化促使国际竞争加剧、高等教育的财政困境和政府单一办大学的局限。在高等教育市场化的进程中,我们需注意的一个问题是市场只能有限度地介入高等教育领域,完全按照市场化运作高等教育并不符合教育的特殊规律和独特使命。  相似文献   

常识的概念已经成为一种意识形态,在当代社会构建霸权主义、并将霸权主义作为道德与智力领导力的过程中起着重要作用。尽管在事实上新自由主义作为一种经济发展模式已经彻底失败,与新自由主义相关的文化政治仍然盛行于世,并在塑造现代政府和教育角色的理念中变成了新的常识。新自由主义全球化是全球化中最突出的模式,以市场相对于政府的主导地位和放松管制的治理模式为前提,在"学术资本主义"背景下深深地影响了高校。由此带来的改革通常以促进国际竞争力为合理借口,也被称为"竞争型改革"。市场力量日益渗透到高等教育领域,围绕学术资本主义"游戏"展开的大学治理模式的重构,均显示了新自由主义对高校影响的四个主要方面,即效率与问责制、认证与普及化、国际竞争力、私有化。通过引入以管理主义治理院校的新型模式,高校深化并扩大了自身的危机。虽然高校采纳并实施了这些改革措施,但是在不同领域,在自上而下地通过政策和重心调整强制改革时,全球化面临着越来越大的阻力。在许多情况下,新自由主义改革通过收取较高学费与减少政府对院校和个人的支持,限制了一些阶级和种族接受高等教育的机会。 更多还原  相似文献   

近年来,美国经济正在逐渐摆脱经济危机的阴影,经济触底回升态势强劲,但经济危机对美国高等教育造成的冲击和影响至今犹存,长期备受推崇的加州高等教育自然也难以独善其身.由于高等教育在加州财政预算中并不具有优先保障性,面对巨大的财政压力和持续扩大的学生规模,学术资本主义在加州高等教育领域迅速发展起来,高等教育系统纷纷成为“服务—收费”的积极实践者.然而,高学费模式和以市场为导向的学术资本主义并没有从根本上解决加州高等教育的危机与问题,加州高等教育再一次面临何去何从的抉择与拷问.  相似文献   

市场扭曲与高等教育学费定价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等教育学费在一定程度上已经具有价格的某些功能,发挥着价格机制对教育资源的配置作用。但由于高等教育的巨大外部性,往往导致其市场扭曲,高等教育的学费定价不能完全按照等价交换原则来进行。高等教育收益的不可分割及其风险性、高等教育资源的稀缺及其垄断性、高等教育供需矛盾以及教育信息不对称等对学费定价有着不同的影响。规范政府和学校定价行为,改革政府学费规制是学费政策的现实选择。  相似文献   

过去30年间,许多国家高等教育发展的一种重要政策和实践是引入市场机制,进而形成高等教育市场。高等教育市场的形成对高等教育效率、质量和公平产生了深刻的影响。由于高等教育中存在信息不对称,教育竞争主要是一种地位竞争,并且由于知识具有公共产品性质,高等教育市场是一种不完全市场,具有内在的限度,需要对其进行必要的监管。  相似文献   

西方经济理论的发展历程,既是资本主义经济发展变迁历程的客观反映,也是经济自由主义与国家干预主义的论战史。经济理论和政策产生于特定历史环境,并随着客观条件的改变而改变。围绕政府与市场关系的逻辑主线,西方经济学经历了一条"否定之否定"的道路,新古典经济学和凯恩斯经济学逐渐从对立走向融合,经济自由主义和国家干预主义也得到新的诠释。作为调节市场经济运行的两种手段,政府和市场的作用是相互补充的,绝对的自由放任或政府干预都是不可取的。  相似文献   

对当代世界全球化特征及其在高等教育中影响的批判性分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从根本意义上讲 ,全球化是由跨国性的经济和工业组织所推动的 ,在本质上是一种仅以经济利益为根本目的的世界性的市场拓展过程。全球化导致高等教育的经济实用主义、财政危机、全球化教学及质量失控等问题 ,有可能使高等教育彻底丧失真正意义上的教育价值 ,以及完全放弃质量控制 ,对广大第三世界发展中国家高等教育的负面影响尤甚  相似文献   

高等教育市场化是当代西方高等教育发展的重要趋势,20世纪80年代,英国政府开始大幅削减高等教育经费,英国高校为求生存不得不走向市场化改革之路。而他们的市场化之路又有哪些特点和启示呢?高等教育市场化的理论基础是新公共管理和新自由主义。新公共管理以实现"经济、效率和效益"为目标,在公共部门实施类似私营部门的管理模式,建立一种准市场机制,以取代传统的政府计划在高等教育资源配置中的作用;新自由主义则强调市场优先于政府、私有权优先于公有和社会所有,反对政府干预,提倡市场竞争等。  相似文献   

The restructuring of higher education (HE) according to neoliberal market principles has constructed the student consumer as a social category, thereby altering the nature, purpose and values of HE. In England, a key government attempt to champion the rights of the student consumer has taken the form of institutional charters which indicate the level of services students can expect to receive and what they will be expected to do in return. Pierre Bourdieu’s conceptual framework is applied to analyse the dynamics of practice in the context of the intensification of marketisation in English universities. The impact on student identities and learning processes, on the curriculum and on the academic practices of faculty is explored. By studying the production of institutional information related to charters, a particular image of the ‘good’ student is promoted to prospective students, which simultaneously regulates current student expectations. We argue that the marketisation of learning may result in passive and instrumental learners, a reduction in the range of disciplinary knowledge and a deterrence of innovation in teaching practices, all of which impact on the public good functions of universities.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine social origin differences in employment patterns across different stages of higher education and compare these differences between vocational and academic fields of study. Using data from a large-scale German student survey, we study the development of inequality, according to social origins, in student employment from first-year to graduating students. We show that inequality in job quality exists and is partly attributable to the need for students from lower social origins to work in order to finance their studies. We hypothesise that initial inequalities decrease as students progress through higher education. While we find evidence for this hypothesis, we also show in multivariate models that the reduction of inequality in the student labour market is explained by prior differences between social origin groups.  相似文献   

The self-reported experiences of 50,883 undergraduates at 123 institutions were analyzed using a multinomial hierarchical model to identify individual and institutional characteristics associated with varying levels of student engagement in educationally purposeful activities. Parental education and student academic preparation were positively associated with higher levels of engagement. White students were generally less engaged than students from other racial and ethnic groups whereas men were more likely to be either disengaged or highly engaged compared with women. Students at public institutions and research universities were less engaged than their counterparts at private colleges and other institutional types. Individual student perceptions of certain aspects of the institutional environment affected engagement in complicated ways.  相似文献   

28% of students of any one year currently give up their studies in bachelor degree programmes at German higher education institutions. Drop-out is to be understood as the definite termination in the higher education system without obtaining an academic degree. The drop-out rate is thereby calculated with the help of statistical estimation procedures on the basis of cohort comparisons. Based on Tinto's ‘student integration model’, German research on higher education has experienced partially different developments of theoretical approaches to student drop-out. Today, preference goes to those models of drop-out that describe the issue as a complex process in which individual, institutional and social factors affect the socialisation in the education process and studies. According to the findings of empirical studies, the inability to cope with the performance-related demands of the higher education institution, wrong expectations and less identification with the subject, as well as problems in financing studies are considered to be the most important reasons for dropping out. Higher education institutions and higher education policy in Germany react to this situation with broad assistance measures that include the flexibilisation of the curricula, better information for students and the expansion of the support offered during the start of the studies.  相似文献   

Drawing on case studies of 27 working‐class students across four UK higher education institutions, this article attempts to develop a multilayered, sociological understanding of student identities that draws together social and academic aspects. Working with a concept of student identity that combines the more specific notion of learner identity with more general understandings of how students are positioned in relation to their discipline, their peer group and the wider university, the article examines the influence of widely differing academic places and spaces on student identities. Differences between institutions are conceptualised in terms of institutional habitus, and the article explores how the four different institutional habituses result in a range of experiences of fitting in and standing out in higher education. For some this involves combining a sense of belonging in both middle‐class higher education and working‐class homes, while others only partially absorb a sense of themselves as students.  相似文献   

The marketization of higher education in the 15 countries that were formally part of the USSR has established a system model that is distinctive within world higher education, the dual-track tuition system. The foundations of this model were established in the economic liberalization of late Soviet period which facilitated a common pattern in higher education across the post-Soviet countries. Although a private sector has been established, the primary mode of marketization has taken place within the public sector. This remains dominant but has been split into two heterogenous segments in terms of funding and student selection. National systems, and individual institutions, have become divided between state-subsidized higher scoring students, and fee-paying lower performing students, creating different valuations and behaviours for the two segments. National standardized testing is an important instrument of marketization, shaping student selection and institutional differentiation and legitimating the unequal social outcomes that result. Empirical comparison across the 15 countries demonstrates a high level of privatisation of costs, largely because of private funding within public sector. This system model, which is incoherent and fosters a large-scale commitment to non-excellence, reflects a larger duality within post-Soviet societies and polities which remains unresolved. Higher education is riven between the Soviet egalitarian legacy of higher education as a public good, and the post-Soviet moment of the late 1980s and 1990s in which policy shaped by Anglo-American neoliberal thinking set out to turn education into a consumer choice on the basis of an abstract formula of the ideal market.  相似文献   

A review of the literature on the values, behaviors, and attitudes which college students bring to institutions of higher education, focusing particularly on how these have changed across generations of students. Changes in career, social and political values are discussed, as well as the personal behaviors which have been investigated in studies of academic honesty, alcohol and other drug use, suicide, and eating disorders. Attitudes and behaviors about sexuality, interpersonal violence and multicultural differences are also reviewed. Some implications which the current student culture creates for counselors and student personnel administrators are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

A progressive attempt to replace traditional public administration values and concepts by others that are closer to private management can be observed in the replacement of the service user concept by that of consumer or client. This redefinition's more implicit or explicit intent is to increase consumers'/clients' status, their capacity to choose and make rational choices in the market, and, ultimately, to ensure that organisations fulfil their needs. Influenced by this tendency, higher education institutions (HEIs) also started to see students as clients or consumers and to influence their choices by trying to define HE demand. This is evident in the shift in their external communication strategies: ‘institutional information’, based on HEIs' prestige, is being progressively replaced by ‘marketed information’, based on economic consumer logic. In trying to understand how students are perceived by Portuguese HEIs, we undertook qualitative research based on the content analysis of undergraduate degrees' announcements in newspapers. Major findings evidence that their content: (1) can be classified in a continuum bounded by two poles: the use of ‘institutional information’ and the use of ‘marketed information’; (2) show the presence of a social representation of students as clients or consumers; (3) seems related to HEIs' nature (public vs. private), positioning in the HE system (universities and polytechnics) and ‘symbolic capital’ (traditional vs. new institutions).  相似文献   

Driven by the growing presence of market forces within higher education worldwide, universities are changing the way they engage with students. This article explores how a university's internal culture relates to engagement with students and their views. It builds on wider research into student engagement and organisational cultures. The organisational cultures of two universities are mapped against a typology developed by McNay, which was extended by the author to include aspects of institutional engagement with students. It appears that corporate and bureaucratic institutional cultures that may respond well to external pressures on institutions (regulation, performance indicators, audits and policy pressure) are not conducive to engagement with student opinion. The stronger preference of students remains a collegial, partnership‐based approach for enhancement of the student experience. This study will be of interest to institutional managers, student (union) leaders, academics and practitioners who seek to improve the student experience through effective engagement with student views.  相似文献   

In view of recent changes in the higher education sector, such as increased tuition fees, a greater focus has been placed on widening participation initiatives and monitoring student satisfaction. The aims of the current study were twofold: (1) to explore whether pre-entry programmes foster successful transition to higher education, and (2) to examine longitudinally the factors associated with course satisfaction. Eighty-eight first-year psychology students completed a questionnaire measuring academic self-efficacy, social identity and student satisfaction at the start (Time 1, November 2015) and end (Time 2, March 2016) of the academic year. Findings indicated that students who participated in a pre-entry programme reported higher academic self-efficacy and satisfaction compared to typical route students. Moreover, academic self-efficacy predicted student satisfaction at the start of the academic year, whereas in-group affect (a facet of social identity) predicted this at the end of the academic year. The current findings indicate that pre-entry programmes may have a positive impact on students’ sense of academic self-efficacy. On a more general level, the findings also suggest that academic self-efficacy and social identity may be key indicators of student satisfaction. This highlights the complexities of the concept of ‘student satisfaction’, and demonstrates the utility of examining multiple factors relating to student satisfaction across different time points.  相似文献   

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